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Stock Management for Order Cancelation

Lori Krell edited this page Nov 13, 2018 · 11 revisions

When canceling an order, MSI supports:

  • Full and partial canceling an order (not invoiced/shipped)
  • Full and partial credit memo (refund) an order

The following tables track inventory updates for Magento and Magento + MSI installations.

Deduction After Order Placement (Table 1)

When an order is placed:

  • Magento deducts the amount ordered from the product quantity
  • Magento + MSI enters a reservation subtracted from the product's salable quantity (not from the on-hand inventory quantity)
Product Type Magento Magento with MSI
Simple + +
Configurable + +
Grouped + +
Virtual + +
Bundle + +
Downloadable + +

Compensation for Order Cancelation (Table 2)

When an order is placed then canceled, but not invoiced/shipped:

  • Magento adds the amount ordered to the product quantity
  • Magento + MSI enters a reservation compensation to the product's salable quantity (not from the on-hand inventory quantity). This effectively removes the reservation and provides additional salable quantities for that Stock.
Product Type Magento Magento with MSI
Simple + +
Configurable + +
Grouped + +
Virtual + +
Bundle + +
Downloadable + +

Compensation for Order Cancelation after Shipment (Table 3)

When an order is canceled after shipment:

  • Magento does not affect the product quantity, except for configurable products. Currently, Magento does return the quantity to those products.
  • Magento + MSI does not affect reservations or quantities until a credit memo is placed, products returned.
Product Type Magento Magento with MSI
Simple - -
Configurable + -
Grouped - -
Virtual N/A N/A
Bundle - -
Downloadable N/A N/A

Partial Shipment works this way: items that are already shipped(Table 3) and items that are still in inventory (Table 2)

Compensation for Credit Memo Return to Stock is checked

When a credit memo is issued for an order refund, select the "Return to Stock", the following happens:

  • Magento adds amount to the product quantity
  • Magento + MSI adds back the quantity amount to the Source that shipped the products. For Single Source merchants, returns to Default Source. For Multi Source merchants, returns to the source that shipped the products. This can affect multiple sources for refunded, partial shipments. Reservation compensation added for increased salable quantity.
Product Type Magento Magento with MSI
Simple + +
Configurable + +
Grouped + +
Virtual N/A N/A
Bundle + +
Downloadable N/A N/A

MSI Documentation:

  1. Technical Vision. Catalog Inventory
  2. Installation Guide
  3. List of Inventory APIs and their legacy analogs
  4. MSI Roadmap
  5. Known Issues in Order Lifecycle
  6. MSI User Guide
  7. DevDocs Documentation
  8. User Stories
  9. User Scenarios:
  10. Technical Designs:
  11. Admin UI
  12. MFTF Extension Tests
  13. Weekly MSI Demos
  14. Tutorials
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