From d43ff1e4ab30328c831ceb23bf32c6f5302a5c12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Libo Zeng Nagano - 長野県 (1876)
>, there was a rumor that the samurai of 上田, Nagano Prefecture, had learned about the incoming merger with Chikuma.
Supposedly, the samurai thought that if the government offices at Matsumoto
- were unusable Ueda would become the prefectural capital as logically a
- central location like Matsumoto or Ueda would make sense. Thus, they saw it
- as beneficial to Ueda to commit arson. 3 suspects were eventually detained,
- but they were let go. The result was that because Matsumoto's governmental
- offices were unusable, Nagano's offices were considered good enough even if
- it was too far to the north.
- Another potential consideration for Nagano was that 長野 was a temple town - while Matsumoto was a castle town and thus had many more samurai. Avoiding - samurai was at least a reason in places like Saitama. + were unusable, Ueda would naturally become the prefectural capital. The + logic being that the prefectural capital would only make sense to be in a + centrally located place like Matsumoto or Ueda. Thus, the samurai saw it as + beneficial to Ueda to commit arson. 3 suspects were eventually detained, but + they were let go. The end result was that Matsumoto's governmental offices + became unusable. Even though Nagano was located far to the north, its + offices used by the pre-merger prefecture were clearly considered + serviceable enough. +
++ Another potential point in favor of Nagano was that 長野 was a temple town + while Matsumoto was a castle town. Matsumoto thus had many more samurai. + Avoiding samurai was at least a reason in places like Saitama.
Because of the inconvenient location of Nagano city, there have been