Modeling library for use with Node, CoffeeScript, and Mongo.
- connection pooling
- models as CoffeeScript classes
- asynchronous live updating of your Mongo documents using standard assignment on your models
- deep tree assignment
- array push support
- loading documents into models (hydration)
- dehydration into standard object trees
- full async support on all operations
- support for more first class array operations
- sub-document loading/updating (lazy loading)
- full support for the Mongo query api returning hydrated objects
- support for all Mongo data types
class Provider extends congo.Object
name: congo.String
account: congo.String
class Shipping extends congo.Object
providers: [ Provider ]
platforms: [ congo.String ]
class Address extends congo.Object
street: congo.String
city: congo.String
shipping: [ Shipping ]
class Person extends congo.Object
name: congo.String { default: 'Anonymous' }
addresses: [ Address ]
class Account extends congo.Collection
people: [ Person ]
store_address = (person, next) ->
new Address { street: '123 Round Way', city: 'Seattle' }, (address) ->
person.addresses.push address, ->
new Shipping {}, (shipping) ->
address.shipping.push shipping, ->
new Provider { name: 'UPS', account: 'UPS123' }, (provider) ->
shipping.providers.push provider, ->
new Provider { name: 'FedEx', account: 'FED123' }, (provider) ->
shipping.providers.push provider, next
new Account (account) ->
new Person { name: 'Andrew Jackson' }, (person) ->
account.people.push person, ->
store_address person, -> = 'Thomas Jefferson' = 'Thomas Jefferson'
person.addresses[0].city = 'Portland'
person.addresses[0].shipping[0].providers[0].account = 'UPS789'
new Provider { name: 'FedEx', account: 'FEDXXX' }, (provider) ->
person.addresses[0].shipping[0].providers[1] = provider
Account.load '4cb7386cf91998d110000001', (account) ->
# do something with account
congo = require './path/to/congo'
congo.ObjectID # Constructor for mongo object identifier
congo.use(name) # set the database to use
congo.terminate() # close all open connections -- use only if you *know* your app is finished with them
congo.ArrayType (class)
Arrays in the model are actually instances of this class.
push(val, next) # push a new value onto the array and call next after it has been saved to the store
__set__(index, val, next) # set a value on the array, calling next after it has updated the store (only set on indexes that have been pushed)
__get__(index) # return a value on the array
__dehydrate__() # return a plain object tree
__hydrate__(array) # populate with the values in array, recursing down the tree instantiating the appropriate models
congo.Model (class)
constructor(initial, next) # initial is an object with initial values, object is created in collection
__dehydrate__() # return a plain object tree
__hydrate__(document) # populate a model with the values in document, recursing down the tree instantiating the appropriate models
__get__(key) # return a value on the model
__set__(key, val, next) # set a value on the model, calling next after it has updated the store
congo.Collection (class)
Subclass of Model (methods are static)
load(id, next) # load an object from the collection given an ObjectID, passes the hydrated object to next
remove(selector) # remove documents matching the selector
clear(next) # remove all documents from this collection
- Congo borrows the pure bson library provided by node-mongodb-native. If you prefer the
compiled native version, go ahead and compile it and replace
. Many thanks and all credit goes to Christian Amor Kvalheim for his work on that. - If you have questions or comments, I often frequent
on freenode.