- Machine Learning Lectures: aulas do Andrew NG na Stanford University
- Machine Learning com Python e scikit-learn: curso da Data School com vários códigos de exemplo, disponíveis em Jupyter Notebook
- Machine Learning: playlist do Alexander Ihler: mais profundo, mas didática boa
- Learn Machine Learning in 3 Months (with curriculum): vídeo do Siraj Raval com dica de currículo para formação intensiva em machine learning a ser feita em 3 meses.
- School of AI: playlist do Siraj Raval com 15 vídeos sobre a iniciativa de aulas abertas em IA denomida School of AI.
- Data Science and Machine Learning with Python - Hands On!
- Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp
- Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R
- Introdução ao Aprendizado de Máquina | [pt-br]
- Curso no Coursera de Machine Learning ministrado pelo Andrew NG
- A Course in Machine Learning
- Curso Machine Learning gratuito UFPR | [pt-br]
- Learning from Data
- How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers
Machine Learning & Data Science no Garoa - Telegram | [pt-br]
School of AI Capítulo SP - Facebook | [pt-br]
- Cheatsheets
- Outlier detection with SVM
- Feature Engineering as a Core of Machine Learning Business Value
- Ten Things Everyone Should Know About Machine Learning
- Introdução Visual ao aprendizado de máquina | [pt-br]
- Complete Guide to Parameter Tuning in XGBoost (with codes in Python)
- I thought I was ready to start coding Neural Networks. Boy, was I wrong.
- Machine Learning Glossary
- Transfer Learning - Machine Learning's Next Frontier
- Dealing with Unbalanced Class, SVM, Random Forest and Decision Tree in Python
- How to Handle Imbalanced Classes in Machine Learning