Magnifier is a database analyzer able to perform convention validations. Its goal is to allow the developers to check the consistency of their database over a set of configurable rules.
To develop on Magnifier you need:
- Maven.
- The JDBC Driver for your DBMS.
- Retrieve the magnifier.jar file
- Download the JDBC driver for your database
- Run Magnifier
Usage: OptionsTip
-d <arg> The database name
-dp <arg> The JDBC driver package
-h <arg> The database host, default is localhost
-o <arg> The report output path/name, default is ./report.html
-p <arg> The database listening port, default is the specified DBMS default port
-pw <arg> The password
-t <arg> DBMS
-u <arg> The username
Analyze the local "magnifier__dev" postgresql database with username "john" and password "john_password"
java -jar magnifier.jar -t postgresql -dp ./jdbc_pgsql.jar -d magnifier_dev -u john -pw john__password
Analyze the distant "magnifier__dev" postgresql database, listening on port 5432, with username "john" and password "john_password"
java -jar magnifier.jar -h -p 5432 -t postgresql -dp ./jdbc_pgsql.jar -d my__database -u john -pw john_password -o report.html
Rule | Checkings | Example
TableHasPrimaryKey | tables have a primary key |
TableHasComment | tables have a comment |
ViewHasComment | views have a comment |
TriggerHasComment | triggers have a comment |
FunctionHasComment | functions have a comment |
TriggerName | triggers have name matching "on_$when_$action_$table" | on_before_update_user
ViewName | views have name ending with "_view" | user_view
IndexName | indexes have name ending with "_pkey" or "_idx" | user_idx
ForeignKeyName | FKs have column name composed of referenced table and column | user_id
FunctionParameterName | function parameter names ending with "_in" or "_out" | add(val1_in, val2_in, res_out)
Feel free to contribute in the project. Fork us.
Let us know if you've found a bug or have a new feature to suggest.
Magnifier is released under the MIT License.