The list of expected use cases for model (for MLOps with/without feature store):
- UC001: Get list of parties
- with details e.g. income, etc.
- UC002: Get list of accounts for relevent party
- with details e.g. account type, etc.
- UC003: Get list of transactions for relevant account
- with detail e.g. transaction amount, date, etc.
- UC004: Get list of party contacts for relevant party
- with detail e.g. email address, etc.
- UC005: Get list of party relation for relevant party
- with detail e.g. relation to other party, type of relation, etc.
- UC006: Get list of events for relevant party
- with detail e.g. event action - login, show contract detail, change contact information, etc.
Note: The feature store concept is based on feature sets (similar to standard tables) which can be joined via feature vector (something like view).