''' This file will run a custom set of work for the project, using booleans set here by the user. In contrast, do_min, do_mid, and do_all use sets of execution options specified in ./Code/Models/Options/. As distributed, all flags are set to False, so running this file will do very little. ''' import os here = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) my_path = os.path.join(here,'') path_to_models = os.path.join(my_path,'Code/Models') path_to_options = os.path.join(path_to_models,'Options') # Choose which models to do work for do_SOE = False # Small open economy model (main text) do_DSGE = False # Heterogeneous agent DSGE model (appendix B) do_RA = False # Representative agent model (appendix C) # Choose what kind of work to do for each model run_models = False # Whether to solve models and generate new simulated data calc_micro_stats = False # Whether to calculate microeconomic statistics (only matters when run_models is True) make_tables = False # Whether to make LaTeX tables in the /Tables folder save_data = False # Whether to save data for use in regressions (as a tab-delimited text file) # Choose which extra exercises / experiments are run (SOE model only) run_ucost_vs_pi = False # Whether to run an exercise that finds the cost of stickiness as it varies with update probability run_value_vs_aggvar = False # Whether to run an exercise to find value at birth vs variance of aggregate permanent shocks run_alt_beliefs = False # Whether to run an alternate specification in which agents think their sticky expectations are the true shock structure run_parker = False # Whether to run an experiment based on Parker & Souleles (2006) # Choose whether to produce Table 2 and Figure 1; requires Stata make_emp_table = False # Whether to run regressions for the U.S. empirical table make_histogram = False # Whether to construct the histogram of "habit" parameter estimates # Set options specified in USER_OPTIONS.py (sets whether graphics can be displayed, # whether Stata can be used, and the location of the Stata executable file). exec(open(my_path + 'USER_OPTIONS.py').read()) os.chdir(path_to_models) exec(open('StickyE_MAIN.py').read())