diff --git a/alembic/versions/5987401b40ae_refactor_agent_memory.py b/alembic/versions/5987401b40ae_refactor_agent_memory.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..889e9425b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/versions/5987401b40ae_refactor_agent_memory.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+"""Refactor agent memory
+Revision ID: 5987401b40ae
+Revises: 1c8880d671ee
+Create Date: 2024-11-25 14:35:00.896507
+from typing import Sequence, Union
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
+from alembic import op
+# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+revision: str = "5987401b40ae"
+down_revision: Union[str, None] = "1c8880d671ee"
+branch_labels: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None
+depends_on: Union[str, Sequence[str], None] = None
+def upgrade() -> None:
+    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    op.alter_column("agents", "tools", new_column_name="tool_names")
+    op.drop_column("agents", "memory")
+    # ### end Alembic commands ###
+def downgrade() -> None:
+    # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
+    op.alter_column("agents", "tool_names", new_column_name="tools")
+    op.add_column("agents", sa.Column("memory", postgresql.JSON(astext_type=sa.Text()), autoincrement=False, nullable=True))
+    # ### end Alembic commands ###
diff --git a/examples/docs/tools.py b/examples/docs/tools.py
index 0aa6cbaad1..b41fb501ad 100644
--- a/examples/docs/tools.py
+++ b/examples/docs/tools.py
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def roll_d20() -> str:
-print(f"Created agent with name {agent_state.name} with tools {agent_state.tools}")
+print(f"Created agent with name {agent_state.name} with tools {agent_state.tool_names}")
 # Message an agent
 response = client.send_message(agent_id=agent_state.id, role="user", message="roll a dice")
diff --git a/examples/tool_rule_usage.py b/examples/tool_rule_usage.py
index 5ea1add437..aca7c4f8f7 100644
--- a/examples/tool_rule_usage.py
+++ b/examples/tool_rule_usage.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 from letta import create_client
 from letta.schemas.letta_message import FunctionCallMessage
-from letta.schemas.tool_rule import InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule, ToolRule
+from letta.schemas.tool_rule import ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule
 from tests.helpers.endpoints_helper import (
@@ -100,10 +100,10 @@ def main():
     # 3. Create the tool rules. It must be called in this order, or there will be an error thrown.
     tool_rules = [
-        ToolRule(tool_name="first_secret_word", children=["second_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="second_secret_word", children=["third_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="third_secret_word", children=["fourth_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="fourth_secret_word", children=["send_message"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="first_secret_word", children=["second_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="second_secret_word", children=["third_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="third_secret_word", children=["fourth_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="fourth_secret_word", children=["send_message"]),
diff --git a/letta/__init__.py b/letta/__init__.py
index 83c5a692b2..fa5c1d4bb2 100644
--- a/letta/__init__.py
+++ b/letta/__init__.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from letta.client.client import LocalClient, RESTClient, create_client
 # imports for easier access
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
+from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, PersistedAgentState
 from letta.schemas.block import Block
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.enums import JobStatus
diff --git a/letta/agent.py b/letta/agent.py
index 32dd6ad9fd..73f0199ce2 100644
--- a/letta/agent.py
+++ b/letta/agent.py
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 from letta.orm import User
 from letta.persistence_manager import LocalStateManager
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, AgentStepResponse
-from letta.schemas.block import Block
+from letta.schemas.block import BlockUpdate
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.enums import MessageRole
 from letta.schemas.memory import ContextWindowOverview, Memory
@@ -235,11 +235,8 @@ class Agent(BaseAgent):
     def __init__(
         interface: Optional[Union[AgentInterface, StreamingRefreshCLIInterface]],
-        # agents can be created from providing agent_state
-        agent_state: AgentState,
-        tools: List[Tool],
+        agent_state: AgentState,  # in-memory representation of the agent state (read from multiple tables)
         user: User,
-        # memory: Memory,
         # extras
         messages_total: Optional[int] = None,  # TODO remove?
         first_message_verify_mono: bool = True,  # TODO move to config?
@@ -253,7 +250,7 @@ def __init__(
         self.user = user
         # link tools
-        self.link_tools(tools)
+        self.link_tools(agent_state.tools)
         # initialize a tool rules solver
         if agent_state.tool_rules:
@@ -265,26 +262,14 @@ def __init__(
         # add default rule for having send_message be a terminal tool
         if agent_state.tool_rules is None:
             agent_state.tool_rules = []
-        # Define the rule to add
-        send_message_terminal_rule = TerminalToolRule(tool_name="send_message")
-        # Check if an equivalent rule is already present
-        if not any(
-            isinstance(rule, TerminalToolRule) and rule.tool_name == send_message_terminal_rule.tool_name for rule in agent_state.tool_rules
-        ):
-            agent_state.tool_rules.append(send_message_terminal_rule)
         self.tool_rules_solver = ToolRulesSolver(tool_rules=agent_state.tool_rules)
         # gpt-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, ...
         self.model = self.agent_state.llm_config.model
-        # Store the system instructions (used to rebuild memory)
-        self.system = self.agent_state.system
-        # Initialize the memory object
-        self.memory = self.agent_state.memory
-        assert isinstance(self.memory, Memory), f"Memory object is not of type Memory: {type(self.memory)}"
-        printd("Initialized memory object", self.memory.compile())
+        # state managers
+        self.block_manager = BlockManager()
         # Interface must implement:
         # - internal_monologue
@@ -322,8 +307,8 @@ def __init__(
             # Generate a sequence of initial messages to put in the buffer
             init_messages = initialize_message_sequence(
-                system=self.system,
-                memory=self.memory,
+                system=self.agent_state.system,
+                memory=self.agent_state.memory,
@@ -345,8 +330,8 @@ def __init__(
                 # Basic "more human than human" initial message sequence
                 init_messages = initialize_message_sequence(
-                    system=self.system,
-                    memory=self.memory,
+                    system=self.agent_state.system,
+                    memory=self.agent_state.memory,
@@ -380,6 +365,76 @@ def __init__(
         # Create the agent in the DB
+    def update_memory_if_change(self, new_memory: Memory) -> bool:
+        """
+        Update internal memory object and system prompt if there have been modifications.
+        Args:
+            new_memory (Memory): the new memory object to compare to the current memory object
+        Returns:
+            modified (bool): whether the memory was updated
+        """
+        if self.agent_state.memory.compile() != new_memory.compile():
+            # update the blocks (LRW) in the DB
+            for label in self.agent_state.memory.list_block_labels():
+                updated_value = new_memory.get_block(label).value
+                if updated_value != self.agent_state.memory.get_block(label).value:
+                    # update the block if it's changed
+                    block_id = self.agent_state.memory.get_block(label).id
+                    block = self.block_manager.update_block(
+                        block_id=block_id, block_update=BlockUpdate(value=updated_value), actor=self.user
+                    )
+            # refresh memory from DB (using block ids)
+            self.agent_state.memory = Memory(
+                blocks=[self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block.id, actor=self.user) for block in self.agent_state.memory.get_blocks()]
+            )
+            # NOTE: don't do this since re-buildin the memory is handled at the start of the step
+            # rebuild memory - this records the last edited timestamp of the memory
+            # TODO: pass in update timestamp from block edit time
+            self.rebuild_system_prompt()
+            return True
+        return False
+    def execute_tool_and_persist_state(self, function_name, function_to_call, function_args):
+        """
+        Execute tool modifications and persist the state of the agent.
+        Note: only some agent state modifications will be persisted, such as data in the AgentState ORM and block data
+        """
+        # TODO: add agent manager here
+        orig_memory_str = self.agent_state.memory.compile()
+        # TODO: need to have an AgentState object that actually has full access to the block data
+        # this is because the sandbox tools need to be able to access block.value to edit this data
+        try:
+            if function_name in BASE_TOOLS:
+                # base tools are allowed to access the `Agent` object and run on the database
+                function_args["self"] = self  # need to attach self to arg since it's dynamically linked
+                function_response = function_to_call(**function_args)
+            else:
+                # execute tool in a sandbox
+                # TODO: allow agent_state to specify which sandbox to execute tools in
+                sandbox_run_result = ToolExecutionSandbox(function_name, function_args, self.agent_state.user_id).run(
+                    agent_state=self.agent_state.__deepcopy__()
+                )
+                function_response, updated_agent_state = sandbox_run_result.func_return, sandbox_run_result.agent_state
+                assert orig_memory_str == self.agent_state.memory.compile(), "Memory should not be modified in a sandbox tool"
+                self.update_memory_if_change(updated_agent_state.memory)
+        except Exception as e:
+            # Need to catch error here, or else trunction wont happen
+            # TODO: modify to function execution error
+            from letta.constants import MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_CHAR_LIMIT
+            error_msg = f"Error executing tool {function_name}: {e}"
+            if len(error_msg) > MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_CHAR_LIMIT:
+                error_msg = error_msg[:MAX_ERROR_MESSAGE_CHAR_LIMIT]
+            raise ValueError(error_msg)
+        return function_response
     def messages(self) -> List[dict]:
         """Getter method that converts the internal Message list into OpenAI-style dicts"""
@@ -392,16 +447,6 @@ def messages(self, value):
     def link_tools(self, tools: List[Tool]):
         """Bind a tool object (schema + python function) to the agent object"""
-        # tools
-        for tool in tools:
-            assert tool, f"Tool is None - must be error in querying tool from DB"
-            assert tool.name in self.agent_state.tools, f"Tool {tool} not found in agent_state.tools"
-        for tool_name in self.agent_state.tools:
-            assert tool_name in [tool.name for tool in tools], f"Tool name {tool_name} not included in agent tool list"
-        # Update tools
-        self.tools = tools
         # Store the functions schemas (this is passed as an argument to ChatCompletion)
         self.functions = []
         self.functions_python = {}
@@ -416,9 +461,8 @@ def link_tools(self, tools: List[Tool]):
                     exec(tool.source_code, env)
                 self.functions_python[tool.json_schema["name"]] = env[tool.json_schema["name"]]
-            except Exception as e:
+            except Exception:
                 warnings.warn(f"WARNING: tool {tool.name} failed to link")
-                print(e)
         assert all([callable(f) for k, f in self.functions_python.items()]), self.functions_python
     def _load_messages_from_recall(self, message_ids: List[str]) -> List[Message]:
@@ -727,27 +771,10 @@ def _handle_ai_response(
                     if isinstance(function_args[name], dict):
                         function_args[name] = spec[name](**function_args[name])
-                # TODO: This needs to be rethought, how do we allow functions that modify agent state/db?
-                # TODO: There should probably be two types of tools: stateless/stateful
-                if function_name in BASE_TOOLS:
-                    function_args["self"] = self  # need to attach self to arg since it's dynamically linked
-                    function_response = function_to_call(**function_args)
-                else:
-                    # execute tool in a sandbox
-                    # TODO: allow agent_state to specify which sandbox to execute tools in
-                    sandbox_run_result = ToolExecutionSandbox(function_name, function_args, self.agent_state.user_id).run(
-                        agent_state=self.agent_state
-                    )
-                    function_response, updated_agent_state = sandbox_run_result.func_return, sandbox_run_result.agent_state
-                    # update agent state
-                    if self.agent_state != updated_agent_state and updated_agent_state is not None:
-                        self.agent_state = updated_agent_state
-                        self.memory = self.agent_state.memory  # TODO: don't duplicate
-                        # rebuild memory
-                        self.rebuild_memory()
+                # handle tool execution (sandbox) and state updates
+                function_response = self.execute_tool_and_persist_state(function_name, function_to_call, function_args)
+                # handle trunction
                 if function_name in ["conversation_search", "conversation_search_date", "archival_memory_search"]:
                     # with certain functions we rely on the paging mechanism to handle overflow
                     truncate = False
@@ -820,7 +847,7 @@ def _handle_ai_response(
         # rebuild memory
         # TODO: @charles please check this
-        self.rebuild_memory()
+        self.rebuild_system_prompt()
         # Update ToolRulesSolver state with last called function
@@ -936,17 +963,10 @@ def inner_step(
             # Step 0: update core memory
             # only pulling latest block data if shared memory is being used
-            # TODO: ensure we're passing in metadata store from all surfaces
-            if ms is not None:
-                should_update = False
-                for block in self.agent_state.memory.to_dict()["memory"].values():
-                    if not block.get("template", False):
-                        should_update = True
-                if should_update:
-                    # TODO: the force=True can be optimized away
-                    # once we ensure we're correctly comparing whether in-memory core
-                    # data is different than persisted core data.
-                    self.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=ms)
+            current_persisted_memory = Memory(
+                blocks=[self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block.id, actor=self.user) for block in self.agent_state.memory.get_blocks()]
+            )  # read blocks from DB
+            self.update_memory_if_change(current_persisted_memory)
             # Step 1: add user message
             if isinstance(messages, Message):
@@ -1229,43 +1249,10 @@ def _swap_system_message_in_buffer(self, new_system_message: str):
         new_messages = [new_system_message_obj] + self._messages[1:]  # swap index 0 (system)
         self._messages = new_messages
-    def update_memory_blocks_from_db(self):
-        for block in self.memory.to_dict()["memory"].values():
-            if block.get("templates", False):
-                # we don't expect to update shared memory blocks that
-                # are templates. this is something we could update in the
-                # future if we expect templates to change often.
-                continue
-            block_id = block.get("id")
-            # TODO: This is really hacky and we should probably figure out how to
-            db_block = BlockManager().get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=self.user)
-            if db_block is None:
-                # this case covers if someone has deleted a shared block by interacting
-                # with some other agent.
-                # in that case we should remove this shared block from the agent currently being
-                # evaluated.
-                printd(f"removing block: {block_id=}")
-                continue
-            if not isinstance(db_block.value, str):
-                printd(f"skipping block update, unexpected value: {block_id=}")
-                continue
-            # TODO: we may want to update which columns we're updating from shared memory e.g. the limit
-            self.memory.update_block_value(label=block.get("label", ""), value=db_block.value)
-    def rebuild_memory(self, force=False, update_timestamp=True, ms: Optional[MetadataStore] = None):
+    def rebuild_system_prompt(self, force=False, update_timestamp=True):
         """Rebuilds the system message with the latest memory object and any shared memory block updates"""
         curr_system_message = self.messages[0]  # this is the system + memory bank, not just the system prompt
-        # NOTE: This is a hacky way to check if the memory has changed
-        memory_repr = self.memory.compile()
-        if not force and memory_repr == curr_system_message["content"][-(len(memory_repr)) :]:
-            printd(f"Memory has not changed, not rebuilding system")
-            return
-        if ms:
-            self.update_memory_blocks_from_db()
         # If the memory didn't update, we probably don't want to update the timestamp inside
         # For example, if we're doing a system prompt swap, this should probably be False
         if update_timestamp:
@@ -1276,8 +1263,8 @@ def rebuild_memory(self, force=False, update_timestamp=True, ms: Optional[Metada
         # update memory (TODO: potentially update recall/archival stats seperately)
         new_system_message_str = compile_system_message(
-            system_prompt=self.system,
-            in_context_memory=self.memory,
+            system_prompt=self.agent_state.system,
+            in_context_memory=self.agent_state.memory,
@@ -1304,13 +1291,13 @@ def update_system_prompt(self, new_system_prompt: str):
         """Update the system prompt of the agent (requires rebuilding the memory block if there's a difference)"""
         assert isinstance(new_system_prompt, str)
-        if new_system_prompt == self.system:
+        if new_system_prompt == self.agent_state.system:
-        self.system = new_system_prompt
+        self.agent_state.system = new_system_prompt
         # updating the system prompt requires rebuilding the memory block inside the compiled system message
-        self.rebuild_memory(force=True, update_timestamp=False)
+        self.rebuild_system_prompt(force=True, update_timestamp=False)
         # make sure to persist the change
         _ = self.update_state()
@@ -1324,6 +1311,7 @@ def remove_function(self, function_name: str) -> str:
         raise NotImplementedError
     def update_state(self) -> AgentState:
+        # TODO: this should be removed and self._messages should be moved into self.agent_state.in_context_messages
         message_ids = [msg.id for msg in self._messages]
         # Assert that these are all strings
@@ -1331,12 +1319,8 @@ def update_state(self) -> AgentState:
             warnings.warn(f"Non-string message IDs found in agent state: {message_ids}")
             message_ids = [m_id for m_id in message_ids if isinstance(m_id, str)]
-        assert isinstance(self.memory, Memory), f"Memory is not a Memory object: {type(self.memory)}"
         # override any fields that may have been updated
         self.agent_state.message_ids = message_ids
-        self.agent_state.memory = self.memory
-        self.agent_state.system = self.system
         return self.agent_state
@@ -1537,7 +1521,7 @@ def get_context_window(self) -> ContextWindowOverview:
         system_prompt = self.agent_state.system  # TODO is this the current system or the initial system?
         num_tokens_system = count_tokens(system_prompt)
-        core_memory = self.memory.compile()
+        core_memory = self.agent_state.memory.compile()
         num_tokens_core_memory = count_tokens(core_memory)
         # conversion of messages to OpenAI dict format, which is passed to the token counter
@@ -1629,37 +1613,15 @@ def save_agent(agent: Agent, ms: MetadataStore):
     agent_state = agent.agent_state
-    agent_id = agent_state.id
     assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory), f"Memory is not a Memory object: {type(agent_state.memory)}"
-    # NOTE: we're saving agent memory before persisting the agent to ensure
-    # that allocated block_ids for each memory block are present in the agent model
-    save_agent_memory(agent=agent)
-    if ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent.agent_state.id):
-        ms.update_agent(agent_state)
+    # TODO: move this to agent manager
+    # convert to persisted model
+    persisted_agent_state = agent.agent_state.to_persisted_agent_state()
+    if ms.get_agent(agent_id=persisted_agent_state.id):
+        ms.update_agent(persisted_agent_state)
-        ms.create_agent(agent_state)
-    agent.agent_state = ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-    assert isinstance(agent.agent_state.memory, Memory), f"Memory is not a Memory object: {type(agent_state.memory)}"
-def save_agent_memory(agent: Agent):
-    """
-    Save agent memory to metadata store. Memory is a collection of blocks and each block is persisted to the block table.
-    NOTE: we are assuming agent.update_state has already been called.
-    """
-    for block_dict in agent.memory.to_dict()["memory"].values():
-        # TODO: block creation should happen in one place to enforce these sort of constraints consistently.
-        block = Block(**block_dict)
-        # FIXME: should we expect for block values to be None? If not, we need to figure out why that is
-        # the case in some tests, if so we should relax the DB constraint.
-        if block.value is None:
-            block.value = ""
-        BlockManager().create_or_update_block(block, actor=agent.user)
+        ms.create_agent(persisted_agent_state)
 def strip_name_field_from_user_message(user_message_text: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
diff --git a/letta/agent_store/chroma.py b/letta/agent_store/chroma.py
index e192a1543b..eace737b3d 100644
--- a/letta/agent_store/chroma.py
+++ b/letta/agent_store/chroma.py
@@ -125,6 +125,8 @@ def get_all(self, filters: Optional[Dict] = {}, limit=None):
         ids, filters = self.get_filters(filters)
         if self.collection.count() == 0:
             return []
+        if ids == []:
+            ids = None
         if limit:
             results = self.collection.get(ids=ids, include=self.include, where=filters, limit=limit)
diff --git a/letta/cli/cli.py b/letta/cli/cli.py
index 076a179ab7..79c04c49b7 100644
--- a/letta/cli/cli.py
+++ b/letta/cli/cli.py
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ def run(
         # create agent
-        tools = [server.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=tool_name, actor=client.user) for tool_name in agent_state.tools]
+        tools = [server.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=tool_name, actor=client.user) for tool_name in agent_state.tool_names]
         letta_agent = Agent(agent_state=agent_state, interface=interface(), tools=tools, user=client.user)
     else:  # create new agent
@@ -311,13 +311,11 @@ def run(
         assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory), f"Expected Memory, got {type(agent_state.memory)}"
-        typer.secho(f"->  🛠️  {len(agent_state.tools)} tools: {', '.join([t for t in agent_state.tools])}", fg=typer.colors.WHITE)
-        tools = [server.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name, actor=client.user) for tool_name in agent_state.tools]
+        typer.secho(f"->  🛠️  {len(agent_state.tools)} tools: {', '.join([t for t in agent_state.tool_names])}", fg=typer.colors.WHITE)
         letta_agent = Agent(
-            agent_state=agent_state,
-            tools=tools,
+            agent_state=client.get_agent(agent_state.id),
             # gpt-3.5-turbo tends to omit inner monologue, relax this requirement for now
             first_message_verify_mono=True if (model is not None and "gpt-4" in model) else False,
diff --git a/letta/client/client.py b/letta/client/client.py
index 1e6881c55c..0bf773c04a 100644
--- a/letta/client/client.py
+++ b/letta/client/client.py
@@ -5,20 +5,17 @@
 import requests
 import letta.utils
+from letta.constants import (
 from letta.data_sources.connectors import DataConnector
 from letta.functions.functions import parse_source_code
-from letta.memory import get_memory_functions
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, AgentType, CreateAgent, UpdateAgentState
-from letta.schemas.block import (
-    Block,
-    BlockCreate,
-    BlockUpdate,
-    Human,
-    Persona,
-    UpdateHuman,
-    UpdatePersona,
+from letta.schemas.block import Block, BlockUpdate, CreateBlock, Human, Persona
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 # new schemas
@@ -82,7 +79,7 @@ def create_agent(
         agent_type: Optional[AgentType] = AgentType.memgpt_agent,
         embedding_config: Optional[EmbeddingConfig] = None,
         llm_config: Optional[LLMConfig] = None,
-        memory: Memory = ChatMemory(human=get_human_text(DEFAULT_HUMAN), persona=get_persona_text(DEFAULT_PERSONA)),
+        memory=None,
         system: Optional[str] = None,
         tools: Optional[List[str]] = None,
         tool_rules: Optional[List[BaseToolRule]] = None,
@@ -522,27 +519,13 @@ def create_agent(
             agent_state (AgentState): State of the created agent
-        # TODO: implement this check once name lookup works
-        # if name:
-        #    exist_agent_id = self.get_agent_id(agent_name=name)
-        #    raise ValueError(f"Agent with name {name} already exists")
-        # construct list of tools
         tool_names = []
         if tools:
             tool_names += tools
         if include_base_tools:
             tool_names += BASE_TOOLS
+            tool_names += BASE_MEMORY_TOOLS
-        # add memory tools
-        memory_functions = get_memory_functions(memory)
-        for func_name, func in memory_functions.items():
-            tool = self.create_or_update_tool(func, name=func_name, tags=["memory", "letta-base"])
-            tool_names.append(tool.name)
-        # check if default configs are provided
         assert embedding_config or self._default_embedding_config, f"Embedding config must be provided"
         assert llm_config or self._default_llm_config, f"LLM config must be provided"
@@ -551,7 +534,7 @@ def create_agent(
-            memory=memory,
+            memory_blocks=[],
@@ -573,7 +556,20 @@ def create_agent(
         if response.status_code != 200:
             raise ValueError(f"Status {response.status_code} - Failed to create agent: {response.text}")
-        return AgentState(**response.json())
+        # gather agent state
+        agent_state = AgentState(**response.json())
+        # create and link blocks
+        for block in memory.get_blocks():
+            if not self.get_block(block.id):
+                # note: this does not update existing blocks
+                # WARNING: this resets the block ID - this method is a hack for backwards compat, should eventually use CreateBlock not Memory
+                block = self.create_block(label=block.label, value=block.value, limit=block.limit)
+            self.link_agent_memory_block(agent_id=agent_state.id, block_id=block.id)
+        # refresh and return agent
+        return self.get_agent(agent_state.id)
     def update_message(
@@ -606,12 +602,11 @@ def update_agent(
         name: Optional[str] = None,
         description: Optional[str] = None,
         system: Optional[str] = None,
-        tools: Optional[List[str]] = None,
+        tool_names: Optional[List[str]] = None,
         metadata: Optional[Dict] = None,
         llm_config: Optional[LLMConfig] = None,
         embedding_config: Optional[EmbeddingConfig] = None,
         message_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
-        memory: Optional[Memory] = None,
         tags: Optional[List[str]] = None,
@@ -622,12 +617,11 @@ def update_agent(
             name (str): Name of the agent
             description (str): Description of the agent
             system (str): System configuration
-            tools (List[str]): List of tools
+            tool_names (List[str]): List of tools
             metadata (Dict): Metadata
             llm_config (LLMConfig): LLM configuration
             embedding_config (EmbeddingConfig): Embedding configuration
             message_ids (List[str]): List of message IDs
-            memory (Memory): Memory configuration
             tags (List[str]): Tags for filtering agents
@@ -637,14 +631,13 @@ def update_agent(
-            tools=tools,
+            tool_names=tool_names,
-            memory=memory,
         response = requests.patch(f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}", json=request.model_dump(), headers=self.headers)
         if response.status_code != 200:
@@ -1001,8 +994,12 @@ def list_blocks(self, label: Optional[str] = None, templates_only: Optional[bool
             return [Block(**block) for block in response.json()]
-    def create_block(self, label: str, value: str, template_name: Optional[str] = None, is_template: bool = False) -> Block:  #
-        request = BlockCreate(label=label, value=value, template=is_template, template_name=template_name)
+    def create_block(
+        self, label: str, value: str, limit: Optional[int] = None, template_name: Optional[str] = None, is_template: bool = False
+    ) -> Block:  #
+        request = CreateBlock(label=label, value=value, template=is_template, template_name=template_name)
+        if limit:
+            request.limit = limit
         response = requests.post(f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/blocks", json=request.model_dump(), headers=self.headers)
         if response.status_code != 200:
             raise ValueError(f"Failed to create block: {response.text}")
@@ -1772,21 +1769,32 @@ def list_sandbox_env_vars(
             raise ValueError(f"Failed to list environment variables for sandbox config ID '{sandbox_config_id}': {response.text}")
         return [SandboxEnvironmentVariable(**var_data) for var_data in response.json()]
-    def update_agent_memory_label(self, agent_id: str, current_label: str, new_label: str) -> Memory:
+    def update_agent_memory_block_label(self, agent_id: str, current_label: str, new_label: str) -> Memory:
+        """Rename a block in the agent's core memory
-        # @router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory/label", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory_label")
-        response = requests.patch(
-            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}/memory/label",
-            headers=self.headers,
-            json={"current_label": current_label, "new_label": new_label},
-        )
-        if response.status_code != 200:
-            raise ValueError(f"Failed to update agent memory label: {response.text}")
-        return Memory(**response.json())
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            current_label (str): The current label of the block
+            new_label (str): The new label of the block
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
+        block = self.get_agent_memory_block(agent_id, current_label)
+        return self.update_block(block.id, label=new_label)
+    # TODO: remove this
+    def add_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, create_block: CreateBlock) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Create and link a memory block to an agent's core memory
-    def add_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, create_block: BlockCreate) -> Memory:
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            create_block (CreateBlock): The block to create
-        # @router.post("/{agent_id}/memory/block", response_model=Memory, operation_id="add_agent_memory_block")
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
         response = requests.post(
@@ -1796,9 +1804,38 @@ def add_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, create_block: BlockCreate) -> Me
             raise ValueError(f"Failed to add agent memory block: {response.text}")
         return Memory(**response.json())
+    def link_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, block_id: str) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Link a block to an agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            block_id (str): The block ID
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
+        params = {"agent_id": agent_id}
+        response = requests.patch(
+            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/blocks/{block_id}/attach",
+            params=params,
+            headers=self.headers,
+        )
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Failed to link agent memory block: {response.text}")
+        return Block(**response.json())
     def remove_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Unlike a block from the agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            block_label (str): The block label
-        # @router.delete("/{agent_id}/memory/block/{block_label}", response_model=Memory, operation_id="remove_agent_memory_block")
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
         response = requests.delete(
@@ -1807,17 +1844,108 @@ def remove_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str) -> Memory:
             raise ValueError(f"Failed to remove agent memory block: {response.text}")
         return Memory(**response.json())
-    def update_agent_memory_limit(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str, limit: int) -> Memory:
+    def get_agent_memory_blocks(self, agent_id: str) -> List[Block]:
+        """
+        Get all the blocks in the agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+        Returns:
+            blocks (List[Block]): The blocks in the agent's core memory
+        """
+        response = requests.get(f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}/memory/block", headers=self.headers)
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Failed to get agent memory blocks: {response.text}")
+        return [Block(**block) for block in response.json()]
+    def get_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, label: str) -> Block:
+        """
+        Get a block in the agent's core memory by its label
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            label (str): The label in the agent's core memory
-        # @router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory/limit", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory_limit")
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): The block corresponding to the label
+        """
+        response = requests.get(
+            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}/memory/block/{label}",
+            headers=self.headers,
+        )
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Failed to get agent memory block: {response.text}")
+        return Block(**response.json())
+    def update_agent_memory_block(
+        self,
+        agent_id: str,
+        label: str,
+        value: Optional[str] = None,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Update a block in the agent's core memory by specifying its label
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            label (str): The label of the block
+            value (str): The new value of the block
+            limit (int): The new limit of the block
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): The updated block
+        """
+        # setup data
+        data = {}
+        if value:
+            data["value"] = value
+        if limit:
+            data["limit"] = limit
         response = requests.patch(
-            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}/memory/limit",
+            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/agents/{agent_id}/memory/block/{label}",
-            json={"label": block_label, "limit": limit},
+            json=data,
         if response.status_code != 200:
-            raise ValueError(f"Failed to update agent memory limit: {response.text}")
-        return Memory(**response.json())
+            raise ValueError(f"Failed to update agent memory block: {response.text}")
+        return Block(**response.json())
+    def update_block(
+        self,
+        block_id: str,
+        label: Optional[str] = None,
+        value: Optional[str] = None,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Update a block given the ID with the provided fields
+        Args:
+            block_id (str): ID of the block
+            label (str): Label to assign to the block
+            value (str): Value to assign to the block
+            limit (int): Token limit to assign to the block
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): Updated block
+        """
+        data = {}
+        if value:
+            data["value"] = value
+        if limit:
+            data["limit"] = limit
+        if label:
+            data["label"] = label
+        response = requests.patch(
+            f"{self.base_url}/{self.api_prefix}/blocks/{block_id}",
+            headers=self.headers,
+            json=data,
+        )
+        if response.status_code != 200:
+            raise ValueError(f"Failed to update block: {response.text}")
+        return Block(**response.json())
 class LocalClient(AbstractClient):
@@ -1916,6 +2044,11 @@ def create_agent(
         llm_config: LLMConfig = None,
         # memory
         memory: Memory = ChatMemory(human=get_human_text(DEFAULT_HUMAN), persona=get_persona_text(DEFAULT_PERSONA)),
+        # TODO: change to this when we are ready to migrate all the tests/examples (matches the REST API)
+        # memory_blocks=[
+        #    {"label": "human", "value": get_human_text(DEFAULT_HUMAN), "limit": 5000},
+        #    {"label": "persona", "value": get_persona_text(DEFAULT_PERSONA), "limit": 5000},
+        # ],
         # system
         system: Optional[str] = None,
         # tools
@@ -1934,7 +2067,7 @@ def create_agent(
             name (str): Name of the agent
             embedding_config (EmbeddingConfig): Embedding configuration
             llm_config (LLMConfig): LLM configuration
-            memory (Memory): Memory configuration
+            memory_blocks (List[Dict]): List of configurations for the memory blocks (placed in core-memory)
             system (str): System configuration
             tools (List[str]): List of tools
             tool_rules (Optional[List[BaseToolRule]]): List of tool rules
@@ -1956,14 +2089,7 @@ def create_agent(
             tool_names += tools
         if include_base_tools:
             tool_names += BASE_TOOLS
-        # add memory tools
-        memory_functions = get_memory_functions(memory)
-        for func_name, func in memory_functions.items():
-            tool = self.create_or_update_tool(func, name=func_name, tags=["memory", "letta-base"])
-            tool_names.append(tool.name)
-        self.interface.clear()
+            tool_names += BASE_MEMORY_TOOLS
         # check if default configs are provided
         assert embedding_config or self._default_embedding_config, f"Embedding config must be provided"
@@ -1975,7 +2101,10 @@ def create_agent(
-                memory=memory,
+                # memory=memory,
+                memory_blocks=[],
+                # memory_blocks = memory.get_blocks(),
+                # memory_tools=memory_tools,
@@ -1987,7 +2116,18 @@ def create_agent(
-        return agent_state
+        # TODO: remove when we fully migrate to block creation CreateAgent model
+        # Link additional blocks to the agent (block ids created on the client)
+        # This needs to happen since the create agent does not allow passing in blocks which have already been persisted and have an ID
+        # So we create the agent and then link the blocks afterwards
+        user = self.server.get_user_or_default(self.user_id)
+        for block in memory.get_blocks():
+            self.server.block_manager.create_or_update_block(block, actor=user)
+            self.server.link_block_to_agent_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_state.id, block_id=block.id)
+        # TODO: get full agent state
+        return self.server.get_agent(agent_state.id)
     def update_message(
@@ -2024,7 +2164,6 @@ def update_agent(
         llm_config: Optional[LLMConfig] = None,
         embedding_config: Optional[EmbeddingConfig] = None,
         message_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None,
-        memory: Optional[Memory] = None,
         Update an existing agent
@@ -2039,26 +2178,25 @@ def update_agent(
             llm_config (LLMConfig): LLM configuration
             embedding_config (EmbeddingConfig): Embedding configuration
             message_ids (List[str]): List of message IDs
-            memory (Memory): Memory configuration
             tags (List[str]): Tags for filtering agents
             agent_state (AgentState): State of the updated agent
+        # TODO: add the abilitty to reset linked block_ids
         agent_state = self.server.update_agent(
-                tools=tools,
+                tool_names=tools,
-                memory=memory,
@@ -2197,7 +2335,7 @@ def update_in_context_memory(self, agent_id: str, section: str, value: Union[Lis
         # TODO: implement this (not sure what it should look like)
-        memory = self.server.update_agent_core_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, new_memory_contents={section: value})
+        memory = self.server.update_agent_core_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, label=section, value=value)
         return memory
     def get_archival_memory_summary(self, agent_id: str) -> ArchivalMemorySummary:
@@ -2946,7 +3084,9 @@ def list_blocks(self, label: Optional[str] = None, templates_only: Optional[bool
         return self.server.block_manager.get_blocks(actor=self.user, label=label, is_template=templates_only)
-    def create_block(self, label: str, value: str, template_name: Optional[str] = None, is_template: bool = False) -> Block:  #
+    def create_block(
+        self, label: str, value: str, limit: Optional[int] = None, template_name: Optional[str] = None, is_template: bool = False
+    ) -> Block:  #
         Create a block
@@ -2954,13 +3094,15 @@ def create_block(self, label: str, value: str, template_name: Optional[str] = No
             label (str): Label of the block
             name (str): Name of the block
             text (str): Text of the block
+            limit (int): Character of the block
             block (Block): Created block
-        return self.server.block_manager.create_or_update_block(
-            Block(label=label, template_name=template_name, value=value, is_template=is_template), actor=self.user
-        )
+        block = Block(label=label, template_name=template_name, value=value, is_template=is_template)
+        if limit:
+            block.limit = limit
+        return self.server.block_manager.create_or_update_block(block, actor=self.user)
     def update_block(self, block_id: str, name: Optional[str] = None, text: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None) -> Block:
@@ -3115,20 +3257,142 @@ def list_sandbox_env_vars(
             sandbox_config_id=sandbox_config_id, actor=self.user, limit=limit, cursor=cursor
-    def update_agent_memory_label(self, agent_id: str, current_label: str, new_label: str) -> Memory:
-        return self.server.update_agent_memory_label(
-            user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, current_block_label=current_label, new_block_label=new_label
-        )
+    def update_agent_memory_block_label(self, agent_id: str, current_label: str, new_label: str) -> Memory:
+        """Rename a block in the agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            current_label (str): The current label of the block
+            new_label (str): The new label of the block
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
+        block = self.get_agent_memory_block(agent_id, current_label)
+        return self.update_block(block.id, label=new_label)
+    # TODO: remove this
+    def add_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, create_block: CreateBlock) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Create and link a memory block to an agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            create_block (CreateBlock): The block to create
-    def add_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, create_block: BlockCreate) -> Memory:
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
         block_req = Block(**create_block.model_dump())
         block = self.server.block_manager.create_or_update_block(actor=self.user, block=block_req)
         # Link the block to the agent
         updated_memory = self.server.link_block_to_agent_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, block_id=block.id)
         return updated_memory
+    def link_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, block_id: str) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Link a block to an agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            block_id (str): The block ID
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
+        return self.server.link_block_to_agent_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, block_id=block_id)
     def remove_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str) -> Memory:
+        """
+        Unlike a block from the agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            block_label (str): The block label
+        Returns:
+            memory (Memory): The updated memory
+        """
         return self.server.unlink_block_from_agent_memory(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label)
-    def update_agent_memory_limit(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str, limit: int) -> Memory:
-        return self.server.update_agent_memory_limit(user_id=self.user_id, agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label, limit=limit)
+    def get_agent_memory_blocks(self, agent_id: str) -> List[Block]:
+        """
+        Get all the blocks in the agent's core memory
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+        Returns:
+            blocks (List[Block]): The blocks in the agent's core memory
+        """
+        block_ids = self.server.blocks_agents_manager.list_block_ids_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return [self.server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id, actor=self.user) for block_id in block_ids]
+    def get_agent_memory_block(self, agent_id: str, label: str) -> Block:
+        """
+        Get a block in the agent's core memory by its label
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            label (str): The label in the agent's core memory
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): The block corresponding to the label
+        """
+        block_id = self.server.blocks_agents_manager.get_block_id_for_label(agent_id=agent_id, block_label=label)
+        return self.server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id, actor=self.user)
+    def update_agent_memory_block(
+        self,
+        agent_id: str,
+        label: str,
+        value: Optional[str] = None,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Update a block in the agent's core memory by specifying its label
+        Args:
+            agent_id (str): The agent ID
+            label (str): The label of the block
+            value (str): The new value of the block
+            limit (int): The new limit of the block
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): The updated block
+        """
+        block = self.get_agent_memory_block(agent_id, label)
+        data = {}
+        if value:
+            data["value"] = value
+        if limit:
+            data["limit"] = limit
+        return self.server.block_manager.update_block(block.id, actor=self.user, block_update=BlockUpdate(**data))
+    def update_block(
+        self,
+        block_id: str,
+        label: Optional[str] = None,
+        value: Optional[str] = None,
+        limit: Optional[int] = None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Update a block given the ID with the provided fields
+        Args:
+            block_id (str): ID of the block
+            label (str): Label to assign to the block
+            value (str): Value to assign to the block
+            limit (int): Token limit to assign to the block
+        Returns:
+            block (Block): Updated block
+        """
+        data = {}
+        if value:
+            data["value"] = value
+        if limit:
+            data["limit"] = limit
+        if label:
+            data["label"] = label
+        return self.server.block_manager.update_block(block_id, actor=self.user, block_update=BlockUpdate(**data))
diff --git a/letta/config.py b/letta/config.py
index 51287e0091..cc0c5aa720 100644
--- a/letta/config.py
+++ b/letta/config.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 from letta.log import get_logger
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
+from letta.schemas.agent import PersistedAgentState
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ def save(self):
             json.dump(vars(self), f, indent=4)
     def to_agent_state(self):
-        return AgentState(
+        return PersistedAgentState(
diff --git a/letta/constants.py b/letta/constants.py
index c16e241566..32a4946b8f 100644
--- a/letta/constants.py
+++ b/letta/constants.py
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
 # Base tools that cannot be edited, as they access agent state directly
 BASE_TOOLS = ["send_message", "conversation_search", "conversation_search_date", "archival_memory_insert", "archival_memory_search"]
+# Base memory tools CAN be edited, and are added by default by the server
+BASE_MEMORY_TOOLS = ["core_memory_append", "core_memory_replace"]
 # The name of the tool used to send message to the user
 # May not be relevant in cases where the agent has multiple ways to message to user (send_imessage, send_discord_mesasge, ...)
@@ -127,6 +129,9 @@
 # These serve as in-context examples of how to use functions / what user messages look like
+# Maximum length of an error message
 # Default memory limits
diff --git a/letta/functions/function_sets/base.py b/letta/functions/function_sets/base.py
index 51cfab5daf..e7bd4a9d94 100644
--- a/letta/functions/function_sets/base.py
+++ b/letta/functions/function_sets/base.py
@@ -172,3 +172,40 @@ def archival_memory_search(self: Agent, query: str, page: Optional[int] = 0) ->
         results_formatted = [f"timestamp: {d['timestamp']}, memory: {d['content']}" for d in results]
         results_str = f"{results_pref} {json_dumps(results_formatted)}"
     return results_str
+def core_memory_append(agent_state: "AgentState", label: str, content: str) -> Optional[str]:  # type: ignore
+    """
+    Append to the contents of core memory.
+    Args:
+        label (str): Section of the memory to be edited (persona or human).
+        content (str): Content to write to the memory. All unicode (including emojis) are supported.
+    Returns:
+        Optional[str]: None is always returned as this function does not produce a response.
+    """
+    current_value = str(agent_state.memory.get_block(label).value)
+    new_value = current_value + "\n" + str(content)
+    agent_state.memory.update_block_value(label=label, value=new_value)
+    return None
+def core_memory_replace(agent_state: "AgentState", label: str, old_content: str, new_content: str) -> Optional[str]:  # type: ignore
+    """
+    Replace the contents of core memory. To delete memories, use an empty string for new_content.
+    Args:
+        label (str): Section of the memory to be edited (persona or human).
+        old_content (str): String to replace. Must be an exact match.
+        new_content (str): Content to write to the memory. All unicode (including emojis) are supported.
+    Returns:
+        Optional[str]: None is always returned as this function does not produce a response.
+    """
+    current_value = str(agent_state.memory.get_block(label).value)
+    if old_content not in current_value:
+        raise ValueError(f"Old content '{old_content}' not found in memory block '{label}'")
+    new_value = current_value.replace(str(old_content), str(new_content))
+    agent_state.memory.update_block_value(label=label, value=new_value)
+    return None
diff --git a/letta/helpers/tool_rule_solver.py b/letta/helpers/tool_rule_solver.py
index 4c50686c38..ef4d9a9b37 100644
--- a/letta/helpers/tool_rule_solver.py
+++ b/letta/helpers/tool_rule_solver.py
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
+from letta.schemas.enums import ToolRuleType
 from letta.schemas.tool_rule import (
+    ChildToolRule,
-    ToolRule,
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ class ToolRulesSolver(BaseModel):
     init_tool_rules: List[InitToolRule] = Field(
         default_factory=list, description="Initial tool rules to be used at the start of tool execution."
-    tool_rules: List[ToolRule] = Field(
+    tool_rules: List[ChildToolRule] = Field(
         default_factory=list, description="Standard tool rules for controlling execution sequence and allowed transitions."
     terminal_tool_rules: List[TerminalToolRule] = Field(
@@ -33,11 +34,11 @@ def __init__(self, tool_rules: List[BaseToolRule], **kwargs):
         # Separate the provided tool rules into init, standard, and terminal categories
         for rule in tool_rules:
-            if isinstance(rule, InitToolRule):
+            if rule.type == ToolRuleType.run_first:
-            elif isinstance(rule, ToolRule):
+            elif rule.type == ToolRuleType.constrain_child_tools:
-            elif isinstance(rule, TerminalToolRule):
+            elif rule.type == ToolRuleType.exit_loop:
         # Validate the tool rules to ensure they form a DAG
diff --git a/letta/main.py b/letta/main.py
index abfd36ae9c..88d20e08b0 100644
--- a/letta/main.py
+++ b/letta/main.py
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ def run_agent_loop(
                 elif user_input.lower() == "/memory":
                     print(f"\nDumping memory contents:\n")
-                    print(f"{letta_agent.memory.compile()}")
+                    print(f"{letta_agent.agent_state.memory.compile()}")
diff --git a/letta/metadata.py b/letta/metadata.py
index 1b8f6a220d..3fdfa4038e 100644
--- a/letta/metadata.py
+++ b/letta/metadata.py
@@ -3,27 +3,21 @@
 import os
 import secrets
 import warnings
-from typing import List, Optional
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
 from sqlalchemy import JSON, Column, DateTime, Index, String, TypeDecorator
 from sqlalchemy.sql import func
 from letta.config import LettaConfig
 from letta.orm.base import Base
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
+from letta.schemas.agent import PersistedAgentState
 from letta.schemas.api_key import APIKey
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
-from letta.schemas.enums import JobStatus
+from letta.schemas.enums import JobStatus, ToolRuleType
 from letta.schemas.job import Job
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
-from letta.schemas.memory import Memory
 from letta.schemas.openai.chat_completions import ToolCall, ToolCallFunction
-from letta.schemas.tool_rule import (
-    BaseToolRule,
-    InitToolRule,
-    TerminalToolRule,
-    ToolRule,
+from letta.schemas.tool_rule import ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule
 from letta.schemas.user import User
 from letta.services.per_agent_lock_manager import PerAgentLockManager
 from letta.settings import settings
@@ -165,28 +159,35 @@ class ToolRulesColumn(TypeDecorator):
     def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
         return dialect.type_descriptor(JSON())
-    def process_bind_param(self, value: List[BaseToolRule], dialect):
+    def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
         """Convert a list of ToolRules to JSON-serializable format."""
         if value:
-            return [rule.model_dump() for rule in value]
+            data = [rule.model_dump() for rule in value]
+            for d in data:
+                d["type"] = d["type"].value
+            for d in data:
+                assert not (d["type"] == "ToolRule" and "children" not in d), "ToolRule does not have children field"
+            return data
         return value
-    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect) -> List[BaseToolRule]:
+    def process_result_value(self, value, dialect) -> List[Union[ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule]]:
         """Convert JSON back to a list of ToolRules."""
         if value:
             return [self.deserialize_tool_rule(rule_data) for rule_data in value]
         return value
-    def deserialize_tool_rule(data: dict) -> BaseToolRule:
+    def deserialize_tool_rule(data: dict) -> Union[ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule]:
         """Deserialize a dictionary to the appropriate ToolRule subclass based on the 'type'."""
-        rule_type = data.get("type")  # Remove 'type' field if it exists since it is a class var
-        if rule_type == "InitToolRule":
+        rule_type = ToolRuleType(data.get("type"))  # Remove 'type' field if it exists since it is a class var
+        if rule_type == ToolRuleType.run_first:
             return InitToolRule(**data)
-        elif rule_type == "TerminalToolRule":
+        elif rule_type == ToolRuleType.exit_loop:
             return TerminalToolRule(**data)
-        elif rule_type == "ToolRule":
-            return ToolRule(**data)
+        elif rule_type == ToolRuleType.constrain_child_tools:
+            rule = ChildToolRule(**data)
+            return rule
             raise ValueError(f"Unknown tool rule type: {rule_type}")
@@ -205,7 +206,6 @@ class AgentModel(Base):
     # state (context compilation)
     message_ids = Column(JSON)
-    memory = Column(JSON)
     system = Column(String)
     # configs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class AgentModel(Base):
     metadata_ = Column(JSON)
     # tools
-    tools = Column(JSON)
+    tool_names = Column(JSON)
     tool_rules = Column(ToolRulesColumn)
     Index(__tablename__ + "_idx_user", user_id),
@@ -225,24 +225,22 @@ class AgentModel(Base):
     def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return f"<Agent(id='{self.id}', name='{self.name}')>"
-    def to_record(self) -> AgentState:
-        agent_state = AgentState(
+    def to_record(self) -> PersistedAgentState:
+        agent_state = PersistedAgentState(
-            memory=Memory.load(self.memory),  # load dictionary
-            tools=self.tools,
+            tool_names=self.tool_names,
-        assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory), f"Memory object is not of type Memory: {type(agent_state.memory)}"
         return agent_state
@@ -347,18 +345,18 @@ def get_all_api_keys_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> List[APIKey]:
             return tokens
-    def create_agent(self, agent: AgentState):
+    def create_agent(self, agent: PersistedAgentState):
         # insert into agent table
         # make sure agent.name does not already exist for user user_id
         with self.session_maker() as session:
             if session.query(AgentModel).filter(AgentModel.name == agent.name).filter(AgentModel.user_id == agent.user_id).count() > 0:
                 raise ValueError(f"Agent with name {agent.name} already exists")
             fields = vars(agent)
-            fields["memory"] = agent.memory.to_dict()
-            if "_internal_memory" in fields:
-                del fields["_internal_memory"]
-            else:
-                warnings.warn(f"Agent {agent.id} has no _internal_memory field")
+            # fields["memory"] = agent.memory.to_dict()
+            # if "_internal_memory" in fields:
+            #    del fields["_internal_memory"]
+            # else:
+            #    warnings.warn(f"Agent {agent.id} has no _internal_memory field")
             if "tags" in fields:
                 del fields["tags"]
@@ -367,15 +365,15 @@ def create_agent(self, agent: AgentState):
-    def update_agent(self, agent: AgentState):
+    def update_agent(self, agent: PersistedAgentState):
         with self.session_maker() as session:
             fields = vars(agent)
-            if isinstance(agent.memory, Memory):  # TODO: this is nasty but this whole class will soon be removed so whatever
-                fields["memory"] = agent.memory.to_dict()
-            if "_internal_memory" in fields:
-                del fields["_internal_memory"]
-            else:
-                warnings.warn(f"Agent {agent.id} has no _internal_memory field")
+            # if isinstance(agent.memory, Memory):  # TODO: this is nasty but this whole class will soon be removed so whatever
+            #    fields["memory"] = agent.memory.to_dict()
+            # if "_internal_memory" in fields:
+            #    del fields["_internal_memory"]
+            # else:
+            #    warnings.warn(f"Agent {agent.id} has no _internal_memory field")
             if "tags" in fields:
                 del fields["tags"]
@@ -400,7 +398,7 @@ def delete_agent(self, agent_id: str, per_agent_lock_manager: PerAgentLockManage
-    def list_agents(self, user_id: str) -> List[AgentState]:
+    def list_agents(self, user_id: str) -> List[PersistedAgentState]:
         with self.session_maker() as session:
             results = session.query(AgentModel).filter(AgentModel.user_id == user_id).all()
             return [r.to_record() for r in results]
@@ -408,7 +406,7 @@ def list_agents(self, user_id: str) -> List[AgentState]:
     def get_agent(
         self, agent_id: Optional[str] = None, agent_name: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None
-    ) -> Optional[AgentState]:
+    ) -> Optional[PersistedAgentState]:
         with self.session_maker() as session:
             if agent_id:
                 results = session.query(AgentModel).filter(AgentModel.id == agent_id).all()
diff --git a/letta/o1_agent.py b/letta/o1_agent.py
index 9539e4aff3..a6b70b595f 100644
--- a/letta/o1_agent.py
+++ b/letta/o1_agent.py
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
 from letta.schemas.message import Message
 from letta.schemas.openai.chat_completion_response import UsageStatistics
-from letta.schemas.tool import Tool
 from letta.schemas.usage import LettaUsageStatistics
 from letta.schemas.user import User
@@ -45,13 +44,11 @@ def __init__(
         interface: AgentInterface,
         agent_state: AgentState,
         user: User,
-        tools: List[Tool] = [],
         max_thinking_steps: int = 10,
         first_message_verify_mono: bool = False,
-        super().__init__(interface, agent_state, tools, user)
+        super().__init__(interface, agent_state, user)
         self.max_thinking_steps = max_thinking_steps
-        self.tools = tools
         self.first_message_verify_mono = first_message_verify_mono
     def step(
diff --git a/letta/persistence_manager.py b/letta/persistence_manager.py
index ca8c097bfa..7dd22a998f 100644
--- a/letta/persistence_manager.py
+++ b/letta/persistence_manager.py
@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ def prepend_to_messages(self, added_messages: List[Message]):
         # self.messages = [self.messages[0]] + added_messages + self.messages[1:]
         # add to recall memory
+        self.recall_memory.insert_many([m for m in added_messages])
     def append_to_messages(self, added_messages: List[Message]):
         # first tag with timestamps
diff --git a/letta/schemas/agent.py b/letta/schemas/agent.py
index 648546ef06..8b5161eb32 100644
--- a/letta/schemas/agent.py
+++ b/letta/schemas/agent.py
@@ -2,15 +2,18 @@
 from enum import Enum
 from typing import Dict, List, Optional
-from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator, model_validator
+from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
+from letta.schemas.block import CreateBlock
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.letta_base import LettaBase
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
 from letta.schemas.memory import Memory
 from letta.schemas.message import Message
 from letta.schemas.openai.chat_completion_response import UsageStatistics
-from letta.schemas.tool_rule import BaseToolRule
+from letta.schemas.source import Source
+from letta.schemas.tool import Tool
+from letta.schemas.tool_rule import ToolRule
 class BaseAgent(LettaBase, validate_assignment=True):
@@ -32,23 +35,8 @@ class AgentType(str, Enum):
     o1_agent = "o1_agent"
-class AgentState(BaseAgent, validate_assignment=True):
-    """
-    Representation of an agent's state. This is the state of the agent at a given time, and is persisted in the DB backend. The state has all the information needed to recreate a persisted agent.
-    Parameters:
-        id (str): The unique identifier of the agent.
-        name (str): The name of the agent (must be unique to the user).
-        created_at (datetime): The datetime the agent was created.
-        message_ids (List[str]): The ids of the messages in the agent's in-context memory.
-        memory (Memory): The in-context memory of the agent.
-        tools (List[str]): The tools used by the agent. This includes any memory editing functions specified in `memory`.
-        system (str): The system prompt used by the agent.
-        llm_config (LLMConfig): The LLM configuration used by the agent.
-        embedding_config (EmbeddingConfig): The embedding configuration used by the agent.
-    """
+class PersistedAgentState(BaseAgent, validate_assignment=True):
+    # NOTE: this has been changed to represent the data stored in the ORM, NOT what is passed around internally or returned to the user
     id: str = BaseAgent.generate_id_field()
     name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the agent.")
     created_at: datetime = Field(..., description="The datetime the agent was created.", default_factory=datetime.now)
@@ -56,16 +44,12 @@ class AgentState(BaseAgent, validate_assignment=True):
     # in-context memory
     message_ids: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, description="The ids of the messages in the agent's in-context memory.")
-    memory: Memory = Field(default_factory=Memory, description="The in-context memory of the agent.")
     # tools
-    tools: List[str] = Field(..., description="The tools used by the agent.")
+    # TODO: move to ORM mapping
+    tool_names: List[str] = Field(..., description="The tools used by the agent.")
     # tool rules
-    tool_rules: Optional[List[BaseToolRule]] = Field(default=None, description="The list of tool rules.")
-    # tags
-    tags: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tags associated with the agent.")
+    tool_rules: Optional[List[ToolRule]] = Field(default=None, description="The list of tool rules.")
     # system prompt
     system: str = Field(..., description="The system prompt used by the agent.")
@@ -77,40 +61,62 @@ class AgentState(BaseAgent, validate_assignment=True):
     llm_config: LLMConfig = Field(..., description="The LLM configuration used by the agent.")
     embedding_config: EmbeddingConfig = Field(..., description="The embedding configuration used by the agent.")
-    def __init__(self, **data):
-        super().__init__(**data)
-        self._internal_memory = self.memory
+    class Config:
+        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+        validate_assignment = True
-    @model_validator(mode="after")
-    def verify_memory_type(self):
-        try:
-            assert isinstance(self.memory, Memory)
-        except Exception as e:
-            raise e
-        return self
-    @property
-    def memory(self) -> Memory:
-        return self._internal_memory
+class AgentState(PersistedAgentState):
+    """
+    Representation of an agent's state. This is the state of the agent at a given time, and is persisted in the DB backend. The state has all the information needed to recreate a persisted agent.
+    Parameters:
+        id (str): The unique identifier of the agent.
+        name (str): The name of the agent (must be unique to the user).
+        created_at (datetime): The datetime the agent was created.
+        message_ids (List[str]): The ids of the messages in the agent's in-context memory.
+        memory (Memory): The in-context memory of the agent.
+        tools (List[str]): The tools used by the agent. This includes any memory editing functions specified in `memory`.
+        system (str): The system prompt used by the agent.
+        llm_config (LLMConfig): The LLM configuration used by the agent.
+        embedding_config (EmbeddingConfig): The embedding configuration used by the agent.
-    @memory.setter
-    def memory(self, value):
-        if not isinstance(value, Memory):
-            raise TypeError(f"Expected Memory, got {type(value).__name__}")
-        self._internal_memory = value
+    """
-    class Config:
-        arbitrary_types_allowed = True
-        validate_assignment = True
+    # NOTE: this is what is returned to the client and also what is used to initialize `Agent`
+    # This is an object representing the in-process state of a running `Agent`
+    # Field in this object can be theoretically edited by tools, and will be persisted by the ORM
+    memory: Memory = Field(..., description="The in-context memory of the agent.")
+    tools: List[Tool] = Field(..., description="The tools used by the agent.")
+    sources: List[Source] = Field(..., description="The sources used by the agent.")
+    tags: List[str] = Field(..., description="The tags associated with the agent.")
+    # TODO: add in context message objects
+    def to_persisted_agent_state(self) -> PersistedAgentState:
+        # turn back into persisted agent
+        data = self.model_dump()
+        del data["memory"]
+        del data["tools"]
+        del data["sources"]
+        del data["tags"]
+        return PersistedAgentState(**data)
-class CreateAgent(BaseAgent):
+class CreateAgent(BaseAgent):  #
     # all optional as server can generate defaults
     name: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The name of the agent.")
     message_ids: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The ids of the messages in the agent's in-context memory.")
-    memory: Optional[Memory] = Field(None, description="The in-context memory of the agent.")
+    # memory creation
+    memory_blocks: List[CreateBlock] = Field(
+        # [CreateHuman(), CreatePersona()], description="The blocks to create in the agent's in-context memory."
+        ...,
+        description="The blocks to create in the agent's in-context memory.",
+    )
     tools: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tools used by the agent.")
-    tool_rules: Optional[List[BaseToolRule]] = Field(None, description="The tool rules governing the agent.")
+    tool_rules: Optional[List[ToolRule]] = Field(None, description="The tool rules governing the agent.")
     tags: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tags associated with the agent.")
     system: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The system prompt used by the agent.")
     agent_type: Optional[AgentType] = Field(None, description="The type of agent.")
@@ -151,7 +157,7 @@ def validate_name(cls, name: str) -> str:
 class UpdateAgentState(BaseAgent):
     id: str = Field(..., description="The id of the agent.")
     name: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The name of the agent.")
-    tools: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tools used by the agent.")
+    tool_names: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tools used by the agent.")
     tags: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The tags associated with the agent.")
     system: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="The system prompt used by the agent.")
     llm_config: Optional[LLMConfig] = Field(None, description="The LLM configuration used by the agent.")
@@ -159,7 +165,6 @@ class UpdateAgentState(BaseAgent):
     # TODO: determine if these should be editable via this schema?
     message_ids: Optional[List[str]] = Field(None, description="The ids of the messages in the agent's in-context memory.")
-    memory: Optional[Memory] = Field(None, description="The in-context memory of the agent.")
 class AgentStepResponse(BaseModel):
diff --git a/letta/schemas/block.py b/letta/schemas/block.py
index 6679d50357..b48bdbbce1 100644
--- a/letta/schemas/block.py
+++ b/letta/schemas/block.py
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ class BaseBlock(LettaBase, validate_assignment=True):
     description: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Description of the block.")
     metadata_: Optional[dict] = Field({}, description="Metadata of the block.")
+    # def __len__(self):
+    #     return len(self.value)
+    class Config:
+        extra = "ignore"  # Ignores extra fields
     def verify_char_limit(self) -> Self:
         if self.value and len(self.value) > self.limit:
@@ -36,9 +42,6 @@ def verify_char_limit(self) -> Self:
         return self
-    # def __len__(self):
-    #     return len(self.value)
     def __setattr__(self, name, value):
         """Run validation if self.value is updated"""
         super().__setattr__(name, value)
@@ -46,9 +49,6 @@ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
             # run validation
-    class Config:
-        extra = "ignore"  # Ignores extra fields
 class Block(BaseBlock):
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ class Persona(Block):
     label: str = "persona"
-class BlockCreate(BaseBlock):
-    """Create a block"""
-    is_template: bool = True
-    label: str = Field(..., description="Label of the block.")
+# class CreateBlock(BaseBlock):
+#    """Create a block"""
+#    is_template: bool = True
+#    label: str = Field(..., description="Label of the block.")
 class BlockLabelUpdate(BaseModel):
@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@ class BlockLabelUpdate(BaseModel):
     new_label: str = Field(..., description="New label of the block.")
-class CreatePersona(BlockCreate):
-    """Create a persona block"""
-    label: str = "persona"
-class CreateHuman(BlockCreate):
-    """Create a human block"""
-    label: str = "human"
+# class CreatePersona(CreateBlock):
+#    """Create a persona block"""
+#    label: str = "persona"
+# class CreateHuman(CreateBlock):
+#    """Create a human block"""
+#    label: str = "human"
 class BlockUpdate(BaseBlock):
@@ -131,13 +131,57 @@ class BlockLimitUpdate(BaseModel):
     limit: int = Field(..., description="New limit of the block.")
-class UpdatePersona(BlockUpdate):
-    """Update a persona block"""
+# class UpdatePersona(BlockUpdate):
+#    """Update a persona block"""
+#    label: str = "persona"
+# class UpdateHuman(BlockUpdate):
+#    """Update a human block"""
+#    label: str = "human"
+class CreateBlock(BaseBlock):
+    """Create a block"""
+    label: str = Field(..., description="Label of the block.")
+    limit: int = Field(2000, description="Character limit of the block.")
+    value: str = Field(..., description="Value of the block.")
+    # block templates
+    is_template: bool = False
+    template_name: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Name of the block if it is a template.", alias="name")
+class CreateHuman(CreateBlock):
+    """Create a human block"""
+    label: str = "human"
+class CreatePersona(CreateBlock):
+    """Create a persona block"""
     label: str = "persona"
-class UpdateHuman(BlockUpdate):
-    """Update a human block"""
+class CreateBlockTemplate(CreateBlock):
+    """Create a block template"""
+    is_template: bool = True
+class CreateHumanBlockTemplate(CreateHuman):
+    """Create a human block template"""
+    is_template: bool = True
     label: str = "human"
+class CreatePersonaBlockTemplate(CreatePersona):
+    """Create a persona block template"""
+    is_template: bool = True
+    label: str = "persona"
diff --git a/letta/schemas/enums.py b/letta/schemas/enums.py
index ea1335a990..8b74b83732 100644
--- a/letta/schemas/enums.py
+++ b/letta/schemas/enums.py
@@ -33,3 +33,17 @@ class MessageStreamStatus(str, Enum):
     done_generation = "[DONE_GEN]"
     done_step = "[DONE_STEP]"
     done = "[DONE]"
+class ToolRuleType(str, Enum):
+    """
+    Type of tool rule.
+    """
+    # note: some of these should be renamed when we do the data migration
+    run_first = "InitToolRule"
+    exit_loop = "TerminalToolRule"  # reasoning loop should exit
+    continue_loop = "continue_loop"  # reasoning loop should continue
+    constrain_child_tools = "ToolRule"
+    require_parent_tools = "require_parent_tools"
diff --git a/letta/schemas/memory.py b/letta/schemas/memory.py
index f38a18fac6..9084006dbe 100644
--- a/letta/schemas/memory.py
+++ b/letta/schemas/memory.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional
 from jinja2 import Template, TemplateSyntaxError
 from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
@@ -55,19 +55,16 @@ class ContextWindowOverview(BaseModel):
 class Memory(BaseModel, validate_assignment=True):
-    Represents the in-context memory of the agent. This includes both the `Block` objects (labelled by sections), as well as tools to edit the blocks.
-    Attributes:
-        memory (Dict[str, Block]): Mapping from memory block section to memory block.
+    Represents the in-context memory (i.e. Core memory) of the agent. This includes both the `Block` objects (labelled by sections), as well as tools to edit the blocks.
-    # Memory.memory is a dict mapping from memory block label to memory block.
-    memory: Dict[str, Block] = Field(default_factory=dict, description="Mapping from memory block section to memory block.")
+    # Memory.block contains the list of memory blocks in the core memory
+    blocks: List[Block] = Field(..., description="Memory blocks contained in the agent's in-context memory")
     # Memory.template is a Jinja2 template for compiling memory module into a prompt string.
     prompt_template: str = Field(
-        default="{% for block in memory.values() %}"
+        default="{% for block in blocks %}"
         '<{{ block.label }} characters="{{ block.value|length }}/{{ block.limit }}">\n'
         "{{ block.value }}\n"
         "</{{ block.label }}>"
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ def set_prompt_template(self, prompt_template: str):
             # Validate compatibility with current memory structure
-            test_render = Template(prompt_template).render(memory=self.memory)
+            test_render = Template(prompt_template).render(blocks=self.blocks)
             # If we get here, the template is valid and compatible
             self.prompt_template = prompt_template
@@ -99,107 +96,49 @@ def set_prompt_template(self, prompt_template: str):
         except Exception as e:
             raise ValueError(f"Prompt template is not compatible with current memory structure: {str(e)}")
-    @classmethod
-    def load(cls, state: dict):
-        """Load memory from dictionary object"""
-        obj = cls()
-        if len(state.keys()) == 2 and "memory" in state and "prompt_template" in state:
-            # New format
-            obj.prompt_template = state["prompt_template"]
-            for key, value in state["memory"].items():
-                # TODO: This is migration code, please take a look at a later time to get rid of this
-                if "name" in value:
-                    value["template_name"] = value["name"]
-                    value.pop("name")
-                obj.memory[key] = Block(**value)
-        else:
-            # Old format (pre-template)
-            for key, value in state.items():
-                obj.memory[key] = Block(**value)
-        return obj
     def compile(self) -> str:
         """Generate a string representation of the memory in-context using the Jinja2 template"""
         template = Template(self.prompt_template)
-        return template.render(memory=self.memory)
-    def to_dict(self):
-        """Convert to dictionary representation"""
-        return {
-            "memory": {key: value.model_dump() for key, value in self.memory.items()},
-            "prompt_template": self.prompt_template,
-        }
-    def to_flat_dict(self):
-        """Convert to a dictionary that maps directly from block label to values"""
-        return {k: v.value for k, v in self.memory.items() if v is not None}
+        return template.render(blocks=self.blocks)
     def list_block_labels(self) -> List[str]:
         """Return a list of the block names held inside the memory object"""
-        return list(self.memory.keys())
+        # return list(self.memory.keys())
+        return [block.label for block in self.blocks]
     # TODO: these should actually be label, not name
     def get_block(self, label: str) -> Block:
         """Correct way to index into the memory.memory field, returns a Block"""
-        if label not in self.memory:
-            raise KeyError(f"Block field {label} does not exist (available sections = {', '.join(list(self.memory.keys()))})")
-        else:
-            return self.memory[label]
+        keys = []
+        for block in self.blocks:
+            if block.label == label:
+                return block
+            keys.append(block.label)
+        raise KeyError(f"Block field {label} does not exist (available sections = {', '.join(keys)})")
     def get_blocks(self) -> List[Block]:
         """Return a list of the blocks held inside the memory object"""
-        return list(self.memory.values())
-    def link_block(self, block: Block, override: Optional[bool] = False):
-        """Link a new block to the memory object"""
-        if not isinstance(block, Block):
-            raise ValueError(f"Param block must be type Block (not {type(block)})")
-        if not override and block.label in self.memory:
-            raise ValueError(f"Block with label {block.label} already exists")
-        self.memory[block.label] = block
+        # return list(self.memory.values())
+        return self.blocks
-    def unlink_block(self, block_label: str) -> Block:
-        """Unlink a block from the memory object"""
-        if block_label not in self.memory:
-            raise ValueError(f"Block with label {block_label} does not exist")
-        return self.memory.pop(block_label)
+    def set_block(self, block: Block):
+        """Set a block in the memory object"""
+        for i, b in enumerate(self.blocks):
+            if b.label == block.label:
+                self.blocks[i] = block
+                return
+        self.blocks.append(block)
     def update_block_value(self, label: str, value: str):
         """Update the value of a block"""
-        if label not in self.memory:
-            raise ValueError(f"Block with label {label} does not exist")
         if not isinstance(value, str):
             raise ValueError(f"Provided value must be a string")
-        self.memory[label].value = value
-    def update_block_label(self, current_label: str, new_label: str):
-        """Update the label of a block"""
-        if current_label not in self.memory:
-            raise ValueError(f"Block with label {current_label} does not exist")
-        if not isinstance(new_label, str):
-            raise ValueError(f"Provided new label must be a string")
-        # First change the label of the block
-        self.memory[current_label].label = new_label
-        # Then swap the block to the new label
-        self.memory[new_label] = self.memory.pop(current_label)
-    def update_block_limit(self, label: str, limit: int):
-        """Update the limit of a block"""
-        if label not in self.memory:
-            raise ValueError(f"Block with label {label} does not exist")
-        if not isinstance(limit, int):
-            raise ValueError(f"Provided limit must be an integer")
-        # Check to make sure the new limit is greater than the current length of the block
-        if len(self.memory[label].value) > limit:
-            raise ValueError(f"New limit {limit} is less than the current length of the block {len(self.memory[label].value)}")
-        self.memory[label].limit = limit
+        for block in self.blocks:
+            if block.label == label:
+                block.value = value
+                return
+        raise ValueError(f"Block with label {label} does not exist")
 # TODO: ideally this is refactored into ChatMemory and the subclasses are given more specific names.
@@ -222,13 +161,7 @@ def __init__(self, blocks: List[Block] = []):
             blocks (List[Block]): List of blocks to be linked to the memory object.
-        super().__init__()
-        for block in blocks:
-            # TODO: centralize these internal schema validations
-            # assert block.name is not None and block.name != "", "each existing chat block must have a name"
-            # self.link_block(name=block.name, block=block)
-            assert block.label is not None and block.label != "", "each existing chat block must have a name"
-            self.link_block(block=block)
+        super().__init__(blocks=blocks)
     def core_memory_append(agent_state: "AgentState", label: str, content: str) -> Optional[str]:  # type: ignore
@@ -280,9 +213,7 @@ def __init__(self, persona: str, human: str, limit: int = CORE_MEMORY_BLOCK_CHAR
             human (str): The starter value for the human block.
             limit (int): The character limit for each block.
-        super().__init__()
-        self.link_block(block=Block(value=persona, limit=limit, label="persona"))
-        self.link_block(block=Block(value=human, limit=limit, label="human"))
+        super().__init__(blocks=[Block(value=persona, limit=limit, label="persona"), Block(value=human, limit=limit, label="human")])
 class UpdateMemory(BaseModel):
diff --git a/letta/schemas/tool_rule.py b/letta/schemas/tool_rule.py
index d1540a613a..42f460e467 100644
--- a/letta/schemas/tool_rule.py
+++ b/letta/schemas/tool_rule.py
@@ -1,21 +1,24 @@
-from typing import List
+from typing import List, Union
 from pydantic import Field
+from letta.schemas.enums import ToolRuleType
 from letta.schemas.letta_base import LettaBase
 class BaseToolRule(LettaBase):
     __id_prefix__ = "tool_rule"
     tool_name: str = Field(..., description="The name of the tool. Must exist in the database for the user's organization.")
+    type: ToolRuleType
-class ToolRule(BaseToolRule):
+class ChildToolRule(BaseToolRule):
     A ToolRule represents a tool that can be invoked by the agent.
-    type: str = Field("ToolRule")
+    # type: str = Field("ToolRule")
+    type: ToolRuleType = ToolRuleType.constrain_child_tools
     children: List[str] = Field(..., description="The children tools that can be invoked.")
@@ -24,7 +27,8 @@ class InitToolRule(BaseToolRule):
     Represents the initial tool rule configuration.
-    type: str = Field("InitToolRule")
+    # type: str = Field("InitToolRule")
+    type: ToolRuleType = ToolRuleType.run_first
 class TerminalToolRule(BaseToolRule):
@@ -32,4 +36,8 @@ class TerminalToolRule(BaseToolRule):
     Represents a terminal tool rule configuration where if this tool gets called, it must end the agent loop.
-    type: str = Field("TerminalToolRule")
+    # type: str = Field("TerminalToolRule")
+    type: ToolRuleType = ToolRuleType.exit_loop
+ToolRule = Union[ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule]
diff --git a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/openai/assistants/threads.py b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/openai/assistants/threads.py
index a8a072e5b1..8742aa4219 100644
--- a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/openai/assistants/threads.py
+++ b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/openai/assistants/threads.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def create_message(
-    agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     # add message to agent
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ def create_run(
     # TODO: add request.instructions as a message?
     agent_id = thread_id
     # TODO: override preset of agent with request.assistant_id
-    agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     agent.inner_step(messages=[])  # already has messages added
     run_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
     create_time = int(get_utc_time().timestamp())
diff --git a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/agents.py b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/agents.py
index 470c456bbc..1ed69dbbae 100644
--- a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/agents.py
+++ b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/agents.py
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
 import asyncio
 from datetime import datetime
-from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
 from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Depends, Header, HTTPException, Query, status
 from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, StreamingResponse
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, CreateAgent, UpdateAgentState
-from letta.schemas.block import Block, BlockCreate, BlockLabelUpdate, BlockLimitUpdate
+from letta.schemas.block import (  # , BlockLabelUpdate, BlockLimitUpdate
+    Block,
+    BlockUpdate,
+    CreateBlock,
 from letta.schemas.enums import MessageStreamStatus
 from letta.schemas.letta_message import (
@@ -18,7 +22,6 @@
 from letta.schemas.letta_response import LettaResponse
 from letta.schemas.memory import (
-    BasicBlockMemory,
@@ -82,13 +85,6 @@ def create_agent(
     Create a new agent with the specified configuration.
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-    agent.user_id = actor.id
-    # TODO: sarah make general
-    # TODO: eventually remove this
-    assert agent.memory is not None  # TODO: dont force this, can be None (use default human/person)
-    blocks = agent.memory.get_blocks()
-    agent.memory = BasicBlockMemory(blocks=blocks)
     return server.create_agent(agent, actor=actor)
@@ -195,6 +191,7 @@ def get_agent_in_context_messages(
     return server.get_in_context_messages(agent_id=agent_id)
+# TODO: remove? can also get with agent blocks
 @router.get("/{agent_id}/memory", response_model=Memory, operation_id="get_agent_memory")
 def get_agent_memory(
     agent_id: str,
@@ -208,47 +205,40 @@ def get_agent_memory(
     return server.get_agent_memory(agent_id=agent_id)
-@router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory")
-def update_agent_memory(
+@router.get("/{agent_id}/memory/block/{block_label}", response_model=Block, operation_id="get_agent_memory_block")
+def get_agent_memory_block(
     agent_id: str,
-    request: Dict = Body(...),
+    block_label: str,
     server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
-    Update the core memory of a specific agent.
-        This endpoint accepts new memory contents (labels as keys, and values as values) and updates the core memory of the agent identified by the user ID and agent ID.
-    This endpoint accepts new memory contents to update the core memory of the agent.
-    This endpoint only supports modifying existing blocks; it does not support deleting/unlinking or creating/linking blocks.
+    Retrieve a memory block from an agent.
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-    memory = server.update_agent_core_memory(user_id=actor.id, agent_id=agent_id, new_memory_contents=request)
-    return memory
+    block_id = server.blocks_agents_manager.get_block_id_for_label(agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label)
+    return server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id, actor=actor)
-@router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory/label", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory_label")
-def update_agent_memory_label(
+@router.get("/{agent_id}/memory/block", response_model=List[Block], operation_id="get_agent_memory_blocks")
+def get_agent_memory_blocks(
     agent_id: str,
-    update_label: BlockLabelUpdate = Body(...),
     server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
-    Update the label of a block in an agent's memory.
+    Retrieve the memory blocks of a specific agent.
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-    memory = server.update_agent_memory_label(
-        user_id=actor.id, agent_id=agent_id, current_block_label=update_label.current_label, new_block_label=update_label.new_label
-    )
-    return memory
+    block_ids = server.blocks_agents_manager.list_block_ids_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    return [server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id, actor=actor) for block_id in block_ids]
 @router.post("/{agent_id}/memory/block", response_model=Memory, operation_id="add_agent_memory_block")
 def add_agent_memory_block(
     agent_id: str,
-    create_block: BlockCreate = Body(...),
+    create_block: CreateBlock = Body(...),
     server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
@@ -267,7 +257,7 @@ def add_agent_memory_block(
     return updated_memory
-@router.delete("/{agent_id}/memory/block/{block_label}", response_model=Memory, operation_id="remove_agent_memory_block")
+@router.delete("/{agent_id}/memory/block/{block_label}", response_model=Memory, operation_id="remove_agent_memory_block_by_label")
 def remove_agent_memory_block(
     agent_id: str,
     # TODO should this be block_id, or the label?
@@ -287,25 +277,24 @@ def remove_agent_memory_block(
     return updated_memory
-@router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory/limit", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory_limit")
-def update_agent_memory_limit(
+@router.patch("/{agent_id}/memory/block/{block_label}", response_model=Block, operation_id="update_agent_memory_block_by_label")
+def update_agent_memory_block(
     agent_id: str,
-    update_label: BlockLimitUpdate = Body(...),
+    block_label: str,
+    update_block: BlockUpdate = Body(...),
     server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
-    Update the limit of a block in an agent's memory.
+    Removes a memory block from an agent by unlnking it. If the block is not linked to any other agent, it is deleted.
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-    memory = server.update_agent_memory_limit(
-        user_id=actor.id,
-        agent_id=agent_id,
-        block_label=update_label.label,
-        limit=update_label.limit,
-    )
-    return memory
+    # get the block_id from the label
+    block_id = server.blocks_agents_manager.get_block_id_for_label(agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label)
+    # update the block
+    return server.block_manager.update_block(block_id=block_id, block_update=update_block, actor=actor)
 @router.get("/{agent_id}/memory/recall", response_model=RecallMemorySummary, operation_id="get_agent_recall_memory_summary")
@@ -548,7 +537,8 @@ async def send_message_to_agent(
         # Get the generator object off of the agent's streaming interface
         # This will be attached to the POST SSE request used under-the-hood
-        letta_agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        # letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # Disable token streaming if not OpenAI
         # TODO: cleanup this logic
@@ -590,6 +580,7 @@ async def send_message_to_agent(
+                interface=streaming_interface,
diff --git a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/blocks.py b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/blocks.py
index 6fee08dd69..798e7aa4ac 100644
--- a/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/blocks.py
+++ b/letta/server/rest_api/routers/v1/blocks.py
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Depends, Header, HTTPException, Query
 from letta.orm.errors import NoResultFound
-from letta.schemas.block import Block, BlockCreate, BlockUpdate
+from letta.schemas.block import Block, BlockUpdate, CreateBlock
+from letta.schemas.memory import Memory
 from letta.server.rest_api.utils import get_letta_server
 from letta.server.server import SyncServer
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ def list_blocks(
 @router.post("/", response_model=Block, operation_id="create_memory_block")
 def create_block(
-    create_block: BlockCreate = Body(...),
+    create_block: CreateBlock = Body(...),
     server: SyncServer = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
@@ -40,12 +41,12 @@ def create_block(
 @router.patch("/{block_id}", response_model=Block, operation_id="update_memory_block")
 def update_block(
     block_id: str,
-    updated_block: BlockUpdate = Body(...),
+    update_block: BlockUpdate = Body(...),
     server: SyncServer = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-    return server.block_manager.update_block(block_id=block_id, block_update=updated_block, actor=actor)
+    return server.block_manager.update_block(block_id=block_id, block_update=update_block, actor=actor)
 @router.delete("/{block_id}", response_model=Block, operation_id="delete_memory_block")
@@ -64,8 +65,52 @@ def get_block(
     server: SyncServer = Depends(get_letta_server),
     user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),
+    print("call get block", block_id)
     actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
-        return server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=actor)
+        block = server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=actor)
+        if block is None:
+            raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Block not found")
+        return block
     except NoResultFound:
         raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Block not found")
+@router.patch("/{block_id}/attach", response_model=Block, operation_id="update_agent_memory_block")
+def link_agent_memory_block(
+    block_id: str,
+    agent_id: str = Query(..., description="The unique identifier of the agent to attach the source to."),
+    server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
+    user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
+    """
+    Link a memory block to an agent.
+    """
+    actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
+    block = server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=actor)
+    if block is None:
+        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Block not found")
+    server.blocks_agents_manager.add_block_to_agent(agent_id=agent_id, block_id=block_id, block_label=block.label)
+    return block
+@router.patch("/{block_id}/detach", response_model=Memory, operation_id="update_agent_memory_block")
+def unlink_agent_memory_block(
+    block_id: str,
+    agent_id: str = Query(..., description="The unique identifier of the agent to attach the source to."),
+    server: "SyncServer" = Depends(get_letta_server),
+    user_id: Optional[str] = Header(None, alias="user_id"),  # Extract user_id from header, default to None if not present
+    """
+    Unlink a memory block from an agent
+    """
+    actor = server.get_user_or_default(user_id=user_id)
+    block = server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=actor)
+    if block is None:
+        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Block not found")
+    # Link the block to the agent
+    server.blocks_agents_manager.remove_block_with_id_from_agent(agent_id=agent_id, block_id=block_id)
+    return block
diff --git a/letta/server/server.py b/letta/server/server.py
index 6d54f42339..832753115c 100644
--- a/letta/server/server.py
+++ b/letta/server/server.py
@@ -18,24 +18,10 @@
 from letta.credentials import LettaCredentials
 from letta.data_sources.connectors import DataConnector, load_data
-# from letta.data_types import (
-#    AgentState,
-#    EmbeddingConfig,
-#    LLMConfig,
-#    Message,
-#    Preset,
-#    Source,
-#    Token,
-#    User,
-# )
-from letta.functions.functions import generate_schema, parse_source_code
-from letta.functions.schema_generator import generate_schema
 # TODO use custom interface
 from letta.interface import AgentInterface  # abstract
 from letta.interface import CLIInterface  # for printing to terminal
 from letta.log import get_logger
-from letta.memory import get_memory_functions
 from letta.metadata import MetadataStore
 from letta.o1_agent import O1Agent
 from letta.orm import Base
@@ -54,8 +40,15 @@
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, AgentType, CreateAgent, UpdateAgentState
+from letta.schemas.agent import (
+    AgentState,
+    AgentType,
+    CreateAgent,
+    PersistedAgentState,
+    UpdateAgentState,
 from letta.schemas.api_key import APIKey, APIKeyCreate
+from letta.schemas.block import Block, BlockUpdate
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 # openai schemas
@@ -87,9 +80,6 @@
 from letta.services.user_manager import UserManager
 from letta.utils import create_random_username, json_dumps, json_loads
-# from letta.llm_api_tools import openai_get_model_list, azure_openai_get_model_list, smart_urljoin
 logger = get_logger(__name__)
@@ -129,10 +119,11 @@ def update_agent_core_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, new_memory_conte
     def create_agent(
-        user_id: str,
-        agent_config: Union[dict, AgentState],
-        interface: Union[AgentInterface, None],
-    ) -> str:
+        request: CreateAgent,
+        actor: User,
+        # interface
+        interface: Union[AgentInterface, None] = None,
+    ) -> AgentState:
         """Create a new agent using a config"""
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -254,8 +245,8 @@ def __init__(
         self.block_manager = BlockManager()
         self.source_manager = SourceManager()
         self.agents_tags_manager = AgentsTagsManager()
-        self.blocks_agents_manager = BlocksAgentsManager()
         self.sandbox_config_manager = SandboxConfigManager(tool_settings)
+        self.blocks_agents_manager = BlocksAgentsManager()
         # Managers that interface with parallelism
         self.per_agent_lock_manager = PerAgentLockManager()
@@ -372,92 +363,23 @@ def _add_agent(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, agent_obj: Agent) -> None:
-    def _load_agent(self, agent_id: str, actor: User, interface: Union[AgentInterface, None] = None) -> Agent:
-        """Loads a saved agent into memory (if it doesn't exist, throw an error)"""
-        assert isinstance(agent_id, str), agent_id
-        user_id = actor.id
+    def load_agent(self, agent_id: str, interface: Union[AgentInterface, None] = None) -> Agent:
+        """Updated method to load agents from persisted storage"""
+        agent_state = self.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        actor = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=agent_state.user_id)
-        # If an interface isn't specified, use the default
-        if interface is None:
-            interface = self.default_interface_factory()
-        try:
-            logger.debug(f"Grabbing agent user_id={user_id} agent_id={agent_id} from database")
-            agent_state = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id, user_id=user_id)
-            if not agent_state:
-                logger.exception(f"agent_id {agent_id} does not exist")
-                raise ValueError(f"agent_id {agent_id} does not exist")
-            # Instantiate an agent object using the state retrieved
-            logger.debug(f"Creating an agent object")
-            tool_objs = []
-            for name in agent_state.tools:
-                # TODO: This should be a hard failure, but for migration reasons, we patch it for now
-                tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=name, actor=actor)
-                if tool_obj:
-                    tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=name, actor=actor)
-                    tool_objs.append(tool_obj)
-                else:
-                    warnings.warn(f"Tried to retrieve a tool with name {name} from the agent_state, but does not exist in tool db.")
-            # set agent_state tools to only the names of the available tools
-            agent_state.tools = [t.name for t in tool_objs]
-            # Make sure the memory is a memory object
-            assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory)
-            if agent_state.agent_type == AgentType.memgpt_agent:
-                letta_agent = Agent(agent_state=agent_state, interface=interface, tools=tool_objs, user=actor)
-            elif agent_state.agent_type == AgentType.o1_agent:
-                letta_agent = O1Agent(agent_state=agent_state, interface=interface, tools=tool_objs, user=actor)
-            else:
-                raise NotImplementedError("Not a supported agent type")
-            # Add the agent to the in-memory store and return its reference
-            logger.debug(f"Adding agent to the agent cache: user_id={user_id}, agent_id={agent_id}")
-            self._add_agent(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, agent_obj=letta_agent)
-            return letta_agent
-        except Exception as e:
-            logger.exception(f"Error occurred while trying to get agent {agent_id}:\n{e}")
-            raise
-    def _get_or_load_agent(self, agent_id: str, caching: bool = True) -> Agent:
-        """Check if the agent is in-memory, then load"""
-        # Gets the agent state
-        agent_state = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        if not agent_state:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent does not exist")
-        user_id = agent_state.user_id
-        actor = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id)
-        logger.debug(f"Checking for agent user_id={user_id} agent_id={agent_id}")
-        if caching:
-            # TODO: consider disabling loading cached agents due to potential concurrency issues
-            letta_agent = self._get_agent(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id)
-            if not letta_agent:
-                logger.debug(f"Agent not loaded, loading agent user_id={user_id} agent_id={agent_id}")
-                letta_agent = self._load_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=actor)
+        interface = interface or self.default_interface_factory()
+        if agent_state.agent_type == AgentType.memgpt_agent:
+            return Agent(agent_state=agent_state, interface=interface, user=actor)
-            # This breaks unit tests in test_local_client.py
-            letta_agent = self._load_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=actor)
-        # letta_agent = self._get_agent(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id)
-        # if not letta_agent:
-        # logger.debug(f"Agent not loaded, loading agent user_id={user_id} agent_id={agent_id}")
-        # NOTE: no longer caching, always forcing a lot from the database
-        # Loads the agent objects
-        # letta_agent = self._load_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=actor)
-        return letta_agent
+            return O1Agent(agent_state=agent_state, interface=interface, user=actor)
     def _step(
         user_id: str,
         agent_id: str,
         input_messages: Union[Message, List[Message]],
+        interface: Union[AgentInterface, None] = None,  # needed to getting responses
         # timestamp: Optional[datetime],
     ) -> LettaUsageStatistics:
         """Send the input message through the agent"""
@@ -473,7 +395,8 @@ def _step(
             # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-            letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+            # letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+            letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id, interface=interface)
             if letta_agent is None:
                 raise KeyError(f"Agent (user={user_id}, agent={agent_id}) is not loaded")
@@ -490,6 +413,9 @@ def _step(
+            # save agent after step
+            save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
         except Exception as e:
             logger.error(f"Error in server._step: {e}")
@@ -507,7 +433,7 @@ def _command(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, command: str) -> LettaUsageStati
         logger.debug(f"Got command: {command}")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         usage = None
         if command.lower() == "exit":
@@ -544,7 +470,7 @@ def _command(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, command: str) -> LettaUsageStati
         elif command.lower() == "memory":
             ret_str = (
                 f"\nDumping memory contents:\n"
-                + f"\n{str(letta_agent.memory)}"
+                + f"\n{str(letta_agent.agent_state.memory)}"
                 + f"\n{str(letta_agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory)}"
                 + f"\n{str(letta_agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory)}"
@@ -736,6 +662,7 @@ def send_messages(
         # whether or not to wrap user and system message as MemGPT-style stringified JSON
         wrap_user_message: bool = True,
         wrap_system_message: bool = True,
+        interface: Union[AgentInterface, None] = None,  # needed to getting responses
     ) -> LettaUsageStatistics:
         """Send a list of messages to the agent
@@ -788,7 +715,7 @@ def send_messages(
             raise ValueError(f"All messages must be of type Message or MessageCreate, got {[type(message) for message in messages]}")
         # Run the agent state forward
-        return self._step(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, input_messages=message_objects)
+        return self._step(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, input_messages=message_objects, interface=interface)
     # @LockingServer.agent_lock_decorator
     def run_command(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, command: str) -> LettaUsageStatistics:
@@ -836,129 +763,109 @@ def create_agent(
                 raise ValueError(f"Invalid agent type: {request.agent_type}")
+        # create blocks (note: cannot be linked into the agent_id is created)
+        blocks = []
+        for create_block in request.memory_blocks:
+            block = self.block_manager.create_or_update_block(Block(**create_block.model_dump()), actor=actor)
+            blocks.append(block)
+        # get tools + only add if they exist
+        tool_objs = []
+        if request.tools:
+            for tool_name in request.tools:
+                tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=tool_name, actor=actor)
+                if tool_obj:
+                    tool_objs.append(tool_obj)
+                else:
+                    warnings.warn(f"Attempted to add a nonexistent tool {tool_name} to agent {request.name}, skipping.")
+        # reset the request.tools to only valid tools
+        request.tools = [t.name for t in tool_objs]
+        # get the user
         logger.debug(f"Attempting to find user: {user_id}")
         user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
         if not user:
             raise ValueError(f"cannot find user with associated client id: {user_id}")
-        try:
-            # model configuration
-            llm_config = request.llm_config
-            embedding_config = request.embedding_config
-            # get tools + only add if they exist
-            tool_objs = []
-            if request.tools:
-                for tool_name in request.tools:
-                    tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=tool_name, actor=actor)
-                    if tool_obj:
-                        tool_objs.append(tool_obj)
-                    else:
-                        warnings.warn(f"Attempted to add a nonexistent tool {tool_name} to agent {request.name}, skipping.")
-            # reset the request.tools to only valid tools
-            request.tools = [t.name for t in tool_objs]
-            assert request.memory is not None
-            memory_functions = get_memory_functions(request.memory)
-            for func_name, func in memory_functions.items():
-                if request.tools and func_name in request.tools:
-                    # tool already added
-                    continue
-                source_code = parse_source_code(func)
-                # memory functions are not terminal
-                json_schema = generate_schema(func, name=func_name)
-                source_type = "python"
-                tags = ["memory", "memgpt-base"]
-                tool = self.tool_manager.create_or_update_tool(
-                    Tool(
-                        source_code=source_code,
-                        source_type=source_type,
-                        tags=tags,
-                        json_schema=json_schema,
-                    ),
-                    actor=actor,
-                )
-                tool_objs.append(tool)
-                if not request.tools:
-                    request.tools = []
-                request.tools.append(tool.name)
-            # TODO: save the agent state
-            agent_state = AgentState(
-                name=request.name,
-                user_id=user_id,
-                tools=request.tools if request.tools else [],
-                tool_rules=request.tool_rules if request.tool_rules else [],
-                agent_type=request.agent_type or AgentType.memgpt_agent,
-                llm_config=llm_config,
-                embedding_config=embedding_config,
-                system=request.system,
-                memory=request.memory,
-                description=request.description,
-                metadata_=request.metadata_,
-                tags=request.tags,
-            )
-            if request.agent_type == AgentType.memgpt_agent:
-                agent = Agent(
-                    interface=interface,
-                    agent_state=agent_state,
-                    tools=tool_objs,
-                    # gpt-3.5-turbo tends to omit inner monologue, relax this requirement for now
-                    first_message_verify_mono=(
-                        True if (llm_config and llm_config.model is not None and "gpt-4" in llm_config.model) else False
-                    ),
-                    user=actor,
-                    initial_message_sequence=request.initial_message_sequence,
-                )
-            elif request.agent_type == AgentType.o1_agent:
-                agent = O1Agent(
-                    interface=interface,
-                    agent_state=agent_state,
-                    tools=tool_objs,
-                    # gpt-3.5-turbo tends to omit inner monologue, relax this requirement for now
-                    first_message_verify_mono=(
-                        True if (llm_config and llm_config.model is not None and "gpt-4" in llm_config.model) else False
-                    ),
-                    user=actor,
-                )
-            # rebuilding agent memory on agent create in case shared memory blocks
-            # were specified in the new agent's memory config. we're doing this for two reasons:
-            # 1. if only the ID of the shared memory block was specified, we can fetch its most recent value
-            # 2. if the shared block state changed since this agent initialization started, we can be sure to have the latest value
-            agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)
-            # FIXME: this is a hacky way to get the system prompts injected into agent into the DB
-            # self.ms.update_agent(agent.agent_state)
-        except Exception as e:
-            logger.exception(e)
-            try:
-                if agent:
-                    self.ms.delete_agent(agent_id=agent.agent_state.id, per_agent_lock_manager=self.per_agent_lock_manager)
-            except Exception as delete_e:
-                logger.exception(f"Failed to delete_agent:\n{delete_e}")
-            raise e
+        # TODO: create the message objects (NOTE: do this after we migrate to `CreateMessage`)
-        # save agent
-        save_agent(agent, self.ms)
-        logger.debug(f"Created new agent from config: {agent}")
+        # created and persist the agent state in the DB
+        agent_state = PersistedAgentState(
+            name=request.name,
+            user_id=user_id,
+            tool_names=request.tools if request.tools else [],
+            tool_rules=request.tool_rules,
+            agent_type=request.agent_type or AgentType.memgpt_agent,
+            llm_config=request.llm_config,
+            embedding_config=request.embedding_config,
+            system=request.system,
+            # other metadata
+            description=request.description,
+            metadata_=request.metadata_,
+        )
+        # TODO: move this to agent ORM
+        # this saves the agent ID and state into the DB
+        self.ms.create_agent(agent_state)
+        # Note: mappings (e.g. tags, blocks) are created after the agent is persisted
+        # TODO: add source mappings here as well
-        # TODO: move this into save_agent. save_agent should be moved to server.py
+        # create the tags
         if request.tags:
             for tag in request.tags:
-                self.agents_tags_manager.add_tag_to_agent(agent_id=agent.agent_state.id, tag=tag, actor=actor)
+                self.agents_tags_manager.add_tag_to_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id, tag=tag, actor=actor)
-        assert isinstance(agent.agent_state.memory, Memory), f"Invalid memory type: {type(agent_state.memory)}"
+        # create block mappins (now that agent is persisted)
+        for block in blocks:
+            # this links the created block to the agent
+            self.blocks_agents_manager.add_block_to_agent(block_id=block.id, agent_id=agent_state.id, block_label=block.label)
-        # TODO: remove (hacky)
-        agent.agent_state.tags = self.agents_tags_manager.get_tags_for_agent(agent_id=agent.agent_state.id, actor=actor)
+        in_memory_agent_state = self.get_agent(agent_state.id)
+        return in_memory_agent_state
+    def get_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> AgentState:
+        """
+        Retrieve the full agent state from the DB.
+        This gathers data accross multiple tables to provide the full state of an agent, which is passed into the `Agent` object for creation.
+        """
+        # get data persisted from the DB
+        agent_state = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        if agent_state is None:
+            # agent does not exist
+            return None
+        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=agent_state.user_id)
-        return agent.agent_state
+        # construct the in-memory, full agent state - this gather data stored in different tables but that needs to be passed to `Agent`
+        # we also return this data to the user to provide all the state related to an agent
+        # get `Memory` object by getting the linked block IDs and fetching the blocks, then putting that into a `Memory` object
+        # this is the "in memory" representation of the in-context memory
+        block_ids = self.blocks_agents_manager.list_block_ids_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        blocks = []
+        for block_id in block_ids:
+            block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=user)
+            assert block, f"Block with ID {block_id} does not exist"
+            blocks.append(block)
+        memory = Memory(blocks=blocks)
+        # get `Tool` objects
+        tools = [self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_name(tool_name=tool_name, actor=user) for tool_name in agent_state.tool_names]
+        # get `Source` objects
+        sources = self.list_attached_sources(agent_id=agent_id)
+        # get the tags
+        tags = self.agents_tags_manager.get_tags_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=user)
+        # return the full agent state - this contains all data needed to recreate the agent
+        return AgentState(**agent_state.model_dump(), memory=memory, tools=tools, sources=sources, tags=tags)
     def update_agent(
         request: UpdateAgentState,
         actor: User,
-    ):
+    ) -> AgentState:
         """Update the agents core memory block, return the new state"""
@@ -969,13 +876,7 @@ def update_agent(
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={request.id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=request.id)
-        # update the core memory of the agent
-        if request.memory:
-            assert isinstance(request.memory, Memory), type(request.memory)
-            new_memory_contents = request.memory.to_flat_dict()
-            _ = self.update_agent_core_memory(user_id=actor.id, agent_id=request.id, new_memory_contents=new_memory_contents)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=request.id)
         # update the system prompt
         if request.system:
@@ -989,13 +890,13 @@ def update_agent(
         # tools
-        if request.tools:
+        if request.tool_names:
             # Replace tools and also re-link
             # (1) get tools + make sure they exist
             # Current and target tools as sets of tool names
-            current_tools = set(letta_agent.agent_state.tools)
-            target_tools = set(request.tools)
+            current_tools = set(letta_agent.agent_state.tool_names)
+            target_tools = set(request.tool_names)
             # Calculate tools to add and remove
             tools_to_add = target_tools - current_tools
@@ -1012,7 +913,7 @@ def update_agent(
                 self.add_tool_to_agent(agent_id=request.id, tool_id=tool.id, user_id=actor.id)
             # reload agent
-            letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=request.id)
+            letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=request.id)
         # configs
         if request.llm_config:
@@ -1040,7 +941,6 @@ def update_agent(
                 self.agents_tags_manager.delete_tag_from_agent(agent_id=letta_agent.agent_state.id, tag=tag, actor=actor)
         # save the agent
-        assert isinstance(letta_agent.memory, Memory)
         save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
         # TODO: probably reload the agent somehow?
         return letta_agent.agent_state
@@ -1053,8 +953,8 @@ def get_tools_from_agent(self, agent_id: str, user_id: Optional[str]) -> List[To
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent.tools
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return letta_agent.agent_state.tools
     def add_tool_to_agent(
@@ -1072,7 +972,7 @@ def add_tool_to_agent(
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # Get all the tool objects from the request
         tool_objs = []
@@ -1080,7 +980,7 @@ def add_tool_to_agent(
         assert tool_obj, f"Tool with id={tool_id} does not exist"
-        for tool in letta_agent.tools:
+        for tool in letta_agent.agent_state.tools:
             tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_id(tool_id=tool.id, actor=user)
             assert tool_obj, f"Tool with id={tool.id} does not exist"
@@ -1089,7 +989,7 @@ def add_tool_to_agent(
         # replace the list of tool names ("ids") inside the agent state
-        letta_agent.agent_state.tools = [tool.name for tool in tool_objs]
+        letta_agent.agent_state.tool_names = [tool.name for tool in tool_objs]
         # then attempt to link the tools modules
@@ -1114,11 +1014,11 @@ def remove_tool_from_agent(
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # Get all the tool_objs
         tool_objs = []
-        for tool in letta_agent.tools:
+        for tool in letta_agent.agent_state.tools:
             tool_obj = self.tool_manager.get_tool_by_id(tool_id=tool.id, actor=user)
             assert tool_obj, f"Tool with id={tool.id} does not exist"
@@ -1127,7 +1027,7 @@ def remove_tool_from_agent(
         # replace the list of tool names ("ids") inside the agent state
-        letta_agent.agent_state.tools = [tool.name for tool in tool_objs]
+        letta_agent.agent_state.tool_names = [tool.name for tool in tool_objs]
         # then attempt to link the tools modules
@@ -1136,18 +1036,9 @@ def remove_tool_from_agent(
         save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
         return letta_agent.agent_state
-    def _agent_state_to_config(self, agent_state: AgentState) -> dict:
-        """Convert AgentState to a dict for a JSON response"""
-        assert agent_state is not None
-        agent_config = {
-            "id": agent_state.id,
-            "name": agent_state.name,
-            "human": agent_state._metadata.get("human", None),
-            "persona": agent_state._metadata.get("persona", None),
-            "created_at": agent_state.created_at.isoformat(),
-        }
-        return agent_config
+    def get_agent_state(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str) -> AgentState:
+        # TODO: duplicate, remove
+        return self.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     def list_agents(self, user_id: str, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[AgentState]:
         """List all available agents to a user"""
@@ -1155,13 +1046,13 @@ def list_agents(self, user_id: str, tags: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> List[Ag
         if tags is None:
             agents_states = self.ms.list_agents(user_id=user_id)
-            return agents_states
+            agent_ids = [agent.id for agent in agents_states]
             agent_ids = []
             for tag in tags:
                 agent_ids += self.agents_tags_manager.get_agents_by_tag(tag=tag, actor=user)
-            return [self.get_agent_state(user_id=user.id, agent_id=agent_id) for agent_id in agent_ids]
+        return [self.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id) for agent_id in agent_ids]
     # convert name->id
@@ -1185,34 +1076,34 @@ def get_source_id(self, source_name: str, user_id: str) -> str:
     def get_agent_memory(self, agent_id: str) -> Memory:
         """Return the memory of an agent (core memory)"""
-        agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return agent.memory
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return agent.agent_state.memory
     def get_archival_memory_summary(self, agent_id: str) -> ArchivalMemorySummary:
-        agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         return ArchivalMemorySummary(size=len(agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory))
     def get_recall_memory_summary(self, agent_id: str) -> RecallMemorySummary:
-        agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         return RecallMemorySummary(size=len(agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory))
     def get_in_context_message_ids(self, agent_id: str) -> List[str]:
         """Get the message ids of the in-context messages in the agent's memory"""
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return [m.id for m in letta_agent._messages]
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return [m.id for m in agent._messages]
     def get_in_context_messages(self, agent_id: str) -> List[Message]:
         """Get the in-context messages in the agent's memory"""
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent._messages
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return agent._messages
     def get_agent_message(self, agent_id: str, message_id: str) -> Message:
         """Get a single message from the agent's memory"""
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        message = letta_agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory.storage.get(id=message_id)
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        message = agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory.storage.get(id=message_id)
         return message
     def get_agent_messages(
@@ -1223,7 +1114,7 @@ def get_agent_messages(
     ) -> Union[List[Message], List[LettaMessage]]:
         """Paginated query of all messages in agent message queue"""
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         if start < 0 or count < 0:
             raise ValueError("Start and count values should be non-negative")
@@ -1241,10 +1132,6 @@ def get_agent_messages(
             # Slice the list for pagination
             messages = reversed_messages[start:end_index]
-            ## Convert to json
-            ## Add a tag indicating in-context or not
-            # json_messages = [{**record.to_json(), "in_context": True} for record in messages]
             # need to access persistence manager for additional messages
             db_iterator = letta_agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory.storage.get_all_paginated(page_size=count, offset=start)
@@ -1274,7 +1161,7 @@ def get_agent_archival(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, start: int, count: int
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # iterate over records
         db_iterator = letta_agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory.storage.get_all_paginated(page_size=count, offset=start)
@@ -1299,7 +1186,7 @@ def get_agent_archival_cursor(
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # iterate over recorde
         cursor, records = letta_agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory.storage.get_all_cursor(
@@ -1314,11 +1201,15 @@ def insert_archival_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, memory_contents: s
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # Insert into archival memory
         passage_ids = letta_agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory.insert(memory_string=memory_contents, return_ids=True)
+        # Update the agent
+        # TODO: should this update the system prompt?
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
         # TODO: this is gross, fix
         return [letta_agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory.storage.get(id=passage_id) for passage_id in passage_ids]
@@ -1331,7 +1222,7 @@ def delete_archival_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, memory_id: str):
         # TODO: should return a passage
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # Delete by ID
         # TODO check if it exists first, and throw error if not
@@ -1359,7 +1250,7 @@ def get_agent_recall_cursor(
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # iterate over records
         cursor, records = letta_agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory.storage.get_all_cursor(
@@ -1384,28 +1275,6 @@ def get_agent_recall_cursor(
         return records
-    def get_agent_state(self, user_id: str, agent_id: Optional[str], agent_name: Optional[str] = None) -> Optional[AgentState]:
-        """Return the config of an agent"""
-        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
-        if agent_id:
-            if self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id, user_id=user_id) is None:
-                return None
-        else:
-            agent_state = self.ms.get_agent(agent_name=agent_name, user_id=user_id)
-            if agent_state is None:
-                raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_name={agent_name} does not exist")
-            agent_id = agent_state.id
-        # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        assert isinstance(letta_agent.memory, Memory)
-        letta_agent.update_memory_blocks_from_db()
-        agent_state = letta_agent.agent_state.model_copy(deep=True)
-        # Load the tags in for the agent_state
-        agent_state.tags = self.agents_tags_manager.get_tags_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=user)
-        return agent_state
     def get_server_config(self, include_defaults: bool = False) -> dict:
         """Return the base config"""
@@ -1429,39 +1298,23 @@ def clean_keys(config):
         return response
-    def update_agent_core_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, new_memory_contents: dict) -> Memory:
-        """Update the agents core memory block, return the new state"""
-        if self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id) is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"User user_id={user_id} does not exist")
-        if self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id, user_id=user_id) is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
+    def update_agent_core_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, label: str, value: str) -> Memory:
+        """Update the value of a block in the agent's memory"""
-        # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        # old_core_memory = self.get_agent_memory(agent_id=agent_id)
-        modified = False
-        for key, value in new_memory_contents.items():
-            if letta_agent.memory.get_block(key) is None:
-                # raise ValueError(f"Key {key} not found in agent memory {list(letta_agent.memory.list_block_names())}")
-                raise ValueError(f"Key {key} not found in agent memory {str(letta_agent.memory.memory)}")
-            if value is None:
-                continue
-            if letta_agent.memory.get_block(key) != value:
-                letta_agent.memory.update_block_value(label=key, value=value)  # update agent memory
-                modified = True
-        # If we modified the memory contents, we need to rebuild the memory block inside the system message
-        if modified:
-            letta_agent.rebuild_memory()
-            # letta_agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)  # This breaks unit tests in test_local_client.py
-            # save agent
-            save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
+        # get the block id
+        block = self.get_agent_block_by_label(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, label=label)
+        block_id = block.id
-        return self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id).memory
+        # update the block
+        self.block_manager.update_block(
+            block_id=block_id, block_update=BlockUpdate(value=value), actor=self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
+        )
-    def rename_agent(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, new_agent_name: str) -> AgentState:
+        # load agent
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        return letta_agent.agent_state.memory
+    def rename_agent(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, new_agent_name: str) -> PersistedAgentState:
         """Update the name of the agent in the database"""
         if self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id) is None:
             raise ValueError(f"User user_id={user_id} does not exist")
@@ -1469,7 +1322,7 @@ def rename_agent(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, new_agent_name: str) -> Agen
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         current_name = letta_agent.agent_state.name
         if current_name == new_agent_name:
@@ -1491,6 +1344,7 @@ def delete_agent(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str):
         self.agents_tags_manager.delete_all_tags_from_agent(agent_id=agent_id, actor=actor)
+        self.blocks_agents_manager.remove_all_agent_blocks(agent_id=agent_id)
         if self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id, user_id=user_id) is None:
             raise ValueError(f"Agent agent_id={agent_id} does not exist")
@@ -1658,9 +1512,10 @@ def attach_source_to_agent(
             raise ValueError(f"Need to provide at least source_id or source_name to find the source.")
         # get connection to data source storage
         source_connector = StorageConnector.get_storage_connector(TableType.PASSAGES, self.config, user_id=user_id)
+        assert data_source, f"Data source with id={source_id} or name={source_name} does not exist"
         # load agent
-        agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         # attach source to agent
         agent.attach_source(data_source.id, source_connector, self.ms)
@@ -1685,7 +1540,7 @@ def detach_source_from_agent(
         source_id = source.id
         # delete all Passage objects with source_id==source_id from agent's archival memory
-        agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         archival_memory = agent.persistence_manager.archival_memory
         archival_memory.storage.delete({"source_id": source_id})
@@ -1764,34 +1619,43 @@ def add_default_external_tools(self, actor: User) -> bool:
     def get_agent_message(self, agent_id: str, message_id: str) -> Optional[Message]:
         """Get a single message from the agent's memory"""
         # Get the agent object (loaded in memory)
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         message = letta_agent.persistence_manager.recall_memory.storage.get(id=message_id)
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
         return message
     def update_agent_message(self, agent_id: str, request: UpdateMessage) -> Message:
         """Update the details of a message associated with an agent"""
         # Get the current message
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent.update_message(request=request)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        response = letta_agent.update_message(request=request)
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
+        return response
     def rewrite_agent_message(self, agent_id: str, new_text: str) -> Message:
         # Get the current message
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent.rewrite_message(new_text=new_text)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        response = letta_agent.rewrite_message(new_text=new_text)
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
+        return response
     def rethink_agent_message(self, agent_id: str, new_thought: str) -> Message:
         # Get the current message
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent.rethink_message(new_thought=new_thought)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        response = letta_agent.rethink_message(new_thought=new_thought)
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
+        return response
     def retry_agent_message(self, agent_id: str) -> List[Message]:
         # Get the current message
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        return letta_agent.retry_message()
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        response = letta_agent.retry_message()
+        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
+        return response
     def get_user_or_default(self, user_id: Optional[str]) -> User:
         """Get the user object for user_id if it exists, otherwise return the default user object"""
@@ -1840,121 +1704,49 @@ def get_agent_context_window(
         agent_id: str,
     ) -> ContextWindowOverview:
         # Get the current message
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+        letta_agent = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
         return letta_agent.get_context_window()
-    def update_agent_memory_label(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, current_block_label: str, new_block_label: str) -> Memory:
-        """Update the label of a block in an agent's memory"""
-        # Get the user
-        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
-        # Link a block to an agent's memory
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        letta_agent.memory.update_block_label(current_label=current_block_label, new_label=new_block_label)
-        assert new_block_label in letta_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        self.block_manager.create_or_update_block(block=letta_agent.memory.get_block(new_block_label), actor=user)
-        # check that the block was updated
-        updated_block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=letta_agent.memory.get_block(new_block_label).id, actor=user)
-        # Recompile the agent memory
-        letta_agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)
-        # save agent
-        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
-        updated_agent = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        if updated_agent is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent with id {agent_id} not found after linking block")
-        assert new_block_label in updated_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        assert current_block_label not in updated_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        return updated_agent.memory
     def link_block_to_agent_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, block_id: str) -> Memory:
         """Link a block to an agent's memory"""
-        # Get the user
-        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
-        # Get the block first
-        block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=user)
+        block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id))
         if block is None:
             raise ValueError(f"Block with id {block_id} not found")
+        self.blocks_agents_manager.add_block_to_agent(agent_id, block_id, block_label=block.label)
-        # Link a block to an agent's memory
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        letta_agent.memory.link_block(block=block)
-        assert block.label in letta_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        # Recompile the agent memory
-        letta_agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)
-        # save agent
-        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
-        updated_agent = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        if updated_agent is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent with id {agent_id} not found after linking block")
-        assert block.label in updated_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        return updated_agent.memory
+        # get agent memory
+        memory = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id).agent_state.memory
+        return memory
     def unlink_block_from_agent_memory(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, block_label: str, delete_if_no_ref: bool = True) -> Memory:
         """Unlink a block from an agent's memory. If the block is not linked to any agent, delete it."""
+        self.blocks_agents_manager.remove_block_with_label_from_agent(agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label)
-        # Get the user
-        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
-        # Link a block to an agent's memory
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        unlinked_block = letta_agent.memory.unlink_block(block_label=block_label)
-        assert unlinked_block.label not in letta_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        # Check if the block is linked to any other agent
-        # TODO needs reference counting GC to handle loose blocks
-        # block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=unlinked_block.id, actor=user)
-        # if block is None:
-        # raise ValueError(f"Block with id {block_id} not found")
-        # Recompile the agent memory
-        letta_agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)
-        # save agent
-        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
-        updated_agent = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        if updated_agent is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent with id {agent_id} not found after linking block")
-        assert unlinked_block.label not in updated_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        return updated_agent.memory
+        # get agent memory
+        memory = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id).agent_state.memory
+        return memory
     def update_agent_memory_limit(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, block_label: str, limit: int) -> Memory:
         """Update the limit of a block in an agent's memory"""
+        block = self.get_agent_block_by_label(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, label=block_label)
+        self.block_manager.update_block(
+            block_id=block.id, block_update=BlockUpdate(limit=limit), actor=self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
+        )
+        # get agent memory
+        memory = self.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id).agent_state.memory
+        return memory
+    def upate_block(self, user_id: str, block_id: str, block_update: BlockUpdate) -> Block:
+        """Update a block"""
+        return self.block_manager.update_block(
+            block_id=block_id, block_update=block_update, actor=self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
+        )
-        # Get the user
-        user = self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id)
-        # Link a block to an agent's memory
-        letta_agent = self._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        letta_agent.memory.update_block_limit(label=block_label, limit=limit)
-        assert block_label in letta_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
-        # write out the update the database
-        self.block_manager.create_or_update_block(block=letta_agent.memory.get_block(block_label), actor=user)
-        # check that the block was updated
-        updated_block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=letta_agent.memory.get_block(block_label).id, actor=user)
-        assert updated_block and updated_block.limit == limit
-        # Recompile the agent memory
-        letta_agent.rebuild_memory(force=True, ms=self.ms)
-        # save agent
-        save_agent(letta_agent, self.ms)
-        updated_agent = self.ms.get_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
-        if updated_agent is None:
-            raise ValueError(f"Agent with id {agent_id} not found after linking block")
-        assert updated_agent.memory.get_block(label=block_label).limit == limit
-        return updated_agent.memory
+    def get_agent_block_by_label(self, user_id: str, agent_id: str, label: str) -> Block:
+        """Get a block by label"""
+        # TODO: implement at ORM?
+        for block_id in self.blocks_agents_manager.list_block_ids_for_agent(agent_id=agent_id):
+            block = self.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block_id=block_id, actor=self.user_manager.get_user_by_id(user_id=user_id))
+            if block.label == label:
+                return block
+        return None
diff --git a/letta/services/block_manager.py b/letta/services/block_manager.py
index dcae5f5cd6..ac6e42b861 100644
--- a/letta/services/block_manager.py
+++ b/letta/services/block_manager.py
@@ -29,10 +29,8 @@ def create_or_update_block(self, block: Block, actor: PydanticUser) -> PydanticB
             self.update_block(block.id, update_data, actor)
             with self.session_maker() as session:
-                # Always write the organization_id
-                block.organization_id = actor.organization_id
                 data = block.model_dump(exclude_none=True)
-                block = BlockModel(**data)
+                block = BlockModel(**data, organization_id=actor.organization_id)
                 block.create(session, actor=actor)
             return block.to_pydantic()
@@ -53,6 +51,11 @@ def update_block(self, block_id: str, block_update: BlockUpdate, actor: Pydantic
             update_data = block_update.model_dump(exclude_unset=True, exclude_none=True)
             for key, value in update_data.items():
                 setattr(block, key, value)
+            try:
+                block.to_pydantic()
+            except Exception as e:
+                # invalid pydantic model
+                raise ValueError(f"Failed to create pydantic model: {e}")
             block.update(db_session=session, actor=actor)
         # TODO: REMOVE THIS ONCE AGENT IS ON ORM -> Update blocks_agents
diff --git a/letta/services/blocks_agents_manager.py b/letta/services/blocks_agents_manager.py
index 586a581aa1..121db58649 100644
--- a/letta/services/blocks_agents_manager.py
+++ b/letta/services/blocks_agents_manager.py
@@ -89,3 +89,18 @@ def list_agent_ids_with_block(self, block_id: str) -> List[str]:
         with self.session_maker() as session:
             blocks_agents_record = BlocksAgentsModel.list(db_session=session, block_id=block_id)
             return [record.agent_id for record in blocks_agents_record]
+    @enforce_types
+    def get_block_id_for_label(self, agent_id: str, block_label: str) -> str:
+        """Get the block ID for a specific block label for an agent."""
+        with self.session_maker() as session:
+            try:
+                blocks_agents_record = BlocksAgentsModel.read(db_session=session, agent_id=agent_id, block_label=block_label)
+                return blocks_agents_record.block_id
+            except NoResultFound:
+                raise ValueError(f"Block label '{block_label}' not found for agent '{agent_id}'.")
+    @enforce_types
+    def remove_all_agent_blocks(self, agent_id: str):
+        for block_id in self.list_block_ids_for_agent(agent_id):
+            self.remove_block_with_id_from_agent(agent_id, block_id)
diff --git a/letta/services/tool_execution_sandbox.py b/letta/services/tool_execution_sandbox.py
index 905e63e088..5f2b428a1f 100644
--- a/letta/services/tool_execution_sandbox.py
+++ b/letta/services/tool_execution_sandbox.py
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ def run_e2b_sandbox(self, code: str) -> Optional[SandboxRunResult]:
         env_vars = self.sandbox_config_manager.get_sandbox_env_vars_as_dict(sandbox_config_id=sbx_config.id, actor=self.user, limit=100)
         execution = sbx.run_code(code, envs=env_vars)
         if execution.error is not None:
-            raise Exception(f"Executing tool {self.tool_name} failed with {execution.error}. Generated code: \n\n{code}")
+            raise Exception(f"Executing tool {self.tool_name} failed with {execution.error}")
         elif len(execution.results) == 0:
             return None
diff --git a/letta/services/tool_manager.py b/letta/services/tool_manager.py
index 28bcabf3df..7acf4fa52f 100644
--- a/letta/services/tool_manager.py
+++ b/letta/services/tool_manager.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ class ToolManager:
+    BASE_MEMORY_TOOL_NAMES = ["core_memory_append", "core_memory_replace"]
     def __init__(self):
         # Fetching the db_context similarly as in OrganizationManager
@@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ def add_base_tools(self, actor: PydanticUser) -> List[PydanticTool]:
         # create tool in db
         tools = []
         for name, schema in functions_to_schema.items():
-            if name in self.BASE_TOOL_NAMES:
+            if name in self.BASE_TOOL_NAMES + self.BASE_MEMORY_TOOL_NAMES:
                 # print([str(inspect.getsource(line)) for line in schema["imports"]])
                 source_code = inspect.getsource(schema["python_function"])
                 tags = [module_name]
diff --git a/locust_test.py b/locust_test.py
index 570e6eef47..1e74d405ab 100644
--- a/locust_test.py
+++ b/locust_test.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from locust import HttpUser, between, task
 from letta.constants import BASE_TOOLS, DEFAULT_HUMAN, DEFAULT_PERSONA
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState, CreateAgent
+from letta.schemas.agent import CreateAgent, PersistedAgentState
 from letta.schemas.letta_request import LettaRequest
 from letta.schemas.letta_response import LettaResponse
 from letta.schemas.memory import ChatMemory
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def on_start(self):
                 response.failure(f"Failed to create agent: {response.text}")
             response_json = response.json()
-            agent_state = AgentState(**response_json)
+            agent_state = PersistedAgentState(**response_json)
             self.agent_id = agent_state.id
             print("Created agent", self.agent_id, agent_state.name)
diff --git a/tests/helpers/endpoints_helper.py b/tests/helpers/endpoints_helper.py
index 42575c79bc..37c2da18be 100644
--- a/tests/helpers/endpoints_helper.py
+++ b/tests/helpers/endpoints_helper.py
@@ -103,8 +103,9 @@ def check_first_response_is_valid_for_llm_endpoint(filename: str) -> ChatComplet
     cleanup(client=client, agent_uuid=agent_uuid)
     agent_state = setup_agent(client, filename)
-    tools = [client.get_tool(client.get_tool_id(name=name)) for name in agent_state.tools]
-    agent = Agent(interface=None, tools=tools, agent_state=agent_state, user=client.user)
+    tools = [client.get_tool(client.get_tool_id(name=name)) for name in agent_state.tool_names]
+    full_agent_state = client.get_agent(agent_state.id)
+    agent = Agent(agent_state=full_agent_state, interface=None, user=client.user)
     response = create(
@@ -169,7 +170,8 @@ def check_agent_uses_external_tool(filename: str) -> LettaResponse:
     # Set up client
     client = create_client()
     cleanup(client=client, agent_uuid=agent_uuid)
-    tool = client.load_composio_tool(action=Action.GITHUB_STAR_A_REPOSITORY_FOR_THE_AUTHENTICATED_USER)
+    # tool = client.load_composio_tool(action=Action.GITHUB_STAR_A_REPOSITORY_FOR_THE_AUTHENTICATED_USER)
+    tool = client.load_composio_tool(action=Action.WEBTOOL_SCRAPE_WEBSITE_CONTENT)
     tool_name = tool.name
     # Set up persona for tool usage
@@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ def check_agent_recall_chat_memory(filename: str) -> LettaResponse:
     human_name = "BananaBoy"
     agent_state = setup_agent(client, filename, memory_human_str=f"My name is {human_name}")
+    print("MEMORY", agent_state.memory.get_block("human").value)
     response = client.user_message(agent_id=agent_state.id, message="Repeat my name back to me.")
     # Basic checks
@@ -332,7 +336,7 @@ def check_agent_summarize_memory_simple(filename: str) -> LettaResponse:
     client.user_message(agent_id=agent_state.id, message="Does the number 42 ring a bell?")
     # Summarize
-    agent = client.server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
+    agent = client.server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
     print(f"Summarization succeeded: messages[1] = \n\n{json_dumps(agent.messages[1])}\n")
diff --git a/tests/integration_test_summarizer.py b/tests/integration_test_summarizer.py
index 622ef4b6e7..eeb71af5a8 100644
--- a/tests/integration_test_summarizer.py
+++ b/tests/integration_test_summarizer.py
@@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ def test_summarizer(config_filename):
     # Create agent
     agent_state = client.create_agent(name=agent_name, llm_config=llm_config, embedding_config=embedding_config)
-    tools = [client.get_tool(client.get_tool_id(name=tool_name)) for tool_name in agent_state.tools]
+    full_agent_state = client.get_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
     letta_agent = Agent(
-        interface=StreamingRefreshCLIInterface(), agent_state=agent_state, tools=tools, first_message_verify_mono=False, user=client.user
+        interface=StreamingRefreshCLIInterface(),
+        agent_state=full_agent_state,
+        first_message_verify_mono=False,
+        user=client.user,
     # Make conversation
diff --git a/tests/test_agent_tool_graph.py b/tests/test_agent_tool_graph.py
index 850ffb64b1..1d5dbcdcc8 100644
--- a/tests/test_agent_tool_graph.py
+++ b/tests/test_agent_tool_graph.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from letta import create_client
 from letta.schemas.letta_message import FunctionCallMessage
-from letta.schemas.tool_rule import InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule, ToolRule
+from letta.schemas.tool_rule import ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule
 from letta.settings import tool_settings
 from tests.helpers.endpoints_helper import (
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ def test_single_path_agent_tool_call_graph(mock_e2b_api_key_none):
     # Make tool rules
     tool_rules = [
-        ToolRule(tool_name="first_secret_word", children=["second_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="second_secret_word", children=["third_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="third_secret_word", children=["fourth_secret_word"]),
-        ToolRule(tool_name="fourth_secret_word", children=["send_message"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="first_secret_word", children=["second_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="second_secret_word", children=["third_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="third_secret_word", children=["fourth_secret_word"]),
+        ChildToolRule(tool_name="fourth_secret_word", children=["send_message"]),
diff --git a/tests/test_base_functions.py b/tests/test_base_functions.py
index 0ce4cf91ff..0668f2fd0f 100644
--- a/tests/test_base_functions.py
+++ b/tests/test_base_functions.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def agent_obj():
     agent_state = client.create_agent()
     global agent_obj
-    agent_obj = client.server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
+    agent_obj = client.server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
     yield agent_obj
diff --git a/tests/test_client.py b/tests/test_client.py
index 710d74aab2..57fd670e4a 100644
--- a/tests/test_client.py
+++ b/tests/test_client.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 from letta import LocalClient, RESTClient, create_client
 from letta.orm import SandboxConfig, SandboxEnvironmentVariable
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
-from letta.schemas.block import BlockCreate
+from letta.schemas.block import CreateBlock
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
 from letta.schemas.sandbox_config import LocalSandboxConfig, SandboxType
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ def test_update_agent_memory_label(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent
         example_new_label = "example_new_label"
         assert example_new_label not in current_labels
-        client.update_agent_memory_label(agent_id=agent.id, current_label=example_label, new_label=example_new_label)
+        client.update_agent_memory_block_label(agent_id=agent.id, current_label=example_label, new_label=example_new_label)
         updated_agent = client.get_agent(agent_id=agent.id)
         assert example_new_label in updated_agent.memory.list_block_labels()
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ def test_add_remove_agent_memory_block(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], a
         # Link a new memory block
-            create_block=BlockCreate(
+            create_block=CreateBlock(
@@ -284,12 +284,12 @@ def test_update_agent_memory_limit(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent
         # We expect this to throw a value error
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-            client.update_agent_memory_limit(agent_id=agent.id, block_label=example_label, limit=example_new_limit)
+            client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_id=agent.id, label=example_label, limit=example_new_limit)
         # Now try the same thing with a higher limit
         example_new_limit = current_block_length + 10000
         assert example_new_limit > current_block_length
-        client.update_agent_memory_limit(agent_id=agent.id, block_label=example_label, limit=example_new_limit)
+        client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_id=agent.id, label=example_label, limit=example_new_limit)
         updated_agent = client.get_agent(agent_id=agent.id)
         assert example_new_limit == updated_agent.memory.get_block(label=example_label).limit
diff --git a/tests/test_client_legacy.py b/tests/test_client_legacy.py
index c2c92e6474..96e27ab6ef 100644
--- a/tests/test_client_legacy.py
+++ b/tests/test_client_legacy.py
@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
 from sqlalchemy import delete
 from letta import create_client
-from letta.agent import initialize_message_sequence
 from letta.client.client import LocalClient, RESTClient
 from letta.constants import DEFAULT_PRESET
 from letta.orm import FileMetadata, Source
 from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
-from letta.schemas.enums import MessageRole, MessageStreamStatus
+from letta.schemas.enums import MessageStreamStatus
 from letta.schemas.letta_message import (
@@ -31,8 +30,7 @@
 from letta.schemas.message import Message
 from letta.schemas.usage import LettaUsageStatistics
 from letta.services.tool_manager import ToolManager
-from letta.settings import model_settings
-from letta.utils import get_utc_time
+from letta.settings import model_settings, tool_settings
 from tests.helpers.client_helper import upload_file_using_client
 # from tests.utils import create_config
@@ -57,6 +55,21 @@ def run_server():
+def mock_e2b_api_key_none():
+    # Store the original value of e2b_api_key
+    original_api_key = tool_settings.e2b_api_key
+    # Set e2b_api_key to None
+    tool_settings.e2b_api_key = None
+    # Yield control to the test
+    yield
+    # Restore the original value of e2b_api_key
+    tool_settings.e2b_api_key = original_api_key
 # Fixture to create clients with different configurations
     # params=[{"server": True}, {"server": False}],  # whether to use REST API server
@@ -107,7 +120,7 @@ def agent(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient]):
-def test_agent(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_agent(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     # test client.rename_agent
     new_name = "RenamedTestAgent"
@@ -126,15 +139,15 @@ def test_agent(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     assert client.agent_exists(agent_id=delete_agent.id) == False, "Agent deletion failed"
-def test_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_memory(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     # _reset_config()
     memory_response = client.get_in_context_memory(agent_id=agent.id)
     print("MEMORY", memory_response.compile())
     updated_memory = {"human": "Updated human memory", "persona": "Updated persona memory"}
-    client.update_in_context_memory(agent_id=agent.id, section="human", value=updated_memory["human"])
-    client.update_in_context_memory(agent_id=agent.id, section="persona", value=updated_memory["persona"])
+    client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_id=agent.id, label="human", value=updated_memory["human"])
+    client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_id=agent.id, label="persona", value=updated_memory["persona"])
     updated_memory_response = client.get_in_context_memory(agent_id=agent.id)
     assert (
         updated_memory_response.get_block("human").value == updated_memory["human"]
@@ -142,7 +155,7 @@ def test_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     ), "Memory update failed"
-def test_agent_interactions(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_agent_interactions(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     # test that it is a LettaMessage
     message = "Hello again, agent!"
     print("Sending message", message)
@@ -165,7 +178,7 @@ def test_agent_interactions(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: Agent
     # TODO: add streaming tests
-def test_archival_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_archival_memory(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     # _reset_config()
     memory_content = "Archival memory content"
@@ -199,7 +212,7 @@ def test_archival_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentSta
-def test_core_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_core_memory(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     response = client.send_message(agent_id=agent.id, message="Update your core memory to remember that my name is Timber!", role="user")
     print("Response", response)
@@ -207,7 +220,7 @@ def test_core_memory(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     assert "Timber" in memory.get_block("human").value, f"Updating core memory failed: {memory.get_block('human').value}"
-def test_streaming_send_message(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_streaming_send_message(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     if isinstance(client, LocalClient):
         pytest.skip("Skipping test_streaming_send_message because LocalClient does not support streaming")
     assert isinstance(client, RESTClient), client
@@ -317,7 +330,7 @@ def test_list_tools_pagination(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient]):
 def test_list_tools(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient]):
     tools = client.add_base_tools()
     tool_names = [t.name for t in tools]
-    expected = ToolManager.BASE_TOOL_NAMES
+    expected = ToolManager.BASE_TOOL_NAMES + ToolManager.BASE_MEMORY_TOOL_NAMES
     assert sorted(tool_names) == sorted(expected)
@@ -562,21 +575,25 @@ def has_model_endpoint_type(models: List["LLMConfig"], target_type: str) -> bool
         assert has_model_endpoint_type(models, "anthropic")
-def test_shared_blocks(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
+def test_shared_blocks(mock_e2b_api_key_none, client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
     # _reset_config()
     # create a block
     block = client.create_block(label="human", value="username: sarah")
     # create agents with shared block
+    from letta.schemas.block import Block
     from letta.schemas.memory import BasicBlockMemory
-    persona1_block = client.create_block(label="persona", value="you are agent 1")
-    persona2_block = client.create_block(label="persona", value="you are agent 2")
+    # persona1_block = client.create_block(label="persona", value="you are agent 1")
+    # persona2_block = client.create_block(label="persona", value="you are agent 2")
     # create agnets
-    agent_state1 = client.create_agent(name="agent1", memory=BasicBlockMemory(blocks=[block, persona1_block]))
-    agent_state2 = client.create_agent(name="agent2", memory=BasicBlockMemory(blocks=[block, persona2_block]))
+    agent_state1 = client.create_agent(name="agent1", memory=BasicBlockMemory([Block(label="persona", value="you are agent 1"), block]))
+    agent_state2 = client.create_agent(name="agent2", memory=BasicBlockMemory([Block(label="persona", value="you are agent 2"), block]))
+    ## attach shared block to both agents
+    # client.link_agent_memory_block(agent_state1.id, block.id)
+    # client.link_agent_memory_block(agent_state2.id, block.id)
     # update memory
     response = client.user_message(agent_id=agent_state1.id, message="my name is actually charles")
@@ -607,64 +624,66 @@ def cleanup_agents():
             print(f"Failed to delete agent {agent_id}: {e}")
-def test_initial_message_sequence(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState, cleanup_agents: List[str]):
-    """Test that we can set an initial message sequence
-    If we pass in None, we should get a "default" message sequence
-    If we pass in a non-empty list, we should get that sequence
-    If we pass in an empty list, we should get an empty sequence
-    """
-    # The reference initial message sequence:
-    reference_init_messages = initialize_message_sequence(
-        model=agent.llm_config.model,
-        system=agent.system,
-        memory=agent.memory,
-        archival_memory=None,
-        recall_memory=None,
-        memory_edit_timestamp=get_utc_time(),
-        include_initial_boot_message=True,
-    )
-    # system, login message, send_message test, send_message receipt
-    assert len(reference_init_messages) > 0
-    assert len(reference_init_messages) == 4, f"Expected 4 messages, got {len(reference_init_messages)}"
-    # Test with default sequence
-    default_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-default-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=None)
-    cleanup_agents.append(default_agent_state.id)
-    assert default_agent_state.message_ids is not None
-    assert len(default_agent_state.message_ids) > 0
-    assert len(default_agent_state.message_ids) == len(
-        reference_init_messages
-    ), f"Expected {len(reference_init_messages)} messages, got {len(default_agent_state.message_ids)}"
-    # Test with empty sequence
-    empty_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-empty-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=[])
-    cleanup_agents.append(empty_agent_state.id)
-    assert empty_agent_state.message_ids is not None
-    assert len(empty_agent_state.message_ids) == 1, f"Expected 0 messages, got {len(empty_agent_state.message_ids)}"
-    # Test with custom sequence
-    custom_sequence = [
-        Message(
-            role=MessageRole.user,
-            text="Hello, how are you?",
-            user_id=agent.user_id,
-            agent_id=agent.id,
-            model=agent.llm_config.model,
-            name=None,
-            tool_calls=None,
-            tool_call_id=None,
-        ),
-    ]
-    custom_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-custom-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=custom_sequence)
-    cleanup_agents.append(custom_agent_state.id)
-    assert custom_agent_state.message_ids is not None
-    assert (
-        len(custom_agent_state.message_ids) == len(custom_sequence) + 1
-    ), f"Expected {len(custom_sequence) + 1} messages, got {len(custom_agent_state.message_ids)}"
-    assert custom_agent_state.message_ids[1:] == [msg.id for msg in custom_sequence]
+## NOTE: we need to add this back once agents can also create blocks during agent creation
+# def test_initial_message_sequence(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState, cleanup_agents: List[str]):
+#    """Test that we can set an initial message sequence
+#    If we pass in None, we should get a "default" message sequence
+#    If we pass in a non-empty list, we should get that sequence
+#    If we pass in an empty list, we should get an empty sequence
+#    """
+#    # The reference initial message sequence:
+#    reference_init_messages = initialize_message_sequence(
+#        model=agent.llm_config.model,
+#        system=agent.system,
+#        memory=agent.memory,
+#        archival_memory=None,
+#        recall_memory=None,
+#        memory_edit_timestamp=get_utc_time(),
+#        include_initial_boot_message=True,
+#    )
+#    # system, login message, send_message test, send_message receipt
+#    assert len(reference_init_messages) > 0
+#    assert len(reference_init_messages) == 4, f"Expected 4 messages, got {len(reference_init_messages)}"
+#    # Test with default sequence
+#    default_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-default-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=None)
+#    cleanup_agents.append(default_agent_state.id)
+#    assert default_agent_state.message_ids is not None
+#    assert len(default_agent_state.message_ids) > 0
+#    assert len(default_agent_state.message_ids) == len(
+#        reference_init_messages
+#    ), f"Expected {len(reference_init_messages)} messages, got {len(default_agent_state.message_ids)}"
+#    # Test with empty sequence
+#    empty_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-empty-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=[])
+#    cleanup_agents.append(empty_agent_state.id)
+#    # NOTE: allowed to be None initially
+#    #assert empty_agent_state.message_ids is not None
+#    #assert len(empty_agent_state.message_ids) == 1, f"Expected 0 messages, got {len(empty_agent_state.message_ids)}"
+#    # Test with custom sequence
+#    custom_sequence = [
+#        Message(
+#            role=MessageRole.user,
+#            text="Hello, how are you?",
+#            user_id=agent.user_id,
+#            agent_id=agent.id,
+#            model=agent.llm_config.model,
+#            name=None,
+#            tool_calls=None,
+#            tool_call_id=None,
+#        ),
+#    ]
+#    custom_agent_state = client.create_agent(name="test-custom-message-sequence", initial_message_sequence=custom_sequence)
+#    cleanup_agents.append(custom_agent_state.id)
+#    assert custom_agent_state.message_ids is not None
+#    assert (
+#        len(custom_agent_state.message_ids) == len(custom_sequence) + 1
+#    ), f"Expected {len(custom_sequence) + 1} messages, got {len(custom_agent_state.message_ids)}"
+#    assert custom_agent_state.message_ids[1:] == [msg.id for msg in custom_sequence]
 def test_add_and_manage_tags_for_agent(client: Union[LocalClient, RESTClient], agent: AgentState):
diff --git a/tests/test_different_embedding_size.py b/tests/test_different_embedding_size.py
index 0e5e895696..58748339e1 100644
--- a/tests/test_different_embedding_size.py
+++ b/tests/test_different_embedding_size.py
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 #    # openai: add passages
 #    passages, openai_embeddings = generate_passages(client.user, openai_agent)
-#    openai_agent_run = client.server._get_or_load_agent(user_id=client.user.id, agent_id=openai_agent.id)
+#    openai_agent_run = client.server.load_agent(user_id=client.user.id, agent_id=openai_agent.id)
 #    openai_agent_run.persistence_manager.archival_memory.storage.insert_many(passages)
 #    # create client
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 #    # hosted: add passages
 #    passages, hosted_embeddings = generate_passages(client.user, hosted_agent)
-#    hosted_agent_run = client.server._get_or_load_agent(user_id=client.user.id, agent_id=hosted_agent.id)
+#    hosted_agent_run = client.server.load_agent(user_id=client.user.id, agent_id=hosted_agent.id)
 #    hosted_agent_run.persistence_manager.archival_memory.storage.insert_many(passages)
 #    # test passage dimentionality
diff --git a/tests/test_local_client.py b/tests/test_local_client.py
index 8b667106cb..74ab87afef 100644
--- a/tests/test_local_client.py
+++ b/tests/test_local_client.py
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 from letta import create_client
 from letta.client.client import LocalClient
-from letta.schemas.agent import AgentState
+from letta.schemas.agent import PersistedAgentState
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
 from letta.schemas.memory import BasicBlockMemory, ChatMemory, Memory
@@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ def test_agent(client: LocalClient):
     print("TOOLS", [t.name for t in tools])
     agent_state = client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id)
     assert agent_state.name == "test_agent2"
-    for block in agent_state.memory.to_dict()["memory"].values():
-        db_block = client.server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block.get("id"), actor=client.user)
+    for block in agent_state.memory.blocks:
+        db_block = client.server.block_manager.get_block_by_id(block.id, actor=client.user)
         assert db_block is not None, "memory block not persisted on agent create"
-        assert db_block.value == block.get("value"), "persisted block data does not match in-memory data"
+        assert db_block.value == block.value, "persisted block data does not match in-memory data"
     assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory)
     # update agent: name
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ def test_agent(client: LocalClient):
     client.update_agent(agent_state_test.id, system=new_system_prompt)
     assert client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id).system == new_system_prompt
+    response = client.user_message(agent_id=agent_state_test.id, message="Hello")
+    agent_state = client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id)
     assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory)
     # update agent: message_ids
     old_message_ids = agent_state.message_ids
@@ -79,10 +81,10 @@ def test_agent(client: LocalClient):
     assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory)
     # update agent: tools
     tool_to_delete = "send_message"
-    assert tool_to_delete in agent_state.tools
-    new_agent_tools = [t_name for t_name in agent_state.tools if t_name != tool_to_delete]
+    assert tool_to_delete in agent_state.tool_names
+    new_agent_tools = [t_name for t_name in agent_state.tool_names if t_name != tool_to_delete]
     client.update_agent(agent_state_test.id, tools=new_agent_tools)
-    assert client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id).tools == new_agent_tools
+    assert client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id).tool_names == new_agent_tools
     assert isinstance(agent_state.memory, Memory)
     # update agent: memory
@@ -92,7 +94,10 @@ def test_agent(client: LocalClient):
     assert agent_state.memory.get_block("human").value != new_human
     assert agent_state.memory.get_block("persona").value != new_persona
-    client.update_agent(agent_state_test.id, memory=new_memory)
+    # client.update_agent(agent_state_test.id, memory=new_memory)
+    # update blocks:
+    client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_state_test.id, label="human", value=new_human)
+    client.update_agent_memory_block(agent_state_test.id, label="persona", value=new_persona)
     assert client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id).memory.get_block("human").value == new_human
     assert client.get_agent(agent_state_test.id).memory.get_block("persona").value == new_persona
@@ -181,11 +186,6 @@ def test_agent_with_shared_blocks(client: LocalClient):
         assert isinstance(first_agent_state_test.memory, Memory)
-        first_blocks_dict = first_agent_state_test.memory.to_dict()["memory"]
-        assert persona_block.id == first_blocks_dict.get("persona", {}).get("id")
-        assert human_block.id == first_blocks_dict.get("human", {}).get("id")
-        client.update_in_context_memory(first_agent_state_test.id, section="human", value="I'm an analyst therapist.")
         # when this agent is created with the shared block references this agent's in-memory blocks should
         # have this latest value set by the other agent.
         second_agent_state_test = client.create_agent(
@@ -194,11 +194,21 @@ def test_agent_with_shared_blocks(client: LocalClient):
             description="This is a test agent using shared memory blocks",
+        first_memory = first_agent_state_test.memory
+        assert persona_block.id == first_memory.get_block("persona").id
+        assert human_block.id == first_memory.get_block("human").id
+        client.update_agent_memory_block(first_agent_state_test.id, label="human", value="I'm an analyst therapist.")
+        print("Updated human block value:", client.get_agent_memory_block(first_agent_state_test.id, label="human").value)
+        # refresh agent state
+        second_agent_state_test = client.get_agent(second_agent_state_test.id)
         assert isinstance(second_agent_state_test.memory, Memory)
-        second_blocks_dict = second_agent_state_test.memory.to_dict()["memory"]
-        assert persona_block.id == second_blocks_dict.get("persona", {}).get("id")
-        assert human_block.id == second_blocks_dict.get("human", {}).get("id")
-        assert second_blocks_dict.get("human", {}).get("value") == "I'm an analyst therapist."
+        second_memory = second_agent_state_test.memory
+        assert persona_block.id == second_memory.get_block("persona").id
+        assert human_block.id == second_memory.get_block("human").id
+        # assert second_blocks_dict.get("human", {}).get("value") == "I'm an analyst therapist."
+        assert second_memory.get_block("human").value == "I'm an analyst therapist."
         if first_agent_state_test:
@@ -207,7 +217,7 @@ def test_agent_with_shared_blocks(client: LocalClient):
-def test_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: AgentState):
+def test_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: PersistedAgentState):
     # get agent memory
     original_memory = client.get_in_context_memory(agent.id)
     assert original_memory is not None
@@ -220,7 +230,7 @@ def test_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: AgentState):
     assert updated_memory.get_block("human").value != original_memory_value  # check if the memory has been updated
-def test_archival_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: AgentState):
+def test_archival_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: PersistedAgentState):
     """Test functions for interacting with archival memory store"""
     # add archival memory
@@ -235,7 +245,7 @@ def test_archival_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: AgentState):
     client.delete_archival_memory(agent.id, passage.id)
-def test_recall_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: AgentState):
+def test_recall_memory(client: LocalClient, agent: PersistedAgentState):
     """Test functions for interacting with recall memory store"""
     # send message to the agent
@@ -390,13 +400,9 @@ def test_shared_blocks_without_send_message(client: LocalClient):
-    agent_1.memory.update_block_value(label="shared_memory", value="I am no longer an [empty] memory")
     block_id = agent_1.memory.get_block("shared_memory").id
-    client.update_block(block_id, text="I am no longer an [empty] memory")
-    client.update_agent(agent_id=agent_1.id, memory=agent_1.memory)
+    client.update_block(block_id, value="I am no longer an [empty] memory")
     agent_1 = client.get_agent(agent_1.id)
     agent_2 = client.get_agent(agent_2.id)
-    client.update_agent(agent_id=agent_2.id, memory=agent_2.memory)
     assert agent_1.memory.get_block("shared_memory").value == "I am no longer an [empty] memory"
     assert agent_2.memory.get_block("shared_memory").value == "I am no longer an [empty] memory"
diff --git a/tests/test_managers.py b/tests/test_managers.py
index 218296ec80..6375290817 100644
--- a/tests/test_managers.py
+++ b/tests/test_managers.py
@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
 from letta.schemas.agent import CreateAgent
 from letta.schemas.block import Block as PydanticBlock
-from letta.schemas.block import BlockUpdate
+from letta.schemas.block import BlockUpdate, CreateBlock
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.file import FileMetadata as PydanticFileMetadata
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
-from letta.schemas.memory import ChatMemory
 from letta.schemas.organization import Organization as PydanticOrganization
 from letta.schemas.sandbox_config import (
@@ -120,10 +119,8 @@ def sarah_agent(server: SyncServer, default_user, default_organization):
     agent_state = server.create_agent(
-            memory=ChatMemory(
-                human="Charles",
-                persona="I am a helpful assistant",
-            ),
+            # memory_blocks=[CreateBlock(label="human", value="Charles"), CreateBlock(label="persona", value="I am a helpful assistant")],
+            memory_blocks=[],
@@ -138,10 +135,7 @@ def charles_agent(server: SyncServer, default_user, default_organization):
     agent_state = server.create_agent(
-            memory=ChatMemory(
-                human="Sarah",
-                persona="I am a helpful assistant",
-            ),
+            memory_blocks=[CreateBlock(label="human", value="Charles"), CreateBlock(label="persona", value="I am a helpful assistant")],
diff --git a/tests/test_memory.py b/tests/test_memory.py
index ba00c98330..85e12e8014 100644
--- a/tests/test_memory.py
+++ b/tests/test_memory.py
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 import pytest
 # Import the classes here, assuming the above definitions are in a module named memory_module
-from letta.schemas.block import Block
 from letta.schemas.memory import ChatMemory, Memory
@@ -17,23 +16,6 @@ def test_create_chat_memory():
     assert chat_memory.get_block("human").value == "User"
-def test_dump_memory_as_json(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test dumping ChatMemory as JSON compatible dictionary"""
-    memory_dict = sample_memory.to_dict()["memory"]
-    assert isinstance(memory_dict, dict)
-    assert "persona" in memory_dict
-    assert memory_dict["persona"]["value"] == "Chat Agent"
-def test_load_memory_from_json(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test loading ChatMemory from a JSON compatible dictionary"""
-    memory_dict = sample_memory.to_dict()["memory"]
-    print(memory_dict)
-    new_memory = Memory.load(memory_dict)
-    assert new_memory.get_block("persona").value == "Chat Agent"
-    assert new_memory.get_block("human").value == "User"
 def test_memory_limit_validation(sample_memory: Memory):
     """Test exceeding memory limit"""
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -43,30 +25,15 @@ def test_memory_limit_validation(sample_memory: Memory):
         sample_memory.get_block("persona").value = "x " * 10000
-def test_memory_jinja2_template_load(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test loading a memory with and without a jinja2 template"""
-    # Test loading a memory with a template
-    memory_dict = sample_memory.to_dict()
-    memory_dict["prompt_template"] = sample_memory.get_prompt_template()
-    new_memory = Memory.load(memory_dict)
-    assert new_memory.get_prompt_template() == sample_memory.get_prompt_template()
-    # Test loading a memory without a template (old format)
-    memory_dict = sample_memory.to_dict()
-    memory_dict_old_format = memory_dict["memory"]
-    new_memory = Memory.load(memory_dict_old_format)
-    assert new_memory.get_prompt_template() is not None  # Ensure a default template is set
-    assert new_memory.to_dict()["memory"] == memory_dict_old_format
 def test_memory_jinja2_template(sample_memory: Memory):
     """Test to make sure the jinja2 template string is equivalent to the old __repr__ method"""
     def old_repr(self: Memory) -> str:
         """Generate a string representation of the memory in-context"""
         section_strs = []
-        for section, module in self.memory.items():
+        for block in sample_memory.get_blocks():
+            section = block.label
+            module = block
             section_strs.append(f'<{section} characters="{len(module.value)}/{module.limit}">\n{module.value}\n</{section}>')
         return "\n".join(section_strs)
@@ -106,50 +73,3 @@ def test_memory_jinja2_set_template(sample_memory: Memory):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
-def test_link_unlink_block(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test linking and unlinking a block to the memory"""
-    # Link a new block
-    test_new_label = "test_new_label"
-    test_new_value = "test_new_value"
-    test_new_block = Block(label=test_new_label, value=test_new_value, limit=2000)
-    current_labels = sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-    assert test_new_label not in current_labels
-    sample_memory.link_block(block=test_new_block)
-    assert test_new_label in sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-    assert sample_memory.get_block(test_new_label).value == test_new_value
-    # Unlink the block
-    sample_memory.unlink_block(block_label=test_new_label)
-    assert test_new_label not in sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-def test_update_block_label(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test updating the label of a block"""
-    test_new_label = "test_new_label"
-    current_labels = sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-    assert test_new_label not in current_labels
-    test_old_label = current_labels[0]
-    sample_memory.update_block_label(current_label=test_old_label, new_label=test_new_label)
-    assert test_new_label in sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-    assert test_old_label not in sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-def test_update_block_limit(sample_memory: Memory):
-    """Test updating the limit of a block"""
-    test_new_limit = 1000
-    current_labels = sample_memory.list_block_labels()
-    test_old_label = current_labels[0]
-    assert sample_memory.get_block(label=test_old_label).limit != test_new_limit
-    sample_memory.update_block_limit(label=test_old_label, limit=test_new_limit)
-    assert sample_memory.get_block(label=test_old_label).limit == test_new_limit
diff --git a/tests/test_persistence.py b/tests/test_persistence.py
index afc93e5e03..9b86f2b235 100644
--- a/tests/test_persistence.py
+++ b/tests/test_persistence.py
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #    else:
 #        client2 = Letta(quickstart="letta_hosted", user_id=test_user_id)
 #    print(f"\n\n[3] CREATING CLIENT2, LOADING AGENT {test_agent_state.id}!")
-#    client2_agent_obj = client2.server._get_or_load_agent(user_id=test_user_id, agent_id=test_agent_state.id)
+#    client2_agent_obj = client2.server.load_agent(user_id=test_user_id, agent_id=test_agent_state.id)
 #    client2_agent_state = client2_agent_obj.update_state()
 #    print(f"[3] LOADED AGENT! AGENT {client2_agent_state.id}\n\tmessages={client2_agent_state.state['messages']}")
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 #        client3 = Letta(quickstart="openai", user_id=test_user_id)
 #    else:
 #        client3 = Letta(quickstart="letta_hosted", user_id=test_user_id)
-#    client3_agent_obj = client3.server._get_or_load_agent(user_id=test_user_id, agent_id=test_agent_state.id)
+#    client3_agent_obj = client3.server.load_agent(user_id=test_user_id, agent_id=test_agent_state.id)
 #    client3_agent_state = client3_agent_obj.update_state()
 #    check_state_equivalence(vars(test_agent_state_post_message), vars(client3_agent_state))
diff --git a/tests/test_server.py b/tests/test_server.py
index 01d6756be7..94a799869e 100644
--- a/tests/test_server.py
+++ b/tests/test_server.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 from letta.schemas.agent import CreateAgent
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
+from letta.schemas.message import Message
 from letta.schemas.memory import ChatMemory
 from letta.schemas.source import Source
 from letta.server.server import SyncServer
@@ -74,10 +75,7 @@ def agent_id(server, user_id):
-            memory=ChatMemory(
-                human="Sarah",
-                persona="I am a helpful assistant",
-            ),
+            memory_blocks=[],
@@ -134,9 +132,8 @@ def test_load_data(server, user_id, agent_id):
     connector = DummyDataConnector(archival_memories)
     server.load_data(user_id, connector, source.name)
-def test_attach_source_to_agent(server, user_id, agent_id):
+    # @pytest.mark.order(3)
+    # def test_attach_source_to_agent(server, user_id, agent_id):
     # check archival memory size
     passages_before = server.get_agent_archival(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, start=0, count=10000)
     assert len(passages_before) == 0
@@ -245,7 +242,7 @@ def test_agent_rethink_rewrite_retry(server, user_id, agent_id):
     server.user_message(user_id=user_id, agent_id=agent_id, message="Hello?")
     # Grab the raw Agent object
-    letta_agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     assert letta_agent._messages[-1].role == MessageRole.tool
     assert letta_agent._messages[-2].role == MessageRole.assistant
     last_agent_message = letta_agent._messages[-2]
@@ -256,7 +253,7 @@ def test_agent_rethink_rewrite_retry(server, user_id, agent_id):
     server.rethink_agent_message(agent_id=agent_id, new_thought=new_thought)
     # Grab the agent object again (make sure it's live)
-    letta_agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     assert letta_agent._messages[-1].role == MessageRole.tool
     assert letta_agent._messages[-2].role == MessageRole.assistant
     last_agent_message = letta_agent._messages[-2]
@@ -273,7 +270,7 @@ def test_agent_rethink_rewrite_retry(server, user_id, agent_id):
     server.rewrite_agent_message(agent_id=agent_id, new_text=new_text)
     # Grab the agent object again (make sure it's live)
-    letta_agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     assert letta_agent._messages[-1].role == MessageRole.tool
     assert letta_agent._messages[-2].role == MessageRole.assistant
     last_agent_message = letta_agent._messages[-2]
@@ -284,7 +281,7 @@ def test_agent_rethink_rewrite_retry(server, user_id, agent_id):
     # Grab the agent object again (make sure it's live)
-    letta_agent = server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
+    letta_agent = server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_id)
     assert letta_agent._messages[-1].role == MessageRole.tool
     assert letta_agent._messages[-2].role == MessageRole.assistant
     last_agent_message = letta_agent._messages[-2]
@@ -345,10 +342,7 @@ def test_load_agent_with_nonexistent_tool_names_does_not_error(server: SyncServe
-            memory=ChatMemory(
-                human="Sarah",
-                persona="I am a helpful assistant",
-            ),
+            memory_blocks=[],
@@ -356,13 +350,13 @@ def test_load_agent_with_nonexistent_tool_names_does_not_error(server: SyncServe
     # Check that the tools in agent_state do NOT include the fake name
-    assert fake_tool_name not in agent_state.tools
-    assert set(BASE_TOOLS).issubset(set(agent_state.tools))
+    assert fake_tool_name not in agent_state.tool_names
+    assert set(BASE_TOOLS).issubset(set(agent_state.tool_names))
     # Load the agent from the database and check that it doesn't error / tools are correct
     saved_tools = server.get_tools_from_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id, user_id=user_id)
-    assert fake_tool_name not in agent_state.tools
-    assert set(BASE_TOOLS).issubset(set(agent_state.tools))
+    assert fake_tool_name not in agent_state.tool_names
+    assert set(BASE_TOOLS).issubset(set(agent_state.tool_names))
     # cleanup
     server.delete_agent(user_id, agent_state.id)
@@ -372,10 +366,7 @@ def test_delete_agent_same_org(server: SyncServer, org_id: str, user_id: str):
     agent_state = server.create_agent(
-            memory=ChatMemory(
-                human="Sarah",
-                persona="I am a helpful assistant",
-            ),
+            memory_blocks=[],
diff --git a/tests/test_summarize.py b/tests/test_summarize.py
index 31a8592912..90499d5fb3 100644
--- a/tests/test_summarize.py
+++ b/tests/test_summarize.py
@@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
 import uuid
 from typing import List
+import pytest
 from letta import create_client
 from letta.client.client import LocalClient
 from letta.schemas.embedding_config import EmbeddingConfig
 from letta.schemas.llm_config import LLMConfig
 from letta.schemas.message import Message
+from letta.settings import tool_settings
 from .utils import wipe_config
@@ -18,6 +21,21 @@
 # TODO: these tests should add function calls into the summarized message sequence:W
+def mock_e2b_api_key_none():
+    # Store the original value of e2b_api_key
+    original_api_key = tool_settings.e2b_api_key
+    # Set e2b_api_key to None
+    tool_settings.e2b_api_key = None
+    # Yield control to the test
+    yield
+    # Restore the original value of e2b_api_key
+    tool_settings.e2b_api_key = original_api_key
 def create_test_agent():
     """Create a test agent that we can call functions on"""
@@ -33,10 +51,10 @@ def create_test_agent():
     global agent_obj
-    agent_obj = client.server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
+    agent_obj = client.server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
-def test_summarize_messages_inplace():
+def test_summarize_messages_inplace(mock_e2b_api_key_none):
     """Test summarization via sending the summarize CLI command or via a direct call to the agent object"""
     global client
     global agent_obj
@@ -73,12 +91,15 @@ def test_summarize_messages_inplace():
     assert response is not None and len(response) > 0
     print(f"test_summarize: response={response}")
+    # reload agent object
+    agent_obj = client.server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_obj.agent_state.id)
     print(f"Summarization succeeded: messages[1] = \n{agent_obj.messages[1]}")
     # response = client.run_command(agent_id=agent_obj.agent_state.id, command="summarize")
-def test_auto_summarize():
+def test_auto_summarize(mock_e2b_api_key_none):
     """Test that the summarizer triggers by itself"""
     client = create_client()
@@ -86,7 +107,7 @@ def test_auto_summarize():
     small_context_llm_config = LLMConfig.default_config("gpt-4")
     # default system prompt + funcs lead to ~2300 tokens, after one message it's at 2523 tokens
     small_context_llm_config.context_window = SMALL_CONTEXT_WINDOW
     agent_state = client.create_agent(
@@ -98,7 +119,7 @@ def test_auto_summarize():
         def summarize_message_exists(messages: List[Message]) -> bool:
             for message in messages:
-                if message.text and "have been hidden from view due to conversation memory constraints" in message.text:
+                if message.text and "The following is a summary of the previous" in message.text:
                     print(f"Summarize message found after {message_count} messages: \n {message.text}")
                     return True
             return False
@@ -114,11 +135,12 @@ def summarize_message_exists(messages: List[Message]) -> bool:
             message_count += 1
-            print(f"Message {message_count}: \n\n{response.messages}")
+            print(f"Message {message_count}: \n\n{response.messages}" + "--------------------------------")
             # check if the summarize message is inside the messages
             assert isinstance(client, LocalClient), "Test only works with LocalClient"
-            agent_obj = client.server._get_or_load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
+            agent_obj = client.server.load_agent(agent_id=agent_state.id)
+            print("SUMMARY", summarize_message_exists(agent_obj._messages))
             if summarize_message_exists(agent_obj._messages):
diff --git a/tests/test_tool_rule_solver.py b/tests/test_tool_rule_solver.py
index 1347811933..9de6a6302b 100644
--- a/tests/test_tool_rule_solver.py
+++ b/tests/test_tool_rule_solver.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 from letta.helpers import ToolRulesSolver
 from letta.helpers.tool_rule_solver import ToolRuleValidationError
-from letta.schemas.tool_rule import InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule, ToolRule
+from letta.schemas.tool_rule import ChildToolRule, InitToolRule, TerminalToolRule
 # Constants for tool names used in the tests
 START_TOOL = "start_tool"
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ def test_get_allowed_tool_names_with_init_rules():
 def test_get_allowed_tool_names_with_subsequent_rule():
     # Setup: Tool rule sequence
     init_rule = InitToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL)
-    rule_1 = ToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL, HELPER_TOOL])
+    rule_1 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL, HELPER_TOOL])
     solver = ToolRulesSolver(init_tool_rules=[init_rule], tool_rules=[rule_1], terminal_tool_rules=[])
     # Action: Update usage and get allowed tools
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@ def test_get_allowed_tool_names_no_matching_rule_error():
 def test_update_tool_usage_and_get_allowed_tool_names_combined():
     # Setup: More complex rule chaining
     init_rule = InitToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL)
-    rule_1 = ToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL])
-    rule_2 = ToolRule(tool_name=NEXT_TOOL, children=[FINAL_TOOL])
+    rule_1 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL])
+    rule_2 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=NEXT_TOOL, children=[FINAL_TOOL])
     terminal_rule = TerminalToolRule(tool_name=FINAL_TOOL)
     solver = ToolRulesSolver(init_tool_rules=[init_rule], tool_rules=[rule_1, rule_2], terminal_tool_rules=[terminal_rule])
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ def test_update_tool_usage_and_get_allowed_tool_names_combined():
 def test_tool_rules_with_cycle_detection():
     # Setup: Define tool rules with both connected, disconnected nodes and a cycle
     init_rule = InitToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL)
-    rule_1 = ToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL])
-    rule_2 = ToolRule(tool_name=NEXT_TOOL, children=[HELPER_TOOL])
-    rule_3 = ToolRule(tool_name=HELPER_TOOL, children=[START_TOOL])  # This creates a cycle: start -> next -> helper -> start
-    rule_4 = ToolRule(tool_name=FINAL_TOOL, children=[END_TOOL])  # Disconnected rule, no cycle here
+    rule_1 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=START_TOOL, children=[NEXT_TOOL])
+    rule_2 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=NEXT_TOOL, children=[HELPER_TOOL])
+    rule_3 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=HELPER_TOOL, children=[START_TOOL])  # This creates a cycle: start -> next -> helper -> start
+    rule_4 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=FINAL_TOOL, children=[END_TOOL])  # Disconnected rule, no cycle here
     terminal_rule = TerminalToolRule(tool_name=END_TOOL)
     # Action & Assert: Attempt to create the ToolRulesSolver with a cycle should raise ValidationError
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ def test_tool_rules_with_cycle_detection():
         ToolRulesSolver(tool_rules=[init_rule, rule_1, rule_2, rule_3, rule_4, terminal_rule])
     # Extra setup: Define tool rules without a cycle but with hanging nodes
-    rule_5 = ToolRule(tool_name=PREP_TOOL, children=[FINAL_TOOL])  # Hanging node with no connection to start_tool
+    rule_5 = ChildToolRule(tool_name=PREP_TOOL, children=[FINAL_TOOL])  # Hanging node with no connection to start_tool
     # Assert that a configuration without cycles does not raise an error