diff --git a/cs139/Lang2.md b/cs139/CSS.md
similarity index 61%
rename from cs139/Lang2.md
rename to cs139/CSS.md
index f5650385..a5641e12 100644
--- a/cs139/Lang2.md
+++ b/cs139/CSS.md
@@ -3,31 +3,34 @@ layout: CS139
title: CSS
math: true
part: true
-pre: Lang1
-nex: Lang3
+pre: HTML
+nex: PHP
# Introduction
-Stands for Cascading Style Sheets
+CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Intended to modify the appearance of HTML documents
-# location of styles
-on an html page a style can be in 3 locations
+# Placement of styles
+The code for the stylesheet can be placed in 3 possible locations.
-## in the tag (discouraged)
+## Inside respective tags
+This method is often discouraged because it causes HTML code to be very messy and if you want to change the styling, you have to go to individual HTML tags.
## In a special style tag
-in ``:
+Inside the `` tag:
``` html
-## in a separate file
-linked in head
+This method is used for certain styles.
+## In a separate file
+The file containing the stylesheet is then linked in the `` tag. This method is most commonly used.
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ There are 3 types of stylesheet
* User created style sheets
* Browser style sheets
-these are in decreasing importance the browser will always look for the most
+These are in decreasing importance the browser will always look for the most
immediate style sheet for any definition
The browser will __Cascade__ onto the next style sheet up in the hierarchy if
@@ -49,9 +52,10 @@ one there is no definition for the current style sheet
2. External Stylesheet
3. internal stylesheet (``)
4. inline styling
-# syntax
-css is formed from Selectors and decelerations
+# Syntax
+CSS is formed from selectors and declarations.
Name | example
@@ -60,7 +64,7 @@ Declaration | `{color:blue; ....}`
property | `color:`
value | `blue;`
``` css
h1 {
@@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ h1 {
-# box model
+# Box model
Every element is made form boxes and contains
1. Content
@@ -89,22 +93,22 @@ Other ways include __fixed__ and __floating__
There are 3 ways of specifying a html element
-## using the tag name
+## Using the tag name
This will modify all tags of that type
`h1 {color:blue;}`
-## using a class selector
+## Using a class selector
uses to modify just some elements uses `.`
`.large {color:blue;}`
-## using an id
+## Using an id
id is unique used to modify a single element
`#page_title {color:blue;}`
-## attribute selectors
+## Attribute selectors
attribute selectors style HTML elements that contain an attribute
use `[]` to specify an attribute
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ Selector | Matches
`[*=]`| A specific attribute whose value contains a substring
`[$=]`| A specific attribute whose value ends with a specified value
`[title=main]` would match `
@@ -142,62 +146,60 @@ A pseudo-class selector targets a particular state or relationship
## Contextual Selectors
A contextual selector targets other tags within the document hierarchy
-Selector | matches | Example
+Selector | Matches | Example
Descendant | A specified element contained within another specified element| div p
Child | A specified element that is a direct child of the specified element | div>p
Adjacent Sibling| A specified element that is the next sibling of the specified element | h3+p
General Sibling | A specified element that shares the same parent as the other specified element | h3~p
-# properties
+# Properties
-There are hundreds of properties a few key ones:
+There are hundreds of properties, some key ones you should know are:
Property-type | Property
-fonts| font
-fonts | font-family
-text| letter-spacing
-text| line-height
-text| text-align
-text| text-decoration
-color and bg| background
-color and bg| background-color
-color and bg| background-image
-color and bg| background-position
-color and bg| background-repeat
-color and bg| box-shadow
-color and bg| color
-color and bg| opacity
-borders | border
-borders | border-color
-borders | border-width
-borders | border-style
-borders | border-top , border-left .....
-borders | border-image
-borders | border-radius
-spacing | padding
-spacing | padding-bottom , padding-left ....
-spacing | margin
-spacing | margin-bottom, marin-left.....
-sizing | height
-sizing | max-height
-sizing | max-width
-sizing | min-height
-sizing | min-width
-sizing | width
- different properties take different values
- colors use RGB, hex, RGBa ..
- Sizes use px, em , % , in , cm , pt
+Fonts| font
+Fonts | font-family
+Fonts | font-size
+Fonts | font-style
+Fonts | font-weight
+Text | letter-spacing
+Text | line-height
+Text | text-align
+Text | text-decoration
+Text | text-indent
+Text color | color
+Background | background
+Background | background-color
+Background | background-image
+Background | background-position
+Background | background-repeat
+Color | opacity
+Borders | border
+Borders | border-color
+Borders | border-width
+Borders | border-style
+Borders | border-top , border-left .....
+Borders | border-image
+Borders | border-radius
+Borders | box-shadow
+Spacing | padding
+Spacing | padding-bottom , padding-left ....
+Spacing | margin
+Spacing | margin-bottom, marin-left.....
+Sizing | height
+Sizing | max-height
+Sizing | max-width
+Sizing | min-height
+Sizing | min-width
+Sizing | width
+Different properties take different values.
+* Color properties can use RGB, hex, RGBa .. values
+* Size based properties can use px, em , % , in , cm , pt
+Know the different value types for the main properties
# Table styling
diff --git a/cs139/Lang1.md b/cs139/HTML.md
similarity index 91%
rename from cs139/Lang1.md
rename to cs139/HTML.md
index ffeda5b0..48cc5cdb 100644
--- a/cs139/Lang1.md
+++ b/cs139/HTML.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ layout: CS139
title: HTML
math: true
part: true
-nex: Lang2
+nex: CSS
# Introduction
@@ -12,18 +12,18 @@ Stands for HyperText Markup Language.
HTML is a __semantic__ language it describes the structure of the document and not the content.
# HTML Nesting structure
-## parent
+## Parent
A tag is a parent of another if it immediately encloses the tag.
-## child
+## Child
A tag is a child of another if it is immediately enclosed by the tag.
-## ancestor
+## Ancestor
A tag is an ancestor if it is the parent or the parent of an ancestor of a tag.
-## ancestor
+## Descendant
A tag is an descendant if it is the child or the child of a descendant of a tag.
## Sibling
Two tags are siblings if they share a parent.
-# Syntax
+# Basic Syntax
HTML uses code tags for opening and closing to give information about the content inside, opening use `<>` and closing starts with a backslash `>`
The tags can also contain attributes with additional information like the class or ids.
@@ -36,10 +36,9 @@ Attribute | `href="www.google.com"`
content | `a search engine`
closing tag | ``
-` a search engine `
+Example of a HTML tag: ` a search engine `
-## empty tags
+## Empty tags
Some tags have no content and so are empty, a closing tag is not needed.
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ is correct
is incorrect
# Character Entities
-some symbols have special characters.
+Some symbols need to be represented with special characters so they are formatted correctly.
Entity | Description
@@ -67,9 +66,8 @@ Entity | Description
`™`| ™
-# block vs inline
-Some elements are blocks these start and end with a new line.
+# Block vs Inline
+Some elements are blocks these start and end with a new line. Examples are:
* `
* `
* `
@@ -81,10 +79,11 @@ Other elements are inline and can normally be integrated into a line of text wit
* ``
* ``
-# validation
+# Validation
for validation visit
-# Tags
+# Common Tags
## Doctypes (R)
Every HTML document has a doctype definition
@@ -97,27 +96,26 @@ Specifies content as html.
` Content `
-## head (R)
+## Head (R)
Typically contains information about the page title etc.
` `
-## title
+## Title
Title of the page shown in the browser tab.
` Title of the page `
-## meta / text encoding
+## Meta / Text encoding
character encoding can be declared using the meta tag.
-## body (R)
+## Body (R)
contains the main page of information.
` content `
## Headings
uses h1 through h6 in decreasing size.
@@ -126,7 +124,7 @@ uses h1 through h6 in decreasing size.
* .....
* `
Welcome to cs136
-## a (Links)
+## A (Links)
produces a link that whn clicking on the content redirects to another page
uses attribute href to specify page.
@@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ uses attribute href to specify page.
href can link to external sites but can also link to within the page e.g `href="#top"` will move the page to a tag with id top.
-## img (Image)
+## Img (Image)
Displays an image on the page.
Uses attribute src to specify location.
@@ -143,52 +141,52 @@ Uses attribute src to specify location.
-## strong
+## Strong
makes any content bold
` content `
-## p
+## P
specifies a paragraph of text
-## div
+## Div (Division)
defines site structure
-## abbr
+## Abbr (Abbreviation)
used to define an abbreviation
`WHO was founded in 1948`
-## br break
+## Br break
a break similar to newline no content
` `
-## code
+## Code
give content a code like look
` this is code `
-## em emphasis
+## Em (emphasis)
provides emphasis usually italics
` no `
-## mark
+## Mark
highlights the content
` highlight `
-## small
+## Small
makes text small
` small text `
-## span
+## Span
used to specify text for specific font and color changes
`the sky is blue`
diff --git a/cs139/Lang4.md b/cs139/JavaScript.md
similarity index 73%
rename from cs139/Lang4.md
rename to cs139/JavaScript.md
index c90873a8..00b3718c 100644
--- a/cs139/Lang4.md
+++ b/cs139/JavaScript.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ layout: CS139
title: JavaScript
math: true
part: true
-pre: Lang3
-nex: Lang5
+pre: PHP
+nex: SQL
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cs139/Lang3.md b/cs139/PHP.md
similarity index 84%
rename from cs139/Lang3.md
rename to cs139/PHP.md
index 7dc6564d..074af7fb 100644
--- a/cs139/Lang3.md
+++ b/cs139/PHP.md
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
layout: CS139
title: PHP
part: true
-pre: Lang3
-nex: Lang4
+pre: CSS
+nex: JavaScript
# Introductions
PHP is a server side scripting language
-stands for PHP hypertext programing (go and figure what that stands for)
+Stands for PHP hypertext programing (go and figure what that stands for)
-released in 1995
+Released in 1995
-has its issues:
+Has some issues:
* 30% of vulnerabilities are related to PHP
* Sloppy code leads to errors.
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@ $product= box;
$weight = 1.756723;
printf("the %s is %.2f kilos",$product,$weight);
-specifier | type
+Specifier | Type
-%f| float
-%s| string
-%d| decimal
+%f | float
+%s | string
+%d | decimal
[more here](https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.printf.php)
# Variables
* Variable prefixed with $
* must start with letter or `_`
@@ -123,69 +123,76 @@ Two types
+You can also do:
``` php
### Associative array
`$courses=("CS139"=>"Web Dev","CS132"=>"Not A Cult","CS133"=>"Professional Skills");`
-ata Representation
+You can also do Representation:
# Operators
-Arithmetic Operators
+## Arithmetic Operators
Operator | Name
-++| Pre/Post increment
---| Pre/Post decrement
-Comparison Operators
+`+` | Addition
+`-` | Subtraction
+`*` | Multiplication
+`/` | Division
+`%` | Modulus
+`++` | Pre/Post increment
+`--` | Pre/Post decrement
+## Comparison Operators
Operator | Name
-==| Equal
-===| Identical
-!= | Not Equal
-!===| Not identical
-<| Less than
->| Greater than
-<=| Less than or equal
->=| Greater than or equal
+`==` | Equal
+`===` | Identical
+`!=` | Not Equal
+`!===` | Not identical
+`<` | Less than
+`>` | Greater than
+`<=` | Less than or equal
+`>=` | Greater than or equal
-identical same value __and__ same type 5 is not identical to "5"
+Identical same value __and__ same type 5 is not identical to "5"
-Logical Operators
+## Logical Operators
Operator | Name
-&&| AND
-!| NOT
+`&&` | AND
+`||` |OR
+`!` | NOT
-Array | Operators
+## Array Operators
+Operator | Name
-$arr1 +$arr2 | Union
-$arr1 == $arr2| Equal
-$arr1 === $arr2| Identical
+`$arr1 +$arr2` | Union
+`$arr1 == $arr2` | Equal
+`$arr1 === $arr2` | Identical
# Branching
## IF
similar to Java
``` php
-if($course == "CS139"){
+if ($course == "CS139") {
echo "Web Dev";
} elseif ($course =="CS132"){
echo "not a cult";
+} else{
echo "Not Web Dev and not not a cult";
diff --git a/cs139/Lang5.md b/cs139/SQL.md
similarity index 80%
rename from cs139/Lang5.md
rename to cs139/SQL.md
index 052288fc..dd529ac9 100644
--- a/cs139/Lang5.md
+++ b/cs139/SQL.md
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@ layout: CS139
title: SQL
math: true
part: true
-pre: Lang4
+pre: JavaScript
nex: Theory1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cs139/index.md b/cs139/index.md
index 0687609c..c18704ea 100755
--- a/cs139/index.md
+++ b/cs139/index.md
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@
There are 5 pages for languages:
-1. [ ] [HTML](Lang1.html)
-2. [ ] [CSS](Lang2.html)
-3. [ ] [PHP](Lang3.html)
-4. [ ] [JavaScript](Lang4.html)
-4. [ ] [SQL](Lang5.html)
+1. [ ] [HTML](HTML.html)
+2. [ ] [CSS](CSS.html)
+3. [ ] [PHP](PHP.html)
+4. [ ] [JavaScript](JavaScript.html)
+4. [ ] [SQL](SQL.html)
There are N pages for theory