Tags: Auto-Tag, Customers
Use this task to tag incoming customers with the current date/time, using the format of your choice, and optionally a prefix and suffix. If you like, enable "Wait until the customer is enabled" to apply the tag when the customer's online account is activated, rather than when the customer is first created.
- View in the task library: tasks.mechanic.dev/auto-tag-customers-with-the-current-date
- Task JSON, for direct import: task.json
- Preview task code: script.liquid
"tag_date_format__required": "%Y%m%d",
"tag_prefix": "signup-",
"tag_suffix": null,
"wait_until_the_customer_is_enabled__boolean": null
Learn about task options in Mechanic
{% if options.wait_until_the_customer_is_enabled__boolean %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Learn about event subscriptions in Mechanic
Use this task to tag incoming customers with the current date/time, using the format of your choice, and optionally a prefix and suffix. If you like, enable "Wait until the customer is enabled" to apply the tag when the customer's online account is activated, rather than when the customer is first created.
To customize the date/time format, use an "strftime" reference, like www.strfti.me.
Find this task in the library at tasks.mechanic.dev, and use the "Try this task" button. Or, import this task's JSON export – see Importing and exporting tasks to learn how imports work.
Found a bug? Got an improvement to add? Start here: ../../CONTRIBUTING.md.
Submit your task requests for consideration by the Mechanic community, and they may be chosen for development and inclusion in the task library!