[rssguard] DEBUG: Instantiated Application class. [rssguard] DEBUG: Initializing settings in 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\config\config.ini' (portable way). [rssguard] DEBUG: Starting to load active localization. Desired localization is 'en_US'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Application localization 'en_US' loaded successfully, specifically sublocalization 'en' was loaded. [rssguard] WARNING: Qt localization 'en' was not loaded. [rssguard] DEBUG: Working database source was determined as SQLite file-based database. [rssguard] DEBUG: Creating backup of SQLite DB file. [rssguard] DEBUG: Updating database schema: '6' -> '7'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Database schema was updated from '6' to '7' successully or it is already up to date. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'MessagesModel' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database has version '6'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Auto-update timer started with interval 60000. [rssguard] DEBUG: Available icon theme paths: 'D:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\icons', ':\icons', 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\icons'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Installed icon themes are: '', 'Faenza'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Loading icon theme 'Faenza'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Skin 'base/vergilius.xml' loaded. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'StandardServiceEntryPoint' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'TtRssServiceEntryPoint' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'OwnCloudServiceEntryPoint' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: Creating main application form in thread: '0x11e0'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Current row changed - row [-1,-1] source [-1, -1]. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adjusting column resize modes for MessagesView. [rssguard] DEBUG: Creating tray icon menu. [rssguard] DEBUG: Showing the main window when the application is starting. [rssguard] DEBUG: Showing tray icon. [rssguard] DEBUG: Creating SystemTrayIcon instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Showing tray icon immediately. [rssguard] DEBUG: Tray icon displayed. [rssguard] DEBUG: SQLite connection 'StandardServiceEntryPoint' is already active. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'StandardServiceEntryPoint' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'StandardServiceRoot' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'RecycleBin' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FormAddAccount instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Settings of BaseNetworkAccessManager loaded. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying SilentNetworkAccessManager instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Settings of BaseNetworkAccessManager loaded. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying SilentNetworkAccessManager instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying Feed instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'StandardFeed' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: Loading messages from feeds: '1'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Loading messages from feeds: '1'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Starting feed updates from worker in thread: '0x1198'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Downloading new messages for feed 1 in thread: '0x1774'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Settings of BaseNetworkAccessManager loaded. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying SilentNetworkAccessManager instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Saving messages of feed 1 in thread: '0x1198'. [rssguard] DEBUG: Updating messages in DB. Main thread: 'false.'. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'feed_upd' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Jilbab Rabbani Sekolah Terbaru untuk Anak dan Orang Tua Lengkap dengan Harganya' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Apa yang dimaksud dengan internet, Fungsi, Jenis, Manfaat dan Perbedaannya dengan intranet' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Gambar Sketsa Lukisan Pemandangan Alam, Air Terjun, Pantai, Desa dan Gunung yang Mudah di Gambar' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Ukuran Foto 4r, 3r, 3?4, untuk di Cetak, Cara Mengecilkan dan Harga Cetaknya' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Mainan Anak Perempuan 1 ? 10 Tahun Mulai dari Masak Masakan Sampai Berbie' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Model Baju Batik Wanita dan Pria Untuk Pesta, Guru, Atasan, Kantor atau Sebagai Atasan' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Gambar Arema untuk Wallpaper, Dp BBM Bergerak, Kata Kata Aremania Terbaru' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Contoh Standar Operasional Prosedur SOP, Pengertian, Jenis, Tujuan dan Manfaatnya Menurut Para Ahli' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Kumpulan Kosakata Bahasa Arab dan Artinya Lengkap Kata Benda, Kerja, Sifat, Anggota Tubuh, Tentang Sekolah Sehari hari' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: Adding new message 'Urutan Pangkat TNI AD, AU, AL, dari Terendah Samapi Tertinggi dan Gajinya Lengkap' to DB. [rssguard] DEBUG: SQLite connection 'feed_upd' is already active. [rssguard] DEBUG: File-based SQLite database connection 'feed_upd' to file 'd:\Masteran\rssguard-3.3.6-new\data\database\local\database.db' seems to be established. [rssguard] DEBUG: Made progress in feed updates, total feeds count 1/1 (id of feed is 1). [rssguard] DEBUG: Finished feed updates in thread: '0x1198'. [rssguard] DEBUG: There is request to reload feed model, reloading the 1 items individually. [rssguard] DEBUG: Reloading of msg selections took 2 miliseconds. [rssguard] DEBUG: Cleaning up resources and saving application state. [rssguard] DEBUG: Quitting feed downloader thread. [rssguard] DEBUG: Feed downloader exists. Deleting it from memory. [rssguard] DEBUG: Close lock was obtained safely. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FormMain instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying TabWidget instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FeedMessageViewer instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying BaseToolBar instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying MessagesView instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying BaseToolBar instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FeedsView instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying TabBar instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying StatusBar instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying Mutex instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying SystemTrayIcon instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying Application instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying Mutex instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FeedReader instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FeedsModel instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Stopping StandardServiceRoot instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying Feed instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying FeedsProxyModel instance [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying MessagesModel instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying MessagesProxyModel instance. [rssguard] DEBUG: Destroying IconFactory instance.