This merge video project aims to merge multiple videos with ".mp4" file using H264 codec.
- wxWidgets (C++): For developing friendly GUI
- ffmpeg (C): For processing media file and read metadata from media file
CodeBlock - Tutorial for linking with wxWidgets MinGW (Windows version and MSYS2 version) MSYS2
I use Windows as the main environment. I haven't tested Linux yet.
Note that I do not upload the ffmpeg and wxWidgets source code, so you have to find them)
- merge_video_project/
- wxWidgets/ (You can install wxWidgets for C++ here)
Compiles wxWidgets (You can use MinGW compiler with MSCVRT environment or use Visual Studio)
Compiles FFmpeg (If you use MinGW, you should install MSYS2 to configure FFmpeg source code and install them. Note that you should use MINGW32 or MINGW64 of MSYS2 to match the MSCVRT environment with wxWidgets. Using UCRT might not compile)
(Optional if linking failed while compiling) Installs zlib source code, libiconv source code and uses MSYS2 to configure and compile. Then copies libraries (usually ".dll", ".o", ".a" files) to your compiler. (These libraries are not available in Windows and these are required from FFmpeg library)
Compiles all sources code from src. Notes that you should have linked all the required libraries and includes files from both wxWidgets and FFmpeg libraries.
`-lavformat -lavcodec -lswresample -lswscale -lavutil -lavdevice -lavfilter -lz -lWs2_32 -liconv -lSecur32 -lole32 -lbcrypt -lstrmiids`