From 98433617b8aa5aeffcb51a68c8a95d9f4e961c09 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pablohashescobar <>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2024 16:57:40 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] fix: email notification duplicates

 .../plane/bgtasks/  | 263 ++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 146 insertions(+), 117 deletions(-)

diff --git a/apiserver/plane/bgtasks/ b/apiserver/plane/bgtasks/
index 9e9b348e197..617bfcfdc60 100644
--- a/apiserver/plane/bgtasks/
+++ b/apiserver/plane/bgtasks/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 from datetime import datetime
 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 # Third party imports
 from celery import shared_task
+from sentry_sdk import capture_exception
 # Django imports
 from django.utils import timezone
@@ -16,6 +16,17 @@
 from plane.license.utils.instance_value import get_email_configuration
 from plane.settings.redis import redis_instance
+# acquire and delete redis lock
+def acquire_lock(lock_id, expire_time=300):
+    redis_client = redis_instance()
+    """Attempt to acquire a lock with a specified expiration time."""
+    return redis_client.set(lock_id, 'true', nx=True, ex=expire_time)
+def release_lock(lock_id):
+    """Release a lock."""
+    redis_client = redis_instance()
+    redis_client.delete(lock_id)
 def stack_email_notification():
     # get all email notifications
@@ -142,135 +153,153 @@ def process_html_content(content):
     return processed_content_list
 def send_email_notification(
     issue_id, notification_data, receiver_id, email_notification_ids
+    # Convert UUIDs to a sorted, concatenated string
+    sorted_ids = sorted(email_notification_ids)
+    ids_str = "_".join(str(id) for id in sorted_ids)
+    lock_id = f"send_email_notif_{issue_id}_{receiver_id}_{ids_str}"
+    # acquire the lock for sending emails
-        ri = redis_instance()
-        base_api = (ri.get(str(issue_id)).decode())
-        data = create_payload(notification_data=notification_data)
+        if acquire_lock(lock_id=lock_id):
+            # get the redis instance
+            ri = redis_instance()
+            base_api = (ri.get(str(issue_id)).decode())
+            data = create_payload(notification_data=notification_data)
-        # Get email configurations
-        (
-            EMAIL_HOST,
-            EMAIL_HOST_USER,
-            EMAIL_PORT,
-            EMAIL_USE_TLS,
-            EMAIL_FROM,
-        ) = get_email_configuration()
+            # Get email configurations
+            (
+                EMAIL_HOST,
+                EMAIL_HOST_USER,
+                EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD,
+                EMAIL_PORT,
+                EMAIL_USE_TLS,
+                EMAIL_FROM,
+            ) = get_email_configuration()
-        receiver = User.objects.get(pk=receiver_id)
-        issue = Issue.objects.get(pk=issue_id)
-        template_data = []
-        total_changes = 0
-        comments = []
-        actors_involved = []
-        for actor_id, changes in data.items():
-            actor = User.objects.get(pk=actor_id)
-            total_changes = total_changes + len(changes)
-            comment = changes.pop("comment", False)
-            mention = changes.pop("mention", False)
-            actors_involved.append(actor_id)
-            if comment:
-                comments.append(
-                    {
-                        "actor_comments": comment,
-                        "actor_detail": {
-                            "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
-                            "first_name": actor.first_name,
-                            "last_name": actor.last_name,
-                        },
-                    }
-                )
-            if mention:
-                mention["new_value"] = process_html_content(mention.get("new_value"))
-                mention["old_value"] = process_html_content(mention.get("old_value"))
-                comments.append(
-                    {
-                        "actor_comments": mention,
-                        "actor_detail": {
-                            "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
-                            "first_name": actor.first_name,
-                            "last_name": actor.last_name,
-                        },
-                    }
-                )
-            activity_time = changes.pop("activity_time")
-            # Parse the input string into a datetime object
-            formatted_time = datetime.strptime(activity_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime("%H:%M %p")
+            receiver = User.objects.get(pk=receiver_id)
+            issue = Issue.objects.get(pk=issue_id)
+            template_data = []
+            total_changes = 0
+            comments = []
+            actors_involved = []
+            for actor_id, changes in data.items():
+                actor = User.objects.get(pk=actor_id)
+                total_changes = total_changes + len(changes)
+                comment = changes.pop("comment", False)
+                mention = changes.pop("mention", False)
+                actors_involved.append(actor_id)
+                if comment:
+                    comments.append(
+                        {
+                            "actor_comments": comment,
+                            "actor_detail": {
+                                "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
+                                "first_name": actor.first_name,
+                                "last_name": actor.last_name,
+                            },
+                        }
+                    )
+                if mention:
+                    mention["new_value"] = process_html_content(mention.get("new_value"))
+                    mention["old_value"] = process_html_content(mention.get("old_value"))
+                    comments.append(
+                        {
+                            "actor_comments": mention,
+                            "actor_detail": {
+                                "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
+                                "first_name": actor.first_name,
+                                "last_name": actor.last_name,
+                            },
+                        }
+                    )
+                activity_time = changes.pop("activity_time")
+                # Parse the input string into a datetime object
+                formatted_time = datetime.strptime(activity_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S").strftime("%H:%M %p")
-            if changes:
-                template_data.append(
-                    {
-                        "actor_detail": {
-                            "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
-                            "first_name": actor.first_name,
-                            "last_name": actor.last_name,
-                        },
-                        "changes": changes,
-                        "issue_details": {
-                            "name":,
-                            "identifier": f"{issue.project.identifier}-{issue.sequence_id}",
-                        },
-                        "activity_time": str(formatted_time),
-                    }
-            )
+                if changes:
+                    template_data.append(
+                        {
+                            "actor_detail": {
+                                "avatar_url": actor.avatar,
+                                "first_name": actor.first_name,
+                                "last_name": actor.last_name,
+                            },
+                            "changes": changes,
+                            "issue_details": {
+                                "name":,
+                                "identifier": f"{issue.project.identifier}-{issue.sequence_id}",
+                            },
+                            "activity_time": str(formatted_time),
+                        }
+                )
-        summary = "Updates were made to the issue by"
+            summary = "Updates were made to the issue by"
-        # Send the mail
-        subject = f"{issue.project.identifier}-{issue.sequence_id} {}"
-        context = {
-            "data": template_data,
-            "summary": summary,
-            "actors_involved": len(set(actors_involved)),
-            "issue": {
-                "issue_identifier": f"{str(issue.project.identifier)}-{str(issue.sequence_id)}",
-                "name":,
+            # Send the mail
+            subject = f"{issue.project.identifier}-{issue.sequence_id} {}"
+            context = {
+                "data": template_data,
+                "summary": summary,
+                "actors_involved": len(set(actors_involved)),
+                "issue": {
+                    "issue_identifier": f"{str(issue.project.identifier)}-{str(issue.sequence_id)}",
+                    "name":,
+                    "issue_url": f"{base_api}/{str(issue.project.workspace.slug)}/projects/{str(}/issues/{str(}",
+                },
+                "receiver": {
+                    "email":,
+                },
                 "issue_url": f"{base_api}/{str(issue.project.workspace.slug)}/projects/{str(}/issues/{str(}",
-            },
-            "receiver": {
-                "email":,
-            },
-            "issue_url": f"{base_api}/{str(issue.project.workspace.slug)}/projects/{str(}/issues/{str(}",
-            "project_url": f"{base_api}/{str(issue.project.workspace.slug)}/projects/{str(}/issues/",
-            "workspace":str(issue.project.workspace.slug),
-            "project": str(,
-            "user_preference": f"{base_api}/profile/preferences/email",
-            "comments": comments,
-        }
-        html_content = render_to_string(
-            "emails/notifications/issue-updates.html", context
-        )
-        text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
-        try:
-            connection = get_connection(
-                host=EMAIL_HOST,
-                port=int(EMAIL_PORT),
-                username=EMAIL_HOST_USER,
-                password=EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD,
-                use_tls=EMAIL_USE_TLS == "1",
+                "project_url": f"{base_api}/{str(issue.project.workspace.slug)}/projects/{str(}/issues/",
+                "workspace":str(issue.project.workspace.slug),
+                "project": str(,
+                "user_preference": f"{base_api}/profile/preferences/email",
+                "comments": comments,
+            }
+            html_content = render_to_string(
+                "emails/notifications/issue-updates.html", context
+            text_content = strip_tags(html_content)
-            msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
-                subject=subject,
-                body=text_content,
-                from_email=EMAIL_FROM,
-                to=[],
-                connection=connection,
-            )
-            msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
-            msg.send()
+            try:
+                connection = get_connection(
+                    host=EMAIL_HOST,
+                    port=int(EMAIL_PORT),
+                    username=EMAIL_HOST_USER,
+                    password=EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD,
+                    use_tls=EMAIL_USE_TLS == "1",
+                )
-            EmailNotificationLog.objects.filter(
-                pk__in=email_notification_ids
-            ).update(
-            return
-        except Exception as e:
-            print(e)
+                msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(
+                    subject=subject,
+                    body=text_content,
+                    from_email=EMAIL_FROM,
+                    to=[],
+                    connection=connection,
+                )
+                msg.attach_alternative(html_content, "text/html")
+                msg.send()
+                EmailNotificationLog.objects.filter(
+                    pk__in=email_notification_ids
+                ).update(
+                # release the lock
+                release_lock(lock_id=lock_id)
+                return
+            except Exception as e:
+                capture_exception(e)
+                # release the lock
+                release_lock(lock_id=lock_id)
+                return
+        else:
+            print("Duplicate task recived. Skipping...")
-    except Issue.DoesNotExist:
+    except (Issue.DoesNotExist, User.DoesNotExist) as e:
+        release_lock(lock_id=lock_id)