diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index c7e6b34..9f46230 100644 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -1,172 +1,368 @@ -.PHONY: all dist build build-release build-local package test clean run update-dependencies golangci-lint - -GOFLAGS ?= $(GOFLAGS:) -LDFLAGS ?= $(LDFLAGS:) - -export GOBIN = $(PWD)/bin -GO=go - -# Set version variables for LDFLAGS +# ==================================================================================== +# Variables + +## General Variables + +# Branch Variables +PROTECTED_BRANCH := master +CURRENT_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) +# Use repository name as application name +APP_NAME := $(shell basename -s .git `git config --get remote.origin.url`) +# Get current commit +APP_COMMIT := $(shell git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1) +# Check if we are in protected branch, if yes use `protected_branch_name-sha` as app version. +# Else check if we are in a release tag, if yes use the tag as app version, else use `dev-sha` as app version. +APP_VERSION ?= $(shell if [ $(PROTECTED_BRANCH) = $(CURRENT_BRANCH) ]; then echo $(PROTECTED_BRANCH); else (git describe --abbrev=0 --exact-match --tags 2>/dev/null || echo dev-$(APP_COMMIT)) ; fi) GIT_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) -GIT_HASH ?= $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) -DATE_FMT = +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ' -SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH ?= $(shell git log -1 --pretty=%ct) -ifdef SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH - BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell date -u -d "@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" "$(DATE_FMT)" 2>/dev/null || date -u -r "$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)" "$(DATE_FMT)" 2>/dev/null || date -u "$(DATE_FMT)") -else - BUILD_DATE ?= $(shell date "$(DATE_FMT)") -endif -GIT_TREESTATE = "clean" +GIT_TREESTATE = clean DIFF = $(shell git diff --quiet >/dev/null 2>&1; if [ $$? -eq 1 ]; then echo "1"; fi) ifeq ($(DIFF), 1) - GIT_TREESTATE = "dirty" + GIT_TREESTATE = dirty endif -PP_PKG=github.com/mattermost/mattermost-push-proxy/internal/version -LDFLAGS="-X $(PP_PKG).gitVersion=$(GIT_VERSION) -X $(PP_PKG).gitCommit=$(GIT_HASH) -X $(PP_PKG).gitTreeState=$(GIT_TREESTATE) -X $(PP_PKG).buildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)" - -DIST_ROOT=dist -DIST_PATH=$(DIST_ROOT)/mattermost-push-proxy - -all: dist - -dist: | build-release test package - -update-dependencies: - $(GO) get -u ./... - $(GO) mod tidy - -check-deps: - $(GO) mod tidy -v - @if [ -n "$$(command git --no-pager diff --exit-code go.mod go.sum)" ]; then \ - echo "There are unused dependencies that should be removed. Please execute `go mod tidy` to fix it."; \ - exit 1; \ - fi - -build-release: - @echo Building proxy push server - env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(GO) build -o $(GOBIN)/mattermost-push-proxy-linux-amd64 -trimpath -ldflags $(LDFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) - env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 $(GO) build -o $(GOBIN)/mattermost-push-proxy-linux-arm64 -trimpath -ldflags $(LDFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) - -build-local: # build push proxy for the current arch - @echo Building proxy push server - env CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build -o $(GOBIN) -trimpath -ldflags $(LDFLAGS) $(GOFLAGS) - -golangci-lint: ## Run golangci-lint on codebase -# https://stackoverflow.com/a/677212/1027058 (check if a command exists or not) - @if ! [ -x "$$(command -v golangci-lint)" ]; then \ - echo "golangci-lint is not installed. Please see https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint#install for installation instructions."; \ - exit 1; \ - fi; \ - - @echo Running golangci-lint - golangci-lint run ./... - -package-linux-amd64: - @ echo Packaging push proxy for linux amd64 - - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin - cp $(GOBIN)/mattermost-push-proxy-linux-amd64 $(DIST_PATH)/bin/mattermost-push-proxy +# Get current date and format like: 2022-04-27 11:32 +BUILD_DATE := $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M) + +## General Configuration Variables +# We don't need make's built-in rules. +MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rules +# Be pedantic about undefined variables. +MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables +# Set help as default target +.DEFAULT_GOAL := help + +# App Code location +CONFIG_APP_CODE += ./ + +## Docker Variables +# Docker executable +DOCKER := $(shell which docker) +# Dockerfile's location +DOCKER_FILE ?= ./docker/Dockerfile +# Docker options to inherit for all docker run commands +DOCKER_OPTS += --rm -u $$(id -u):$$(id -g) --platform "linux/amd64" +# Registry to upload images +DOCKER_REGISTRY ?= docker.io +DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO ?= mattermost/${APP_NAME}-daily +# Registry credentials +DOCKER_USER ?= user +DOCKER_PASSWORD ?= password +## Docker Images +DOCKER_IMAGE_GO ?= "golang:${GO_VERSION}@sha256:dd9ad81920b63c7f9f18823d888d5fdcc7e7516086fd16654d07bc437f0e2427" +DOCKER_IMAGE_GOLINT ?= "golangci/golangci-lint:v1.52.2@sha256:5fa6a92ab28ca3421c88d2b6cd794c9759d05a999aceca73053d014aad41b9d3" +DOCKER_IMAGE_DOCKERLINT ?= "hadolint/hadolint:v2.9.2@sha256:d355bd7df747a0f124f3b5e7b21e9dafd0cb19732a276f901f0fdee243ec1f3b" +DOCKER_IMAGE_COSIGN ?= "bitnami/cosign:1.8.0@sha256:8c2c61c546258fffff18b47bb82a65af6142007306b737129a7bd5429d53629a" +DOCKER_IMAGE_GH_CLI ?= "ghcr.io/supportpal/github-gh-cli:2.31.0@sha256:71371e36e62bd24ddd42d9e4c720a7e9954cb599475e24d1407af7190e2a5685" + +## Cosign Variables +# The public key +COSIGN_PUBLIC_KEY ?= akey +# The private key +COSIGN_KEY ?= akey +# The passphrase used to decrypt the private key +COSIGN_PASSWORD ?= password + +## Go Variables +# Go executable +GO := $(shell which go) +# Extract GO version from go.mod file +GO_VERSION ?= $(shell grep -E '^go' go.mod | awk {'print $$2'}) +# LDFLAGS +GO_LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/mattermost/${APP_NAME}/internal/version.gitVersion=$(GIT_VERSION)" +GO_LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/mattermost/${APP_NAME}/internal/version.gitCommit=$(APP_COMMIT)" +GO_LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/mattermost/${APP_NAME}/internal/version.gitTreeState=$(GIT_TREESTATE)" +GO_LDFLAGS += -X "github.com/mattermost/${APP_NAME}/internal/version.buildDate=$(BUILD_DATE)" + + +# Architectures to build for +GO_BUILD_PLATFORMS ?= linux-amd64 linux-arm64 darwin-amd64 darwin-arm64 freebsd-amd64 +GO_BUILD_PLATFORMS_ARTIFACTS = $(foreach cmd,$(addprefix go-build/,${APP_NAME}),$(addprefix $(cmd)-,$(GO_BUILD_PLATFORMS))) + +# Build options +GO_BUILD_OPTS += -trimpath +GO_TEST_OPTS += -v -timeout=180s +# Temporary folder to output compiled binaries artifacts +GO_OUT_BIN_DIR := ./dist + +## Github Variables +# A github access token that provides access to upload artifacts under releases +GITHUB_TOKEN ?= a_token +# Github organization +GITHUB_ORG := mattermost +# Most probably the name of the repo +GITHUB_REPO := ${APP_NAME} + +# ==================================================================================== +# Colors + +BLUE := $(shell printf "\033[34m") +YELLOW := $(shell printf "\033[33m") +RED := $(shell printf "\033[31m") +GREEN := $(shell printf "\033[32m") +CYAN := $(shell printf "\033[36m") +CNone := $(shell printf "\033[0m") + +# ==================================================================================== +# Logger + +TIME_LONG = `date +%Y-%m-%d' '%H:%M:%S` +TIME_SHORT = `date +%H:%M:%S` +TIME = $(TIME_SHORT) + +INFO = echo ${TIME} ${BLUE}[ .. ]${CNone} +WARN = echo ${TIME} ${YELLOW}[WARN]${CNone} +ERR = echo ${TIME} ${RED}[FAIL]${CNone} +OK = echo ${TIME} ${GREEN}[ OK ]${CNone} +FAIL = (echo ${TIME} ${RED}[FAIL]${CNone} && false) + +# ==================================================================================== +# Verbosity control hack + +VERBOSE ?= 0 +AT_0 := @ +AT_1 := +AT = $(AT_$(VERBOSE)) + +# ==================================================================================== +# Targets + +help: ## to get help + @echo "Usage:" + @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) |\ + awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "make ${CYAN}%-30s${CNone} %s\n", $$1, $$2}' + +.PHONY: build +build: go-build-docker ## to build + +.PHONY: release +release: build github-release ## to build and release artifacts + +.PHONY: package +package: docker-login docker-build docker-push ## to build, package and push the artifact to a container registry + +.PHONY: sign +sign: docker-sign docker-verify ## to sign the artifact and perform verification + +.PHONY: lint +lint: go-lint docker-lint ## to lint + +.PHONY: test +test: go-test ## to test + +.PHONY: docker-build +docker-build: ## to build the docker image + @$(INFO) Performing Docker build ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} + $(AT)$(DOCKER) build \ + --build-arg GO_IMAGE=${DOCKER_IMAGE_GO} \ + --build-arg=ARCH=amd64 \ + -f ${DOCKER_FILE} . \ + -t ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Performing Docker build ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} + +.PHONY: docker-push +docker-push: ## to push the docker image + @$(INFO) Pushing to registry... + $(AT)$(DOCKER) tag ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION} || ${FAIL} + $(AT)$(DOCKER) push $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION} || ${FAIL} +# if we are on a latest semver APP_VERSION tag, also push latest +ifneq ($(shell echo $(APP_VERSION) | egrep '^v([0-9]+\.){0,2}(\*|[0-9]+)'),) + ifeq ($(shell git tag -l --sort=v:refname | tail -n1),$(APP_VERSION)) + $(AT)$(DOCKER) tag ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:latest || ${FAIL} + $(AT)$(DOCKER) push $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:latest || ${FAIL} + endif +endif + @$(OK) Pushing to registry $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION} + +.PHONY: docker-sign +docker-sign: ## to sign the docker image + @$(INFO) Signing the docker image... + $(AT)echo "$${COSIGN_KEY}" > cosign.key && \ + $(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + --entrypoint '/bin/sh' \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + -e COSIGN_PASSWORD=${COSIGN_PASSWORD} \ + -e HOME="/tmp" \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_COSIGN} \ + -c \ + "echo Signing... && \ + cosign login $(DOCKER_REGISTRY) -u ${DOCKER_USER} -p ${DOCKER_PASSWORD} && \ + cosign sign --key cosign.key $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION}" || ${FAIL} +# if we are on a latest semver APP_VERSION tag, also sign latest tag +ifneq ($(shell echo $(APP_VERSION) | egrep '^v([0-9]+\.){0,2}(\*|[0-9]+)'),) + ifeq ($(shell git tag -l --sort=v:refname | tail -n1),$(APP_VERSION)) + $(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + --entrypoint '/bin/sh' \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + -e COSIGN_PASSWORD=${COSIGN_PASSWORD} \ + -e HOME="/tmp" \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_COSIGN} \ + -c \ + "echo Signing... && \ + cosign login $(DOCKER_REGISTRY) -u ${DOCKER_USER} -p ${DOCKER_PASSWORD} && \ + cosign sign --key cosign.key $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:latest" || ${FAIL} + endif +endif + $(AT)rm -f cosign.key || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Signing the docker image: $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION} + +.PHONY: docker-verify +docker-verify: ## to verify the docker image + @$(INFO) Verifying the published docker image... + $(AT)echo "$${COSIGN_PUBLIC_KEY}" > cosign_public.key && \ + $(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + --entrypoint '/bin/sh' \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_COSIGN} \ + -c \ + "echo Verifying... && \ + cosign verify --key cosign_public.key $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION}" || ${FAIL} +# if we are on a latest semver APP_VERSION tag, also verify latest tag +ifneq ($(shell echo $(APP_VERSION) | egrep '^v([0-9]+\.){0,2}(\*|[0-9]+)'),) + ifeq ($(shell git tag -l --sort=v:refname | tail -n1),$(APP_VERSION)) + $(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + --entrypoint '/bin/sh' \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_COSIGN} \ + -c \ + "echo Verifying... && \ + cosign verify --key cosign_public.key $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:latest" || ${FAIL} + endif +endif + $(AT)rm -f cosign_public.key || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Verifying the published docker image: $(DOCKER_REGISTRY)/${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPO}:${APP_VERSION} + +.PHONY: docker-sbom +docker-sbom: ## to print a sbom report + @$(INFO) Performing Docker sbom report... + $(AT)$(DOCKER) sbom ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Performing Docker sbom report + +.PHONY: docker-scan +docker-scan: ## to print a vulnerability report + @$(INFO) Performing Docker scan report... + $(AT)$(DOCKER) scan ${APP_NAME}:${APP_VERSION} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Performing Docker scan report + +.PHONY: docker-lint +docker-lint: ## to lint the Dockerfile + @$(INFO) Dockerfile linting... + $(AT)$(DOCKER) run -i ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_DOCKERLINT} \ + < ${DOCKER_FILE} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Dockerfile linting + +.PHONY: docker-login +docker-login: ## to login to a container registry + @$(INFO) Dockerd login to container registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}... + $(AT) echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | $(DOCKER) login --password-stdin -u ${DOCKER_USER} $(DOCKER_REGISTRY) || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Dockerd login to container registry ${DOCKER_REGISTRY}... + +go-build: $(GO_BUILD_PLATFORMS_ARTIFACTS) ## to build binaries + +.PHONY: go-build +go-build/%: + @$(INFO) go build $*... + $(AT)target="$*"; \ + command="${APP_NAME}"; \ + platform_ext="$${target#$$command-*}"; \ + platform="$${platform_ext%.*}"; \ + export GOOS="$${platform%%-*}"; \ + export GOARCH="$${platform#*-}"; \ + echo export GOOS=$${GOOS}; \ + echo export GOARCH=$${GOARCH}; \ + CGO_ENABLED=0 \ + $(GO) build ${GO_BUILD_OPTS} \ + -ldflags '${GO_LDFLAGS}' \ + -o ${GO_OUT_BIN_DIR}/$* \ + ${CONFIG_APP_CODE} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) go build $* + +.PHONY: go-build-docker +go-build-docker: # to build binaries under a controlled docker dedicated go container using DOCKER_IMAGE_GO + @$(INFO) go build docker + $(AT)$(DOCKER) run \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + $(DOCKER_IMAGE_GO) \ + /bin/sh -c \ + "cd /app && \ + make go-build" || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) go build docker + +.PHONY: go-run +go-run: ## to run locally for development + @$(INFO) running locally... + $(AT)$(GO) run ${GO_BUILD_OPTS} ${CONFIG_APP_CODE} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) running locally + +.PHONY: go-test +go-test: ## to run tests + @$(INFO) testing... + $(AT)$(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + -e GOCACHE="/tmp" \ + $(DOCKER_IMAGE_GO) \ + /bin/sh -c \ + "cd /app && \ + go test ${GO_TEST_OPTS} ./... " || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) testing + +.PHONY: go-mod-check +go-mod-check: ## to check go mod files consistency + @$(INFO) Checking go mod files consistency... + $(AT)$(GO) mod tidy + $(AT)git --no-pager diff --exit-code go.mod go.sum || \ + (${WARN} Please run "go mod tidy" and commit the changes in go.mod and go.sum. && ${FAIL} ; exit 128 ) + @$(OK) Checking go mod files consistency + +.PHONY: go-update-dependencies +go-update-dependencies: ## to update go dependencies (vendor) + @$(INFO) updating go dependencies... + $(AT)$(GO) get -u ./... && \ + $(AT)$(GO) mod vendor && \ + $(AT)$(GO) mod tidy || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) updating go dependencies + +.PHONY: go-lint +go-lint: ## to lint go code + @$(INFO) App linting... + $(AT)GOCACHE="/tmp" $(DOCKER) run ${DOCKER_OPTS} \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + -e GOCACHE="/tmp" \ + -e GOLANGCI_LINT_CACHE="/tmp" \ + ${DOCKER_IMAGE_GOLINT} \ + golangci-lint run ./... || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) App linting + +.PHONY: go-fmt +go-fmt: ## to perform formatting + @$(INFO) App code formatting... + $(AT)$(GO) fmt ./... || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) App code formatting... + +.PHONY: go-doc +go-doc: ## to generate documentation + @$(INFO) Generating Documentation... + $(AT)$(GO) run ./scripts/env_config.go ./docs/env_config.md || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) Generating Documentation + +.PHONY: github-release +github-release: ## to publish a release and relevant artifacts to GitHub + @$(INFO) Generating github-release http://github.com/$(GITHUB_ORG)/$(GITHUB_REPO)/releases/tag/$(APP_VERSION) ... +ifeq ($(shell echo $(APP_VERSION) | egrep '^v([0-9]+\.){0,2}(\*|[0-9]+)'),) + $(error "We only support releases from semver tags") +else + $(AT)$(DOCKER) run \ + -v $(PWD):/app -w /app \ + -e GITHUB_TOKEN=${GITHUB_TOKEN} \ + $(DOCKER_IMAGE_GH_CLI) \ + /bin/sh -c \ + "git config --global --add safe.directory /app && cd /app && \ + gh release create $(APP_VERSION) --generate-notes $(GO_OUT_BIN_DIR)/*" || ${FAIL} +endif + @$(OK) Generating github-release http://github.com/$(GITHUB_ORG)/$(GITHUB_REPO)/releases/tag/$(APP_VERSION) ... - cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH)/config - touch $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) | tee -a $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs - - cp LICENSE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp NOTICE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp README.md $(DIST_PATH) - - tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-linux-amd64.tar.gz mattermost-push-proxy - rm -rf $(DIST_PATH) - -package-linux-arm64: - @ echo Packaging push proxy for linux arm64 - - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin - cp $(GOBIN)/mattermost-push-proxy-linux-arm64 $(DIST_PATH)/bin/mattermost-push-proxy - - cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH)/config - touch $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) | tee -a $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs - - cp LICENSE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp NOTICE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp README.md $(DIST_PATH) - - tar -C dist -czf $(DIST_PATH)-linux-arm64.tar.gz mattermost-push-proxy - -package: build-release package-linux-arm64 package-linux-amd64 - cd dist \ - sha256sum mattermost-push-proxy-linux-amd64.tar.gz >> checksums.txt \ - && sha256sum mattermost-push-proxy-linux-arm64.tar.gz >> checksums.txt - -package-image: build-release - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/bin - - cp -RL config $(DIST_PATH)/config - touch $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - echo $(BUILD_NUMBER) | tee -a $(DIST_PATH)/config/build.txt - - mkdir -p $(DIST_PATH)/logs - - cp LICENSE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp NOTICE.txt $(DIST_PATH) - cp README.md $(DIST_PATH) - -PLATFORMS ?= linux/amd64 linux/arm64 -ARCHS = $(patsubst linux/%,%,$(PLATFORMS)) -IMAGE ?= mattermost/mattermost-push-proxy -TAG ?= $(shell git describe --tags --always --dirty) - -# build with buildx -.PHONY: container -container: package-image - @for platform in $(PLATFORMS); do \ - echo "Starting build for $${platform} platform"; \ - docker buildx build \ - --load \ - --progress plain \ - --platform $${platform} \ - --build-arg=ARCH=$${platform##*/} \ - --tag $(IMAGE)-$${platform##*/}:$(TAG) \ - --file docker/Dockerfile \ - .; \ - done - -.PHONY: push -push: container - echo "Pushing $(IMGNAME) tags" - @for platform in $(PLATFORMS); do \ - echo "Pushing tags for $${platform} platform"; \ - docker push $(IMAGE)-$${platform##*/}:$(TAG); \ - done - -.PHONY: manifest -manifest: push - docker manifest create --amend $(IMAGE):$(TAG) $(shell echo $(ARCHS) | sed -e "s~[^ ]*~$(IMAGE)\-&:$(TAG)~g") - @for platform in $(ARCHS); do docker manifest annotate --arch "$${platform}" ${IMAGE}:${TAG} ${IMAGE}-$${platform}:${TAG}; done - docker manifest push --purge $(IMAGE):$(TAG) - -test: - $(GO) test $(GOFLAGS) -v -timeout=180s ./... - -clean: - @echo Cleaning - rm -Rf $(DIST_ROOT) - go clean $(GOFLAGS) -i ./... - -run: - @echo Starting go web server - $(GO) run $(GOFLAGS) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' main.go - -build-swagger: - npm run validate - npm run build - -serve-swagger: - npm run validate - npm run serve +.PHONY: clean +clean: ## to clean-up + @$(INFO) cleaning /${GO_OUT_BIN_DIR} folder... + $(AT)rm -rf ${GO_OUT_BIN_DIR} || ${FAIL} + @$(OK) cleaning /${GO_OUT_BIN_DIR} folder diff --git a/docker/Dockerfile b/docker/Dockerfile index 144cc75..439b9d2 100644 --- a/docker/Dockerfile +++ b/docker/Dockerfile @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ COPY bin/mattermost-push-proxy-linux-$ARCH bin/mattermost-push-proxy FROM alpine:3.15 +# hadolint ignore=DL3001 RUN apk add --no-cache \ ca-certificates \ libc6-compat \