#+TITLE: Snowing Terminal ScreenSaver
#+DATE: 3/24/2020

* Purpose
This application is meant to be a "learn curses" and "learn gui programming" type thing. The application should (1) draw snow at the top from a list of "snowlike" characters, (2) have the snow fall to the bottom of the screen, and (3) stick there.
** TODO Functions (basic functionality) [6/6]
+ [X] main loop
+ [X] draw snowflake [3/3]
  + [X] create a flakee
  + [X] create a whole screen length of flakes
  + [X] draw the snow
+ [X] Move Snowflake
+ [X] Make snow gather at the bottom [2/2]
  + [X] stops at a certain height
  + [X] goes on top of objects/drawn topography at bottom
+ [X] Get Screen Size
+ [X] snowflake dict
** TODO Added Functionality [2/2]
+ [X] place a cabin in there
  + [X] have snow gather around the cabin
+ [X] add the moon and maybe some stars idk
  + These have to be in the background (separate drawing function BEFORE the snowfall)
+ [ ] snow packs down into stacks after more than 3 flakes hit it. the new top is whatever the last flake was (for example: *###)
** Thoughts
+ draw a line of snow -> move it down -> draw the new line of snow -> repeat