Returns the arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of current array.
Adds x
multiplied by alpha
to the current array.
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Returns the arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of current array.
Augments x
with current matrix.
Augments x
with current matrix.
Perform binary operation f
on x
in the current array.
Perform binary operation f
on x
in the current array.
Returns the cube root of each element of current array.
Returns the cube root of each element of current array.
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of current array.
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of current array.
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of current array
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of current array
Makes a copy of the class and underlying data
Makes a copy of the class and underlying data
Returns the cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of current array.
Implementation of
Gets the determinant of current matrix using LU factorization.
Gets the determinant of current matrix using LU factorization.
Gets the diagonal of current matrix.
Gets the diagonal of current matrix.
Performs dot multiplication with x
and current array
- Accelerated with BLAS ?dot
Implementation of INDArray.dtype
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Gets eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the current matrix using the Jacobi method.
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?geev
Checks if current array and x
are equal.
Checks if current array and x
are equal.
Asserts if current array and x
have the same shape
Asserts if current array and x
have the same shape
Asserts if current array and x
have the same length
Asserts if current array and x
have the same length
Returns e^x of each element of current array, where x is the argument,
- and e is Euler's constant (2.718…), the base of the natural logarithm.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of current array.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of current array.
Fills the current array with a scalar value
Fills the current array with a scalar value
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of current array.
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of current array.
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of current array.
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of current array.
Gauss-Jordan elimination (i.e. returns the reduced row echelon form) of current matrix.
Gauss-Jordan elimination (i.e. returns the reduced row echelon form) of current matrix.
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from current vector.
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from current vector.
Determines the inverse of current matrix using Gaussian elimination.
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getri
Implementation of INDArray.length
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of current array.
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of current array.
Performs full LU decomposition on current matrix.
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getrf
Performs LU factorization on current matrix.
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getrf
Equivalent to
Equivalent to
Gets the maximum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the maximum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of current array.
Multiplies current matrix with x
- Accelerated with BLAS ?gemm
Calculates the norm of current array (also called L2 norm or Euclidean length).
- Accelerated with BLAS ?nrm2
Returns each element of current array to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Returns each element of current array to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Hadamard product of current matrix and x
Hadamard product of current matrix and x
Finds the rank of current matrix using gaussian elimination.
Finds the rank of current matrix using gaussian elimination.
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Reshapes current array
Reshapes current array
Returns the value of each element of current array rounded to the nearest integer.
Returns the value of each element of current array rounded to the nearest integer.
Adds a multiple of one row multiplied by scalar
to another inside current matrix.
Adds a multiple of one row multiplied by scalar
to another inside current matrix.
Multiplies all elements of current array with a specified scalar
- Accelerated with BLAS ?scal
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Implementation of INDArray.shape
Returns the sign of each element of current array, indicating
- whether it is positive, negative or zero.
Returns the sine of each element of current array.
Returns the sine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of current array.
Slices the current array in the corresponding dimension
Slices the current array in the corresponding dimension
Solves the equation AX = B (where A is current matrix and B is x
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?gesv
Returns the positive square root of each element of current array.
Returns the positive square root of each element of current array.
Asserts if current matrix is square.
Asserts if current matrix is square.
Subtracts x
from the current array.
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Swaps two rows i
and j
in current matrix
Swaps two rows i
and j
in current matrix
Returns the tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of current array.
Converts current matrix into a two-dimensional array
Converts current matrix into a two-dimensional array
Converts current matrix into a readable formatted string.
Converts current matrix into a readable formatted string.
Gets the trace of the matrix (the sum of all diagonal elements).
Gets the trace of the matrix (the sum of all diagonal elements).
Transposes current matrix (mirror across the diagonal).
Transposes current matrix (mirror across the diagonal).
Returns the integer part of each element of current array,
- removing any fractional digits.
Returns the absolute value of each element of x
Returns the absolute value of each element of x
Returns the arccosine of each element of x
Returns the arccosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of x
Adds y
multiplied by alpha
to x
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Returns the arcsine of each element of x
Returns the arcsine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of x
Returns the arctangent of each element of x
Returns the arctangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of x
Augments x
and y
Augments x
and y
Perform binary operation f
on y
in x
Perform binary operation f
on y
in x
Returns the cube root of each element of x
Returns the cube root of each element of x
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of x
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of x
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of x
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of x
Makes a copy of x
Makes a copy of x
Returns the cosine of each element of x
Returns the cosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of x
Gets the determinant of x
Gets the determinant of x
Gets the diagonal of x
Gets the diagonal of x
Performs dot multiplication with x
and y
- Accelerated with BLAS ?dot
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Gets eigenvalues and eigenvectors of x
using the Jacobi method.
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?geev
Checks if x
and y
are equal.
Checks if x
and y
are equal.
Asserts if x
and y
have the same shape
Asserts if x
and y
have the same shape
Asserts if x
and y
have the same length
Asserts if x
and y
have the same length
Returns e^x of each element of x
, where x is the argument,
- and e is Euler's constant (2.718…), the base of the natural logarithm.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of x
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of x
Creates an identity matrix of size n
and type type
Creates an identity matrix of size n
and type type
Fills x
with a scalar value
Fills x
with a scalar value
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of x
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of x
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of x
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of x
Gauss-Jordan elimination (i.e. returns the reduced row echelon form) of x
Gauss-Jordan elimination (i.e. returns the reduced row echelon form) of x
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from x
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from x
Determines the inverse of x
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getri
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of x
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of x
Performs full LU decomposition on x
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getrf
Performs LU factorization on x
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?getrf
Creates a magic square matrix of size
Creates a magic square matrix of size
Equivalent to
Equivalent to
Gets the maximum value (largest) element of x
- Accelerated with BLAS i?amax
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of x
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of x
Multiplies two matrices x
and y
of matching dimensions.
- Accelerated with BLAS ?gemm
Calculates the norm of current array (also called L2 norm or Euclidean length).
- Accelerated with BLAS ?nrm2
Creates an array containing ones (1
) of shape shape
Creates an array containing ones (1
) of shape shape
Returns each element of x
to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Returns each element of x
to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Hadamard product of x
and y
Hadamard product of x
and y
Creates a vector containing random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1)
of shape shape
Creates a vector containing random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1)
of shape shape
Creates an array containing a range (can be either ascending or descending)
of numbers specified by the arguments provided (e.g. NDArray.range(0, .5, 2)
gives an array containing all numbers in the interval [0, 2)
separated by
- steps of 0.5
Finds the rank of x
using gaussian elimination.
Finds the rank of x
using gaussian elimination.
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Reshapes x
Reshapes x
Returns the value of each element of x
rounded to the nearest integer.
Returns the value of each element of x
rounded to the nearest integer.
Adds a multiple of one row multiplied by scalar
to another inside x
Adds a multiple of one row multiplied by scalar
to another inside x
Multiplies all elements of x
with a specified scalar
- Accelerated with BLAS ?scal
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Returns the sign of each element of x
, indicating
- whether it is positive, negative or zero.
Returns the sine of each element of x
Returns the sine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of x
Slices x
in the corresponding dimension
Slices x
in the corresponding dimension
Solves the equation AX = B (where A is x
and B is y
- Accelerated with LAPACK ?gesv
Returns the positive square root of each element of x
Returns the positive square root of each element of x
Asserts if x
is square.
Asserts if x
is square.
Subtracts y
from x
Subtracts y
from x
Swaps two rows i
and j
in x
Swaps two rows i
and j
in x
Returns the tangent of each element of x
Returns the tangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of x
Converts current matrix into a two-dimensional array
Converts current matrix into a two-dimensional array
Converts x
into a readable formatted string
Converts x
into a readable formatted string
Gets the trace of x
(the sum of all diagonal elements).
Gets the trace of x
(the sum of all diagonal elements).
Transposes x
(mirror across the diagonal).
Transposes x
(mirror across the diagonal).
Returns the integer part of each element of x
- removing any fractional digits.
Creates an array containing zeros (0
) of shape shape
Creates an array containing zeros (0
) of shape shape
Returns the absolute value of each element of current array.
Returns the absolute value of each element of current array.
Returns the arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of current array.
Adds x
multiplied by alpha
to the current array.
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Returns the arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of current array.
Returns the arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of current array.
Perform binary operation f
on x
in the current array.
Perform binary operation f
on x
in the current array.
Returns the cube root of each element of current array.
Returns the cube root of each element of current array.
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of current array.
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of current array.
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of current array
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of current array
Makes a copy of the class and underlying data
Makes a copy of the class and underlying data
Returns the cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of current array.
Performs dot multiplication with x
and current array
- Accelerated with BLAS ?dot
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Checks if current array and x
are equal.
Checks if current array and x
are equal.
Asserts if current array and x
have the same shape
Asserts if current array and x
have the same shape
Asserts if current array and x
have the same length
Asserts if current array and x
have the same length
Returns e^x of each element of current array, where x is the argument,
- and e is Euler's constant (2.718…), the base of the natural logarithm.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of current array.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of current array.
Fills the current array with a scalar value
Fills the current array with a scalar value
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of current array.
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of current array.
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of current array.
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of current array.
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from current vector.
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from current vector.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of current array.
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of current array.
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of current array.
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of current array.
Equivalent to
Equivalent to
Gets the maximum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the maximum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of current array.
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of current array.
Calculates the norm of current array (also called L2 norm or Euclidean length).
- Accelerated with BLAS ?nrm2
Returns each element of current array to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Returns each element of current array to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Hadamard product of current matrix and x
Hadamard product of current matrix and x
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Reshapes current array
Reshapes current array
Returns the value of each element of current array rounded to the nearest integer.
Returns the value of each element of current array rounded to the nearest integer.
Multiplies all elements of current array with a specified scalar
- Accelerated with BLAS ?scal
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Sets the element at i, j, ..., n
to value
Returns the sign of each element of current array, indicating
- whether it is positive, negative or zero.
Returns the sine of each element of current array.
Returns the sine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic sine of each element of current array.
Slices the current array in the corresponding dimension
Slices the current array in the corresponding dimension
Returns the positive square root of each element of current array.
Returns the positive square root of each element of current array.
Subtracts x
from the current array.
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Returns the tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the hyperbolic tangent of each element of current array.
Returns the integer part of each element of current array,
- removing any fractional digits.
Returns the absolute value of each element of x
Returns the absolute value of each element of x
Returns the arccosine of each element of x
Returns the arccosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arccosine of each element of x
Adds y
multiplied by alpha
to x
- Accelerated with BLAS ?axpy
Returns the arcsine of each element of x
Returns the arcsine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arcsine of each element of x
Returns the arctangent of each element of x
Returns the arctangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic arctangent of each element of x
Perform binary operation f
on y
in x
Perform binary operation f
on y
in x
Returns the cube root of each element of x
Returns the cube root of each element of x
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of x
Returns smallest integer greater than or equal to of each element of x
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of x
Asserts if indices i, j, ..., n
are within the bounds of x
Makes a copy of x
Makes a copy of x
Returns the cosine of each element of x
Returns the cosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of x
Returns the hyperbolic cosine of each element of x
Performs dot multiplication with x
and y
- Accelerated with BLAS ?dot
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.forEach
Checks if x
and y
are equal.
Checks if x
and y
are equal.
Asserts if x
and y
have the same shape
Asserts if x
and y
have the same shape
Asserts if x
and y
have the same length
Asserts if x
and y
have the same length
Returns e^x of each element of x
, where x is the argument,
- and e is Euler's constant (2.718…), the base of the natural logarithm.
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of x
Returns subtracting 1 from exp(x) of each element of x
Creates an identity matrix of size n
and type type
Creates an identity matrix of size n
and type type
Fills x
with a scalar value
Fills x
with a scalar value
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of x
Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a number of each element of x
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of x
Returns the nearest single precision float representation of each element of x
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from x
Gets the element at i, j, ..., n
from x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of x
Returns the natural logarithm (log_e, also ln) of 1 + x for each element of x
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 2 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of x
Returns the base 10 logarithm of each element of x
Equivalent to
Equivalent to
Gets the maximum value (largest) element of x
- Accelerated with BLAS i?amax
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of x
Gets the minimum value (smallest) element of x
Calculates the norm of current array (also called L2 norm or Euclidean length).
- Accelerated with BLAS ?nrm2
Creates an array containing ones (1
) of shape shape
Creates an array containing ones (1
) of shape shape
Returns each element of x
to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Returns each element of x
to the exponent power, that is, element^exponent.
Hadamard product of x
and y
Hadamard product of x
and y
Creates a vector containing random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1)
of shape shape
Creates a vector containing random samples from a uniform distribution over [0, 1)
of shape shape
Creates an array containing a range (can be either ascending or descending)
of numbers specified by the arguments provided (e.g. NDArray.range(0, .5, 2)
gives an array containing all numbers in the interval [0, 2)
separated by
- steps of 0.5
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Equivalent to TypedArray.prototype.reduce
Reshapes x
Reshapes x
Returns the absolute value of each element of current array. -
+Returns the absolute value of each element of current array.