Releases: martin3141/spant
Releases · martin3141/spant
spant 3.1.0
- Tentative implementation of a standard single voxel MRS processing pipeline function: fit_svs.
- spant user guide has been added to the project:
- Implemented basis caching for sim_basis.
- scale_amp_molar function has been depreciated. Please use scale_amp_legacy for LCModel style concentration scaling instead.
- Assumed T1 and T2 relaxation values for molal concentration scaling have been updated. See the user guide for details.
spant 2.24.0
- Added argument to adjust the legend font size in ortho3 function.
- Improved metabolite simulation performance thanks to the expm package recently adding support for complex matrices.
spant 2.23.0
- abfit options for lipid and MM maximum broadening and maximum frequency shift
now default to be the same as the metabolite values unless explicitly changed. - Added function to calculate the correlation matrix from a basis_set.
- Fix for RDA files where a comma is sometimes used as a decimal point.
spant 2.22.0
- Added find_bids_mrs and mrs_data2bids helper functions.
- Improved handling of CMRR semi-LASER SVS water reference scans.
- Added functions for GLS coil combination.
spant 2.21.0
- Fixed compiler warnings for Fortran code.
- Added glm_spec function.
- Added add_noise_spec_snr function.
spant 2.20.0
- Added vertical line colour and linetype options for stackplots.
- Added option to give Y axis labels in units of seconds for spectrograms.
spant 2.19.0
- Removed dependency on smoother package.
- Added functions for generating BOLD and trapezoidal response shapes.
spant 2.18.0
- Improved automated file type detection.
- Bug fixes for DICOM MRS reader.
- scale_spec function now works with basis set objects.
- Added invert_fit option to plotting methods.
spant 2.17.0
- Simulation duration output is now rounded to 2dp.
- sim_basis now accepts a character vector of molecular names.
- Added get_1h_brain_basis_names function.
spant 2.16.0
- Added subset option to mean_dyns function.
- Added vline option to plot.
- Added common 31P brain metabolites.
- Added verbose option to sim_basis.