diff --git a/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIterator.tsx b/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIterator.tsx
index fa8b1815e64..9eb0f7bfbb3 100644
--- a/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIterator.tsx
+++ b/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIterator.tsx
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ export const SimpleFormIterator = (props: SimpleFormIteratorProps) => {
+                                ref={nodeRef}
diff --git a/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIteratorItem.tsx b/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIteratorItem.tsx
index 1112fb9ee3c..0b8280e5244 100644
--- a/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIteratorItem.tsx
+++ b/packages/ra-ui-materialui/src/input/ArrayInput/SimpleFormIteratorItem.tsx
@@ -23,129 +23,140 @@ import {
 } from './SimpleFormIteratorItemContext';
-export const SimpleFormIteratorItem = (props: SimpleFormIteratorItemProps) => {
-    const {
-        basePath,
-        children,
-        classes,
-        disabled,
-        disableReordering,
-        disableRemove,
-        getItemLabel,
-        index,
-        margin,
-        member,
-        record,
-        removeButton,
-        reOrderButtons,
-        resource,
-        source,
-        variant,
-    } = props;
+export const SimpleFormIteratorItem = React.forwardRef(
+    (props: SimpleFormIteratorItemProps, ref: any) => {
+        const {
+            basePath,
+            children,
+            classes,
+            disabled,
+            disableReordering,
+            disableRemove,
+            getItemLabel,
+            index,
+            margin,
+            member,
+            record,
+            removeButton,
+            reOrderButtons,
+            resource,
+            source,
+            variant,
+        } = props;
-    const { total, reOrder, remove } = useSimpleFormIterator();
-    // Returns a boolean to indicate whether to disable the remove button for certain fields.
-    // If disableRemove is a function, then call the function with the current record to
-    // determining if the button should be disabled. Otherwise, use a boolean property that
-    // enables or disables the button for all of the fields.
-    const disableRemoveField = (record: Record) => {
-        if (typeof disableRemove === 'boolean') {
-            return disableRemove;
-        }
-        return disableRemove && disableRemove(record);
-    };
+        const { total, reOrder, remove } = useSimpleFormIterator();
+        // Returns a boolean to indicate whether to disable the remove button for certain fields.
+        // If disableRemove is a function, then call the function with the current record to
+        // determining if the button should be disabled. Otherwise, use a boolean property that
+        // enables or disables the button for all of the fields.
+        const disableRemoveField = (record: Record) => {
+            if (typeof disableRemove === 'boolean') {
+                return disableRemove;
+            }
+            return disableRemove && disableRemove(record);
+        };
-    // remove field and call the onClick event of the button passed as removeButton prop
-    const handleRemoveButtonClick = (
-        originalOnClickHandler: MouseEventHandler,
-        index: number
-    ) => (event: MouseEvent) => {
-        remove(index);
-        if (originalOnClickHandler) {
-            originalOnClickHandler(event);
-        }
-    };
+        // remove field and call the onClick event of the button passed as removeButton prop
+        const handleRemoveButtonClick = (
+            originalOnClickHandler: MouseEventHandler,
+            index: number
+        ) => (event: MouseEvent) => {
+            remove(index);
+            if (originalOnClickHandler) {
+                originalOnClickHandler(event);
+            }
+        };
-    const context = useMemo<SimpleFormIteratorItemContextValue>(
-        () => ({
-            index,
-            total,
-            reOrder: newIndex => reOrder(index, newIndex),
-            remove: () => remove(index),
-        }),
-        [index, total, reOrder, remove]
-    );
+        const context = useMemo<SimpleFormIteratorItemContextValue>(
+            () => ({
+                index,
+                total,
+                reOrder: newIndex => reOrder(index, newIndex),
+                remove: () => remove(index),
+            }),
+            [index, total, reOrder, remove]
+        );
-    return (
-        <SimpleFormIteratorItemContext.Provider value={context}>
-            <li className={classes.line}>
-                <div>
-                    <div className={classes.indexContainer}>
-                        <Typography variant="body1" className={classes.index}>
-                            {getItemLabel(index)}
-                        </Typography>
-                        {!disabled &&
-                            !disableReordering &&
-                            cloneElement(reOrderButtons, {
-                                index,
-                                max: total,
-                                reOrder,
+        return (
+            <SimpleFormIteratorItemContext.Provider value={context}>
+                <li className={classes.line} ref={ref}>
+                    <div>
+                        <div className={classes.indexContainer}>
+                            <Typography
+                                variant="body1"
+                                className={classes.index}
+                            >
+                                {getItemLabel(index)}
+                            </Typography>
+                            {!disabled &&
+                                !disableReordering &&
+                                cloneElement(reOrderButtons, {
+                                    index,
+                                    max: total,
+                                    reOrder,
+                                    className: classNames(
+                                        'button-reorder',
+                                        `button-reorder-${source}-${index}`
+                                    ),
+                                })}
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+                    <section className={classes.form}>
+                        {Children.map(
+                            children,
+                            (input: ReactElement, index2) => {
+                                if (!isValidElement<any>(input)) {
+                                    return null;
+                                }
+                                const { source, ...inputProps } = input.props;
+                                return (
+                                    <FormInput
+                                        basePath={
+                                            input.props.basePath || basePath
+                                        }
+                                        input={cloneElement(input, {
+                                            source: source
+                                                ? `${member}.${source}`
+                                                : member,
+                                            index: source ? undefined : index2,
+                                            label:
+                                                typeof input.props.label ===
+                                                'undefined'
+                                                    ? source
+                                                        ? `resources.${resource}.fields.${source}`
+                                                        : undefined
+                                                    : input.props.label,
+                                            disabled,
+                                            ...inputProps,
+                                        })}
+                                        record={record}
+                                        resource={resource}
+                                        variant={variant}
+                                        margin={margin}
+                                    />
+                                );
+                            }
+                        )}
+                    </section>
+                    {!disabled && !disableRemoveField(record) && (
+                        <span className={classes.action}>
+                            {cloneElement(removeButton, {
+                                onClick: handleRemoveButtonClick(
+                                    removeButton.props.onClick,
+                                    index
+                                ),
                                 className: classNames(
-                                    'button-reorder',
-                                    `button-reorder-${source}-${index}`
+                                    'button-remove',
+                                    `button-remove-${source}-${index}`
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-                <section className={classes.form}>
-                    {Children.map(children, (input: ReactElement, index2) => {
-                        if (!isValidElement<any>(input)) {
-                            return null;
-                        }
-                        const { source, ...inputProps } = input.props;
-                        return (
-                            <FormInput
-                                basePath={input.props.basePath || basePath}
-                                input={cloneElement(input, {
-                                    source: source
-                                        ? `${member}.${source}`
-                                        : member,
-                                    index: source ? undefined : index2,
-                                    label:
-                                        typeof input.props.label === 'undefined'
-                                            ? source
-                                                ? `resources.${resource}.fields.${source}`
-                                                : undefined
-                                            : input.props.label,
-                                    disabled,
-                                    ...inputProps,
-                                })}
-                                record={record}
-                                resource={resource}
-                                variant={variant}
-                                margin={margin}
-                            />
-                        );
-                    })}
-                </section>
-                {!disabled && !disableRemoveField(record) && (
-                    <span className={classes.action}>
-                        {cloneElement(removeButton, {
-                            onClick: handleRemoveButtonClick(
-                                removeButton.props.onClick,
-                                index
-                            ),
-                            className: classNames(
-                                'button-remove',
-                                `button-remove-${source}-${index}`
-                            ),
-                        })}
-                    </span>
-                )}
-            </li>
-        </SimpleFormIteratorItemContext.Provider>
-    );
+                        </span>
+                    )}
+                </li>
+            </SimpleFormIteratorItemContext.Provider>
+        );
+    }
 export type DisableRemoveFunction = (record: Record) => boolean;