# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Site settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

title: blank # the website title (if blank, full name will be used instead)
first_name: myyyy
middle_name:  .S
email: myyyy.s@139.com
description: > # the ">" symbol means to ignore newlines until "footer_text:"
  A simple, whitespace theme for academics. Based on [*folio](https://github.com/bogoli/-folio) design.
footer_text: >
  Powered by <a href="https://jekyllrb.com/" target="_blank">Jekyll</a> with <a href="https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio">al-folio</a> theme.
  Hosted by <a href="https://pages.github.com/" target="_blank">GitHub Pages</a>.
keywords: jekyll, jekyll-theme, academic-website, portfolio-website  # add your own keywords or leave empty

lang: en # the language of your site (for example: en, fr, cn, ru, etc.)
icon: 🌌  # the emoji used as the favicon (alternatively, provide image name in /assets/img/)

url: https://myyyy.github.io # the base hostname & protocol for your site
baseurl:  # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
last_updated: false # set to true if you want to display last updated in the footer
impressum_path:  # set to path to include impressum link in the footer, use the same path as permalink in a page, helps to conform with EU GDPR

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Theme
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# code highlighter theme
highlight_theme_light: github   # https://github.com/jwarby/jekyll-pygments-themes
highlight_theme_dark: native    # https://github.com/jwarby/jekyll-pygments-themes

# repo color theme
repo_theme_light: default       # https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/blob/master/themes/README.md
repo_theme_dark: dark           # https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats/blob/master/themes/README.md
  enabled: true
  theme_light: flat    # https://github.com/ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy
  theme_dark: gitdimmed  # https://github.com/ryo-ma/github-profile-trophy

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# RSS Feed
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# will use title and url fields
# Take a look to https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-feed for more customization

rss_icon: true

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Layout
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

navbar_fixed: true
footer_fixed: true

# Dimensions
max_width: 800px

# TODO: add layout settings (single page vs. multi-page)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Open Graph & Schema.org
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Display links to the page with a preview object on social media.
serve_og_meta: false # Include Open Graph meta tags in the HTML head
serve_schema_org: false # Include Schema.org in the HTML head
og_image: # The site-wide (default for all links) Open Graph preview image

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Social integration
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

github_username: # your GitHub user name
gitlab_username: # your GitLab user name
twitter_username: # your Twitter handle
mastodon_username: # your mastodon instance+username in the format instance.tld/@username
linkedin_username: # your LinkedIn user name
telegram_username: # your Telegram user name
scholar_userid: # your Google Scholar ID
semanticscholar_id: # your Semantic Scholar ID
whatsapp_number: # your WhatsApp number (full phone number in international format. Omit any zeroes, brackets, or dashes when adding the phone number in international format.)
orcid_id: # your ORCID ID
medium_username: # your Medium username
quora_username: # your Quora username
publons_id: # your ID on Publons
osf_id: # your OSF ID
research_gate_profile: # your profile on ResearchGate
blogger_url: # your blogger URL
work_url: # work page URL
keybase_username: # your keybase user name
wikidata_id: # your wikidata id
wikipedia_id: # your wikipedia id (Case sensitive)
dblp_url: # your DBLP profile url
stackoverflow_id: # your stackoverflow id
kaggle_id: # your kaggle id
lastfm_id: # your lastfm id
spotify_id: # your spotify id
pinterest_id: # your pinterest id
unsplash_id: # your unsplash id
instagram_id: # your instagram id
facebook_id: # your facebook id
youtube_id: # your youtube channel id (youtube.com/@<youtube_id>)
discord_id: # your discord id (18-digit unique numerical identifier)

contact_note: >
  You can even add a little note about which of these is the best way to reach you.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Analytics and search engine verification
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

google_analytics:  # your Google Analytics measurement ID (format: G-XXXXXXXXXX)
panelbear_analytics:  # panelbear analytics site ID (format: XXXXXXXXX)

google_site_verification:  # your google-site-verification ID (Google Search Console)
bing_site_verification:  # out your bing-site-verification ID (Bing Webmaster)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Blog
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

blog_name: myyyy.S # blog_name will be displayed in your blog page
blog_nav_title: 愫记 # your blog must have a title for it to be displayed in the nav bar
blog_description: 不要走在我后面,因为我可能不会引路;不要走在我前面,因为我可能不会跟随;请走在我的身边,做我的朋友。--加缪
permalink: /blog/:year/:title/

# Pagination
  enabled: true

  enabled: true
  max_related: 5

# Giscus comments (RECOMMENDED)
# Follow instructions on https://giscus.app/ to setup for your repo to fill out
# the information below.
  repo: alshedivat/al-folio      # <your-github-user-name>/<your-github-repo-name>
  repo_id: MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk4MjE0MTk4Mw==
  category: Comments             # name of the category under which discussions will be created
  category_id: DIC_kwDOBOVjH84CVb7H
  mapping: title                 # identify discussions by post title
  strict: 1                      # use strict identification mode
  reactions_enabled: 1           # enable (1) or disable (0) emoji reactions
  input_position: bottom         # whether to display input form below (bottom) or above (top) the comments
  theme: preferred_color_scheme  # name of the color scheme (preferred works well with al-folio light/dark mode)
  emit_metadata: 0
  lang: en
  # repo: myyyy/myyyy.github.io      # <your-github-user-name>/<your-github-repo-name>
  # repo_id: MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnk4MjE0MTk4Mw==
  # category: Announcements             # name of the category under which discussions will be created
  # category_id: DIC_kwDOBOVjH84CVb7H
  # mapping: title                 # identify discussions by post title
  # strict: 0                     # use strict identification mode
  # input_position: bottom         # whether to display input form below (bottom) or above (top) the comments
  # theme: light_protanopia  # name of the color scheme (preferred works well with al-folio light/dark mode)
  # crossorigin: anonymous
  # reactions_enabled: 1           # enable (1) or disable (0) emoji reactions
  # emit_metadata: 0
  # lang: en

# Disqus comments (DEPRECATED)
disqus_shortname: myyyy.github.io # put your disqus shortname
# https://help.disqus.com/en/articles/1717111-what-s-a-shortname

# External sources.
# If you have blog posts published on medium.com or other external sources,
# you can display them in your blog by adding a link to the RSS feed.
# external_sources:
  # - name: medium.com
    # rss_url: https://medium.com/@al-folio/feed

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Collections
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

      layout: post
    output: true
    permalink: /news/:path/
    output: true
    permalink: /projects/:path/

news_scrollable: true # adds a vertical scroll bar if there are more than 3 news items
news_limit: 5 # leave blank to include all the news in the `_news` folder

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Markdown and syntax highlight
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
  input: GFM
    css_class: 'highlight'
      line_numbers: false
      line_numbers: false
      start_line: 1

# Includes & excludes
include: ['_pages']
  - bin
  - Gemfile
  - Gemfile.lock
  - vendor
  - .nojekyll
  - .git

# Plug-ins
  - jekyll-archives
  - jekyll-diagrams
  - jekyll-email-protect
  - jekyll-feed
  - jekyll-imagemagick
  - jekyll-minifier
  - jekyll-paginate-v2
  - jekyll/scholar
  - jekyll-sitemap
  - jekyll-link-attributes
  - jekyll-twitter-plugin
  - jemoji

# Sitemap settings
  - scope:
      path: "assets/**/*.*"
      sitemap: false

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll Minifier
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  exclude: ['robots.txt']
    harmony: true

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll Archives
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  enabled: [year, tags, categories] # enables year, tag and category archives (remove if you need to disable one of them).
    year: archive-year
    tag: archive-tag
    category: archive-category
    year: '/blog/:year/'
    tag: '/blog/tag/:name/'
    category: '/blog/category/:name/'

display_tags: ['leetcode','bigdata','spark', 'flink','hive', 'python', 'other'] # this tags will be dispalyed on the front page of your blog

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll Scholar
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


  last_name: [Einstein]
  first_name: [Albert, A.]

  style: apa
  locale: en

  source: /_bibliography/
  bibliography: papers.bib
  bibliography_template: bib
  # Note: if you have latex math in your bibtex, the latex filter
  # preprocessing may conflict with MathJAX if the latter is enabled.
  # See https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/issues/357.
  bibtex_filters: [latex, smallcaps, superscript]

  replace_strings: true
  join_strings: true

  details_dir: bibliography
  details_layout: bibtex.html
  details_link: Details

  query: "@*"

badges: # Display different badges for your pulications
  altmetric_badge: true # Altmetric badge (https://www.altmetric.com/products/altmetric-badges/)
  dimensions_badge: true # Dimensions badge (https://badge.dimensions.ai/)

# Filter out certain bibtex entry keywords used internally from the bib output
filtered_bibtex_keywords: [abbr, abstract, arxiv, bibtex_show, html, pdf, selected, supp, blog, code, poster, slides, website, preview, altmetric]

# Maximum number of authors to be shown for each publication (more authors are visible on click)
max_author_limit: 3  # leave blank to always show all authors
more_authors_animation_delay: 10  # more authors are revealed on click using animation; smaller delay means faster animation

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll Link Attributes
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# These are the defaults
  enabled: true
  rel: external nofollow noopener
  target: _blank

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Responsive WebP Images
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  enabled: true # enables responsive images for your site (recomended, see https://github.com/alshedivat/al-folio/issues/537)
    - 480
    - 800
    - 1400
    - assets/img/
    - ".jpg"
    - ".jpeg"
    - ".png"
    - ".tiff"
    webp: "-resize 800x"

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jekyll Diagrams
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # configuration, see https://github.com/zhustec/jekyll-diagrams.
    # feel free to comment out this section if not using jekyll diagrams.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Optional Features
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

enable_google_analytics:    false  # enables google analytics
enable_panelbear_analytics: false  # enables panelbear analytics
enable_google_verification: false  # enables google site verification
enable_bing_verification:   false  # enables bing site verification
enable_masonry:             true   # enables automatic project cards arangement
enable_math:                true   # enables math typesetting (uses MathJax)
enable_tooltips:            false  # enables automatic tooltip links generated
                                   # for each section titles on pages and posts
enable_darkmode:            true   # enables switching between light/dark modes
enable_navbar_social:       false  # enables displaying social links in the
                                   # navbar on the about page
enable_project_categories:  true   # enables categorization of projects into
                                   # multiple categories
enable_medium_zoom:         true   # enables image zoom feature (as on medium.com)
enable_progressbar:         true   # enables a horizontal progress bar linked to the vertical scroll position

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Library versions
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

  version: "1.9.1"
  integrity: "sha256-i1+4qU2G2860dGGIOJscdC30s9beBXjFfzjWLjBRsBg="
  version: "4.6.1"
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  version: "3.6.0"
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  version: "3.2.0"
  version: "4.2.2"
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