// Kusto Query Language (KQL) From Scratch
// Module 1 - Introduction
// The demos in this module serve as a very basic introduction to the KQL
// language within the Azure Log Analytics environment. 
// Copyright (c) 2018. Microsoft, Pluralsight, Robert C. Cain. 
// All rights reserved. This code may be used in part within your own
// applications. 
// This code may NOT be redistributed in it's entirely without permission
// of one of it's copyright holders. 

// This is a comment

// Use the left/right arrow on the left of this window, at the top to expand
// the schema pane.
// In the ACTIVE area, is Demo. While not an exact analogy it is similar 
// to a database server. 
// Under it are Table Groups. Table groups are kind of like databases, but
// more accurately would be a way to collect a group of tables together.
// Unlike a database, a table can be in more than one table group.
// Each table exposes a list of columns containing the actual data. 

// To retrieve data, you can simply enter the table name and hit the
// Run button at the top, or use SHIFT+ENTER 
// Be warned just a table name has the potential to return a lot of data, so
// be patient if you execute this kind of query. 

// In module 2, we'll see how to start filtering the returned data