StreamStash is a log aggregating, filtering, redirecting service. A lightweight Node.js alternative to projects like logstash, flume, fluentd, etc.
Inputs are things that slurp event data from different places and provides them to StreamStash for filtering (by filters) and outputting (by outputs).
Inputs packaged with StreamStash:
- RELP: Provides an easy and reliable integration with rsyslog. Uses rsyslogs Reliable Event Logging Protocol. For more info see the relp webpage
- StdIn: Takes data received from standard input and creates events for them
Filters are javascript functions that allow you to modify event data or control the flow of an event through the system.
The main reason this project exists was to provide users a "real" scripting language to use when working with event data. If you have ever tried using logstash you may have gotten irritated with trying to do anything more than basic data manipulation, this is mainly because you were working in almost ruby but not quite.
Every event will contain the following properties in the data object:
- source: The input plugin that generated the event.
- message: The event message.
- timestamp: The time the event occurred or was received by the input plugin.
A simple filter example:
function (event) {
// Add a gotHere property to the event data = 'Yay!'
// Allow the event to progress to the next filter or on to output plugins
A little more advanced:
function (event) {
// Drop all events with a 'stupid event' message, these events will never see an output plugin
if ( == 'stupid event') {
// Be sure to return anytime you may continue processing the event to avoid weird issues
return event.cancel()
// Have any events with a 'high priority' message skip any other filters and go directly to output plugins
if ( == 'high priority') {
return event.complete()
// All other events get here = 'sure is'
// Want to rename a field to have a crazy character?['@message'] =
// Since this is the last thing in the filter there is no need to return
Remember, this is all pure Node.js. You can do any crazy exotic thing you want. Just remember that the more you do the slower each event is processed.
TODO: Docs!
Outputs packaged with StreamStash:
- ElasticSearch: Outputs event data to your ElasticSearch cluster. Works great with kibana
- StdOut: Writes event data to standard output
- Codecs are just filters with configurable things
- Need to think about outputs for special events
- Move source out of data and onto the event?
- Should outputs have a list of exclude fields?
- Allow outputs to take configurable date string? ISO time might not be that great for us
- Add some helpers for things like renaming fields in filters?
- Have outputs allow renaming fields?
- Maybe outputs have format functions that can be defined that would format the data?
- ElasticSearch output needs some love, dropped a few messages
Inputs accept events and fill out the most basic of things: message, timestamp, source Message may need to be decoded so the user adds filters for specific sources or based on event data