CraveMe is a dating web app that gives the users the opportunity to match with other users based on at least two craves out of four crave daily options they may have in common with other users. Then the user will get the option of choosing if the liked the other user and would like to start a conversation with them, it will also provides the idea of what to do for their first date... eat whatever they are craving and matched for.
Backend API for this project is located at
Project Video Demo:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
This projects is setup taking into consideration that the api is running on a http://localhost:3000/ port.
After cloning this project and going into the directory of the project run
$ npm install
then you will be able to run
$ npm start
- React - JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Redux - JavaScript library for managing application state
- Bootstrap - Responsive design css framework
- Reactstrap - Responsive design css framework as react components
- SweetAlert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
- Maximo Bautista - Initial work - link04