diff --git a/plugins.json b/plugins.json index 2ab0a0d..5c8e228 100644 --- a/plugins.json +++ b/plugins.json @@ -2302,6 +2302,402 @@ }, "updated_at": "2019-04-17T19:49:19Z" }, + { + "homepage_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/", + "icon_data": "", + "download_url": "https://plugins-store.test.mattermost.com/release/mattermost-plugin-calls-v0.29.1.tar.gz", + "release_notes_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/releases/tag/v0.29.1", + "hosting": "", + "author_type": "mattermost", + "release_stage": "production", + "enterprise": false, + "signature": "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", + "repo_name": "mattermost-plugin-calls", + "manifest": { + "id": "com.mattermost.calls", + "name": "Calls", + "description": "Integrates real-time voice communication in Mattermost", + "homepage_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/", + "support_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/issues", + "release_notes_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/releases/tag/v0.29.1", + "icon_path": "assets/plugin_icon.svg", + "version": "0.29.1", + "min_server_version": "9.5.0", + "server": { + "executables": { + "freebsd-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-freebsd-amd64", + "linux-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-linux-amd64", + "linux-arm64": "server/dist/plugin-linux-arm64", + "openbsd-amd64": "server/dist/plugin-openbsd-amd64" + }, + "executable": "" + }, + "webapp": { + "bundle_path": "webapp/dist/main.js" + }, + "settings_schema": { + "header": "Calls plugin enables voice calls with screensharing in channels. See [documentation](https://docs.mattermost.com/channels/make-calls.html) to learn more.", + "footer": "", + "settings": [ + { + "key": "DefaultEnabled", + "display_name": "Test mode", + "type": "custom", + "help_text": "When test mode is enabled, only system admins are able to start calls in channels. This allows testing to confirm calls are working as expected.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": null, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "UDPServerAddress", + "display_name": "RTC Server Address (UDP)", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The local IP address used by the RTC server to listen on for UDP connections.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TCPServerAddress", + "display_name": "RTC Server Address (TCP)", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The local IP address used by the RTC server to listen on for TCP connections.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "UDPServerPort", + "display_name": "RTC Server Port (UDP)", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The UDP port the RTC server will listen on.", + "placeholder": "8443", + "default": 8443, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TCPServerPort", + "display_name": "RTC Server Port (TCP)", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The TCP port the RTC server will listen on.", + "placeholder": "8443", + "default": 8443, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "ICEHostOverride", + "display_name": "ICE Host Override", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "(Optional) The IP (or hostname) to be used as the host ICE candidate. If empty, it defaults to resolving via STUN.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "ICEHostPortOverride", + "display_name": "ICE Host Port Override", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "(Optional) A port number to be used as an override for host candidates in place of the one used to listen on.\nNote: this port will apply to both UDP and TCP host candidates", + "placeholder": "", + "default": null, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "RTCDServiceURL", + "display_name": "RTCD service URL", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "(Optional) The URL to a running RTCD service instance that should host the calls. When set (non empty) all calls will be handled by the external service.", + "placeholder": "https://rtcd.example.com", + "default": null, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "MaxCallParticipants", + "display_name": "Max call participants", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The maximum number of participants that can join a call. If left empty, or set to 0, it means unlimited.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 0, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "ICEServersConfigs", + "display_name": "ICE Servers Configurations", + "type": "longtext", + "help_text": "(Optional) A list of ICE servers (STUN/TURN) configurations to use. This field should contain a valid JSON array.", + "placeholder": "[{\n \"urls\":[\"turn:turnserver.example.org:3478\"],\n \"username\": \"webrtc\",\n \"credential\": \"turnpassword\"\n}]", + "default": "[{\"urls\":[\"stun:stun.global.calls.mattermost.com:3478\"]}]", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TURNStaticAuthSecret", + "display_name": "TURN Static Auth Secret", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "(Optional) The secret key used to generate TURN short-lived authentication credentials.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TURNCredentialsExpirationMinutes", + "display_name": "TURN Credentials Expiration (minutes)", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "(Optional) The number of minutes that the generated TURN credentials will be valid for.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 1440, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "ServerSideTURN", + "display_name": "Server Side TURN", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "(Optional) When set to on it will pass and use configured TURN candidates to server initiated connections.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "AllowScreenSharing", + "display_name": "Allow screen sharing", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "When set to true it allows call participants to share their screen.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": true, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "EnableSimulcast", + "display_name": "Enable simulcast for screen sharing (Experimental)", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "When set to true it enables simulcast for screen sharing. This can help to improve screen sharing quality.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "EnableRecordings", + "display_name": "Enable call recordings (Beta)", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "(Optional) When set to true, call recordings are enabled.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "JobServiceURL", + "display_name": "Job service URL", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The URL to a running calls job service instance used for call recordings.", + "placeholder": "https://calls-job-service.example.com", + "default": null, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "MaxRecordingDuration", + "display_name": "Maximum call recording duration", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The maximum duration (in minutes) for call recordings. Value must be in the range [15, 180].", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 60, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "RecordingQuality", + "display_name": "Call recording quality", + "type": "dropdown", + "help_text": "The audio and video quality of call recordings.\n Note: this setting can affect the overall performance of the job service and the number of concurrent recording jobs that can be run.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "medium", + "options": [ + { + "display_name": "Low", + "value": "low" + }, + { + "display_name": "Medium", + "value": "medium" + }, + { + "display_name": "High", + "value": "high" + } + ], + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "EnableTranscriptions", + "display_name": "Enable call transcriptions (Experimental)", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "(Optional) When set to true, post-call transcriptions are enabled.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "TranscribeAPI", + "display_name": "Call transcriber API", + "type": "dropdown", + "help_text": "The speech-to-text API to use for post-call transcriptions.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "whisper.cpp", + "options": [ + { + "display_name": "Whisper.CPP", + "value": "whisper.cpp" + }, + { + "display_name": "Azure AI", + "value": "azure" + } + ], + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TranscriberModelSize", + "display_name": "Call transcriber model size", + "type": "dropdown", + "help_text": "The speech-to-text model size to use for post-call transcriptions. Heavier models will produce more accurate results at the expense of processing time and resources usage.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "base", + "options": [ + { + "display_name": "Tiny", + "value": "tiny" + }, + { + "display_name": "Base", + "value": "base" + }, + { + "display_name": "Small", + "value": "small" + } + ], + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TranscribeAPIAzureSpeechKey", + "display_name": "Azure Speech Services API Key", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The API key for Azure Speech Services", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TranscribeAPIAzureSpeechRegion", + "display_name": "Azure Speech Services API Region", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The API region for Azure Speech Services", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "", + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "TranscriberNumThreads", + "display_name": "Call transcriber threads", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The number of threads used by the post-call transcriber. This must be in the range [1, numCPUs].", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 2, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "EnableLiveCaptions", + "display_name": "Enable live captions (Experimental)", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "(Optional) When set to true, live captions are enabled.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "LiveCaptionsModelSize", + "display_name": "Live captions: Model size", + "type": "dropdown", + "help_text": "The speech-to-text model size to use for live captions. Heavier models will produce more accurate results at the expense of processing time and resources usage.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "tiny", + "options": [ + { + "display_name": "Tiny", + "value": "tiny" + }, + { + "display_name": "Base", + "value": "base" + }, + { + "display_name": "Small", + "value": "small" + } + ], + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "LiveCaptionsNumTranscribers", + "display_name": "Live captions: Number of transcribers used per call", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The number of separate live-captions transcribers for each call. Each transcribes one audio stream at a time. The product of LiveCaptionsNumTranscribers * LiveCaptionsNumThreadsPerTranscriber must be in the range [1, numCPUs].", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 1, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "LiveCaptionsNumThreadsPerTranscriber", + "display_name": "Live captions: Number of threads per transcriber", + "type": "number", + "help_text": "The number of threads per live-captions transcriber. The product of LiveCaptionsNumTranscribers * LiveCaptionsNumThreadsPerTranscriber must be in the range [1, numCPUs].", + "placeholder": "", + "default": 2, + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "LiveCaptionsLanguage", + "display_name": "Live captions language", + "type": "text", + "help_text": "The language passed to the live captions transcriber. Should be a 2-letter ISO 639 Set 1 language code, e.g. 'en'. If blank, will be set to English 'en' as default.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": "en", + "hosting": "" + }, + { + "key": "EnableIPv6", + "display_name": "(Experimental) Enable IPv6 support", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "When set to true the RTC service will work in dual-stack mode, listening for IPv6 connections and generating candidates in addition to IPv4 ones.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "on-prem" + }, + { + "key": "EnableRinging", + "display_name": "Enable call ringing (Beta)", + "type": "bool", + "help_text": "When set to true, ringing functionality is enabled: participants in DM and GM channels will receive a desktop alert and a ringing notification when a call is started. Changing this setting requires a plugin restart.", + "placeholder": "", + "default": false, + "hosting": "" + } + ] + }, + "props": { + "calls_recorder_version": "v0.7.3", + "calls_transcriber_version": "v0.3.1", + "min_offloader_version": "v0.8.0", + "min_rtcd_version": "v0.12.0" + } + }, + "platforms": { + "linux-amd64": { + "download_url": "https://plugins-store.test.mattermost.com/release/mattermost-plugin-calls-v0.29.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz", + "signature": "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" + }, + "darwin-amd64": {}, + "windows-amd64": {} + }, + "updated_at": "2024-07-19T12:56:19.820724733Z" + }, { "homepage_url": "https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-plugin-calls/", "icon_data": "",