Python script to parse through a web log file and return the number of requests and unique IPs in a given time period
It takes web (apache or nginx for now) log files via -f, the number of hours back you'd like to look -t (Default = 24 hours), and if you want the actual list of unique IPs -i or a list of the Top N most common IPs via -n
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --ips shows list of unique IPs
-t HOURS number of hours back you want to look
-n IPS List the n most common IPs to visit in the given time period
-f FILES, --files=FILES
list of apache log file paths
Usage Examples:
python -f "httpd-access.log"
python -i -t 48 -n 10 -f "../path/to/httpd-access.log.0, ../path/to/httpd-access.log.1"