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Code Review checklist

Michail Slabko edited this page Sep 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Here is a “Code Review checklist" for the Storefront Application project that needs to be followed during CR process.

  • Story AC is completed
  • proposed changes correspond to Magento Technical Vision
    • we can have some “exceptions” e.g. for a temporary solution (task need to be created)
  • changes covered with integration/api-function tests
    • check existing coverage
    • add new coverage related to story
    • Expected results it test verified with data from fixture
  • Backward compatibility
    • for now, only changes of existing et_schema.xml fields should be verified
    • needed changes confirmed with @Anton Kaplia
  • Export API (et_schema.xml) and SF API schemas (proto schema) are reflected in the codebase
  • prerequisite: story branch created with all needed generated classes according to proposes schema-changes
  • DTO classes does not contain any manual changes (Magento\CatalogExportApi*, Magento\CatalogStorefrontApi*)
  • Class usage: magento/catalog-storefront repo don't use directly classes from magento/saas-export repo and vise-verse
    • Check composer.json dependencies
    • note: Can be automated by static test
  • Legacy code is deleted
    • Any Data Providers present in Connector part (Magento\CatalogStorefrontConnector, Magento*Extractor modules)
    • And Data Providers from Export API (magento/saas-export repo) that is not relevant anymore
    • Any DTO for Export API/SF API which does not reflect current schema: et_schema, proto schema
    • Any “mapper” on Message Broker (between Export API and SF API)
      • if mapper still needed, verify fields used in mapping, remove not relevant fields

As a part of “final review" until covered with the automated test:

  • No un-expected logs in var/log directory during simple flow “product created … product available through SF API”