diff --git a/geometric/engine.py b/geometric/engine.py
index bfb25e0e..17925861 100644
--- a/geometric/engine.py
+++ b/geometric/engine.py
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ def calc_wq_new(self, coords, dirname):
         out_scr += ['grad.xyz', 'mullpop']
         for f in out_scr:
             out_files.append((os.path.join(dirname, self.scr, f), os.path.join(self.scr, f)))
-        queue_up_src_dest(wq, "terachem run.in &> run.out", in_files, out_files, verbose=False, print_time=600)
+        queue_up_src_dest(wq, "terachem run.in > run.out 2>&1", in_files, out_files, verbose=False, print_time=600)
     def number_output(self, dirname, calcNum):
         if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dirname, 'run.out')):
@@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ def calc_wq_new(self, coords, dirname):
         out_files = [('%s/output.dat' % dirname, 'output.dat'), ('%s/run.log' % dirname, 'run.log')]
         # We will assume that the number of threads on the worker is 1, as this maximizes efficiency
         # in the limit of large numbers of jobs, although it may be controlled via environment variables.
-        queue_up_src_dest(wq, 'psi4 input.dat &> run.log', in_files, out_files, verbose=False)
+        queue_up_src_dest(wq, 'psi4 input.dat > run.log 2>&1', in_files, out_files, verbose=False)
     def read_result(self, dirname, check_coord=None):
         """ Read Psi4 calculation output. """
@@ -1604,13 +1604,15 @@ def calc_wq_new(self, coords, dirname):
         in_files = [('%s/run.in' % dirname, 'run.in')]
         out_files = [('%s/run.out' % dirname, 'run.out'), ('%s/run.log' % dirname, 'run.log')]
+        out_files += [('%s/run.d/131.0' % dirname, 'run.d/131.0')]
         if self.qcdir:
             in_files += [('%s/run.d/53.0' % dirname, '53.0')]
-            out_files += [('%s/run.d/131.0' % dirname, 'run.d/131.0')]
-            cmdstr = "mkdir -p run.d ; mv 53.0 run.d ; qchem run.in run.out run.d &> run.log"
+            cmdstr = "mkdir -p run.d ; mv 53.0 run.d ; qchem run.in run.out run.d > run.log 2>&1"
-            cmdstr = "qchem%s run.in run.out &> run.log" % self.nt()
+            if not os.path.exists('%s/run.d' % dirname): 
+                os.makedirs('%s/run.d' % dirname)
+            cmdstr = "qchem%s run.in run.out run.d > run.log 2>&1" % self.nt()
         self.M[0].write(os.path.join(dirname, 'run.in'))
         queue_up_src_dest(wq, cmdstr, in_files, out_files, verbose=False)
@@ -1638,7 +1640,7 @@ def read_result(self, dirname, check_coord=None):
             gradient = np.fromfile('%s/run.d/131.0' % dirname)
         except FileNotFoundError:
             logger.info("Reading gradient from Q-Chem output instead of run.d/131.0 because the latter cannot be found. Please report this to the developer.\n")
-            gradient = M1.qm_grads[-1]
+            gradient = M1.qm_grads[-1].flatten()
         # Assume that the last occurence of "S^2" is what we want.
         s2 = 0.0
         # The 'iso-8859-1' prevents some strange errors that show up when reading the Archival summary line
diff --git a/geometric/internal.py b/geometric/internal.py
index 58ceaa28..a7cf2bed 100644
--- a/geometric/internal.py
+++ b/geometric/internal.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 internal.py: Internal coordinate systems
-Copyright 2016-2020 Regents of the University of California and the Authors
+Copyright 2016-2023 Regents of the University of California and the Authors
 Authors: Lee-Ping Wang, Chenchen Song
@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ def diagnostic(self, xyz):
         # result = 3 or above: failure of the IC system is imminent
         # result = 2: IC may fail for small perturbations from the provided geometry
         # result = 1: IC is unsuitable for the provided geometry, should pay attention
-        LinThres = [0.95, 0.98, 0.995]
+        LinThres = [np.abs(np.cos(theta*np.pi/180)) for theta in [155, 165, 175]]
         descrips = ["close to linear", "very close to linear", "extremely close to linear"]
         a = self.a
         b = self.b
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ def diagnostic(self, xyz):
             thre = LinThres[i]
             desc = descrips[i]
             if cos1 > thre and cos2 > thre:
-                result = i+2
+                result = i+1
                 message = "%s and %s angles are %s (|cos(theta)| %.4f, %.4f > %.4f threshold)" % (repr(Ang1), repr(Ang2), desc, cos1, cos2, thre)
             elif cos1 > thre:
                 result = i+1
@@ -2034,8 +2034,9 @@ def convert_angstroms_degrees(prims, values):
 CacheWarning = False
 class InternalCoordinates(object):
-    def __init__(self):
+    def __init__(self, verbose=0):
         self.stored_wilsonB = OrderedDict()
+        self.verbose = verbose
     def addConstraint(self, cPrim, cVal):
         raise NotImplementedError("Constraints not supported with Cartesian coordinates")
@@ -2434,8 +2435,8 @@ def rigid(self, val):
         self._rigid = val
 class PrimitiveInternalCoordinates(InternalCoordinates):
-    def __init__(self, molecule, connect=False, addcart=False, constraints=None, cvals=None, repulsions=[], transfers=[], connect_isolated=True, **kwargs):
-        super(PrimitiveInternalCoordinates, self).__init__()
+    def __init__(self, molecule, connect=False, addcart=False, constraints=None, cvals=None, repulsions=[], transfers=[], connect_isolated=True, verbose=0, **kwargs):
+        super(PrimitiveInternalCoordinates, self).__init__(verbose=verbose)
         # connect = True corresponds to "traditional" internal coordinates with minimum spanning bonds
         self.connect = connect
         # connect = False, addcart = True corresponds to HDLC
@@ -2453,7 +2454,6 @@ def __init__(self, molecule, connect=False, addcart=False, constraints=None, cva
         self.transfers = transfers
         self.cPrims = []
         self.cVals = []
-        self.sync = []
         self.Rotators = OrderedDict()
         self.elem = molecule.elem
         # List of fragments as determined by residue ID, distance criteria or bond order
@@ -2803,7 +2803,7 @@ def makePrimitives(self, molecule, connect, addcart):
             if atom_lines == atom_lines0: break
         atom_lines_uniq = []
-        for i in atom_lines:    # 
+        for i in atom_lines:
             if tuple(i) not in set(atom_lines_uniq):
         lthree = [l for l in atom_lines_uniq if len(l) > 2]
@@ -3122,50 +3122,119 @@ def second_derivatives(self, xyz):
         # 5) 3
         return np.array(answer)
-    def calcDiff(self, xyz1, xyz2, sync=0):
+    def calcDiff(self, xyz1, xyz2, sync=False):
         """ Calculate difference in internal coordinates (coord1-coord2), accounting for changes in 2*pi of angles. """
         answer = []
         for i, Internal in enumerate(self.Internals):
             diff = Internal.calcDiff(xyz1, xyz2)
-            if sync != 0 and i in self.sync:
-                # Sometimes, e.g. during interpolation, multiple dihedrals can change in opposite directions
-                # resulting in clashes. By turning on the sync flag we ensure the change is always in the same direction.
-                if sync == 1 and diff < -np.pi/2:
-                    # print("dihedral-sync %i: %50s %.3f -> %.3f" % (sync, Internal, diff, diff+2*np.pi))
-                    diff += 2*np.pi
-                elif sync == -1 and diff > np.pi/2:
-                    # print("dihedral-sync %i: %50s %.3f -> %.3f" % (sync, Internal, diff, diff-2*np.pi))
-                    diff -= 2*np.pi
-                elif sync not in [-1, 1]:
-                    raise RuntimeError("Invalid value of sync")
-        return np.array(answer)
+        answer = np.array(answer)
+        if sync:
+            answer = self.syncDihedrals(xyz1, xyz2, answer)
+        return answer
+    def syncDihedrals(self, xyz1, xyz2, primdiff, distthre=1.0, linthre=0.95, diffthre=np.pi/3):
+        rotors = {}
+        val1 = self.calculate(xyz1)
-    def syncDihedrals(self, xyz1, xyz2):
-        answer = self.calcDiff(xyz1, xyz2)
-        dih_by_trip = {}
         for i, Prim in enumerate(self.Internals):
             if type(Prim) is Dihedral:
-                dih_by_trip.setdefault((Prim.a, Prim.b, Prim.c), []).append(i)
-                dih_by_trip.setdefault((Prim.d, Prim.c, Prim.b), []).append(i)
-        for (a, b, c), dihIdx in dih_by_trip.items():
-            # Being conservative here; only sync dihedrals where a-b-c are bonded and angles are not linear.
-            if np.abs(Distance(a, b).calcDiff(xyz2, xyz1)) > 0.5: continue
-            if np.abs(Distance(b, c).calcDiff(xyz2, xyz1)) > 0.5: continue
-            if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(a, b, c).value(xyz1))) > 0.95: continue
-            if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(a, b, c).value(xyz2))) > 0.95: continue
-            diffs = np.array([answer[i] for i in dihIdx])
-            if all(np.abs(diffs) > np.pi/2) and len(np.unique(np.sign(diffs))) > 1:
-                for i in dihIdx:
-                    self.sync.append(i)
-                    # print("Turning on dihedral sync for", self.Internals[i])
-                    # self.Internals[i].sync = True
-                    # if answer[i] < 0:
-                    #     answer[i] += 2*np.pi
-                # print("Dihedrals with center bond %s:" % str(bond))
-                # for i in dihIdx:
-                #     print("%50s %.3f" % (self.Internals[i], answer[i]))
+                if Prim.b < Prim.c:
+                    a, b, c, d = (Prim.a, Prim.b, Prim.c, Prim.d)
+                else:
+                    a, b, c, d = (Prim.d, Prim.c, Prim.b, Prim.a)
+                if np.abs(Distance(a, b).calcDiff(xyz2, xyz1)) > distthre: continue
+                if np.abs(Distance(b, c).calcDiff(xyz2, xyz1)) > distthre: continue
+                if np.abs(Distance(c, d).calcDiff(xyz2, xyz1)) > distthre: continue
+                if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(a, b, c).value(xyz1))) > linthre: continue
+                if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(a, b, c).value(xyz2))) > linthre: continue
+                if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(b, c, d).value(xyz1))) > linthre: continue
+                if np.abs(np.cos(Angle(b, c, d).value(xyz2))) > linthre: continue
+                rotors.setdefault((b, c), []).append(i)
+        newdiff = primdiff.copy()
+        newdiffAlt = primdiff.copy()
+        def dihedral_clash(dih_by_abc, dih_by_bcd, diff_):
+            clashPrims = []
+            for dih_by_trip in (dih_by_abc, dih_by_bcd):
+                for iEnd, tPrims in dih_by_trip.items():
+                    # print("Dihedral angles pairs with %i, %i central bond and %i end atom:" % (b+1, c+1, iEnd+1))
+                    for i in range(len(tPrims)):
+                        for j in range(i):
+                            iPrim = tPrims[i]
+                            jPrim = tPrims[j]
+                            iDih = self.Internals[iPrim]
+                            jDih = self.Internals[jPrim]
+                            A = iDih.value(xyz1)
+                            B = A + diff_[iPrim]
+                            C = jDih.value(xyz1)
+                            D = C + diff_[jPrim]
+                            xzero = (C-A)/(B+C-D-A)
+                            xplus = (C-A+2*np.pi)/(B+C-D-A)
+                            xminus = (C-A-2*np.pi)/(B+C-D-A)
+                            xarray = np.array([xzero, xplus, xminus])
+                            if ((xarray<1)*(xarray>0)).any():
+                                # print("\x1b[1;91mWarning:\x1b[0m %20s - %-20s may clash" % (self.Internals[iPrim], self.Internals[jPrim]), end=' ')
+                                if self.verbose >= 2:
+                                    print("%20s - %-20s may clash" % (self.Internals[iPrim], self.Internals[jPrim]), end=' ')
+                                    print("% 10.5f -> % 10.5f ; % 10.5f -> % 10.5f" % (A*180/np.pi, B*180/np.pi, C*180/np.pi, D*180/np.pi))
+                                # print("Crossing points: % 10.5f % 10.5f % 10.5f" % (xzero, xplus, xminus))
+                                clashPrims.append((iDih, jDih))
+            return clashPrims
+        for (b, c), iPrims in rotors.items():
+            if len(iPrims) < 2: continue
+            dih_by_abc = {}
+            dih_by_bcd = {}
+            for iPrim in iPrims:
+                Prim = self.Internals[iPrim]
+                if Prim.b < Prim.c:
+                    a, b, c, d = (Prim.a, Prim.b, Prim.c, Prim.d)
+                else:
+                    a, b, c, d = (Prim.d, Prim.c, Prim.b, Prim.a)
+                dih_by_abc.setdefault(a, []).append(iPrim)
+                dih_by_bcd.setdefault(d, []).append(iPrim)
+            # The "unchanged" delta(dihedral angles) that come from calcDiff
+            diffzero = primdiff[iPrims]
+            # Modified dihedral angle deltas where deltas larger than a threshold are forced to be all positive
+            diffplus = primdiff[iPrims] + 2*np.pi*(primdiff[iPrims]<0) * (np.abs(primdiff[iPrims])>diffthre)
+            # Modified dihedral angle deltas where deltas larger than a threshold are forced to be all negative
+            diffminus = primdiff[iPrims] - 2*np.pi*(primdiff[iPrims]>0) * (np.abs(primdiff[iPrims])>diffthre)
+            # Choose the set of deltas that has a smaller overall rotation.
+            # The "alternatives" correspond to rotating the other way.
+            print_changes = False
+            if np.allclose(diffzero, diffplus, atol=1e-6, rtol=0) or np.allclose(diffzero, diffminus, atol=1e-6, rtol=0):
+                print_changes = False
+            elif np.abs(np.mean(diffplus)) < np.abs(np.mean(diffminus)):
+                newdiff[iPrims] = diffplus
+                newdiffAlt[iPrims] = diffminus
+                print_changes = True
+            elif np.abs(np.mean(diffminus)) < np.abs(np.mean(diffplus)):
+                newdiff[iPrims] = diffminus
+                newdiffAlt[iPrims] = diffplus
+                print_changes = True
+            # Detect if any dihedral pairs that share 3 atoms will clash (i.e. have the same value) somewhere along the pathway
+            clash = dihedral_clash(dih_by_abc, dih_by_bcd, newdiff)
+            clash_alt = dihedral_clash(dih_by_abc, dih_by_bcd, newdiffAlt)
+            # If the clash is removed in the alternate direction, then go in the alternate direction.
+            # Otherwise the clash is unavoidable (think swapping two H's bonded to the same C in cyclopropane).
+            if clash:
+                if clash_alt:
+                    if not hasattr(self, 'dihedral_warning_printed'):
+                        print("Warning: Unavoidable clash in %i dihedral angles." % len(clash))
+                        self.dihedral_warning_printed = True
+                else:
+                    if self.verbose: print("Warning: Dihedral clash in one direction, reversing.")
+                    newdiff = newdiffAlt.copy()
+                    clash = clash_alt
+            if print_changes:
+                if self.verbose: print("Dihedral sign change detected around bond %i-%i %s" % (b+1, c+1, "with %i clashes" % len(clash) if len(clash) > 0 else ""))
+                for iPrim in iPrims:
+                    Prim = self.Internals[iPrim]
+                    if self.verbose >= 2: print("%-20s init final diff -> newdiff = % 10.5f % 10.5f % 10.5f -> % 10.5f" % (Prim, Prim.value(xyz1)*180/np.pi, Prim.value(xyz2)*180/np.pi, primdiff[iPrim]*180/np.pi, newdiff[iPrim]*180/np.pi))
+        return newdiff
     def GInverse(self, xyz):
         return self.GInverse_SVD(xyz)
@@ -3215,19 +3284,15 @@ def addConstraint(self, cPrim, cVal=None, xyz=None):
     def reorderPrimitives(self):
         # Reorder primitives to be in line with cc's code
         newPrims = []
-        newSync = []
         for cPrim in self.cPrims:
         for typ in [Distance, DistanceDifference, ReducedDistance, Angle, LinearAngle, MultiAngle, OutOfPlane, Dihedral, MultiDihedral, CartesianX, CartesianY, CartesianZ, TranslationX, TranslationY, TranslationZ, RotationA, RotationB, RotationC]:
             for i, p in enumerate(self.Internals):
                 if type(p) is typ and p not in self.cPrims:
-                    if i in self.sync:
-                        newSync.append(len(newPrims)-1)
         if len(newPrims) != len(self.Internals):
             raise RuntimeError("Not all internal coordinates have been accounted for. You may need to add something to reorderPrimitives()")
         self.Internals = newPrims
-        self.sync = newSync
     def getConstraints_from(self, other):
         if other.haveConstraints():
@@ -3418,8 +3483,8 @@ def covalent(a, b):
 class DelocalizedInternalCoordinates(InternalCoordinates):
-    def __init__(self, molecule, imagenr=0, build=False, connect=False, addcart=False, constraints=None, cvals=None, rigid=False, remove_tr=False, cart_only=False, conmethod=0, repulsions=[], transfers=[], connect_isolated=True):
-        super(DelocalizedInternalCoordinates, self).__init__()
+    def __init__(self, molecule, imagenr=0, build=False, connect=False, addcart=False, constraints=None, cvals=None, rigid=False, remove_tr=False, cart_only=False, conmethod=0, repulsions=[], transfers=[], connect_isolated=True, verbose=0):
+        super(DelocalizedInternalCoordinates, self).__init__(verbose=verbose)
         # cart_only is just because of how I set up the class structure.
         if cart_only: return
         # Set the algorithm for constraint satisfaction.
@@ -4106,9 +4171,6 @@ def calcDiff(self, coord1, coord2, sync=False):
         Answer = np.dot(PMDiff, self.Vecs)
         return np.array(Answer).flatten()
-    def syncDihedrals(self, xyz1, xyz2):
-        self.Prims.syncDihedrals(xyz1, xyz2)
     def calculate(self, coords):
         """ Calculate the DLCs given the Cartesian coordinates. """
         PrimVals = self.Prims.calculate(coords)
@@ -4172,8 +4234,8 @@ class CartesianCoordinates(PrimitiveInternalCoordinates):
     This one does not support constraints, because that requires adding some 
     primitive internal coordinates.
-    def __init__(self, molecule, **kwargs):
-        super(CartesianCoordinates, self).__init__(molecule)
+    def __init__(self, molecule, verbose=0, **kwargs):
+        super(CartesianCoordinates, self).__init__(molecule, verbose=verbose)
         self.Internals = []
         self.cPrims = []
         self.cVals = []
diff --git a/geometric/interpolate.py b/geometric/interpolate.py
index f0b36d41..0acc11d3 100755
--- a/geometric/interpolate.py
+++ b/geometric/interpolate.py
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ def __init__(self, stream = sys.stdout):
 handler = RawStreamHandler()
+def write_coord_segment(M, coord_segment, output_filename):
+    M_copy = deepcopy(M)
+    M_copy.xyzs = [x.reshape(-1, 3)*bohr2ang for x in coord_segment]
+    M_copy.write(output_filename)
 # Need to refactor this so that it uses the minimum of the equilibrium bond length and the sum of covalent radii.
 def get_rab(M, i, j, bohr=True):
     if bohr:
@@ -150,7 +155,7 @@ def find_path(mtx, thre=1):
     # If the starting point or end point is blocked, we can't escape.
     if not okay[n-1, n-1] or not okay[0, 0]:
-        raise RuntimeError("Spoo!")
+        raise RuntimeError("Failed to find a path through the diagnostic map!")
     okay2 = okay.copy()
     for niter in range(n**2):
@@ -404,23 +409,20 @@ def dq_scale_prims(IC, dest_coords, curr_coords, scale_factors={}, sync=0):
     dq = np.dot(dqPrims, IC.Vecs)
     return dq
-def interpolate_segment(IC, curr_coords, dest_coords, nDiv, backward=False, rebuild_dlc=False, err_thre=1e-2):
+def interpolate_segment(IC, curr_coords, dest_coords, nDiv, backward=False, rebuild_dlc=False, err_thre=1e-2, verbose=0, sync=0):
     if backward:
         tmp = curr_coords.copy()
         curr_coords = dest_coords.copy()
         dest_coords = tmp.copy()
-        sync = -1
-    else:
-        sync = 1
     dq = IC.calcDiff(dest_coords, curr_coords, sync=sync)
     coord_segment = [curr_coords]
     for k in range(nDiv):
         if rebuild_dlc:
             dq = IC.calcDiff(dest_coords, curr_coords, sync=sync)
-            new_coords = IC.newCartesian(curr_coords, dq/(nDiv-k), verbose=0)
+            new_coords = IC.newCartesian(curr_coords, dq/(nDiv-k), verbose=verbose)
-            new_coords = IC.newCartesian(curr_coords, dq/nDiv, verbose=0)
+            new_coords = IC.newCartesian(curr_coords, dq/nDiv, verbose=verbose)
         curr_coords = new_coords.copy()
     _, endpt_err = calc_drms_dmax(curr_coords, dest_coords, align=True)
@@ -494,7 +496,7 @@ def print_map(mtx, title, colorscheme=0):
 class Interpolator(object):
-    def __init__(self, M_in, n_frames = 50, use_midframes = False, align_system=False, do_prealign=False):
+    def __init__(self, M_in, n_frames = 50, use_midframes = False, align_system=False, align_frags=False, verbose=0):
         # The input molecule; it should not be modified.
         self.M_in = deepcopy(M_in)
         # Check the length of the input molecule
@@ -502,7 +504,7 @@ def __init__(self, M_in, n_frames = 50, use_midframes = False, align_system=Fals
         if use_midframes:
             self.do_init = False
             assert len(self.M_in) >= 5, "When setting use_midframes, input molecule must have >= 5 structures"
-            assert do_prealign is False, "Do not pass do_prealign if using intermediate frames"
+            assert align_frags is False, "Do not pass align_frags if using intermediate frames"
             assert n_frames == 0, "Do not pass n_frames when setting use_midframes"
             self.n_frames = len(self.M_in)
@@ -515,9 +517,9 @@ def __init__(self, M_in, n_frames = 50, use_midframes = False, align_system=Fals
         self.M = deepcopy(self.M_in)
         self.n_atoms = len(self.M.elem)
         # Whether to pre-align the fragments in the reactant and product structure
-        self.do_prealign = do_prealign
+        self.align_frags = align_frags
         # Whether to align the input frames to the reactant structure upon input and before writing output
-        self.align_system = True if self.do_prealign else align_system
+        self.align_system = True if self.align_frags else align_system
         if self.align_system:
         # Atom pairs that are not bonded (resp. bonded) in either the reactant or product
@@ -549,6 +551,7 @@ def __init__(self, M_in, n_frames = 50, use_midframes = False, align_system=Fals
         self.atom_pairs = [list(pair) for pair in atom_pairs.copy()]
         # The smaller of the distances at either endpoint for each pair
         self.min_enddists = np.min(np.array(self.enddists), axis=0)
+        self.verbose = verbose
     def get_splice_length(self):
         # Determine the splice length
@@ -721,8 +724,6 @@ def prealign_fragments(self):
         xyz1_stage = xyz1.copy()
         IC0 = DelocalizedInternalCoordinates(M0, build=True, connect=False, addcart=False, connect_isolated=False)
         IC1 = DelocalizedInternalCoordinates(M1, build=True, connect=False, addcart=False, connect_isolated=False)
-        IC0.syncDihedrals(xyz0, xyz1)
-        IC1.syncDihedrals(xyz0, xyz1)
         self.endICs = [IC0, IC1]
         M_reac = None
         M_prod = None
@@ -845,7 +846,6 @@ def initial_guess_one_method(self, method = 0):
         # Finalize the IC system.
         IC.Prims.Internals = newPrims
-        IC.Prims.syncDihedrals(xyz1, xyz0)
         # print("=== Primitives for method %i ===" % method)
         # print(IC.Prims)
@@ -870,18 +870,26 @@ def initial_guess_one_method(self, method = 0):
         clash_pairs = []
         nDiv = n_frames - 1
         for clash_round in range(5):
-            coord_segment, endpt_err, _ = interpolate_segment(IC, xyz0, xyz1, nDiv, backward=(method%2==1), rebuild_dlc=True)
+            coord_segment, endpt_err, _ = interpolate_segment(IC, xyz0, xyz1, nDiv, backward=(method%2==1), rebuild_dlc=True, sync=1)
             dq_segment = np.array([IC_Chk.calcDiff(coord_segment[i], coord_segment[i+1]) for i in range(n_frames-1)])
+            # Don't evaluate dq_segment for primitives that have a diagnostic of 2 or higher because the result will be invalid.
+            prim_diag = np.max([[Prim.diagnostic(coord_segment[i])[0] for Prim in IC_Chk.Internals] for i in range(n_frames)], axis=0)
             # Setting to -1e-6 essentially ignores the checking primitives if they evaluate to +/- inf.
+            dq_segment[:, prim_diag >= 2] = -1e-6
             dq_segment[dq_segment == -np.inf] = -1e-6
             dq_segment[dq_segment == np.inf] = 1e-6
             dq_max = np.max(np.abs(dq_segment), axis=0)
             dq_med = np.median(np.abs(dq_segment), axis=0)
             dq_med[dq_med<0.01] = 0.01
             dq_ratio = max(dq_max/dq_med)
             M.xyzs = [x.reshape(-1, 3)*bohr2ang for x in coord_segment]
             M.comms = ['Interpolated frame %i' % k for k in range(len(coord_segment))]
+            # Perform equal spacing of the pathway according to the largest change in any primitive coordinate
+            dq_relative = dq_segment / dq_med[np.newaxis, :]
+            M = EqualSpacing(M, RMSD=False, align=False, custom=np.max(dq_relative, axis=1))
             # Fail if the endpt_err is greater than the threshold
             if endpt_err > err_thre:
@@ -997,7 +1005,6 @@ def build_IC_segments(self):
         for i in range(len(M)):
             M_i = M[i]
             IC = DelocalizedInternalCoordinates(M_i, build=True, connect=False, addcart=False, transfers=transfers, connect_isolated=False)
-            IC.Prims.syncDihedrals(xyzs[-1], xyzs[0])
@@ -1011,6 +1018,42 @@ def build_IC_segments(self):
         print_map(diag_matrix, "IC diagnostic map", colorscheme=0)
         segments = find_path(diag_matrix)
+        # For each point k on the path, compute the maximum dihedral angle change for i ... k and k ... j
+        # And if the dihedral angle change i ... j is greater than the threshold, split at k
+        # Repeat these steps until there are no dihedral angle changes larger than the threshold
+        # in the intervals i ... k1 ... k2 ... j .
+        while True:
+            splitted = False
+            new_segments = []
+            for isegment, (i, j) in enumerate(segments):
+                dih_ij = []
+                for k in [i, j]:
+                    for Prim in ICs[k].Prims.Internals:
+                        if type(Prim) is Dihedral and Prim not in dih_ij:
+                            dih_ij.append(Prim)
+                if len(dih_ij) == 0: 
+                    new_segments.append((i, j))
+                    continue
+                dihArcs = [[0.0 for Prim in dih_ij]]
+                for k in range(i, j-1):
+                    dihArcs.append([np.abs(Prim.calcDiff(xyzs[k+1], xyzs[k]) * (Prim.diagnostic(xyzs[k+1])[0] < 2)) for Prim in dih_ij])
+                dihArcs = np.cumsum(np.array(dihArcs), axis=0)
+                dMax = np.max(np.abs(dihArcs))
+                dThre = 5*np.pi/6
+                if dMax > dThre:
+                    dSplits = []
+                    for k in range(j-i):
+                        dSplits.append(max(np.max(dihArcs[k]), np.max(dihArcs[-1]-dihArcs[k])))
+                    split_k = i + np.argmin(dSplits)
+                    print("maximum dihedral difference between %i-%i is %.3f; splitting at %i (reduce to %.3f)" % (i, j, dMax, split_k, np.min(dSplits)))
+                    new_segments.append((i, split_k))
+                    new_segments.append((split_k+1, j))
+                else:
+                    new_segments.append((i, j))
+            if segments == new_segments: break
+            segments = new_segments[:]
         segments_filled, segments_spliced = fill_splice_segments(segments, splice_length)
         print("The frame numbers of the spliced segments are:")
@@ -1057,11 +1100,27 @@ def splice_iterations(self):
                 nDiv = j-i
                 success = False
                 for c, (iic, IC) in enumerate(segment_to_ICs[a]):
+                    if self.verbose: 
+                        print("In splice_iterations: c = %i, iic = %i, IC = %s" % (c, iic, IC.__repr__()))
+                        if self.verbose >= 2:
+                            vali = IC.Prims.calculate(xyzi)
+                            valj = IC.Prims.calculate(xyzj)
+                            primDiff = IC.Prims.calcDiff(xyzj, xyzi, sync=0)
+                            for iPrim in range(len(IC.Prims.Internals)):
+                                print("%3i %25s % 9.5f % 9.5f % 9.5f" % (iPrim, IC.Prims.Internals[iPrim], vali[iPrim], valj[iPrim], primDiff[iPrim]))
                     attempt = 0
-                    coord_segment, endpt_err, success = interpolate_segment(IC, xyzi, xyzj, nDiv, backward=backwards[a][c], rebuild_dlc=False)
+                    coord_segment, endpt_err, success = interpolate_segment(IC, xyzi, xyzj, nDiv, backward=backwards[a][c], rebuild_dlc=False, verbose=self.verbose, sync=0)
+                    if self.verbose: 
+                        print("forward direction: endpt_err = %8.3f success = %i" % (endpt_err, success))
+                        if self.verbose >= 2:
+                            write_coord_segment(M, coord_segment, "cycle%i_segment%i_IC%i_attempt%i.xyz" % (cycle, a, c, attempt))
                     if success: break
                     attempt = 1
-                    coord_segment, endpt_err, success = interpolate_segment(IC, xyzi, xyzj, nDiv, backward=not backwards[a][c], rebuild_dlc=False)
+                    coord_segment, endpt_err, success = interpolate_segment(IC, xyzi, xyzj, nDiv, backward=not backwards[a][c], rebuild_dlc=False, verbose=self.verbose, sync=0)
+                    if self.verbose: 
+                        print("backward direction: endpt_err = %8.3f success = %i" % (endpt_err, success))
+                        if self.verbose >= 2:
+                            write_coord_segment(M, coord_segment, "cycle%i_segment%i_IC%i_attempt%i.xyz" % (cycle, a, c, attempt))
                     if success: 
                         backwards[a][c] = not backwards[a][c]
@@ -1124,8 +1183,13 @@ def splice_iterations(self):
                 increase_count += 1
                 decrease_count = 0
-                print(">> Mismatch fails to decrease; increasing damping")
-                damping *= 0.8
+                min_damping = 0.2
+                if damping <= min_damping: 
+                    print(">> Mismatch fails to decrease but damping at maximum (% .3e) - continuing" % damping)
+                else:
+                    damping = max(min_damping, damping*0.8)
+                    print(">> Mismatch fails to decrease; increasing damping (currently % .3e)" % damping)
             last_max_mismatch = max_mismatch
             segment_endpoints, _ = splice_segment_endpoints(coord_segments, segment_endpoints, segments_spliced, splice_length, damping, verbose=False)
@@ -1144,7 +1208,6 @@ def splice_iterations(self):
                         new_repulsions = sorted(list(set(IC.Prims.repulsions).union(set(clash_pairs))))
                         IC1 = DelocalizedInternalCoordinates(M_in[iic], build=True, connect=False, addcart=False,
                                                              repulsions=new_repulsions, transfers=IC.Prims.transfers, connect_isolated=False)
-                        IC1.syncDihedrals(xyz1, xyz0)
                         rebuilt_segment_to_ICs.append((iic, IC1))
                     segment_to_ICs[a] = rebuilt_segment_to_ICs
@@ -1167,7 +1230,7 @@ def split_IC_segments(self, fail_segment):
         self.segment_endpoints = get_segment_endpoints(self.M, self.segments_spliced)
     def run_workflow(self):
-        if self.do_prealign:
+        if self.align_frags:
         if self.do_init:
@@ -1183,9 +1246,9 @@ def run_workflow(self):
 def main():
     args = parse_interpolate_args(sys.argv[1:])
     params = InterpParams(**args)
-    M0 = Molecule(sys.argv[1])
-    #interpolator = Interpolator(M0, use_midframes=True, n_frames=0, align_system=True, do_prealign=False)
-    interpolator = Interpolator(M0, n_frames= params.nframes, use_midframes=params.optimize, align_system=params.align, do_prealign=params.prealign)
+    M0 = Molecule(args['input'])
+    #interpolator = Interpolator(M0, use_midframes=True, n_frames=0, align_system=True, align_frags=False)
+    interpolator = Interpolator(M0, n_frames= params.nframes, use_midframes=params.optimize, align_system=params.align_system, align_frags=params.align_frags, verbose=params.verbose)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/geometric/molecule.py b/geometric/molecule.py
index 077cd295..609f24dd 100644
--- a/geometric/molecule.py
+++ b/geometric/molecule.py
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ def arc(Mol, begin=None, end=None, RMSD=True, align=True):
         Arc = np.array(Arc) 
     return Arc
-def EqualSpacing(Mol, frames=0, dx=0, RMSD=True, align=True, spline=False):
+def EqualSpacing(Mol, frames=0, dx=0, RMSD=True, align=True, spline=False, custom=None):
     Equalize the spacing of frames in a trajectory with linear interpolation.
     This is done in a very simple way, first calculating the arc length
@@ -935,6 +935,8 @@ def EqualSpacing(Mol, frames=0, dx=0, RMSD=True, align=True, spline=False):
         Return a Molecule object with this number of frames.
     RMSD : bool
         Use RMSD in the arc length calculation. 
+    custom : np.array or None
+        Provide custom spacings between frames.
@@ -943,7 +945,12 @@ def EqualSpacing(Mol, frames=0, dx=0, RMSD=True, align=True, spline=False):
         or with equally spaced frames.
     import scipy.interpolate
-    ArcMol = arc(Mol, RMSD=RMSD, align=align)
+    if type(custom) is np.ndarray:
+        ArcMol = custom.copy()
+        if ArcMol.shape != (len(Mol)-1, ):
+            raise RuntimeError("Custom spacing needs to match Molecule-length - 1")
+    else:
+        ArcMol = arc(Mol, RMSD=RMSD, align=align)
     ArcMolCumul = np.insert(np.cumsum(ArcMol), 0, 0.0)
     if frames != 0 and dx != 0:
         logger.error("Provide dx or frames or neither")
@@ -2284,6 +2291,139 @@ def build_topology(self, force_bonds=True, bond_order=0.0, metal_bo_factor=0.5,
         # Deprecated in networkx 2.2
         # self.molecules = list(nx.connected_component_subgraphs(G))
+    def group_atoms_by_topology(self, bond_lim=10, verbose=False):
+        """
+        Determine topologically equivalent atoms.
+        bond_lim: Limit on the size of the fingerprint (default 10 bonds).
+        Works like this: Suppose we have a molecular graph given as
+         H              H         H
+          \              \       /
+        H--C--C##C--H     C==C==C
+          /              /       \
+         H              H         H
+        with numbers given as
+         4              9         13
+          \              \        /
+        5--3--2##0--1     8==7==11
+          /              /        \
+         6             10         12
+        The goal is to return a list of chemically equivalent atom groups as:
+        [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 11], [9, 10, 12, 13]]
+        (Note: This grouping is by connectivity only, and does not distinguish
+         between bonds of different orders, enantiomers or cis/trans isomerism.)
+        If we assign a fingerprint to an atom, given by a list where element 'i'
+        is the concatenated symbols of the atoms separated by 'i' bonds from that atom,
+        the fingerprints for the above system would be:
+        0 C-CH-C-HHH
+        1 H-C-C-C-HHH
+        2 C-CC-HHHH
+        3 C-CHHH-C-H
+        4 H-C-CHH-C-H
+        5 H-C-CHH-C-H
+        6 H-C-CHH-C-H
+        7 C-CC-HHHH
+        8 C-CHH-C-HH
+        9 H-C-CH-C-HH
+        10 H-C-CH-C-HH
+        11 C-CHH-C-HH
+        12 H-C-CH-C-HH
+        13 H-C-CH-C-HH
+        and a corresponding grouping of:
+        [[0], [1], [2, 7], [3], [4, 5, 6], [8, 11], [9, 10, 12, 13]]
+        This doesn't distinguish atoms uniquely because atoms 2 and 7 (the central carbons)
+        have the same fingerprint even though they are chemically different.
+        This is because the fingerprint does not take into account the different topology
+        around carbons 0, 3 (i.e. bonded to 1 and 3 Hs respectively) and carbons
+        8, 11 (i.e. both bonded to two Hs).
+        The solution is to do another iteration of the above but using the fingerprints 
+        in place of the atomic symbols.  This creates new, larger fingerprints as:
+        and a corresponding grouping of:
+        [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4, 5, 6], [7], [8, 11], [9, 10, 12, 13]]
+        Now atoms 2 and 7 are considered to be different, and the differences in the topology
+        of the atoms bonded to atoms 2 and 7 are built into the representation.  It encodes that
+        atom 2 is bonded to atoms C-CH-C-HHH,C-CHHH-C-H
+        atom 7 is bonded to atoms C-CHH-C-HH,C-CHH-C-HH.
+        Note the separator characters have changed from '', '-' to ',', '_' as well.
+        This process can be repeated until a self-consistent set of groups is found.
+        An upper limit on the number of cycles is imposed because the label size can blow up
+        very quickly.
+        """
+        ids = [self.elem[i] for i in range(self.na)]
+        old_groups = None
+        cycle = 0
+        bond_seps = ['-', '_', '#', '@', '$']
+        id_seps = ['', ',', '.', ';', ':']
+        while True:
+            group_dict = {}
+            for i in range(self.na):
+                group_dict.setdefault(ids[i], []).append(i)
+            groups = sorted(list(group_dict.values()))
+            if groups == old_groups: break
+            if cycle == 5: 
+                raise RuntimeError("Not designed to go for more than 5 cycles.")
+            if verbose:
+                logger.info("===Cycle %i===\n" % cycle)
+                logger.info("IDs of each atom:\n")
+                for i in range(self.na):
+                    logger.info("%3i %s\n" % (i, ids[i]))
+                logger.info("Atom groups:\n")
+                logger.info(str(groups)+"\n")
+            # Dictionary that looks like:
+            # { anum1 : {anum2 : path_12}}
+            spl = dict(nx.all_pairs_shortest_path_length(self.topology))
+            new_ids = []
+            for key in sorted(spl.keys()):
+                val = spl[key]
+                fp_dict = {}
+                for key2, val2 in val.items():
+                    if val2 > (bond_lim-cycle): continue
+                    fp_dict.setdefault(val2, []).append(ids[key2])
+                    fp_dict[val2].sort()
+                fp_list = []
+                for dist in sorted(fp_dict.keys()):
+                    fp_list.append(id_seps[cycle].join(fp_dict[dist]))
+                new_ids.append(bond_seps[cycle].join(fp_list))
+            old_groups = copy.deepcopy(groups)
+            ids = new_ids[:]
+            cycle += 1
+        return groups
     def distance_matrix(self, pbc=True):
         """ Obtain distance matrix between all pairs of atoms. """
         AtomIterator = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack((np.fromiter(itertools.chain(*[[i]*(self.na-i-1) for i in range(self.na)]),dtype=int),
diff --git a/geometric/params.py b/geometric/params.py
index e1232a3f..41b59162 100644
--- a/geometric/params.py
+++ b/geometric/params.py
@@ -262,14 +262,14 @@ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
         self.optimize = kwargs.get('optimize', False)
         if self.optimize:
             self.nframes = 0
-            self.prealign = False
+            self.align_frags = False
             # Number of frames that will be used for the interpolation.
             self.nframes = kwargs.get('nframes', 50)
             # Whether we want to align the molecules in reactant and product frames.
-            self.prealign = kwargs.get('prealign', False)
+            self.align_frags = kwargs.get('align_frags', False)
         # Whether we want to align the initial interpolate trajectory before optimization.
-        self.align = kwargs.get('align', False)
+        self.align_system = kwargs.get('align_system', True)
         # Verbose printout
         self.verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', 0)
@@ -504,8 +504,9 @@ def parse_neb_args(*args):
     grp_nebparam.add_argument('--trust', type=float, help='Starting trust radius, defaults to 0.1 (energy minimization) or 0.01 (TS optimization).\n ')
     grp_nebparam.add_argument('--tmax', type=float, help='Maximum trust radius, defaults to 0.3 (energy minimization) or 0.03 (TS optimization).\n ')
     grp_nebparam.add_argument('--tmin', type=float, help='Minimum trust radius, do not reject steps trust radius is below this threshold (method-dependent).\n ')
-    grp_nebparam.add_argument('--skip', action='store_true', help='Skip Hessian updates that would introduce negative eigenvalues.')
+    grp_nebparam.add_argument('--skip', action='store_true', help='Skip Hessian updates that would introduce negative eigenvalues.\n ')
     grp_nebparam.add_argument('--epsilon', type=float, help='Small eigenvalue threshold for resetting Hessian, default 1e-5.\n ')
+    grp_nebparam.add_argument('--port', type=int, help='Work Queue port used to distribute singlepoint calculations. Workers must be started separately.\n')
     grp_output = parser.add_argument_group('output', 'Control the format and amount of the output')
     grp_output.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, help='Specify a prefix for log file and temporary directory.\n'
@@ -513,7 +514,6 @@ def parse_neb_args(*args):
     grp_output.add_argument('--verbose', type=int, help='Set to positive for more verbose printout.\n'
                             '0 = Default print level.     1 = Basic info about optimization step.\n'
                             '2 = Include microiterations. 3 = Lots of printout from low-level functions.\n ')
     grp_help = parser.add_argument_group('help', 'Get help')
     grp_help.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='help', help='Show this help message and exit')
@@ -550,8 +550,8 @@ def parse_interpolate_args(*args):
                                                             'The followting two arguments, nframes and prealign, will be ignored.\n'
                                                             'The input xyz file must contain 5 or more structures.\n')
     grp_univ.add_argument('--nframes', type=int, help='Number of frames, needs to be bigger than 5, that will be used to interpolate, default 50\n')
-    grp_univ.add_argument('--prealign', type=str2bool, help='Provide "yes" to align the molecules in reactant and product before the interpolation.\n')
-    grp_univ.add_argument('--align', type=str2bool, help='Provide "yes" to align the initial interpolated trajectory.\n')
+    grp_univ.add_argument('--align_frags', type=str2bool, help='Provide "yes" to align fragments in reactant and product structure prior to interpolation.\n')
+    grp_univ.add_argument('--align_system', type=str2bool, help='Provide "yes" to align the entire system prior to interpolation.\n')
     grp_output = parser.add_argument_group('output', 'Control the format and amount of the output')
     grp_output.add_argument('--prefix', type=str, help='Specify a prefix for log file and temporary directory.\n'
@@ -570,4 +570,6 @@ def parse_interpolate_args(*args):
         if v is not None:
             args_dict[k] = v
+    print("LPW debug:", args_dict)
     return args_dict
diff --git a/geometric/tests/test_neb.py b/geometric/tests/test_neb.py
index dace8641..1dd89a3c 100644
--- a/geometric/tests/test_neb.py
+++ b/geometric/tests/test_neb.py
@@ -2,11 +2,13 @@
 A set of tests for NEB calculations
-import os, json, copy
+import os, json, copy, shutil
 from . import addons
+import pytest
 import geometric
 import tempfile
 import numpy as np
+import subprocess
 localizer = addons.in_folder
 datad = addons.datad
@@ -66,6 +68,46 @@ def test_hcn_neb_optimize(localizer):
     assert final_chain.maxg < params.maxg
     assert final_chain.avgg < params.avgg
+class TestPsi4WorkQueueNEB:
+    """ Tests are put into class so that the fixture can terminate the worker process. """
+    @pytest.fixture(autouse=True)
+    def work_queue_cleanup(self):
+        self.workers = None
+        yield
+        if self.workers is not None:
+            for worker in self.workers:
+                worker.terminate()
+    @addons.using_psi4
+    @addons.using_workqueue
+    def test_psi4_work_queue_neb(self, localizer):
+        M, engine = geometric.prepare.get_molecule_engine(
+            input=os.path.join(datad, "hcn_neb_input.psi4in"),
+            chain_coords=os.path.join(datad, "hcn_neb_input.xyz"),
+            images=11,
+            neb=True,
+            engine="psi4",
+        )
+        params = geometric.params.NEBParams(**{"optep": True, "verbose": 1})
+        chain = geometric.neb.ElasticBand(
+            M, engine=engine, tmpdir=tempfile.mkdtemp(), params=params, plain=0
+        )
+        geometric.nifty.createWorkQueue(9191, debug=False)
+        wq = geometric.nifty.getWorkQueue()
+        worker_program = geometric.nifty.which('work_queue_worker')
+        # Assume 4 threads are available
+        self.workers = [subprocess.Popen([os.path.join(worker_program, "work_queue_worker"), "localhost", str(wq.port)],
+                                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for i in range(4)]
+        final_chain, optCycle = geometric.neb.OptimizeChain(chain, engine, params)
+        assert optCycle < 10
+        assert final_chain.maxg < params.maxg
+        assert final_chain.avgg < params.avgg
+        geometric.nifty.destroyWorkQueue()
 def test_hcn_neb_service_arrange(localizer):
@@ -75,7 +117,7 @@ def test_hcn_neb_service_arrange(localizer):
     from qcelemental.models import Molecule as qcmol
     chain_M = geometric.molecule.Molecule(os.path.join(datad, "hcn_neb_service.xyz"))
-    coords = [M.xyzs for M in chain_M]
+    coords = [M.xyzs/geometric.nifty.bohr2ang for M in chain_M]
     qcel_mols = [