diff --git a/docs/Inputs.md b/docs/Inputs.md
index 8a80e9a4318..6d08c9aeb2d 100644
--- a/docs/Inputs.md
+++ b/docs/Inputs.md
@@ -729,17 +729,17 @@ Note that the image upload returns a [File](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/doc
### Properties
-| Prop | Required | Type | Default | Description |
-| --------------- | -------- | --------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `accept` | Optional | `string | `string[]` | - | Accepted file type(s), e. g. 'application/json,video/*' or 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'. If left empty, all file types are accepted. Equivalent of the `accept` attribute of an ``. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#accept for syntax and examples. |
-| `children` | Optional | `ReactNode` | - | Element used to display the preview of a file (cloned several times if the select accepts multiple files). |
-| `minSize` | Optional | `number` | 0 | Minimum file size (in bytes), e.g. 5000 form 5KB |
-| `maxSize` | Optional | `number` | `Infinity` | Maximum file size (in bytes), e.g. 5000000 for 5MB |
-| `multiple` | Optional | `boolean` | `false` | Set to true if the input should accept a list of files, false if it should only accept one file |
-| `labelSingle` | Optional | `string` | 'ra.input.file. upload_single' | Invite displayed in the drop zone if the input accepts one file |
-| `labelMultiple` | Optional | `string` | 'ra.input.file. upload_several' | Invite displayed in the drop zone if the input accepts several files |
-| `placeholder` | Optional | `string | ReactNode` | - | Invite displayed in the drop zone, overrides `labelSingle` and `labelMultiple` |
-| `options` | Optional | `Object` | `{}` | Additional options passed to react-dropzone's `useDropzone()` hook. See [the react-dropzone source](https://github.com/react-dropzone/react-dropzone/blob/master/src/index.js) for details . |
+| Prop | Required | Type | Default | Description |
+| --------------- | -------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `accept` | Optional | `string | string[]` | - | Accepted file type(s), e. g. 'application/json,video/*' or 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'. If left empty, all file types are accepted. Equivalent of the `accept` attribute of an ``. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/input/file#accept for syntax and examples. |
+| `children` | Optional | `ReactNode` | - | Element used to display the preview of a file (cloned several times if the select accepts multiple files). |
+| `minSize` | Optional | `number` | 0 | Minimum file size (in bytes), e.g. 5000 form 5KB |
+| `maxSize` | Optional | `number` | `Infinity` | Maximum file size (in bytes), e.g. 5000000 for 5MB |
+| `multiple` | Optional | `boolean` | `false` | Set to true if the input should accept a list of files, false if it should only accept one file |
+| `labelSingle` | Optional | `string` | 'ra.input.file. upload_single' | Invite displayed in the drop zone if the input accepts one file |
+| `labelMultiple` | Optional | `string` | 'ra.input.file. upload_several' | Invite displayed in the drop zone if the input accepts several files |
+| `placeholder` | Optional | `string | ReactNode` | - | Invite displayed in the drop zone, overrides `labelSingle` and `labelMultiple` |
+| `options` | Optional | `Object` | `{}` | Additional options passed to react-dropzone's `useDropzone()` hook. See [the react-dropzone source](https://github.com/react-dropzone/react-dropzone/blob/master/src/index.js) for details . |
`` also accepts the [common input props](./Inputs.md#common-input-props).