From 09996d93607073762978d5e09040ff7d39d4ba5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: zstone Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 16:58:02 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] using small_ent cleanish implementation for first lemma proofs now use near correctly minor lint fixing build for 8.14 always more linting to do use notations in `sets_of` - minor linting rephrasing definitions with index and map fixing bad merge updating changelog fixing bad merge again forgot to add docs for sets_of Update theories/topology.v Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen Update theories/topology.v Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen Update theories/topology.v Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen Update theories/topology.v Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen Update theories/topology.v Co-authored-by: Cyril Cohen renaming sets_of fixing changelog --- | 28 +++- theories/topology.v | 274 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- 2 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a90e1b20c..38448627c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -34,6 +34,32 @@ + lemma `fset_set_image`, `card_fset_set`, `geq_card_fset_set`, `leq_card_fset_set`, `infinite_set_fset`, `infinite_set_fsetP` and `fcard_eq`. + + notations `{posnum \bar R}` and `{nonneg \bar R}` + + notations `%:pos` and `%:nng` in `ereal_dual_scope` and `ereal_scope` + + variants `posnume_spec` and `nonnege_spec` + + definitions `posnume`, `nonnege`, `abse_reality_subdef`, + `ereal_sup_reality_subdef`, `ereal_inf_reality_subdef` + + lemmas `ereal_comparable`, `pinfty_snum_subproof`, `ninfty_snum_subproof`, + `EFin_snum_subproof`, `fine_snum_subproof`, `oppe_snum_subproof`, + `adde_snum_subproof`, `dadde_snum_subproof`, `mule_snum_subproof`, + `abse_reality_subdef`, `abse_snum_subproof`, `ereal_sup_snum_subproof`, + `ereal_inf_snum_subproof`, `num_abse_eq0`, `num_lee_maxr`, `num_lee_maxl`, + `num_lee_minr`, `num_lee_minl`, `num_lte_maxr`, `num_lte_maxl`, + `num_lte_minr`, `num_lte_minl`, `num_abs_le`, `num_abs_lt`, + `posnumeP`, `nonnegeP` + + signed instances `pinfty_snum`, `ninfty_snum`, `EFin_snum`, `fine_snum`, + `oppe_snum`, `adde_snum`, `dadde_snum`, `mule_snum`, `abse_snum`, + `ereal_sup_snum`, `ereal_inf_snum` +- in `topology.v`: + + Definition `powerset_filter_from` + + globals `powerset_filter_from_filter`, + + lemmas `near_small_set`, `small_set_sub` + + lemmas `withinET`, `closureEcvg`, `entourage_sym`, `fam_nbhs` + + generalize `cluster_cvgE`, `ptws_cvg_compact_family` + + lemma `near_compact_covering` + + rewrite `equicontinuous` and `pointwise_precompact` to use index + + lemmas `ptws_cvg_entourage`, `equicontinuous_closure`, `ptws_compact_cvg` + `ptws_compact_closed`, `ascoli_forward`, `compact_equicontinuous` ### Changed @@ -109,4 +135,4 @@ ### Infrastructure -### Misc +### Misc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/theories/topology.v b/theories/topology.v index 09ff3d509..478bed15e 100644 --- a/theories/topology.v +++ b/theories/topology.v @@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp reals classical_sets signed functions. (* domain D. *) (* subset_filter F D == similar to within D F, but with *) (* dependent types. *) +(* powerset_filter_from F == The filter of downward closed subsets *) +(* of F. Enables use of near notation to *) +(* pick suitably small members of F *) (* in_filter F == interface type for the sets that *) (* belong to the set of sets F. *) (* InFilter FP == packs a set P with a proof of F P to *) @@ -1538,6 +1541,12 @@ Proof. exact: withinT. Qed. Lemma cvg_within {F} {FF : Filter F} D : within D F --> F. Proof. by move=> P; apply: filterS. Qed. +Lemma withinET {F} {FF : Filter F} : within setT F = F. +Proof. +rewrite eqEsubset /within; split => ?; apply: filter_app; apply: nearW => //. +by move=> ?; exact. +Qed. + End within. Global Instance within_filter T D F : Filter F -> Filter (@within T D F). @@ -1547,6 +1556,7 @@ move=> FF; rewrite /within; constructor. - by move=> P Q; apply: filterS2 => x DP DQ Dx; split; [apply: DP|apply: DQ]. - by move=> P Q subPQ; apply: filterS => x DP /DP /subPQ. Qed. + #[global] Typeclasses Opaque within. Canonical within_filter_on T D (F : filter_on T) := @@ -1574,6 +1584,50 @@ move=> DAP; apply: Build_ProperFilter'; rewrite /subset_filter => subFD. by have /(_ subFD) := DAP (~` D); apply => -[x [dx /(_ dx)]]. Qed. +(* For using near on sets in a filter *) +Section NearSet. + +Context {T : choiceType} {Y : filteredType T}. +Context (F : set (set Y)) (PF : ProperFilter F). + +Definition powerset_filter_from : set (set (set Y)) := filter_from + [set M | [/\ M `<=` F, + (forall E1 E2, M E1 -> F E2 -> E2 `<=` E1 -> M E2) & M !=set0 ] ] + id. + +Global Instance powerset_filter_from_filter : ProperFilter powerset_filter_from. +Proof. +split. + rewrite (_ : xpredp0 = set0); last by rewrite eqEsubset; split. + by move=> [W [_ _ [N +]]]; rewrite subset0 => /[swap] ->; apply. +apply: filter_from_filter. + by exists F; split => //; exists setT; exact: filterT. +move=> M N /= [entM subM [M0 MM0]] [entN subN [N0 NN0]]. +exists [set E | exists P Q, [/\ M P, N Q & E = P `&` Q] ]; first split. +- by move=> ? [? [? [? ? ->]]]; apply filterI; [exact: entM | exact: entN]. +- move=> ? E2 [P [Q [MP MQ ->]]] entE2 E2subPQ; exists E2, E2. + split; last by rewrite setIid. + + by apply: (subM _ _ MP) => // ? /E2subPQ []. + + by apply: (subN _ _ MQ) => // ? /E2subPQ []. +- by exists (M0 `&` N0), M0, N0. +- move=> E /= [P [Q [MP MQ ->]]]; have entPQ : F (P `&` Q). + by apply filterI; [exact: entM | exact: entN]. + by split; [apply: (subM _ _ MP) | apply: (subN _ _ MQ)] => // ? []. +Qed. + +Lemma near_small_set : \forall E \near powerset_filter_from, F E. +Proof. by exists F => //; split => //; exists setT; exact: filterT. Qed. + +Lemma small_set_sub (E : set Y) : F E -> + \forall E' \near powerset_filter_from, E' `<=` E. +Proof. +move=> entE; exists [set E' | F E' /\ E' `<=` E]; last by move=> ? []. +split; [by move=> E' [] | | by exists E; split]. +by move=> E1 E2 [] ? sub ? ?; split => //; exact: subset_trans sub. +Qed. + +End NearSet. + (** * Topological spaces *) Module Topological. @@ -2586,10 +2640,14 @@ Lemma cvg_cluster F G : F --> G -> cluster F `<=` cluster G. Proof. by move=> sGF p Fp P Q GP Qp; apply: Fp Qp; apply: sGF. Qed. Lemma cluster_cvgE F : - ProperFilter F -> + Filter F -> cluster F = [set p | exists2 G, ProperFilter G & G --> p /\ F `<=` G]. Proof. -move=> FF; rewrite predeqE => p. +move=> FF; have [F0|nF0] := pselect (F set0). + have -> : cluster F = set0. + by rewrite -subset0 clusterE => x /(_ set0 F0); rewrite closure0. + by apply/esym; rewrite -subset0 => p [? PG [_ /(_ set0 F0)]]; apply PG. +rewrite predeqE => p; have PF : ProperFilter F by []. split=> [clFp|[G Gproper [cvGp sFG]] A B]; last first. by move=> /sFG GA /cvGp GB; apply: (@filter_ex _ G); apply: filterI. exists (filter_from (\bigcup_(A in F) [set A `&` B | B in nbhs p]) id). @@ -2609,6 +2667,11 @@ move=> A FA; exists A => //; exists A => //; exists setT; first exact: filterT. by rewrite setIT. Qed. +Lemma closureEcvg (E : set T): + closure E = + [set p | exists2 G, ProperFilter G & G --> p /\ globally E `<=` G]. +Proof. by rewrite closureEcluster cluster_cvgE. Qed. + Definition compact A := forall (F : set (set T)), ProperFilter F -> F A -> A `&` cluster F !=set0. @@ -2651,6 +2714,34 @@ Qed. End Compact. Arguments hausdorff_space : clear implicits. +Lemma near_compact_covering {X : Type} {Y : topologicalType} + (F : set (set X)) (Q P : X -> Y -> Prop) (K : set Y) : + Filter F -> compact K -> + (forall y, K y -> \forall x \near F, Q x y) -> + (forall y, \forall y' \near y & x \near F, Q x y -> P x y') -> + \forall x \near F, K `<=` P x. +Proof. +move=> FF cptK cover nearby. +pose badPoints := fun U => K `\` [set y | K y /\ forall x, U x -> P x y]. +pose G := filter_from F badPoints. +have FG : Filter G. + apply: filter_from_filter; first by exists setT; exact: filterT. + move=> L R ? ?; exists (L `&` R); first exact: filterI. + rewrite /badPoints /= !setDIr !setDv !set0U -setDUr; apply: setDS. + by move=> x [|] => + ? [? ?]; exact. +have [|?] := pselect (G set0). + move=> [V fV]; rewrite subset0 setD_eq0 => subK. + by apply: (@filterS _ _ _ V) => // ? ? ? /subK [?]; apply. +have PG : ProperFilter G by []. +have GK : G K by exists setT; [exact: filterT | by move=> ? []]. +case: (cptK _ PG GK) => y [Ky]; have [[U1 U2] [U1y ? subP]] := nearby y. +have GP : G (badPoints ([set x | Q x y] `&` U2)). + apply: filterI => //; exists ([set x | Q x y] `&` U2); last by move=> ? []. + by apply: filterI => //; exact: (cover y Ky). +move=> /(_ _ _ GP U1y) => [[y'[]]][] ? /[swap] ?. +by case; split => // x [? ?]; exact: (subP (y', x)). +Qed. + Section Tychonoff. Class UltraFilter T (F : set (set T)) := { @@ -3471,6 +3562,10 @@ Definition entourage {M : uniformType} := Uniform.entourage (Uniform.class M). Lemma nbhs_entourageE {M : uniformType} : nbhs_ (@entourage M) = nbhs. Proof. by case: M=> [?[?[]]]. Qed. +Lemma entourage_sym {X Y : Type} E (x : X) (y : Y) : + E (x, y) <-> (E ^-1)%classic (y, x). +Proof. by []. Qed. + Lemma filter_from_entourageE {M : uniformType} x : filter_from (@entourage M) (fun A => to_set A x) = nbhs x. Proof. by rewrite -nbhs_entourageE. Qed. @@ -3547,6 +3642,7 @@ End uniformType1. Hint Extern 0 (entourage (split_ent _)) => exact: entourage_split_ent : core. #[global] Hint Extern 0 (entourage (get _)) => exact: entourage_split_ent : core. +Hint Extern 0 (entourage (_^-1)%classic) => exact: entourage_inv : core. Arguments entourage_split {M} z {x y A}. #[global] Hint Extern 0 (nbhs _ (to_set _ _)) => exact: nbhs_entourage : core. @@ -4431,7 +4527,6 @@ apply/cvg_fct_entourageP => A entA; near=> f => t; near F => g. apply: (entourage_split (g t)) => //; first by near: g; apply: cvF. move: (t); near: g; near: f; apply: nearP_dep; apply: Fc. exists ((split_ent A)^-1)%classic=> //=. -by apply: entourage_inv; apply: entourage_split_ent. Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. Canonical fun_completeType := CompleteType (T -> U) fun_complete. @@ -5342,11 +5437,19 @@ Notation "{ 'family' fam , U -> V }" := (@fct_UniformFamily U V fam). Notation "{ 'family' fam , F --> f }" := (F --> restrict_fam fam f) : classical_set_scope. -Lemma fam_cvgE {U : topologicalType} {V : uniformType} (F : set (set (U -> V))) +Lemma fam_cvgE {U : choiceType} {V : uniformType} (F : set (set (U -> V))) (f : U -> V) fam : {family fam, F --> f} = (F --> (f : {family fam, U -> V})). Proof. by []. Qed. +Lemma fam_nbhs {U : choiceType} {V : uniformType} (fam : set U -> Prop) + (A : set U) (E : set (V * V)) (f : {family fam, U -> V}) : + entourage E -> fam A -> nbhs f [set g | forall y, A y -> E (f y, g y)]. +Proof. +move=> entE famA; have /fam_cvgP /(_ A) : (nbhs f --> f) by []; apply => //. +by apply uniform_nbhs; exists E; split. +Qed. + Definition compactly_in {U : topologicalType} (A : set U) := [set B | B `<=` A /\ compact B]. @@ -5901,7 +6004,7 @@ by rewrite eqEsubset; split => [j [? + <-//]|j Wj]; exists (fun _ => j). Qed. Lemma ptws_cvg_compact_family F (f : U -> V) : - ProperFilter F -> {family compact, F --> f} -> {ptws, F --> f}. + Filter F -> {family compact, F --> f} -> {ptws, F --> f}. Proof. move=> PF; rewrite ptws_cvg_family_singleton; apply: family_cvg_subset. by move=> A [x _ <-]; exact: compact_set1. @@ -5912,51 +6015,63 @@ Section ArzelaAscoli. Context {X : topologicalType}. Context {Y : uniformType}. Context {hsdf : hausdorff_space Y}. +Implicit Types (I : Type). + (* The key condition in Arzela-Ascoli that, like uniform continuity, moves a quantifier around so all functions have the same 'deltas'. *) -Definition equicontinuous (W : set (X -> Y)) := +Definition equicontinuous {I} (W : set I) (d : I -> (X -> Y)) := forall x (E : set (Y * Y)), entourage E -> - \forall y \near x, forall f, W f -> E(f x, f y). + \forall y \near x, forall i, W i -> E(d i x, d i y). -Lemma equicontinuous_subset (W V : set (X -> Y)) : - W `<=` V -> equicontinuous V -> equicontinuous W. +Lemma equicontinuous_subset {I J} (W : set I) (V : set J) {fW : I -> X -> Y} {fV : J -> X -> Y} : + fW @`W `<=` fV @` V -> equicontinuous V fV -> equicontinuous W fW. Proof. -move=> WsubV + x E entE => /(_ x E entE); apply: filter_app; apply: nearW. -by move=> ? Vf ? /WsubV; exact: Vf. +move=> WsubV + x E entE => /(_ x E entE); apply: filterS => y VE i Wi. +by case: (WsubV (fW i)); [exists i | move=> j Vj <-; exact: VE]. Qed. -Lemma equicontinuous_cts (W : set (X -> Y)) f : - equicontinuous W -> W f -> continuous f. +Lemma equicontinuous_continuous_for {I} (W : set I) (fW : I -> X -> Y) i x : + {for x, equicontinuous W fW} -> W i -> {for x, continuous (fW i)}. Proof. -move=> ectsW Wf x; apply/cvg_entourageP => E entE; near_simpl; -by move: (ectsW x _ entE); apply: filter_app; apply: nearW => ?; exact. +move=> ectsW Wf; apply/cvg_entourageP => E entE; near_simpl. +by near=> y; apply: (near (ectsW _ entE) y). +Unshelve. end_near. Qed. + +Lemma equicontinuous_continuous {I} (W : set I) (fW : I -> (X -> Y)) (i : I) : + equicontinuous W fW -> W i -> continuous (fW i). +Proof. +move=> ectsW Wf x; apply: equicontinuous_continuous_for; last exact: Wf. +by move=> ?; exact: ectsW. Qed. (* A convenient notion that is in between compactness in - {family compact, X -> y} and compactness in {ptws X -> y}. *) -Definition pointwise_precompact (W : set (X -> Y)):= - forall x, precompact [set (f x) | f in W]. + {family compact, X -> y} and compactness in {ptws X -> y}.*) +Definition pointwise_precompact {I} (W : set I) (d : I -> X -> Y) := + forall x, precompact [set (d i x) | i in W]. -Lemma pointwise_precomact_subset (W V : set (X -> Y)) : - W `<=` V -> pointwise_precompact V -> pointwise_precompact W. +Lemma pointwise_precompact_subset {I J} (W : set I) (V : set J) {fW : I -> X -> Y} {fV : J -> X -> Y}: + fW @` W `<=` fV @` V -> pointwise_precompact V fV -> + pointwise_precompact W fW. Proof. -move=> WsubV + x => /(_ x) pcptV. -by apply: precompact_subset pcptV; exact: image_subset. +move=> WsubV + x => /(_ x) pcptV; apply: precompact_subset pcptV => y [i Wi <-]. +by case: (WsubV (fW i)); [exists i | move=> j Vj <-; exists j]. Qed. -Lemma pointwise_precompact_precompact (W : set {ptws X -> Y}): - pointwise_precompact W -> precompact W. +Lemma pointwise_precompact_precompact {I} (W : set I) (fW : I -> (X -> Y)) : + pointwise_precompact W fW -> precompact ((fW @` W) : set {ptws X -> Y}). Proof. -rewrite precompactE => ptwsPreW; pose K := fun x => closure [set f x | f in W]. +rewrite precompactE => ptwsPreW. +pose K := fun x => closure [set fW i x | i in W]. set R := [set f : {ptws X -> Y} | forall x : X, K x (f x)]. have C : compact R. - by apply: tychonoff => x; rewrite -precompactE; exact: ptwsPreW. + by apply: tychonoff => x; rewrite -precompactE; move: ptwsPreW; exact. apply: (subclosed_compact _ C); first exact: closed_closure. -have WsubR : W `<=` R. - by move=> f Wf x; rewrite /R /K closure_limit_point; left; exists f. -rewrite closureE; apply: smallest_sub (compact_closed _ C) WsubR. +have WsubR : (fW @` W) `<=` R. + move=> f Wf x; rewrite /R /K closure_limit_point; left. + by case: Wf => i ? <-; exists i. +rewrite closureE; apply: smallest_sub (compact_closed _ C) WsubR. exact: hausdorff_product. Qed. @@ -5970,14 +6085,111 @@ by move=> Q Fq; apply: (ptws_cvg_compact_family _ Fh). Qed. Lemma compact_pointwise_precompact (W : set (X -> Y)) : - compact (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) -> pointwise_precompact W. + compact (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) -> pointwise_precompact W id. Proof. move=> cptFamW x; pose V : set Y := prod_topo_apply x @` W. -rewrite precompactE (_ : [set f x | f in W] = V ) //. +rewrite precompactE (_ : [set f x | f in W] = V ) ?image_id //. suff: (compact V) by move=> /[dup]/(compact_closed hsdf)/closure_id <-. apply: (@continuous_compact _ _ (prod_topo_apply x)). by apply: continuous_subspaceT => f ?; exact: prod_topo_apply_continuous. exact: uniform_pointwise_compact. Qed. +Lemma ptws_cvg_entourage (x : X) (f : {ptws X -> Y}) E : + entourage E -> \forall g \near f, E (f x, g x). +Proof. +move=> entE; have : ({ptws, nbhs f --> f}) by []. +rewrite ptws_cvg_family_singleton => /fam_cvgP /(_ [set x]). +rewrite uniform_set1 => /(_ _ (to_set E (f x))); apply; first by exists x. +by move: E entE; exact/cvg_entourageP. +Qed. + +Lemma equicontinuous_closure (W : set {ptws X -> Y}) : + equicontinuous W id -> equicontinuous (closure W) id. +Proof. +move=> ectsW => x E entE; near=> y => f clWf. +near (within W (nbhs (f : {ptws X -> Y}))) => g. +near: g; rewrite near_withinE; near_simpl; near=> g => Wg. +apply: (@entourage_split _ (g x)) => //. + exact: (near (ptws_cvg_entourage _ _ _)). +apply: (@entourage_split _ (g y)) => //; first exact: (near (@ectsW x _ _)). +by apply/entourage_sym; exact: (near (ptws_cvg_entourage _ _ _)). +Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed. + +Definition small_ent_sub := @small_set_sub _ _ (@entourage Y). + +Lemma ptws_compact_cvg (W : set {ptws X -> Y}) F (f : {ptws X -> Y}) : + equicontinuous W id -> ProperFilter F -> F W -> + {ptws, F --> f} <-> {family compact, F --> f}. +Proof. +move=> + PF; wlog Wf : f W / W f. + move=> + /equicontinuous_closure ? FW => /(_ f (closure W)) Q. + split => Ff; last exact: ptws_cvg_compact_family. + apply Q => //; last by apply: (filterS _ FW); exact: subset_closure. + by rewrite closureEcvg; exists F; [|split] => // ? /filterS; apply. +move=> ectsW FW; split=> [ptwsF|]; last exact: ptws_cvg_compact_family. +apply/fam_cvgP => K ? U /=; rewrite uniform_nbhs => [[E [? EsubU]]]. +suff : \forall g \near within W (nbhs f), forall y, K y -> E (f y, g y). + rewrite near_withinE; near_simpl => N; apply: (filter_app _ _ FW). + by apply ptwsF; near=> g => ?; apply EsubU; apply: (near N g). +near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage Y)) => E'. +have entE' : entourage E' by exact: (near (near_small_set _)). +pose Q := fun (h : X -> Y) x => E' (f x, h x). +apply: (@near_compact_covering _ _ _ Q) => //. + by move=> y Ky; apply: (@cvg_within _ (nbhs f)); exact: ptws_cvg_entourage. +move=> x; near_simpl; near=> y g => /= E'fxgx. +apply: (@entourage_split _ (f x)) => //. + apply entourage_sym; apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. + exact: (near (ectsW x E' entE') y). +apply: (@entourage_split _ (g x)) => //. + exact: (near (small_ent_sub _) E'). +apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. + apply: (near (ectsW x E' entE')) => //. + exact: (near (withinT _ (nbhs_filter f))). +Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed. + +Lemma ptws_compact_closed (W : set (X -> Y)) : + equicontinuous W id -> + closure (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) = + closure (W : set {ptws X -> Y}). +Proof. +rewrite ?closureEcvg // predeqE => ? ?. +split; move=> [F PF [Fx WF]]; (exists F; last split) => //. + by apply/(@ptws_compact_cvg W )=>//; exact: WF. +by apply/(@ptws_compact_cvg W)=>//; exact: WF. +Qed. + +Lemma ascoli_forward (W : set (X -> Y)) : + pointwise_precompact W id -> + equicontinuous W id -> + precompact (W : set {family compact, X -> Y }). +Proof. +move=> /pointwise_precompact_precompact + ectsW. +rewrite ?precompactE compact_ultra compact_ultra ptws_compact_closed => //. +move=> /= + F UF FcW => /(_ F UF); rewrite image_id; case => // p [cWp Fp]. +exists p; split => //; apply/(ptws_compact_cvg _ _ _ FcW) => //. +exact: equicontinuous_closure. +Qed. + +Lemma compact_equicontinuous (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) : + locally_compact (@setT X) -> + (forall f, W f -> continuous f) -> + compact (W : set {family compact, X -> Y}) -> + equicontinuous W id. +Proof. +move=> lcptX ctsW cptW x E entE. +have [//|U UWx [cptU clU]] := lcptX x; rewrite withinET in UWx. +near (powerset_filter_from (@entourage Y)) => E'. +have entE' : entourage E' by exact: (near (near_small_set _)). +pose Q := fun (y : X) (f : {family compact, X -> Y}) => E' (f x, f y). +apply: (@near_compact_covering _ _ _ Q) => // f; rewrite /Q; near_simpl. + by move=> Wf; apply: ((ctsW f Wf x) (to_set _ _)); exact: nbhs_entourage. +near=> g y => /= fxfy; apply: (@entourage_split _ (f x)) => //. + apply/entourage_sym; apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. + exact: (near (fam_nbhs _ entE' (@compact_set1 _ x)) g) => //. +apply: (@entourage_split _ _) => //; apply: (near (small_ent_sub _) E') => //. + exact: fxfy. +by apply (near (fam_nbhs _ entE' cptU) g) => //; exact: (near UWx y). +Unshelve. all: end_near. Qed. + End ArzelaAscoli.