Resources for setting up a Jetson TX2, to run on the Monash Nova Rover NVIDIA Jetson TX2 carrier board, the Novacarrier.
- Linux-ish computer (Ubuntu 18.04+ recommended)
shell- ~30GB+ storage space
- ~3GB+ of internet download quota
git clone
cd novacarrier-tx2-image-builder
sudo ./ # Follow the prompts
sudo ./ # Follow the prompts
cd local/Linux_for_Tegra/
# Enable the micro USB port
# On the novacarrier, you need to switch the jumper
# from 'USB_A' to 'MICRO'.
# MICRO = Jumper position is closest to edge of board
# USB_A = Jumper position is closest to center of board
# Put jetson into recovery mode
# 1. Turn on 12V power to the carrier
# 2. Hold down RCVRY button for 2 seconds
# 3. While holding RCVRY, Tap the POWER button to start the system
# 4. Release the RCVRY button after 2 seconds
# Check it exists
lsusb | grep "recovery"
# Begin flashing
sudo ./ jetson-tx2-devkit mmcblk0p1
├── jetson_scripts/
# Used to change the fan PWM manually
# UART0 is normally used for the ttyS0 linux console, which prints kernel log information.
# To UART0 for other activities (such as GPS), you need to run this script to release it from the kernel command line parameters.
# Enables the can0 and can1 interfaces
├── # The first script you should run.
├── # Builds the kernel from source and puts it in the correct folder, so it can be flashed to the jetson
├── dts # Contains custom device tree and config files specific to the novacarrier - these are used during kernel compilation
├── jetson_scripts # Some scripts you can use on a Jetson when it's running, EG to setup the CAN interfaces.
├── local # This is where all the work is done. Archives, Linux_for_Tegra, and other files are put here. This folder is .gitignored.
├── patches # Contains kernel file patches, which for some reason NVIDIA hasn't implemented yet
├── # Hello there
├── scripts # Contains extra bash scripts used by and Do not run these please.
├── media # ooh pretty pcbs