- iOS: App Store
- Android: Google Play
- Windows 10: Marketplace (Mobile & Desktop)
The Xamarin Evolve 2016 app is full of awesome and includes everything that you would expect from a spectacular conference application, but features tons of deep integration with:
- Azure + Online/Offline Sync
- Barcode Scanning
- Calendar Integration
- Maps & Navigation
- Push Notifications
- Phone Dialer
- Wi-Fi configuration
- AppLinks (Universal Links + Google App Indexing)
- A bunch of other great things
This app is around 15,000 lines of code. The iOS version contains 93% shared code, the Android version contains 90% shared code, the UWP has 99% shared code, and our Azure backend contains 23% shared code with the clients!:
With each push of code the Xamarin Evolve app was built with Visual Studio Team Services and Bitrise and deployed to be test on a plethora of apps in Xamarin Test Cloud. You can view results for both iOS and Android.
Not only was the Evolve 2016 app continuously deployed for testing with HockeyApp, but also provided events and crash reporting.
Open up src/XamarinEvolve.sln, which contains the iOS, Android, and Windows project. Simply restore your NuGet packages and build the application. It will run out of the box and will work off of a sample backend that we have published.
Out of the box the Evolve Mobile app uses sample data provided by the XamarinEvolve.DataStore.Mock. This is great for development, but you can also test against the test/development read-only Azure App Server Mobile Apps backend. Simply head to XamarinEvolve.Client.Portable/ViewModel/ViewModelBase.cs.
Simply change:
public static void Init (bool mock = true)
public static void Init (bool mock = false)
All of the code for Azure Notification Hubs has been integrated into the Xamarin Evolve application, you will just need to setup your Azure Notifcation Hub Keys and Google Keys. Please read through the startup guide and then fill in your keys in: XamarinEvolve.Utils/Helpers/Constants.cs
Inside of Visual Studio go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates and install SQLite for Universal Windows Platform: https://visualstudiogallery.msdn.microsoft.com/4913e7d5-96c9-4dde-a1a1-69820d615936
There is a “Debug” key that you can use out of the box, or you can configure your own. For Android, you'll need to obtain a Google Maps API key: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/android/platform_features/maps_and_location/maps/obtaining_a_google_maps_api_key/
Insert it in the Android project: ~/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml
<application ...>
<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.geo.API_KEY" android:value="GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY" />
In App.xaml.cs in the XamarinEvolve.UWP update Xamarin.FormsMaps.Init(string.Empty); with your API key from https://www.bingmapsportal.com/
Simply head over to http://hockeyapp.net and register a new iOS/Android/UWP application and fill in the HockeyApp API Keys in XamarinEvolve.Utils/Helpers/Constants.cs to enable crash reporting.
This repo contains a full backend that you can deploy to your own Azure App Service Mobile App Backend.