diff --git a/Documentation/Overview.html b/Documentation/Overview.html index 5843dda7..9be93a88 100644 --- a/Documentation/Overview.html +++ b/Documentation/Overview.html @@ -1,377 +1,494 @@ + - - - MSBuild Community Tasks Project - + -

- The MSBuild Community Tasks Project


- Mission


- The MSBuild Community Tasks Project is an open source project for MSBuild tasks. - The goal of the project is to provide a collection of open source tasks for MSBuild. -


- Join Project


- Please join the MSBuild Community Tasks Project and help contribute in building - the tasks.  -


- https://github.com/loresoft/msbuildtasks/


- Current Community Tasks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Task - Description
AppPoolControllerAllows control for an application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS installed.
AppPoolCreateCreates a new application pool on a local or remote machine.
AppPoolDeleteDeletes an existing application pool on a local or remote machine.
AssemblyInfoGenerates an AssemblyInfo file using the attributes given.
AttribChanges the attributes of files and/or directories.
BeepPlays the sound of a beep through the console speaker.
ComputerProvides information about the build computer. -
ExecuteDDLExecutes SqlServer batch scripts.
FileUpdateReplace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression.
FtpUploadUploads a file or files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
FxCopUses FxCop to analyze managed code assemblies and reports on their design best-practice - compliance.
GetSolutionProjectsReturns a list of projects within a solution.
InstallAspNetInstalls and register script mappings for ASP.NET.
InstallAssemblyUses InstallUtil.exe to execute the Install method on Installer classes within assemblies.
JSCompressCompresses JavaScript source files by removing comments and unnecessary whitespace, - which typically reduces the size by half and results in faster downloads and code - that is harder to read.
MailSends an email message.
Math.AddAdds numbers.
Math.DivideDivides numbers.
Math.ModuloPerforms the modulo operation on numbers.
Math.MultipleMultiplies numbers.
Math.SubtractSubtracts numbers.
MVMoves files on the filesystem to a new location.
NDocRuns NDoc to create documentation.
NUnitRuns tests using the NUnit.
Oracle.AddTnsNameDefines a database host within the Oracle TNSNAMES.ORA file.
PromptDisplays a message on the console and waits for user input.
RegexMatchFilters an item group with a regular expression.
RegexReplaceReplaces strings within items from an item group with a regular expression.
RegistryReadReads a value from the Registry.
RegistryWriteWrites a value to the Registry.
RoboCopyExecutes the Resource Kit Robocopy.exe command.
ScriptExecutes code contained within the task.
ServiceControllerControls a Windows service.
ServiceQueryDetermines the status of a service.
SleepSleeps for a specified period of time.
SoundPlays a sound from a .wav file path or URL.
SqlExecuteExecutes a SQL command.
SvnCheckoutCheckout files from a Subversion repository.
SvnClientExecutes the Subversion client command.
SvnCommitCommits files to a Subversion repository.
SvnCopyCopies a file or path within a Subversion repository.
SvnExportExports files from a Subversion repository.
SvnInfoGets information for a file or directory in a Subversion repository.
SvnUpdateUpdates files from a Subversion repository.
SvnVersionGets the Subversion revision number of a local copy.
TaskSchemaGenerates a XSD schema of the MSBuild tasks in an assembly.
TemplateFileReplaces tokens in a file.
TfsVersionDetermines the changeset in a local Team Foundation Server workspace (In progress).
TimeGets the current date and time.
UninstallAssemblyUses InstallUtil.exe to execute the Uninstall method on Installer classes within - assemblies.
UnzipExtracts a zip file to a target directory.
UserProvides information about the build user. -
VersionGenerates version information based on various algorithms.
VssAddAdds files to a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssCheckinChecks in files to a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssCheckoutChecks out files from a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssCleanRemoves Visual SourceSafe binding information and status files from a Visual Studio - solution tree.
VssDiffGenerates a diff between two versions of an item in a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssGetGets the latest version of a file or project from a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssHistoryGenerates an XML file containing the history of an item in a Visual SourceSafe database - between two dates or labels.
VssLabelLabels an item in a Visual SourceSafe database.
VssUndoCheckoutCancels a checkout of an item from a Visual SourceSafe database.
WebDirectoryCreateCreates a new web directory on a local or remote machine.
WebDirectoryDeleteDeletes a web directory on a local or remote machine.
WebDirectoryScriptMapSets an application mapping for a filename extension on an existing web directory.
WebDirectorySettingReads or modifies a configuration setting on an existing web directory.
WebDownloadDownloads a resource with the specified URI to a local file.
Xml.XmlMassUpdatePerforms multiple updates on an XML file.
Xml.XmlQueryReads a value or values from lines of XML.
XmlReadReads a value from a XML document using a XPath.
XmlWriteUpdates a XML document using a XPath.
XsltMerges and transforms a set of xml files.
ZipCreates a zip file with the files specified.

- Getting Started


- In order to use the tasks in this project, you need to import the MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets - files. If you installed the project with the msi installer, you can use the following.
- -


- <Import - Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>


- Related resources

- -

- License

Copyright © 2005-2007 Paul Welter. All rights reserved.

The MSBuild Community Tasks Project




The MSBuild Community Tasks Project is an open source project for MSBuild tasks. +The goal of the project is to provide a collection of open source tasks for MSBuild. +


Join Project


Please join the MSBuild Community Tasks Project and help contribute in building +the tasks. 




Current Community Tasks

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Task Description
AddAdd numbers
AddTnsNameDefines a database host within the Oracle TNSNAMES.ORA file.
AppPoolControllerAllows control for an application pool on a local or remote machine + with IIS installed. The default is to control the application pool on the + local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and + for the task to run under.
AppPoolCreateCreates a new application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS + installed. The default is to create the new application pool on the local + machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for + the task to run under.
AppPoolDeleteDeletes an existing application pool on a local or remote machine with + IIS installed. The default is to delete an existing application pool on + the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the + and for the task to run under.
AssemblyInfoGenerates an AssemblyInfo files
AttribChanges the attributes of files and/or directories
BeepA task to play the sound of a beep through the console speaker.
BuildAssemblerBuildAssembler task for Sandcastle.
ChmBuilderChmBuilder task for Sandcastle.
ChmCompilerHtml Help 1x compiler task.
ComputerProvides information about the build computer.
DBCSFixDBCSFix task for Sandcastle.
DeleteTreeDelete a directory tree. This task supports wild card directory selection.
DivideDivide numbers
EmbedNativeResourceA task for embedded native resource.
ExecuteDDLMSBuild task to execute DDL and SQL statements.
FileUpdateReplace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression.
FtpCreateRemoteDirectoryCreates a full remote directory on the remote server if not exists using + the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This can be one directory or a full path + to create.
FtpDirectoryExistsDeterm if a remote directory exists on a FTP server or not.
FtpUploadUploads a group of files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
FtpUploadDirectoryContentUploads a full directory content to a remote directory.
FxCopUses FxCop to analyse managed code assemblies and reports on their design + best-practice compliance.
GacUtilMSBuild task to install and uninstall assemblies into the GAC
GetSolutionProjectsRetrieves the list of Projects contained within a Visual Studio Solution + (.sln) file
GitBranchA task to get the name of the branch or tag of git repository
GitClientA task for Git commands.
GitCommitsA task for git to retrieve the number of commits on a revision.
GitDescribeA task for git to get the most current tag, commit count since tag, + and commit hash.
GitPendingChangesA task for git to detect if there are pending changes
GitVersionA task for git to get the current commit hash.
HttpRequestMakes an HTTP request, optionally validating the result and writing + it to a file.
HxCompilerA Html Help 2.0 compiler task.
ILMergeA wrapper for the ILMerge tool.
InnoSetupMSBuild task to create installer with InnoSetup
InstallAspNetInstalls and register script mappings for ASP.NET
InstallAssemblyInstalls assemblies.
JSCompressCompresses JavaScript source by removing comments and unnecessary whitespace. + It typically reduces the size of the script by half, resulting in faster + downloads and code that is harder to read.
MRefBuilderMRefBuilder task for Sandcastle.
MVMoves files on the filesystem to a new location.
MailSends an email message
MergeMerge files into the destination file.
ModuloPerforms the modulo operation on numbers.
MultipleMultiple numbers
NDocRuns the NDoc application.
NUnitRun NUnit 2.4 on a group of assemblies.
NuGetInstallInstalls a package using the specified sources.
NuGetPackCreates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file.
NuGetPushPushes a package to the server and optionally publishes it.
NuGetRestoreDownloads and unzips (restores) any packages missing from the packages + folder.
PdbStrA task for the pdbstr from source server.
PromptDisplays a message on the console and waits for user input.
RegexCompilerCompiles regular expressions and saves them to disk in an assembly.
RegexMatchTask to filter an Input list with a Regex expression. Output list contains + items from Input list that matched given expression
RegexReplaceTask to replace portions of strings within the Input list Output list + contains all the elements of the Input list after performing the Regex Replace.
RegistryReadReads a value from the Registry
RegistryWriteWrites a value to the Registry
RoboCopyTask wrapping the Window Resource Kit Robocopy.exe command.
SandcastleThe Sandcastle task.
ScriptExecutes code contained within the task.
ServiceControllerTask that can control a Windows service.
ServiceQueryTask that can determine the status of a specified service on a target + server.
SleepA task for sleeping for a specified period of time.
SoundA task to play a sound from a .wav file path or URL.
SqlExecuteExecutes a SQL command.
SqlPubWizThe Database Publishing Wizard enables the deployment of SQL Server + databases (both schema and data) into a shared hosting environment.
SrcToolA task for the srctool from source server.
SubtractSubtract numbers
SvnCheckoutCheckout a local working copy of a Subversion repository.
SvnClientSubversion client base class
SvnCommitSubversion Commit command
SvnCopyCopy a file or folder in Subversion
SvnExportExport a folder from a Subversion repository
SvnInfoRun the "svn info" command and parse the output
SvnSourceIndexA subversion source index task.
SvnStatusSubversion status command.
SvnUpdateSubversion Update command
SvnVersionSummarize the local revision(s) of a working copy.
SymStoreTask that wraps the Symbol Server SymStore.exe application.
TaskSchemaA Task that generates a XSD schema of the tasks in an assembly.
TemplateFileMSBuild task that replaces tokens in a template file and writes out + a new file.
TfsClientA task for Team Foundation Server version control.
TfsSourceIndexTask to index pdb files and entries to retrieve source files from Team + Foundation Server source control.
TimeGets the current date and time.
UninstallAssemblyUninstalls assemblies.
UnzipUnzip a file to a target directory.
UserProvides information about the build user.
VersionGenerates version information based on various algorithms
WebDirectoryCreateCreates a new web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. + The default is to create the new web directory on the local machine. The + physical path is required to already exist on the target machine. If connecting + to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under.
WebDirectoryDeleteDeletes a web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. + The default is to delete the web directory on the local machine. If connecting + to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under.
WebDirectoryScriptMapSets an application mapping for a filename extension on an existing + web directory.
WebDirectorySettingReads and modifies a web directory configuration setting.
WebDownloadDownloads a resource with the specified URI to a local file.
WebUploadUpload a local file to a remote URI.
XmlMassUpdatePerforms multiple updates on an XML file
XmlQueryReads a value or values from lines of XML
XmlReadReads a value from a XML document using a XPath.
XmlUpdateUpdates a XML document using a XPath.
XslTransformXslTransform task for Sandcastle.
XsltA task to merge and transform a set of xml files.
ZipCreate a zip file with the files specified.

Getting Started


In order to use the tasks in this project, you need to import the MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets +files. If you installed the project with the msi installer, you can use the following.
+ +


<Import +Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>


Related resources

+ +


Copyright © 2005-2007 Paul Welter. All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -395,5 +512,7 @@ 


+ + diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md index 44a8fa4b..ed56cef9 100644 --- a/readme.md +++ b/readme.md @@ -32,725 +32,447 @@ https://groups.google.com/d/forum/msbuildtasks ##Current Community Tasks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +
- Task - - Description -
- Add - - Add numbers -
- AddTnsName - - Defines a database host within the Oracle TNSNAMES.ORA file. -
- AppPoolController - - Allows control for an application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. The default is to control the application pool on the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under. -
- AppPoolCreate - - Creates a new application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. The default is to create the new application pool on the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under. -
- AppPoolDelete - - Deletes an existing application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. The default is to delete an existing application pool on the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under. -
- AssemblyInfo - - Generates an AssemblyInfo files -
- Attrib - - Changes the attributes of files and/or directories -
- Beep - - A task to play the sound of a beep through the console speaker. -
- BuildAssembler - - BuildAssembler task for Sandcastle. -
- ChmBuilder - - ChmBuilder task for Sandcastle. -
- ChmCompiler - - Html Help 1x compiler task. -
- Computer - - Provides information about the build computer. -
- DBCSFix - - DBCSFix task for Sandcastle. -
- Divide - - Divide numbers -
- ExecuteDDL - - MSBuild task to execute DDL and SQL statements. -
- FileUpdate - - Replace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression. -
- FtpCreateRemoteDirectory - - Creates a full remote directory on the remote server if not exists using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This can be one directory or a full path to create. -
- FtpDirectoryExists - - Determ if a remote directory exists on a FTP server or not. -
- FtpUpload - - Uploads a group of files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP). -
- FtpUploadDirectoryContent - - Uploads a full directory content to a remote directory. -
- FxCop - - Uses FxCop to analyse managed code assemblies and reports on their design best-practice compliance. -
- GacUtil - - MSBuild task to install and uninstall asseblies into the GAC -
- GetSolutionProjects - - Retrieves the list of Projects contained within a Visual Studio Solution (.sln) file -
- HxCompiler - - A Html Help 2.0 compiler task. -
- ILMerge - - A wrapper for the ILMerge tool. -
- InstallAspNet - - Installs and register script mappings for ASP.NET -
- InstallAssembly - - Installs assemblies. -
- JSCompress - - Compresses JavaScript source by removing comments and unnecessary whitespace. It typically reduces the size of the script by half, resulting in faster downloads and code that is harder to read. -
- Mail - - Sends an email message -
- Merge - - Merge files into the destination file. -
- Modulo - - Performs the modulo operation on numbers. -
- MV - - Moves files on the filesystem to a new location. -
- MRefBuilder - - MRefBuilder task for Sandcastle. -
- Multiple - - Multiple numbers -
- NDoc - - Runs the NDoc application. -
- NUnit - - Run NUnit 2.4 on a group of assemblies. -
- Prompt - - Displays a message on the console and waits for user input. -
- RegexMatch - - Task to filter an Input list with a Regex expression. Output list contains items from Input list that matched given expression -
- RegexReplace - - Task to replace portions of strings within the Input list Output list contains all the elements of the Input list after performing the Regex Replace. -
- RegistryRead - - Reads a value from the Registry -
- RegistryWrite - - Writes a value to the Registry -
- RoboCopy - - Task wrapping the Window Resource Kit Robocopy.exe command. -
- Sandcastle - - The Sandcastle task. -
- Script - - Executes code contained within the task. -
- ServiceController - - Task that can control a Windows service. -
- ServiceQuery - - Task that can determine the status of a specified service on a target server. -
- Sleep - - A task for sleeping for a specified period of time. -
- Sound - - A task to play a sound from a .wav file path or URL. -
- SqlExecute - - Executes a SQL command. -
- SqlPubWiz - - The Database Publishing Wizard enables the deployment of SQL Server databases (both schema and data) into a shared hosting environment. -
- Subtract - - Subtract numbers -
- SvnCheckout - - Checkout a local working copy of a Subversion repository. -
- SvnClient - - Subversion client base class -
- SvnCommit - - Subversion Commit command -
- SvnCopy - - Copy a file or folder in Subversion -
- SvnExport - - Export a folder from a Subversion repository -
- SvnInfo - - Run the "svn info" command and parse the output -
- SvnUpdate - - Subversion Update command -
- SvnVersion - - Summarize the local revision(s) of a working copy. -
- TaskSchema - - A Task that generates a XSD schema of the tasks in an assembly. -
- TemplateFile - - MSBuild task that replaces tokens in a template file and writes out a new file. -
- TfsVersion - - Determines the changeset in a local Team Foundation Server workspace -
- Time - - Gets the current date and time. -
- UninstallAssembly - - Uninstalls assemblies. -
- Unzip - - Unzip a file to a target directory. -
- User - - Provides information about the build user. -
- Version - - Generates version information based on various algorithms -
- VssAdd - - Task that adds files to a Visual SourceSafe database. -
- VssCheckin - - Task that executes a checkin against a VSS Database. -
- VssCheckout - - Task that executes a checkout of files or projects against a Visual SourceSafe database. -
- VssClean - - Task that can strip the source control information from a Visual Studio Solution and subprojects. -
- VssDiff - - Task that records differences between the latest version of all the items in a Visual SourceSafe project and another version or label to a file. -
- VssGet - - Task that retireves an item or project from a Visual SourceSafe database. -
- VssHistory - - Generates an XML file containing details of all changes made to a Visual SourceSafe project or file between specified labels or dates. -
- VssLabel - - Task that applies a label to a Visual SourceSafe item. -
- VssUndoCheckout - - Task that undoes a checkout of files or projects against a Visual SourceSafe database. -
- WebDirectoryCreate - - Creates a new web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. The default is to create the new web directory on the local machine. The physical path is required to already exist on the target machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under. -
- WebDirectoryDelete - - Deletes a web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. The default is to delete the web directory on the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under. -
- WebDirectoryScriptMap - - Sets an application mapping for a filename extension on an existing web directory. -
- WebDirectorySetting - - Reads and modifies a web directory configuration setting. -
- WebDownload - - Downloads a resource with the specified URI to a local file. -
- XmlMassUpdate - - Performs multiple updates on an XML file -
- XmlQuery - - Reads a value or values from lines of XML -
- XmlRead - - Reads a value from a XML document using a XPath. -
- XmlUpdate - - Updates a XML document using a XPath. -
- Xslt - - A task to merge and transform a set of xml files. -
- XslTransform - - XslTransform task for Sandcastle. -
- Zip - - Create a zip file with the files specified. -
-  * Items not complete or have not been released. -
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Task Description
AddAdd numbers
AddTnsNameDefines a database host within the Oracle TNSNAMES.ORA file.
AppPoolControllerAllows control for an application pool on a local or remote machine + with IIS installed. The default is to control the application pool on the + local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and + for the task to run under.
AppPoolCreateCreates a new application pool on a local or remote machine with IIS + installed. The default is to create the new application pool on the local + machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the and for + the task to run under.
AppPoolDeleteDeletes an existing application pool on a local or remote machine with + IIS installed. The default is to delete an existing application pool on + the local machine. If connecting to a remote machine, you can specify the + and for the task to run under.
AssemblyInfoGenerates an AssemblyInfo files
AttribChanges the attributes of files and/or directories
BeepA task to play the sound of a beep through the console speaker.
BuildAssemblerBuildAssembler task for Sandcastle.
ChmBuilderChmBuilder task for Sandcastle.
ChmCompilerHtml Help 1x compiler task.
ComputerProvides information about the build computer.
DBCSFixDBCSFix task for Sandcastle.
DeleteTreeDelete a directory tree. This task supports wild card directory selection.
DivideDivide numbers
EmbedNativeResourceA task for embedded native resource.
ExecuteDDLMSBuild task to execute DDL and SQL statements.
FileUpdateReplace text in file(s) using a Regular Expression.
FtpCreateRemoteDirectoryCreates a full remote directory on the remote server if not exists using + the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). This can be one directory or a full path + to create.
FtpDirectoryExistsDeterm if a remote directory exists on a FTP server or not.
FtpUploadUploads a group of files using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
FtpUploadDirectoryContentUploads a full directory content to a remote directory.
FxCopUses FxCop to analyse managed code assemblies and reports on their design + best-practice compliance.
GacUtilMSBuild task to install and uninstall assemblies into the GAC
GetSolutionProjectsRetrieves the list of Projects contained within a Visual Studio Solution + (.sln) file
GitBranchA task to get the name of the branch or tag of git repository
GitClientA task for Git commands.
GitCommitsA task for git to retrieve the number of commits on a revision.
GitDescribeA task for git to get the most current tag, commit count since tag, + and commit hash.
GitPendingChangesA task for git to detect if there are pending changes
GitVersionA task for git to get the current commit hash.
HttpRequestMakes an HTTP request, optionally validating the result and writing + it to a file.
HxCompilerA Html Help 2.0 compiler task.
ILMergeA wrapper for the ILMerge tool.
InnoSetupMSBuild task to create installer with InnoSetup
InstallAspNetInstalls and register script mappings for ASP.NET
InstallAssemblyInstalls assemblies.
JSCompressCompresses JavaScript source by removing comments and unnecessary whitespace. + It typically reduces the size of the script by half, resulting in faster + downloads and code that is harder to read.
MRefBuilderMRefBuilder task for Sandcastle.
MVMoves files on the filesystem to a new location.
MailSends an email message
MergeMerge files into the destination file.
ModuloPerforms the modulo operation on numbers.
MultipleMultiple numbers
NDocRuns the NDoc application.
NUnitRun NUnit 2.4 on a group of assemblies.
NuGetInstallInstalls a package using the specified sources.
NuGetPackCreates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file.
NuGetPushPushes a package to the server and optionally publishes it.
NuGetRestoreDownloads and unzips (restores) any packages missing from the packages + folder.
PdbStrA task for the pdbstr from source server.
PromptDisplays a message on the console and waits for user input.
RegexCompilerCompiles regular expressions and saves them to disk in an assembly.
RegexMatchTask to filter an Input list with a Regex expression. Output list contains + items from Input list that matched given expression
RegexReplaceTask to replace portions of strings within the Input list Output list + contains all the elements of the Input list after performing the Regex Replace.
RegistryReadReads a value from the Registry
RegistryWriteWrites a value to the Registry
RoboCopyTask wrapping the Window Resource Kit Robocopy.exe command.
SandcastleThe Sandcastle task.
ScriptExecutes code contained within the task.
ServiceControllerTask that can control a Windows service.
ServiceQueryTask that can determine the status of a specified service on a target + server.
SleepA task for sleeping for a specified period of time.
SoundA task to play a sound from a .wav file path or URL.
SqlExecuteExecutes a SQL command.
SqlPubWizThe Database Publishing Wizard enables the deployment of SQL Server + databases (both schema and data) into a shared hosting environment.
SrcToolA task for the srctool from source server.
SubtractSubtract numbers
SvnCheckoutCheckout a local working copy of a Subversion repository.
SvnClientSubversion client base class
SvnCommitSubversion Commit command
SvnCopyCopy a file or folder in Subversion
SvnExportExport a folder from a Subversion repository
SvnInfoRun the "svn info" command and parse the output
SvnSourceIndexA subversion source index task.
SvnStatusSubversion status command.
SvnUpdateSubversion Update command
SvnVersionSummarize the local revision(s) of a working copy.
SymStoreTask that wraps the Symbol Server SymStore.exe application.
TaskSchemaA Task that generates a XSD schema of the tasks in an assembly.
TemplateFileMSBuild task that replaces tokens in a template file and writes out + a new file.
TfsClientA task for Team Foundation Server version control.
TfsSourceIndexTask to index pdb files and entries to retrieve source files from Team + Foundation Server source control.
TimeGets the current date and time.
UninstallAssemblyUninstalls assemblies.
UnzipUnzip a file to a target directory.
UserProvides information about the build user.
VersionGenerates version information based on various algorithms
WebDirectoryCreateCreates a new web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. + The default is to create the new web directory on the local machine. The + physical path is required to already exist on the target machine. If connecting + to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under.
WebDirectoryDeleteDeletes a web directory on a local or remote machine with IIS installed. + The default is to delete the web directory on the local machine. If connecting + to a remote machine, you can specify the and for the task to run under.
WebDirectoryScriptMapSets an application mapping for a filename extension on an existing + web directory.
WebDirectorySettingReads and modifies a web directory configuration setting.
WebDownloadDownloads a resource with the specified URI to a local file.
WebUploadUpload a local file to a remote URI.
XmlMassUpdatePerforms multiple updates on an XML file
XmlQueryReads a value or values from lines of XML
XmlReadReads a value from a XML document using a XPath.
XmlUpdateUpdates a XML document using a XPath.
XslTransformXslTransform task for Sandcastle.
XsltA task to merge and transform a set of xml files.
ZipCreate a zip file with the files specified.
+ ##Getting Started