Mo Cuishle is written in Java on top of LittleProxy-mitm, LittleProxy, Netty. It's available as a Mozilla add-on and an Android app. So, you can use it nearly everywhere, on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, Android, and I've seen it on FreeBSD. Other browsers like Google Chrome are possible. But you can not use it with iOS devices since they're lacking Java.
This repository contains a Jekyll site based on the beautiful theme Simplicity by Phlow.
Please note it's the place to get a binary preview of Mo Cuishle. There's no public code available at the moment.
First of all you have to clone the repository. The Jekyll site is a GitHub
project page. It resides
in the branch named gh-pages
therefore. It's the default branch.
To create a clone enter this command line:
$ git clone
The directory MoCuishle
must not exist or empty. You could choose another name
like here:
$ git clone MoCuishle.git
To start a local web server with this site enter this commands:
$ cd MoCuishle.git $ bundle install --path ~/.gem $ PATH="$HOME/.gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin:$PATH" $ jekyll serve -c _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
If there's no problem you can open this URL in a browser: http://localhost:4000/
You need Ruby and RubyGems. Pyton and NodeJS are obsolete now after GitHub is using Jekyll 3. With Debian it is simple like this:
# aptitude install ruby rubygems-integration
For me the simplest way was shown above with bundle install
The --path ~/.gem
option installs all dependencies like Jekyll in the
users home without modifying the system.
You should add the gem path permanently to your PATH variable in your
file for example.
This procedure is written from my memories. Please let me know if something fails for you.
The content of the Mo Cuishle website is written in Markdown residing in _posts.
To create a pull request you need a GitHub account, fork the repository, clone your fork locally, commit, push and use GitGub to create the pull request. If this isn't what you want I'm happy to integrate a patch or diff file too. Just try it. And, of course you have the option to open an issue.