Small project to test react router DOM with protected routes, and using Zustand to emulate a login state of a user.
I based this project from the first one, but in this case, I used the RouterProvider and createBrowserRouter approach.
The code is different, but the createBrowserRouter allows us to use some methods to preload data from APIs.
NextJS application with single router management, using app folder to test react server components approach.
ReactJS app, that is using the context API with a reducer in order to share state across multiple components.
There's also an option to use state and setState in order to avoid reducer option.
React JS app integration with Marzipano (Google) to display a 360 Experience of my office and my house 3 floor.
Server: NodeJS application with apollo server, json-server and graphql types, queries and mutations, fully functonal. Client: ReactJS Application created with Vite, using Apollo client in order to execute all requests.