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Discord Bot with Twitch and YouTube integrations for creator notifications!

Get messages when a Twitch user starts streaming, or when a YouTube channel posts a new video or starts a live.

Uses modern features like Slash Commands and Message Components


Slash Commands

  • Common
    • /about : Bot status with uptime, memory usage and more
  • Creators
    • /info <service> <term> : Information about a Twitch user or YouTube channel
    • /follow <service> <term> : Follow a creator and get notified when it starts streaming or uploads a video
    • /unfollow <service> <term> : Stops following a creator
    • /list : Lists all creators being followed on the server
  • Music
    • /play <term>: Play a song from YouTube
    • /pause: Pauses current song
    • /resume: Resumes current song
    • /skip: Skips current song
    • /stop: Stops playing and clears the queue
    • /queue: Lists current songs in queue


Copy the sample environment sample file into a secrets file:

cat config/dev.secret-sample.exs > config/dev.secret.exs

Run mix setup to install all dependencies and run the database migrations


For receiving and registering to webhooks locally, you need a public url that can reach your machine. You can use start a proxy with ngrok http $PORT, then copy the url generated into the :host config.


Grab your bot's token from Discord Applications on Your application > Bot > Click to reveal token


Create an account on Google Cloud Platform, and create a new API Key for your bot. You can limit the key to only have access to YouTube Data API v3

Example webhook payload
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <link rel="hub" href=""/>
    <link rel="self" href=""/>
    <title>YouTube video feed</title>
       <title>I wish this wasn’t an Ubisoft game</title>
       <link rel="alternate" href=""/>


To be able to search and receive webhooks from streams, you need to register an application on the Twitch Applications. After that, you'll be able to get the client_id and client_secret tokens.

Example webhook payload

Running locally

After all necessary values are on config/dev.secret.exs, run the bot with: mix phx.server. It will reload automatically when you update a file.

Running in production

The bot needs the following env_vars:

  • PORT : Port to run on. Defaults to 4000
  • PHX_HOST : The endpoint your bot is running on, without https://
  • DATABASE_URL : The url to connect to your postgres db
  • DISCORD_TOKEN : Token for your Discord Bot
  • YOUTUBE_API_KEY : YouTube API key
  • YOUTUBE_WEBHOOK_SECRET : Secret string to be used for validating YouTube webhooks
  • TWITCH_CLIENT_ID : Client ID for your Twitch application
  • TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET : Client Secret for your Twitch application
  • TWITCH_WEBHOOK_SECRET : Secret string to be used for validating Twitch webhooks