shRek is a R package inspired from the movie franchise Shrek and adapated from William Steig picture book. No matter if you are an ugly ogre that does not want to get out of your swamp, a funny donkey or a Villain that has no courage to go save the princess, you are welcome to use this package to embellish your plots or input some random quotes in your code!
You can
install the development version of shRek from
GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
This is an introduction to shRek, the available color palette and how to use them.
# Retrieve the available palettes
#> $Shrek
#> [1] "#B0C400" "#D5DE2E" "#795A2D" "#523213" "#C3BC95" "#D3CCA5"
#> $Fiona
#> [1] "#DEC33E" "#C0B037" "#A25E2E" "#5A5832" "#53432A" "#40473C"
#> $Puss_in_Boots
#> [1] "#F0B56E" "#F4983F" "#B58421" "#6E342C" "#624835" "#90837A"
#> $Dragon
#> [1] "#809737" "#CE603D" "#C25866" "#953644" "#A3534D" "#A80216"
#> $Gingy
#> [1] "#CD524F" "#C5812A" "#BCA7A0" "#6F748C" "#864590"
#> $Pinocchio
#> [1] "#E7B621" "#730000" "#007DAD" "#DCBB82" "#746225"
#> $Fairy_Godmother
#> [1] "#617F95" "#4E6C7F" "#A4AEBE" "#B1C9E0" "#E6CFDE" "#D69D9E"
#> $Charming
#> [1] "#EEECD8" "#C49F3C" "#3698B7" "#596979" "#032A5C" "#0E1319"
#> $Lord_Farquaad
#> [1] "#FFB841" "#D8332F" "#B50128" "#A69D7B" "#0F5381" "#050917"
#> $Rumpelstiltskin
#> [1] "#C8562A" "#5E7E72" "#946D58" "#EAA13D" "#594B3A" "#AE6441"
#> $Duloc
#> [1] "#72767D" "#D2D0BD" "#AEB5C3" "#737F9D" "#262C44" "#181B17"
#> $Far_Far_Away
#> [1] "#929BD4" "#F2C27F" "#CE9671" "#893F31" "#AC9E54" "#373F0D"
#> $Dragon_Keep
#> [1] "#E31A2D" "#C20F33" "#813666" "#584B96" "#542F4D" "#2C304A"
#> $Swamp
#> [1] "#B27D4B" "#9A872C" "#465013" "#2F3A13" "#605324" "#222612"
# burp allows to extract color palette from the ones available
shrek_color <- burp("Shrek", pal_class="Hero", n=6)
# show_my_swamp displays the palette in a nice way
In this section, we show diverse way to use the color palette to plot with your data.
# Pick colors
shrek_pal = burp("Shrek",pal_class="Hero",n=3)
#Do Plot
ggplot(iris, aes(y=Sepal.Length, x=Species, fill=Species)) + geom_boxplot() +
# Pick Fairy Godmother palette
pal= burp("Fairy_Godmother","Villain",n=5)
# Make plot
ggplot(data=diamonds, aes(x=price, group=cut, fill=cut)) +
geom_density(adjust=1.5, alpha=0.7) + scale_fill_manual(values=pal)
# Use dataset of Refugee
data(Refugees, package = "alluvial")
country_regions <- c(
Afghanistan = "Middle East",
Burundi = "Central Africa",
`Congo DRC` = "Central Africa",
Iraq = "Middle East",
Myanmar = "Southeast Asia",
Palestine = "Middle East",
Somalia = "Horn of Africa",
Sudan = "Central Africa",
Syria = "Middle East",
Vietnam = "Southeast Asia"
Refugees$region <- country_regions[Refugees$country]
## Pick color scale in palette
places_pal <- c(burp("Dragon_Keep", pal_class = "Places", n=5),
burp("Swamp", pal_class = "Places", n=5))
ggplot(data = Refugees,
aes(x = year, y = refugees, alluvium = country)) +
geom_alluvium(aes(fill = country, colour = country),
alpha = .75, decreasing = FALSE) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(2003, 2013, 2)) +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -30, hjust = 0)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=places_pal) +
scale_color_manual(values=places_pal) +
facet_wrap(~ region, scales = "fixed") +
ggtitle("refugee volume by country and region of origin")
# Pick color
pal <-burp("Rumpelstiltskin",pal_class="Villain",n=4)
#Check survival
ggplot(, aes(x=Age, y=Freq, fill=Class)) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + facet_wrap(~Survived+Sex)+
labs(title="Survival of Titanic passengers according to sex and class")