diff --git a/platform/darwin/docs/guides/Predicates and Expressions.md b/platform/darwin/docs/guides/Predicates and Expressions.md
index ee8f831fbdc..6b191720b71 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/docs/guides/Predicates and Expressions.md
+++ b/platform/darwin/docs/guides/Predicates and Expressions.md
@@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ The following comparison operators are supported:
`NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType` | `key != value`
`key <> value`
`NSBetweenPredicateOperatorType` | `key BETWEEN { 32, 212 }`
+The `key` may be cast explicitly into the key's type. Example: `CAST(key, 'NSNumber')` or
+`CAST(key, 'NSString')`
The following compound operators are supported:
`NSCompoundPredicateType` | Format string syntax
@@ -56,8 +59,11 @@ Format String Syntax” chapter of the
_[Predicate Programming Guide](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/Predicates/AdditionalChapters/Introduction.html)_
in Apple developer documentation.
-The predicate's left-hand expression must be a string that identifies a feature
-attribute or, alternatively, one of the following special attributes:
+Either the predicate’s left-hand or right-hand expression can be an `NSString`
+(to match strings) or `NSNumber` (to match numbers, including Boolean values)
+or an array of `NSString`s or `NSNumber`s, depending on the operator and the
+type of values expected for the attribute being tested or, alternatively,
+one of the following special attributes:
@@ -101,12 +107,8 @@ attribute or, alternatively, one of the following special attributes:
-The predicate’s right-hand expression must be an `NSString` (to match strings)
-or `NSNumber` (to match numbers, including Boolean values) or an array of
-`NSString`s or `NSNumber`s, depending on the operator and the type of values
-expected for the attribute being tested. For floating-point values, use
-`-[NSNumber numberWithDouble:]` instead of `-[NSNumber numberWithFloat:]`
-to avoid precision issues.
+For floating-point values, use `-[NSNumber numberWithDouble:]` instead of
+`-[NSNumber numberWithFloat:]` to avoid precision issues.
Automatic type casting is not performed. Therefore, a feature only matches this
predicate if its value for the attribute in question is of the same type as the
@@ -116,10 +118,10 @@ sensitivity) are unsupported for comparison and aggregate operators that are
used in the predicate.
It is possible to create expressions that contain special characters in the
-predicate format syntax. This includes the `$` in the `$id` and `$type` special
-style attributes and also `hyphen-minus` and `tag:subtag`. However, you must use
-`%K` in the format string to represent these variables:
-`@"%K == 'LineString'", @"$type"`.
+predicate format syntax. This includes the `$` in the `$featureIdentifier` and
+`$geometryType` special style attributes and also `hyphen-minus` and `tag:subtag`.
+However, you must use `%@` in the format string to represent these variables:
+`@"$geometryType == 'LineString'"`.
## Using expressions to configure layout and paint attributes
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/MGLVectorStyleLayer.h b/platform/darwin/src/MGLVectorStyleLayer.h
index b3c8fc24334..d9431215a14 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/MGLVectorStyleLayer.h
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/MGLVectorStyleLayer.h
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ MGL_EXPORT
let layer = MGLLineStyleLayer(identifier: "contour", source: terrain)
layer.sourceLayerIdentifier = "contours"
- layer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(index == 5 || index == 10) && ele >= 1500.0")
+ layer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(index == 5 || index == 10) && CAST(ele, 'NSNumber') >= 1500.0")
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/NSComparisonPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm b/platform/darwin/src/NSComparisonPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
index c39e987d854..380215ff32f 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/NSComparisonPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/NSComparisonPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
@@ -1,231 +1,12 @@
#import "NSComparisonPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
+#import "MGLStyleValue_Private.h"
#import "NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
#import "NSExpression+MGLPrivateAdditions.h"
@implementation NSComparisonPredicate (MGLAdditions)
-- (mbgl::style::Filter)mgl_filter {
- NSExpression *leftExpression = self.leftExpression;
- NSExpression *rightExpression = self.rightExpression;
- NSExpressionType leftType = leftExpression.expressionType;
- NSExpressionType rightType = rightExpression.expressionType;
- BOOL isReversed = ((leftType == NSConstantValueExpressionType || leftType == NSAggregateExpressionType)
- && rightType == NSKeyPathExpressionType);
- switch (self.predicateOperatorType) {
- case NSEqualToPredicateOperatorType: {
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter eqFilter;
- eqFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- eqFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- // Convert $type == to TypeEqualsFilter.
- if (eqFilter.key == "$type") {
- mbgl::style::TypeEqualsFilter typeEqFilter;
- typeEqFilter.value = self.mgl_featureType;
- return typeEqFilter;
- }
- // Convert $id == to IdentifierEqualsFilter.
- if (eqFilter.key == "$id") {
- // Convert $id == nil to NotHasIdentifierFilter.
- if (eqFilter.value.is()) {
- return mbgl::style::NotHasIdentifierFilter();
- }
- mbgl::style::IdentifierEqualsFilter idEqFilter;
- idEqFilter.value = self.mgl_featureIdentifier;
- return idEqFilter;
- }
- // Convert == nil to NotHasFilter.
- if (eqFilter.value.is()) {
- mbgl::style::NotHasFilter notHasFilter;
- notHasFilter.key = eqFilter.key;
- return notHasFilter;
- }
- return eqFilter;
- }
- case NSNotEqualToPredicateOperatorType: {
- mbgl::style::NotEqualsFilter neFilter;
- neFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- neFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- // Convert $type != to TypeNotEqualsFilter.
- if (neFilter.key == "$type") {
- mbgl::style::TypeNotEqualsFilter typeNeFilter;
- typeNeFilter.value = self.mgl_featureType;
- return typeNeFilter;
- }
- // Convert $id != to IdentifierNotEqualsFilter.
- if (neFilter.key == "$id") {
- // Convert $id != nil to HasIdentifierFilter.
- if (neFilter.value.is()) {
- return mbgl::style::HasIdentifierFilter();
- }
- mbgl::style::IdentifierNotEqualsFilter idNeFilter;
- idNeFilter.value = self.mgl_featureIdentifier;
- return idNeFilter;
- }
- // Convert != nil to HasFilter.
- if (neFilter.value.is()) {
- mbgl::style::HasFilter hasFilter;
- hasFilter.key = neFilter.key;
- return hasFilter;
- }
- return neFilter;
- }
- case NSGreaterThanPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- mbgl::style::LessThanFilter ltFilter;
- ltFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- ltFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return ltFilter;
- } else {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanFilter gtFilter;
- gtFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- gtFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return gtFilter;
- }
- }
- case NSGreaterThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter lteFilter;
- lteFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- lteFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return lteFilter;
- } else {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter gteFilter;
- gteFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- gteFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return gteFilter;
- }
- }
- case NSLessThanPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanFilter gtFilter;
- gtFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- gtFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return gtFilter;
- } else {
- mbgl::style::LessThanFilter ltFilter;
- ltFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- ltFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return ltFilter;
- }
- }
- case NSLessThanOrEqualToPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter gteFilter;
- gteFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- gteFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return gteFilter;
- } else {
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter lteFilter;
- lteFilter.key = self.mgl_keyPath.UTF8String;
- lteFilter.value = self.mgl_constantValue;
- return lteFilter;
- }
- }
- case NSInPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- if (leftType == NSConstantValueExpressionType && [leftExpression.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"CONTAINS not supported for string comparison."];
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Predicate cannot compare values IN attribute."];
- }
- // Convert $type IN to TypeInFilter.
- if ([leftExpression.keyPath isEqualToString:@"$type"]) {
- mbgl::style::TypeInFilter typeInFilter;
- typeInFilter.values = rightExpression.mgl_aggregateFeatureType;
- return typeInFilter;
- }
- // Convert $id IN to IdentifierInFilter.
- if ([leftExpression.keyPath isEqualToString:@"$id"]) {
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter idInFilter;
- idInFilter.values = rightExpression.mgl_aggregateFeatureIdentifier;
- return idInFilter;
- }
- mbgl::style::InFilter inFilter;
- inFilter.key = leftExpression.keyPath.UTF8String;
- inFilter.values = rightExpression.mgl_aggregateMBGLValue;
- return inFilter;
- }
- case NSContainsPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (!isReversed) {
- if (rightType == NSConstantValueExpressionType && [rightExpression.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"IN not supported for string comparison."];
- }
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Predicate cannot compare attribute CONTAINS values."];
- }
- // Convert CONTAINS $type to TypeInFilter.
- if ([rightExpression.keyPath isEqualToString:@"$type"]) {
- mbgl::style::TypeInFilter typeInFilter;
- typeInFilter.values = leftExpression.mgl_aggregateFeatureType;
- return typeInFilter;
- }
- // Convert CONTAINS $id to IdentifierInFilter.
- if ([rightExpression.keyPath isEqualToString:@"$id"]) {
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter idInFilter;
- idInFilter.values = leftExpression.mgl_aggregateFeatureIdentifier;
- return idInFilter;
- }
- mbgl::style::InFilter inFilter;
- inFilter.key = rightExpression.keyPath.UTF8String;
- inFilter.values = leftExpression.mgl_aggregateMBGLValue;
- return inFilter;
- }
- case NSBetweenPredicateOperatorType: {
- if (isReversed) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Predicate cannot compare bounds BETWEEN attribute."];
- }
- if (![rightExpression.constantValue isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Right side of BETWEEN predicate must be an array."]; // not NSSet
- }
- auto values = rightExpression.mgl_aggregateMBGLValue;
- if (values.size() != 2) {
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Right side of BETWEEN predicate must have two items."];
- }
- mbgl::style::AllFilter allFilter;
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter gteFilter;
- gteFilter.key = leftExpression.keyPath.UTF8String;
- gteFilter.value = values[0];
- allFilter.filters.push_back(gteFilter);
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter lteFilter;
- lteFilter.key = leftExpression.keyPath.UTF8String;
- lteFilter.value = values[1];
- allFilter.filters.push_back(lteFilter);
- return allFilter;
- }
- case NSMatchesPredicateOperatorType:
- case NSLikePredicateOperatorType:
- case NSBeginsWithPredicateOperatorType:
- case NSEndsWithPredicateOperatorType:
- case NSCustomSelectorPredicateOperatorType:
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"NSPredicateOperatorType:%lu is not supported.", (unsigned long)self.predicateOperatorType];
- }
- return {};
- (NSString *)mgl_keyPath {
NSExpression *leftExpression = self.leftExpression;
NSExpression *rightExpression = self.rightExpression;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/NSCompoundPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm b/platform/darwin/src/NSCompoundPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
index 19568b8033d..5a98b763ea3 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/NSCompoundPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/NSCompoundPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
#import "NSCompoundPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
+#import "MGLStyleValue_Private.h"
#import "NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.h"
#import "NSExpression+MGLPrivateAdditions.h"
@implementation NSCompoundPredicate (MGLAdditions)
- (std::vector)mgl_subfilters
@@ -14,62 +18,6 @@ @implementation NSCompoundPredicate (MGLAdditions)
return filters;
-- (mbgl::style::Filter)mgl_filter
- switch (self.compoundPredicateType) {
- case NSNotPredicateType: {
- NSAssert(self.subpredicates.count <= 1, @"NOT predicate cannot have multiple subpredicates.");
- NSPredicate *subpredicate = self.subpredicates.firstObject;
- mbgl::style::Filter subfilter = subpredicate.mgl_filter;
- // Convert NOT(!= nil) to NotHasFilter.
- if (subfilter.is()) {
- auto hasFilter = subfilter.get();
- return mbgl::style::NotHasFilter { .key = hasFilter.key };
- }
- // Convert NOT(== nil) to HasFilter.
- if (subfilter.is()) {
- auto hasFilter = subfilter.get();
- return mbgl::style::HasFilter { .key = hasFilter.key };
- }
- // Convert NOT(IN) or NOT(CONTAINS) to NotInFilter.
- if (subfilter.is()) {
- auto inFilter = subfilter.get();
- mbgl::style::NotInFilter notInFilter;
- notInFilter.key = inFilter.key;
- notInFilter.values = inFilter.values;
- return notInFilter;
- }
- // Convert NOT(), NOT(AND), NOT(NOT), NOT(==), etc. into NoneFilter.
- mbgl::style::NoneFilter noneFilter;
- if (subfilter.is()) {
- // Flatten NOT(OR).
- noneFilter.filters = subfilter.get().filters;
- } else if (subpredicate) {
- noneFilter.filters = { subfilter };
- }
- return noneFilter;
- }
- case NSAndPredicateType: {
- mbgl::style::AllFilter filter;
- filter.filters = self.mgl_subfilters;
- return filter;
- }
- case NSOrPredicateType: {
- mbgl::style::AnyFilter filter;
- filter.filters = self.mgl_subfilters;
- return filter;
- }
- }
- [NSException raise:@"Compound predicate type not handled"
- format:@""];
- return {};
@implementation NSCompoundPredicate (MGLExpressionAdditions)
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/NSExpression+MGLAdditions.mm b/platform/darwin/src/NSExpression+MGLAdditions.mm
index 3c42b80a134..c175868daea 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/NSExpression+MGLAdditions.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/NSExpression+MGLAdditions.mm
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ + (instancetype)expressionWithMGLJSONObject:(id)object {
argumentObjects = [argumentObjects subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, argumentObjects.count - 1)];
NSArray *subexpressions = MGLSubexpressionsWithJSONObjects(argumentObjects);
return [NSExpression expressionForFunction:operand selectorName:@"mgl_numberWithFallbackValues:" arguments:subexpressions];
- } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-string"]) {
+ } else if ([op isEqualToString:@"to-string"] || [op isEqualToString:@"string"]) {
NSExpression *operand = [NSExpression expressionWithMGLJSONObject:argumentObjects.firstObject];
return [NSExpression expressionWithFormat:@"CAST(%@, 'NSString')", operand];
} else if ([op isEqualToString:@"get"]) {
diff --git a/platform/darwin/src/NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm b/platform/darwin/src/NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
index ed48c794aa4..bbd324bb631 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/src/NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/src/NSPredicate+MGLAdditions.mm
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
#import "MGLValueEvaluator.h"
#import "MGLStyleValue_Private.h"
class FilterEvaluator {
@@ -206,25 +208,18 @@ @implementation NSPredicate (MGLAdditions)
- (mbgl::style::Filter)mgl_filter
- if ([self isEqual:[NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES]])
- {
- return mbgl::style::AllFilter();
- }
- if ([self isEqual:[NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]])
- {
- return mbgl::style::AnyFilter();
- }
- if ([self.predicateFormat hasPrefix:@"BLOCKPREDICATE("])
- {
+ mbgl::style::conversion::Error valueError;
+ NSArray *jsonObject = self.mgl_jsonExpressionObject;
+ auto value = mbgl::style::conversion::convert(mbgl::style::conversion::makeConvertible(jsonObject), valueError);
+ if (!value) {
[NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Block-based predicates are not supported."];
+ format:@"Invalid filter value: %@", @(valueError.message.c_str())];
+ return {};
- [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException
- format:@"Unrecognized predicate type."];
- return {};
+ mbgl::style::Filter filter = std::move(*value);
+ return filter;
+ (instancetype)mgl_predicateWithFilter:(mbgl::style::Filter)filter
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLCircleStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLCircleStyleLayerTests.mm
index 2c877d4ddf9..d7bf2a5afd0 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLCircleStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLCircleStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift b/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift
index 6c16ed426c0..92f5162aab5 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLDocumentationExampleTests.swift
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class MGLDocumentationExampleTests: XCTestCase, MGLMapViewDelegate {
let layer = MGLLineStyleLayer(identifier: "contour", source: terrain)
layer.sourceLayerIdentifier = "contours"
- layer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(index == 5 || index == 10) && ele >= 1500.0")
+ layer.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "(index == 5 || index == 10) && CAST(ele, 'NSNumber') >= 1500.0")
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayerTests.mm
index 9fa5a7eb8b1..6081d104e12 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillExtrusionStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillStyleLayerTests.mm
index 1c2342bb0f7..a5019f10323 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLFillStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLHeatmapStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLHeatmapStyleLayerTests.mm
index 54ba5c2fe92..e4b19172571 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLHeatmapStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLHeatmapStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLLineStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLLineStyleLayerTests.mm
index 1a81a16eeeb..5490278e983 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLLineStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLLineStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLPredicateTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLPredicateTests.mm
index 18918f1b8f3..ab4a7e2d88d 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLPredicateTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLPredicateTests.mm
@@ -23,295 +23,9 @@ @interface MGLPredicateTests : XCTestCase
@implementation MGLPredicateTests
-- (void)testFilterization {
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AllFilter expected;
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AnyFilter expected;
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K = 'Point'", @"$type"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::TypeEqualsFilter expected = { .value = mbgl::FeatureType::Point };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K = 67086180", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierEqualsFilter expected = { .value = UINT64_C(67086180) };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K = nil", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotHasIdentifierFilter expected;
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = nil"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotHasFilter expected = { .key = "a" };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K != 'Point'", @"$type"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::TypeNotEqualsFilter expected = { .value = mbgl::FeatureType::Point };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K != 67086180", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierNotEqualsFilter expected = { .value = UINT64_C(67086180) };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K != nil", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::HasIdentifierFilter expected;
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotEqualsFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != nil"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::HasFilter expected = { .key = "a" };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a < 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::LessThanFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a <= 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a > 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a >= 'b'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter expected = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {'b', 'z'}"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AllFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("z") },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN %@", @[@"b", @"z"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AllFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("z") },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a IN {'b', 'c'}"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::InFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a IN %@", @[@"b", @"c"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::InFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K IN {'LineString', 'Polygon'}", @"$type"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::TypeInFilter expected = { .values = { mbgl::FeatureType::LineString, mbgl::FeatureType::Polygon } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K IN %@", @"$type", @[@"LineString", @"Polygon"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::TypeInFilter expected = { .values = { mbgl::FeatureType::LineString, mbgl::FeatureType::Polygon } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K IN {67086180, 3709678893, 3352016856, 4189833989}", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter expected = { .values = { UINT64_C(67086180), UINT64_C(3709678893), UINT64_C(3352016856), UINT64_C(4189833989) } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K IN %@", @"$id", @[@67086180, @3709678893, @3352016856, @4189833989]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter expected = { .values = { UINT64_C(67086180), UINT64_C(3709678893), UINT64_C(3352016856), UINT64_C(4189833989) } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"'Mapbox' IN a"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"{'b', 'c'} CONTAINS a"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::InFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS a", @[@"b", @"c"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::InFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS %K", @[@"LineString", @"Polygon"], @"$type"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::TypeInFilter expected = { .values = { mbgl::FeatureType::LineString, mbgl::FeatureType::Polygon } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"{67086180, 3709678893, 3352016856, 4189833989} CONTAINS %K", @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter expected = { .values = { UINT64_C(67086180), UINT64_C(3709678893), UINT64_C(3352016856), UINT64_C(4189833989) } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS %K", @[@67086180, @3709678893, @3352016856, @4189833989], @"$id"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::IdentifierInFilter expected = { .values = { UINT64_C(67086180), UINT64_C(3709678893), UINT64_C(3352016856), UINT64_C(4189833989) } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a CONTAINS 'Mapbox'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' AND c == 'd'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AllFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "c", .value = std::string("d") },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' OR c == 'd'"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::AnyFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "c", .value = std::string("d") },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(a == 'b' AND c == 'd')"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NoneFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::AllFilter {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "c", .value = std::string("d") },
- },
- },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(a == 'b' OR c == 'd')"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NoneFilter expected = {
- .filters = {
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") },
- mbgl::style::EqualsFilter { .key = "c", .value = std::string("d") },
- },
- };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a == nil"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::HasFilter expected = { .key = "a" };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a != nil"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotHasFilter expected = { .key = "a" };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a IN {'b', 'c'}"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotInFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a IN %@", @[@"b", @"c"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotInFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT {'b', 'c'} CONTAINS a"].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotInFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- {
- auto actual = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT %@ CONTAINS a", @[@"b", @"c"]].mgl_filter;
- mbgl::style::NotInFilter expected = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
- MGLAssertEqualFilters(actual, expected);
- }
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BEGINSWITH 'L'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a ENDSWITH 'itude'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a LIKE 'glob?trotter'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a MATCHES 'i\\w{18}n'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- NSPredicate *selectorPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(SELF isKindOfClass: %@)", [MGLPolyline class]];
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed(selectorPredicate.mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id _Nullable evaluatedObject, NSDictionary * _Nullable bindings) {
- XCTAssertTrue(NO, @"Predicate block should not be evaluated.");
- return NO;
- }].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- (void)testPredication {
XCTAssertNil([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:mbgl::style::NullFilter()]);
mbgl::style::EqualsFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = 'b'"]);
@@ -351,12 +65,12 @@ - (void)testPredication {
mbgl::style::TypeEqualsFilter filter = { .value = mbgl::FeatureType::Unknown };
XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], NSException, NSInternalInconsistencyException);
mbgl::style::NotHasFilter filter = { .key = "a" };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = nil"]);
mbgl::style::NotEqualsFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != 'b'"]);
@@ -379,32 +93,32 @@ - (void)testPredication {
NSPredicate *expected = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K != nil", @"$id"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], expected);
mbgl::style::HasFilter filter = { .key = "a" };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != nil"]);
mbgl::style::LessThanFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a < 'b'"]);
mbgl::style::LessThanEqualsFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a <= 'b'"]);
mbgl::style::GreaterThanFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a > 'b'"]);
mbgl::style::GreaterThanEqualsFilter filter = { .key = "a", .value = std::string("b") };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a >= 'b'"]);
mbgl::style::AllFilter filter = {
.filters = {
@@ -414,7 +128,7 @@ - (void)testPredication {
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {'b', 'z'}"]);
mbgl::style::AllFilter filter = {
.filters = {
@@ -424,7 +138,7 @@ - (void)testPredication {
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {'b', 'z'}"]);
mbgl::style::InFilter filter = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter].predicateFormat, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a IN {'b', 'c'}"].predicateFormat);
@@ -441,7 +155,7 @@ - (void)testPredication {
NSPredicate *expected = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K IN {67086180, 3709678893, 3352016856, 4189833989}", @"$id"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], expected);
mbgl::style::NotInFilter filter = { .key = "a", .values = { std::string("b"), std::string("c") } };
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter].predicateFormat, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a IN {'b', 'c'}"].predicateFormat);
@@ -458,12 +172,12 @@ - (void)testPredication {
NSPredicate *expected = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT %K IN {67086180, 3709678893, 3352016856, 4189833989}", @"$id"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], expected);
mbgl::style::AllFilter filter;
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES]);
mbgl::style::AllFilter filter = {
.filters = {
@@ -473,12 +187,12 @@ - (void)testPredication {
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' AND c == 'd'"]);
mbgl::style::AnyFilter filter;
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
mbgl::style::AnyFilter filter = {
.filters = {
@@ -488,12 +202,12 @@ - (void)testPredication {
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' OR c == 'd'"]);
mbgl::style::NoneFilter filter;
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:filter], [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES]);
mbgl::style::NoneFilter filter = {
.filters = {
@@ -505,141 +219,339 @@ - (void)testPredication {
-- (void)testSymmetry {
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a = 1" reverseFormat:@"1 = a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a != 1" reverseFormat:@"1 != a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = b"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"1 = 1"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- // In the predicate format language, $ is a special character denoting a
- // variable. Use %K to escape the special feature attribute $id.
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$id == 670861802"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = $id"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a = nil" reverseFormat:@"nil = a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a != nil" reverseFormat:@"nil != a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a < 1" reverseFormat:@"1 > a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a <= 1" reverseFormat:@"1 >= a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a > 1" reverseFormat:@"1 < a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a >= 1" reverseFormat:@"1 <= a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {1, 2}" reverseFormat:@"1 <= a && 2 >= a" mustRoundTrip:YES];
- [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN %@", @[@1, @2]]
- reversePredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"1 <= a && 2 >= a"]
- mustRoundTrip:YES];
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"{1, 2} BETWEEN a"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- NSPredicate *betweenSetPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN %@", [NSSet setWithObjects:@1, @2, nil]];
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed(betweenSetPredicate.mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {1}"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BETWEEN {1, 2, 3}"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"a IN {1, 2}" reverseFormat:@"{1, 2} CONTAINS a" mustRoundTrip:NO];
- [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a IN %@", @[@1, @2]]
- reversePredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS a", @[@1, @2]]
- mustRoundTrip:YES];
- // The reverse formats here are a bit backwards because we canonicalize
- // a reverse CONTAINS to a forward IN.
- [self testSymmetryWithFormat:@"{1, 2} CONTAINS a" reverseFormat:@"{1, 2} CONTAINS a" mustRoundTrip:NO];
- [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS a", @[@1, @2]]
- reversePredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS a", @[@1, @2]]
- mustRoundTrip:NO];
-- (void)testSymmetryWithFormat:(NSString *)forwardFormat reverseFormat:(NSString *)reverseFormat mustRoundTrip:(BOOL)mustRoundTrip {
- NSPredicate *forwardPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:forwardFormat];
- NSPredicate *reversePredicate = reverseFormat ? [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:reverseFormat] : nil;
- [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:forwardPredicate reversePredicate:reversePredicate mustRoundTrip:mustRoundTrip];
+- (void)testUnsupportedFilterPredicates {
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"1 == 2"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"1 == 1"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithValue:YES].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a BEGINSWITH 'L'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a ENDSWITH 'itude'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a LIKE 'glob?trotter'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a MATCHES 'i\\w{18}n'"].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ NSPredicate *selectorPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"(SELF isKindOfClass: %@)", [MGLPolyline class]];
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed(selectorPredicate.mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
+ XCTAssertThrowsSpecificNamed([NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(id _Nullable evaluatedObject, NSDictionary * _Nullable bindings) {
+ XCTAssertTrue(NO, @"Predicate block should not be evaluated.");
+ return NO;
+ }].mgl_filter, NSException, NSInvalidArgumentException);
-- (void)testSymmetryWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)forwardPredicate reversePredicate:(NSPredicate *)reversePredicate mustRoundTrip:(BOOL)mustRoundTrip {
- auto forwardFilter = forwardPredicate.mgl_filter;
- NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
- if (mustRoundTrip) {
- // A collection of ints may turn into an aggregate of longs, for
- // example, so compare formats instead of the predicates themselves.
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(forwardPredicate.predicateFormat, forwardPredicateAfter.predicateFormat);
+- (void)testComparisonPredicates {
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x == YES"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"get", @"x"], @YES];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- if (reversePredicate) {
- auto reverseFilter = reversePredicate.mgl_filter;
- NSPredicate *reversePredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:reverseFilter];
- XCTAssertNotEqualObjects(reversePredicate, reversePredicateAfter);
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(forwardPredicateAfter, reversePredicateAfter);
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') < 5"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"<", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @5];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
-- (void)testComparisonExpressionArray {
- NSArray *expected = @[@"==", @1, @2];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"1 = 2"].mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') > 5"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@">", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @5];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"<=", @10, @[@"get", @"x"]], @[@"<=", @[@"get", @"x"], @100]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x BETWEEN {10, 100}"];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') <= 5"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"<=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @5];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@">=", @[@"get", @"x"], @10], @[@"<=", @[@"get", @"x"], @100]];
- NSExpression *limits = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x BETWEEN %@", limits];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') >= 5"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@">=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @5];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSString') > 'value'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@">", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"x"]], @"value"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$geometryType = 'Point'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"geometry-type"], @"Point"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 67086180"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"id"], @67086180];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"id"], [NSNull null]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a = nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], [NSNull null]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$geometryType != 'Point'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!=", @[@"geometry-type"], @"Point"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier != 67086180"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!=", @[@"id"], @67086180];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier != nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!=", @[@"id"], [NSNull null]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!=", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a != nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!=", @[@"get", @"a"], [NSNull null]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(a, 'NSString') < 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"<", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(a, 'NSString') <= 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"<=", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(a, 'NSString') > 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@">", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(a, 'NSString') >= 'b'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@">=", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]], @"b"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(a, 'NSString') BETWEEN {'b', 'z'}"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression =@[@"all", @[@"<=", @"b", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]]], @[@"<=", @[@"to-string", @[@"get", @"a"]], @"z"]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"<=", @10, @[@"get", @"x"]], @[@"<=", @[@"get", @"x"], @100]];
NSExpression *limits = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x BETWEEN %@", limits];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') BETWEEN %@", limits];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"all", @[@">=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @10], @[@"<=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @100]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"<=", @10, @[@"get", @"x"]], @[@">=", @100, @[@"get", @"x"]]];
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"<=", @10, @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]]], @[@"<=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @100]];
NSExpression *limits = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x BETWEEN %@", limits];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') BETWEEN %@", limits];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@">=", @[@"get", @"x"], @10], @[@">=", @100, @[@"get", @"x"]]];
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"<=", @10, @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]]], @[@">=", @100, @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]]]];
NSExpression *limits = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"x BETWEEN %@", limits];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') BETWEEN %@", limits];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
- NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@"==", @10, @[@"get", @"x"]], @[@"<=", @[@"get", @"x"], @100]];
- NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ == x && x <= %@", [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"all", @[@">=", @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]], @10], @[@">=", @100, @[@"to-number", @[@"get", @"x"]]]];
+ NSExpression *limits = [NSExpression expressionForAggregate:@[[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@10], [NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@100]]];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"CAST(x, 'NSNumber') BETWEEN %@", limits];
XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"id"], @6, @YES, @5, @YES, @4, @YES, @3, @YES, @NO];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier IN { 6, 5, 4, 3}"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH($featureIdentifier, 6, YES, 5, YES, 4, YES, 3, YES, NO) == YES"];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicateAfter);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH(CAST($featureIdentifier, 'NSNumber'), 3, YES, 4, YES, 5, YES, 6, YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
NSArray *expected = @[@"!", @[@"match", @[@"get", @"x"], @6, @YES, @5, @YES, @4, @YES, @3, @YES, @NO]];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT x IN { 6, 5, 4, 3}"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT MGL_MATCH(x, 6, YES, 5, YES, 4, YES, 3, YES, NO) == YES"];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicateAfter);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT MGL_MATCH(CAST(x, 'NSNumber'), 3, YES, 4, YES, 5, YES, 6, YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
+ }
+ {
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b", @YES, @"c", @YES, @NO];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a IN { 'b', 'c' }"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH(CAST(a, 'NSString'), 'b', YES, 'c', YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
+ }
+ {
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"geometry-type"], @"LineString", @YES, @"Polygon", @YES, @NO];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ IN %@", [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"geometryType"], @[@"LineString", @"Polygon"]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH($geometryType, 'LineString', YES, 'Polygon', YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"get", @"x"], @6, @YES, @5, @YES, @4, @YES, @3, @YES, @NO];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"{ 6, 5, 4, 3} CONTAINS x"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH(x, 6, YES, 5, YES, 4, YES, 3, YES, NO) == YES"];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicateAfter);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH(CAST(x, 'NSNumber'), 3, YES, 4, YES, 5, YES, 6, YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
+ }
+ {
+ NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"geometry-type"], @"LineString", @YES, @"Polygon", @YES, @NO];
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ CONTAINS %@", @[@"LineString", @"Polygon"], [NSExpression expressionForVariable:@"geometryType"]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH($geometryType, 'LineString', YES, 'Polygon', YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
NSArray *expected = @[@"match", @[@"id"], @6, @YES, @5, @YES, @4, @YES, @3, @YES, @NO];
NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"{ 6, 5, 4, 3} CONTAINS $featureIdentifier"];
XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, expected);
- NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH($featureIdentifier, 6, YES, 5, YES, 4, YES, 3, YES, NO) == YES"];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected], predicateAfter);
+ NSPredicate *predicateAfter = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"MGL_MATCH(CAST($featureIdentifier, 'NSNumber'), 3, YES, 4, YES, 5, YES, 6, YES, NO) == YES"];
+ auto forwardFilter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:expected].mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicateAfter, forwardPredicateAfter);
+ }
+- (void)testCompoundPredicates {
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' AND c == 'd'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"all", @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"], @[@"==", @[@"get", @"c"], @"d"]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"a == 'b' OR c == 'd'"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"any", @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"], @[@"==", @[@"get", @"c"], @"d"]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(a == 'b' AND c == 'd')"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!", @[@"all", @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"], @[@"==", @[@"get", @"c"], @"d"]]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT(a == 'b' OR c == 'd')"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!", @[@"any", @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], @"b"], @[@"==", @[@"get", @"c"], @"d"]]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects([NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression], predicate);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:[NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithJSONObject:jsonExpression]
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a == nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!", @[@"==", @[@"get", @"a"], [NSNull null]]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+ {
+ NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT a != nil"];
+ NSArray *jsonExpression = @[@"!", @[@"!=", @[@"get", @"a"], [NSNull null]]];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(predicate.mgl_jsonExpressionObject, jsonExpression);
+ [self testSymmetryWithPredicate:predicate
+ mustRoundTrip:NO];
+ }
+- (void)testSymmetryWithPredicate:(NSPredicate *)forwardPredicate mustRoundTrip:(BOOL)mustRoundTrip {
+ auto forwardFilter = forwardPredicate.mgl_filter;
+ NSPredicate *forwardPredicateAfter = [NSPredicate mgl_predicateWithFilter:forwardFilter];
+ if (mustRoundTrip) {
+ // A collection of ints may turn into an aggregate of longs, for
+ // example, so compare formats instead of the predicates themselves.
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(forwardPredicate.predicateFormat, forwardPredicateAfter.predicateFormat);
+ } else {
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(forwardPredicate, forwardPredicateAfter);
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleLayerTests.mm.ejs b/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleLayerTests.mm.ejs
index aa62095b095..f70f0bba23a 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleLayerTests.mm.ejs
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLStyleLayerTests.mm.ejs
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/darwin/test/MGLSymbolStyleLayerTests.mm b/platform/darwin/test/MGLSymbolStyleLayerTests.mm
index 1d4be119f2d..cf2f80125a6 100644
--- a/platform/darwin/test/MGLSymbolStyleLayerTests.mm
+++ b/platform/darwin/test/MGLSymbolStyleLayerTests.mm
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ - (void)testPredicates {
- layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO];
- XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithValue:NO]);
+ layer.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"];
+ XCTAssertEqualObjects(layer.predicate, [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"$featureIdentifier = 1"]);
layer.predicate = nil;
diff --git a/platform/ios/CHANGELOG.md b/platform/ios/CHANGELOG.md
index 64df3dd0135..6eec7c0e48c 100644
--- a/platform/ios/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/platform/ios/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ The 4.0._x_ series of releases will be the last to support iOS 8. The minimum iO
* The `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textFontNames` property can now depend on a feature’s attributes. ([#10850](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/10850))
* Added `MGLShapeSourceOptionWrapsCoordinates`, to specify whether the shape of an `MGLComputedShapeSource` should be wrapped to accommodate coordinates with longitudes beyond −180 and 180; and `MGLShapeSourceOptionClipsCoordinates`, to specify whether the shape of an `MGLComputedShapeSource` should be clipped at the edge of each tile. ([#11041](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11041))
* Added support for Mapzen Terrarium DEM encoding. ([#11274](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11274))
+* The layer filtering predicate's format strings now can contain arithmetic and calls to built-in `NSExpression` functions. ([#11587](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11587))
+* The layer filtering predicate's key paths now may need to be cast to `NSString` or `NSNumber`. ([#11587](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11587))
### Map rendering
diff --git a/platform/macos/CHANGELOG.md b/platform/macos/CHANGELOG.md
index 321c018dc69..9df33211af6 100644
--- a/platform/macos/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/platform/macos/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
* Fixed incorrect color calibration on macOS 10.13 High Sierra when using color-related methods of `MGLStyleLayer` subclasses, as well as when displaying an `MGLAttributionInfo`. It is no longer necessary to explicitly convert an `NSColor` to the sRGB color space before using these classes on High Sierra. ([#11391](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11391))
* The `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textFontNames` property can now depend on a feature’s attributes. ([#10850](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/10850))
* Properties such as `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconAllowsOverlap` and `MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconIgnoresPlacement` now account for symbols in other sources. ([#10436](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/10436))
+* The layer filtering predicate's format strings now can contain arithmetic and calls to built-in `NSExpression` functions. ([#11587](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11587))
+* The layer filtering predicate's key paths now may need to be cast to `NSString` or `NSNumber`. ([#11587](https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/pull/11587))
### Map rendering