diff --git a/cypress/e2e/read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts b/cypress/e2e/read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7af0daeb9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cypress/e2e/read-receipts/high-level.spec.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import type { MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, Room, IndexedDBStore } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
+import { HomeserverInstance } from "../../plugins/utils/homeserver";
+import Chainable = Cypress.Chainable;
+describe("Read receipts", () => {
+ const userName = "Mae";
+ const botName = "Other User";
+ const roomAlpha = "Room Alpha";
+ const roomBeta = "Room Beta";
+ let homeserver: HomeserverInstance;
+ let betaRoomId: string;
+ let alphaRoomId: string;
+ let bot: MatrixClient | undefined;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ // Create 2 rooms: Alpha & Beta. We join the bot to both of them
+ cy.startHomeserver("default").then((data) => {
+ homeserver = data;
+ cy.initTestUser(homeserver, userName)
+ .then(() => {
+ cy.createRoom({ name: roomAlpha }).then((createdRoomId) => {
+ alphaRoomId = createdRoomId;
+ });
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ cy.createRoom({ name: roomBeta }).then((createdRoomId) => {
+ betaRoomId = createdRoomId;
+ });
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ cy.getBot(homeserver, { displayName: botName }).then((botClient) => {
+ bot = botClient;
+ });
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ // Invite the bot to both rooms
+ cy.inviteUser(alphaRoomId, bot.getUserId());
+ cy.viewRoomById(alphaRoomId);
+ cy.findByText(botName + " joined the room").should("exist");
+ cy.inviteUser(betaRoomId, bot.getUserId());
+ cy.viewRoomById(betaRoomId);
+ cy.findByText(botName + " joined the room").should("exist");
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ cy.stopHomeserver(homeserver);
+ });
+ abstract class MessageSpec {
+ public abstract getContent(room: Room): Promise>;
+ }
+ type Message = string | MessageSpec;
+ function goTo(room: string) {
+ cy.viewRoomByName(room);
+ }
+ function findRoomByName(room: string): Chainable {
+ return cy.getClient().then((cli) => {
+ return cli.getRooms().find((r) => r.name === room);
+ });
+ }
+ function openThread(rootMessage: string) {
+ cy.log("Open thread", rootMessage);
+ cy.get(".mx_RoomView_body", { log: false }).within(() => {
+ cy.contains(".mx_EventTile[data-scroll-tokens]", rootMessage, { log: false })
+ .realHover()
+ .findByRole("button", { name: "Reply in thread", log: false })
+ .click();
+ });
+ cy.get(".mx_ThreadView_timelinePanelWrapper", { log: false }).should("have.length", 1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sends messages into given room as a bot
+ * @param room - the name of the room to send messages into
+ * @param messages - the list of messages to send, these can be strings or implementations of MessageSpace like `editOf`
+ */
+ function receiveMessages(room: string, messages: Message[]) {
+ findRoomByName(room).then(async ({ roomId }) => {
+ const room = bot.getRoom(roomId);
+ for (const message of messages) {
+ if (typeof message === "string") {
+ await bot.sendTextMessage(roomId, message);
+ } else {
+ await bot.sendMessage(roomId, await message.getContent(room));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility to find a MatrixEvent by its body content
+ * @param room - the room to search for the event in
+ * @param message - the body of the event to search for
+ * @param includeThreads - whether to search within threads too
+ */
+ async function getMessage(room: Room, message: string, includeThreads = false): Promise {
+ let ev = room.timeline.find((e) => e.getContent().body === message);
+ if (!ev && includeThreads) {
+ for (const thread of room.getThreads()) {
+ ev = thread.timeline.find((e) => e.getContent().body === message);
+ if (ev) break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ev) return ev;
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ room.on("Room.timeline" as any, (ev: MatrixEvent) => {
+ if (ev.getContent().body === message) {
+ resolve(ev);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * MessageSpec to send an edit into a room
+ * @param originalMessage - the body of the message to edit
+ * @param newMessage - the message body to send in the edit
+ */
+ function editOf(originalMessage: string, newMessage: string): MessageSpec {
+ return new (class extends MessageSpec {
+ public async getContent(room: Room): Promise> {
+ const ev = await getMessage(room, originalMessage, true);
+ const content = ev.getContent();
+ return {
+ "msgtype": content.msgtype,
+ "body": `* ${newMessage}`,
+ "m.new_content": {
+ msgtype: content.msgtype,
+ body: newMessage,
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ /**
+ * MessageSpec to send a reply into a room
+ * @param targetMessage - the body of the message to reply to
+ * @param newMessage - the message body to send into the reply
+ */
+ function replyTo(targetMessage: string, newMessage: string): MessageSpec {
+ return new (class extends MessageSpec {
+ public async getContent(room: Room): Promise> {
+ const ev = await getMessage(room, targetMessage);
+ return {
+ "msgtype": "m.text",
+ "body": newMessage,
+ "m.relates_to": {
+ "m.in_reply_to": {
+ event_id: ev.getId(),
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ /**
+ * MessageSpec to send a threaded response into a room
+ * @param rootMessage - the body of the thread root message to send a response to
+ * @param newMessage - the message body to send into the thread response
+ */
+ function threadedOff(rootMessage: string, newMessage: string): MessageSpec {
+ return new (class extends MessageSpec {
+ public async getContent(room: Room): Promise> {
+ const ev = await getMessage(room, rootMessage);
+ return {
+ "msgtype": "m.text",
+ "body": newMessage,
+ "m.relates_to": {
+ event_id: ev.getId(),
+ is_falling_back: true,
+ rel_type: "m.thread",
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ function getRoomListTile(room: string) {
+ return cy.findByRole("treeitem", { name: new RegExp("^" + room), log: false });
+ }
+ function markAsRead(room: string) {
+ cy.log("Marking room as read", room);
+ getRoomListTile(room).rightclick();
+ cy.findByText("Mark as read").click();
+ }
+ function assertRead(room: string) {
+ cy.log("Assert room read", room);
+ return getRoomListTile(room).within(() => {
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge_dot").should("not.exist");
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge_count").should("not.exist");
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assert a given room is marked as unread (via the room list tile)
+ * @param room - the name of the room to check
+ * @param count - the numeric count to assert, or if "." specified then a bold/dot (no count) state is asserted
+ */
+ function assertUnread(room: string, count: number | ".") {
+ cy.log("Assert room unread", room, count);
+ return getRoomListTile(room).within(() => {
+ if (count === ".") {
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge_dot").should("exist");
+ } else {
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge_count").should("have.text", count);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function openThreadList() {
+ cy.log("Open thread list");
+ cy.findByTestId("threadsButton", { log: false }).then(($button) => {
+ if ($button?.attr("aria-current") !== "true") {
+ $button.trigger("click");
+ }
+ });
+ cy.get(".mx_ThreadPanel", { log: false })
+ .should("exist")
+ .then(($panel) => {
+ const $button = $panel.find('.mx_BaseCard_back[title="Threads"]');
+ // If the Threads back button is present then click it, the threads button can open either threads list or thread panel
+ if ($button.length) {
+ $button.trigger("click");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function getThreadListTile(rootMessage: string) {
+ openThreadList();
+ return cy.contains(".mx_ThreadPanel .mx_EventTile_body", rootMessage, { log: false }).closest("li");
+ }
+ function assertReadThread(rootMessage: string) {
+ return getThreadListTile(rootMessage).within(() => {
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge", { log: false }).should("not.exist");
+ });
+ }
+ function assertUnreadThread(rootMessage: string) {
+ cy.log("Assert unread thread", rootMessage);
+ return getThreadListTile(rootMessage).within(() => {
+ cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge").should("exist");
+ });
+ }
+ function saveAndReload() {
+ cy.log("Save and reload");
+ cy.getClient().then((cli) => {
+ // @ts-ignore
+ return (cli.store as IndexedDBStore).reallySave();
+ });
+ cy.reload();
+ // Wait for the app to reload
+ cy.log("Waiting for app to reload");
+ cy.get(".mx_RoomView", { log: false, timeout: 20000 }).should("exist");
+ }
+ const room1 = roomAlpha;
+ const room2 = roomBeta;
+ describe("new messages", () => {
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ it("Sending a message makes a room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Reading latest message makes the room read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it.skip("Reading an older message leaves the room unread", () => {});
+ it("Marking a room as read makes it read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("Sending a new message after marking as read makes it unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg2"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room with a new message is still unread after restart", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room where all messages are read is still read after restart", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ it("Sending a message makes a room unread", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Reading the last threaded message makes the room read", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("Reading a thread message makes the thread read", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 2); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then room does appear unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ // Until we open the thread
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertReadThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it.skip("Reading an older thread message (via permalink) leaves the thread unread", () => {});
+ it("Reading only one thread's message does not make the room read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), "Msg2", threadedOff("Msg2", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 4);
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertUnread(room2, 4);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Reading only one thread's message makes that thread read but not others", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", "Msg2", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg2", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 4); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ assertUnreadThread("Msg1");
+ assertUnreadThread("Msg2");
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertReadThread("Msg1");
+ assertUnreadThread("Msg2");
+ });
+ it("Reading the main timeline does not mark a thread message as read", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ // Then thread does appear unread
+ assertUnreadThread("Msg1");
+ });
+ // XXX: fails because the room is still "bold" even though the notification counts all disappear
+ it.skip("Marking a room with unread threads as read makes it read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3); // (Sanity)
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ // XXX: fails for the same reason as "Marking a room with unread threads as read makes it read"
+ it.skip("Sending a new thread message after marking as read makes it unread", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ // When I mark the room as read
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ // Then another message appears in the thread
+ receiveMessages(room2, [threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp3")]);
+ // Then the room becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ // XXX: fails for the same reason as "Marking a room with unread threads as read makes it read"
+ it.skip("Sending a new different-thread message after marking as read makes it unread", () => {
+ // Given 2 threads exist, and Thread2 has the latest message in it
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Thread1", "Thread2", threadedOff("Thread1", "t1a")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [threadedOff("Thread2", "t2a")]);
+ // When I mark the room as read (making an unthreaded receipt for t2a)
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ // Then another message appears in the other thread
+ receiveMessages(room2, [threadedOff("Thread1", "t1b")]);
+ // Then the room becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room with a new threaded message is still unread after restart", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 2); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then room does appear unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ // Until we open the thread
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("A room where all threaded messages are read is still read after restart", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp2")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then room does appear unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ // Until we open the thread
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("thread roots", () => {
+ it("Reading a thread root does not mark the thread as read", () => {
+ // Given a thread exists
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1); // (Sanity)
+ // When I read the main timeline
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then room does appear unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ assertUnreadThread("Msg1");
+ });
+ it.skip("Reading a thread root within the thread view marks it as read in the main timeline", () => {});
+ it("Creating a new thread based on a reply makes the room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", replyTo("Msg1", "Reply1"), threadedOff("Reply1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ });
+ it("Reading a thread whose root is a reply makes the room read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", replyTo("Msg1", "Reply1"), threadedOff("Reply1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ assertUnreadThread("Reply1");
+ openThread("Reply1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("editing messages", () => {
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ it("Editing a message makes a room unread", () => {
+ // Given I am not looking at the room
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ // When an edit appears in the room
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ // Then it becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Reading an edit makes the room read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // When I read it
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then the room becomes read and stays read
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("Marking a room as read after an edit makes it read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // When I mark it as read
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ // Then the room becomes read
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("Editing a message after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // When I mark it as read
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ // Then the room becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Editing a reply after reading it makes the room unread", () => {
+ // Given I am not looking at the room
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", replyTo("Msg1", "Reply1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ // When an edit appears in the room
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Reply1", "Reply1 Edit1")]);
+ // Then it becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Editing a reply after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {
+ // Given I am not looking at the room
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", replyTo("Msg1", "Reply1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ // When an edit appears in the room
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Reply1", "Reply1 Edit1")]);
+ // Then it becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room with an edit is still unread after restart", () => {
+ // Given I am not looking at the room
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ // When an edit appears in the room
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ // Then it becomes unread
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // And remains so after a reload
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room where all edits are read is still read after restart", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1"]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ // When I mark it as read
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ // Then the room becomes read
+ assertRead(room2);
+ // And remains so after a reload
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ it("An edit of a threaded message makes the room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("Reading an edit of a threaded message makes the room read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it("Marking a room as read after an edit in a thread makes it read", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 2);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it.skip("Editing a thread message after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it("A room with an edited threaded message is still unread after restart", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ });
+ it("A room where all threaded edits are read is still read after restart", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1"), editOf("Resp1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 3);
+ markAsRead(room2);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ saveAndReload();
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("thread roots", () => {
+ it("An edit of a thread root makes the room unread", () => {
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ goTo(room2);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Edit1")]);
+ assertUnread(room2, 1);
+ });
+ it.skip("Reading an edit of a thread root makes the room read", () => {
+ // Given a fully-read thread exists
+ goTo(room2);
+ receiveMessages(room2, ["Msg1", threadedOff("Msg1", "Resp1")]);
+ openThread("Msg1");
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ // When the thread root is edited
+ receiveMessages(room2, [editOf("Msg1", "Msg1 Edit1")]);
+ // And I read that edit
+ goTo(room2);
+ // Then the room becomes read and stays read
+ assertRead(room2);
+ goTo(room1);
+ assertRead(room2);
+ });
+ it.skip("Marking a room as read after an edit of a thread root makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a thread root after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking a room as read after an edit of a thread root that is a reply makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a thread root that is a reply after marking as read makes the room unread but not the thread", () => {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("reactions", () => {
+ // Justification for this section: edits an reactions are similar, so we
+ // might choose to miss this section, but I have included it because
+ // edits replace the content of the original event in our code and
+ // reactions don't, so it seems possible that bugs could creep in that
+ // affect only one or the other.
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ it.skip("Reacting to a message makes a room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reaction makes the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking a room as read after a reaction makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a message after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room with a reaction is still unread after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room where all reactions are read is still read after restart", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ it.skip("A reaction to a threaded message makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reaction to a threaded message makes the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking a room as read after a reaction in a thread makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a thread message after marking as read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room with a reaction to a threaded message is still unread after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room where all reactions in threads are read is still read after restart", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("thread roots", () => {
+ it.skip("A reaction to a thread root makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reaction to a thread root makes the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking a room as read after a reaction to a thread root makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a thread root after marking as read makes the room unread but not the thread", () => {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("redactions", () => {
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ // One of the following two must be right:
+ it.skip("Redacting the message pointed to by my receipt leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting a message after it was read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading an unread room after a redaction of the latest message makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading an unread room after a redaction of an older message makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking an unread room as read after a redaction makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Sending and redacting a message after marking the room as read makes it unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Redacting a message after marking the room as read makes it unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a redacted message leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a redacted message leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Reading a reaction to a redacted message marks the room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Reading an edit of a redacted message marks the room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reply to a redacted message marks the room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room with an unread redaction is still unread after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A room with a read redaction is still read after restart", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ // One of the following two must be right:
+ it.skip("Redacting the threaded message pointed to by my receipt leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting a threaded message after it was read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading an unread thread after a redaction of the latest message makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading an unread thread after a redaction of an older message makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Marking an unread thread as read after a redaction makes it read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Sending and redacting a message after marking the thread as read makes it unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Redacting a message after marking the thread as read makes it unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a redacted message leaves the thread read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a redacted message leaves the thread read", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Reading a reaction to a redacted message marks the thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Reading an edit of a redacted message marks the thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reply to a redacted message marks the thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A thread with an unread redaction is still unread after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A thread with a read redaction is still read after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A thread with an unread reply to a redacted message is still unread after restart", () => {});
+ it.skip("A thread with a read replt to a redacted message is still read after restart", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("thread roots", () => {
+ // One of the following two must be right:
+ it.skip("Redacting a thread root after it was read leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting a thread root after it was read makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting the root of an unread thread makes the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Sending a threaded message onto a redacted thread root leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reacting to a redacted thread root leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a redacted thread root leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Replying to a redacted thread root makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a reply to a redacted thread root makes the room read", () => {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("messages with missing referents", () => {
+ it.skip("A message in an unknown thread is not visible and the room is read", () => {});
+ it.skip("When a message's thread root appears later the thread appears and the room is unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("An edit of an unknown message is not visible and the room is read", () => {});
+ it.skip("When an edit's message appears later the edited version appears and the room is unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A reaction to an unknown message is not visible and the room is read", () => {});
+ it.skip("When an reactions's message appears later it appears and the room is unread", () => {});
+ // Harder: validate that we request the messages we are missing?
+ });
+ describe("receipts with missing events", () => {
+ // Later: when we have order in receipts, we can change these tests to
+ // make receipts still work, even when their message is not found.
+ it.skip("A receipt for an unknown message does not change the state of an unread room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for an unknown message does not change the state of a read room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for an unknown message does not change the state of an unread thread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for an unknown message does not change the state of a read thread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for an unknown thread does not change the state of an unread thread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for an unknown thread does not change the state of a read thread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for a message on main does not change the state of an unread room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for a message on main does not change the state of a read room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A main receipt for a message on a thread does not change the state of an unread room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A main receipt for a message on a thread does not change the state of a read room", () => {});
+ it.skip("A threaded receipt for a thread root does not mark it as read", () => {});
+ // Harder: validate that we request the messages we are missing?
+ });
+ describe("Message ordering", () => {
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ it.skip("A receipt for the last event in sync order (even with wrong ts) marks a room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for a non-last event in sync order (even when ts makes it last) leaves room unread", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ // These don't pass yet - we need MSC4033 - we don't even know the Sync order yet
+ it.skip("A receipt for the last event in sync order (even with wrong ts) marks a thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for a non-last event in sync order (even when ts makes it last) leaves thread unread", () => {});
+ // These pass now and should not later - we should use order from MSC4033 instead of ts
+ // These are broken out
+ it.skip("A receipt for last threaded event in ts order (even when it was received non-last) marks a thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for non-last threaded event in ts order (even when it was received last) leaves thread unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for last threaded edit in ts order (even when it was received non-last) marks a thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for non-last threaded edit in ts order (even when it was received last) leaves thread unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for last threaded reaction in ts order (even when it was received non-last) marks a thread as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for non-last threaded reaction in ts order (even when it was received last) leaves thread unread", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("thread roots", () => {
+ it.skip("A receipt for last reaction to thread root in sync order (even when ts makes it last) marks room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for non-last reaction to thread root in sync order (even when ts makes it last) leaves room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for last edit to thread root in sync order (even when ts makes it last) marks room as read", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for non-last edit to thread root in sync order (even when ts makes it last) leaves room unread", () => {});
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Ignored events", () => {
+ it.skip("If all events after receipt are unimportant, the room is read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Sending an important event after unimportant ones makes the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("A receipt for the last unimportant event makes the room read, even if all are unimportant", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("Paging up", () => {
+ it.skip("Paging up through old messages after a room is read leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("Paging up through old messages of an unread room leaves the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("Paging up to find old threads that were previously read leaves the room read", () => {});
+ it.skip("?? Paging up to find old threads that were never read marks the room unread", () => {});
+ it.skip("After marking room as read, paging up to find old threads that were never read leaves the room read", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("Room list order", () => {
+ it.skip("Rooms with unread threads appear at the top of room list if 'unread first' is selected", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("Notifications", () => {
+ describe("in the main timeline", () => {
+ it.skip("A new message that mentions me shows a notification", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a notifying message reduces the notification count in the room list, space and tab", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading the last notifying message removes the notification marker from room list, space and tab", () => {});
+ it.skip("Editing a message to mentions me shows a notification", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading the last notifying edited message removes the notification marker", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting a notifying message removes the notification marker", () => {});
+ });
+ describe("in threads", () => {
+ it.skip("A new threaded message that mentions me shows a notification", () => {});
+ it.skip("Reading a notifying threaded message removes the notification count", () => {});
+ it.skip("Notification count remains steady when reading threads that contain seen notifications", () => {});
+ it.skip("Notification count remains steady when paging up thread view even when threads contain seen notifications", () => {});
+ it.skip("Notification count remains steady when paging up thread view after mark as unread even if older threads contain notifications", () => {});
+ it.skip("Redacting a notifying threaded message removes the notification marker", () => {});
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/cypress/support/views.ts b/cypress/support/views.ts
index d5bf9179896..f31c2d7bf2a 100644
--- a/cypress/support/views.ts
+++ b/cypress/support/views.ts
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
- * Opens the given room by name. The room must be visible in the
- * room list.
+ * Opens the given room by name. The room must be visible in the room list.
+ * It uses a start-anchored regexp to accommodate for room tiles for unread rooms containing additional
+ * context in their aria labels, e.g. "Room name 3 unread messages."
+ *
* @param name The room name to find and click on/open.
viewRoomByName(name: string): Chainable>;
@@ -63,7 +65,10 @@ declare global {
Cypress.Commands.add("viewRoomByName", (name: string): Chainable> => {
- return cy.findByRole("treeitem", { name: name }).should("have.class", "mx_RoomTile").click();
+ return cy
+ .findByRole("treeitem", { name: new RegExp("^" + name) })
+ .should("have.class", "mx_RoomTile")
+ .click();
Cypress.Commands.add("viewRoomById", (id: string): void => {