diff --git a/monitor/js/device.js b/monitor/js/device.js
index ee59976..273f933 100644
--- a/monitor/js/device.js
+++ b/monitor/js/device.js
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ function deviceInit(ip) {
} else if (json.ip !== undefined) { // from cookie argument
device.name = json.name;
device.ip = json.ip;
- device.ws = json.ws;
+ device.ws = json.ws.replace(/^wss?:\/\//, proto); // force matching protocol
} else {
device.name = 'unknown';
device.ip = window.location.hostname;
diff --git a/monitor/js/engine.js b/monitor/js/engine.js
index 8836cdf..f749539 100644
--- a/monitor/js/engine.js
+++ b/monitor/js/engine.js
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ function messageTable(message) {
dump += '
Type ' + message.type.toUpperCase() + ' ';
dump += 'Length ' + message.data.length + ' ';
dump += 'Text Dump ' + textDump(message.data, message.binary) + ' ';
- dump += 'Hex Dump ' + hexDump(message.data) + ' ';
+ dump += 'Hex Dump ' + hexDump(message.data) + ' ';
if (message.fields)
dump += 'Fields ' + jsonDump(message.fields) + ' ';
// if (message.spec)
@@ -622,341 +622,394 @@ const mapCfgLayer = { 0:'RAM', 1:'BBR', 2:'FLASH', /* ... */ 7:'DEFAULT',
const spec = {
// NAV ------------
- 'NAV-DOP': { descr:'Dilution of precision',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'gDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'pDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'tDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'vDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'hDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'nDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { name:'eDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, }, ] },
- 'NAV-HPPOSLLH': { descr:'High Precision Geodetic Position Solution',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { type:'U1[3]' },
- { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'lonHp', type:'I1', scale:1e-9, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'latHP', type:'I1', scale:1e-9, unit:'deg' }, ] },
- 'NAV-POSECEF': { descr:'Position Solution in ECEF',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'ecefX', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
- { name:'ecefY', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
- { name:'ecefZ', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
- { name:'pAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' }, ] },
- 'NAV-POSLLH': { descr:'Geodetic Position Solution',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'hAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'vAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' }, ] },
- 'NAV-PL': { descr:'Protection Level',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1', },
- { name:'tmirCoeff', type:'U1', },
- { name:'tmirExp', type:'U1', },
- { name:'plPosValid', type:'U1', },
- { name:'plPosFrame', type:'U1', },
- { name:'plVelValid', type:'U1', },
- { name:'plVelFrame', type:'U1', },
- { name:'plTimeValid', type:'U1', },
- { type:'U1[4]' },
- { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'plPos1', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'plPos2', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'plPos3', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'plVel1', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'plVel2', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'plVel3', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'plPosHorOr', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'plVelHorOr', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'plTime', type:'U4', }, ] },
- 'NAV-PVT': { descr:'Navigation Position Velocity Time Solution',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'year', type:'U2', unit:'y' },
- { name:'month', type:'U1', unit:'month' },
- { name:'day', type:'U1', unit:'d' },
- { name:'hour', type:'U1', unit:'h' },
- { name:'min', type:'U1', unit:'min' },
- { name:'sec', type:'U1', unit:'s' },
- { name:'valid', spec: [
- { name:'validDate', type:'x1' }, // bit0:validDate,
- { name:'validTime', type:'x1' }, // bit1:validTime,
- { name:'fullyResolved', type:'x1' }, // bit2:fullyResolved
- { type:'x5' } ] },
- { name:'tAcc', type:'U4', unit:'ns' },
- { name:'nano', type:'I4', unit:'ns' },
- { name:'fixType', type:'U1', },
- { name:'flags', spec: [
- { name:'fixOk', type:'x1' }, // bit0:fixOk,
- { name:'diffSol', type:'x1' }, // bit1:diffSol,
- { name:'psmState', type:'x3' }, // bit2-4: psmState,
- { name:'headVehVal', type:'x1' }, // bit5:headVehVal,
- { name:'carrSol', type:'x2' } ] }, // bit6-7:carrSol
- { name:'flags2', spec: [
- { type:'x5' },
- { name:'confirmedAvai', type:'x1' },
- { name:'confirmedDate', type:'x1' },
- { name:'confirmedTime', type:'x1' } ] },
- { name:'numSV', type:'U1', },
- { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'hAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'vAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
- { name:'velN', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'velE', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'velD', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'gSpeed', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'headMot', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'cAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'pDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
- { type:'U1[6]' },
- { name:'headVeh', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
- { type:'U1[4]' }, ] },
- 'NAV-STATUS': { descr:'Receiver Navigation Status',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'gpsFix', type:'U1', }, // 0:no fix, 1:dead reckoning only, 2:2D-fix, 3:3D-fix, 4:GPS + dead reckoning combined, 5:Time only fix
- { name:'flags', spec: [
- { name:'fixOk', type:'x1' }, // bit0:fixOk,
- { name:'diffSol', type:'x1' }, // bit1:diffSol,
- { name:'wknSet', type:'x1' }, // bit2:wknSet,
- { name:'towSet', type:'x1' }, // bit3:towSet
- { type:'x4' } ] },
- { name:'fixStat', spec: [
- { name:'dgpsIStat', type:'x1' }, // bit0:dgpsIStat,
- { type:'x5' },
- { name:'mapMatching', type:'x2' } ] }, // bit6/7:mapMatching
- { name:'flags2', spec: [
- { name:'psmState', type:'x2' }, // bit0/1:psmState,
- { name:'spoofDetState', type:'x2' }, // bit3/4:spoofDetState
- { type:'x4' } ] },
- { name:'ttff', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'msss', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' }, ] },
- 'NAV-VELECEF': { descr:'Velocity Solution in ECEF',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'ecefVX', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'ecefVY', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'ecefVZ', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' }, ] },
- 'NAV-VELNED': { descr:'Velocity Solution in NED',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'velN', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'velE', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'velD', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'speed', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'gSpeed', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'headMot', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
- { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'cAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' }, ] },
- 'NAV-SAT': { descr:'Satellite Information',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'numSvs', type:'U1' },
- { type:'U1[2]' },
- { name:'svs', repeat:'numSvs', spec: [
- { name:'gnssId', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svId', type:'U1' }, // U:Used, e:Ephemeris but not used, -:Not used
- { name:'cno', type:'U1', unit:'dBHz'},
- { name:'elv', type:'I1', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'azim', type:'I2', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'prRes', type:'I2', scale:0.1, unit:'m' },
- { name:'flags', spec: [
- { name:'qualityInd', type:'x3' }, // bit0..2:qualityInd,
- { name:'svUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit3:svUsed,
- { name:'healthy', type:'x2' }, // bit4..5:healthy,
- { name:'diffCorr', type:'x1' }, // bit6:diffCorr
- { name:'smoothed', type:'x1' }, // bit7:smoothed
- { name:'orbitSource', type:'x3' }, // bit8..10:orbitSource
- { name:'ephAvail', type:'x1' }, // bit11:ephAvail
- { name:'almAvail', type:'x1' }, // bit12:almAvail
- { name:'anoAvail', type:'x1' }, // bit13:anoAvail
- { name:'aopAvail', type:'x1' }, // bit14:aopAvail
- { type:'x1' },
- { name:'sbasCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit16:sbasCorrUsed
- { name:'rtcmCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit17:rtcmCorrUsed
- { name:'slasCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit18:slasCorrUsed
- { name:'spartnCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit19:spartnCorrUsed
- { name:'prCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit20:prCorrUsed
- { name:'crCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit21:crCorrUsed
- { name:'doCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit22:doCorrUsed
- { name:'clasCorrUsed', type:'x1' }, // bit23:clasCorrUsed
- { type:'x8' } ] } ] }, ] },
+ 'NAV-DOP': {
+ descr: 'Dilution of precision',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'gDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'pDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'tDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'vDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'hDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'nDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { name:'eDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, }, ] },
+ descr: 'High Precision Geodetic Position Solution',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { type:'U1[3]' },
+ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'lonHp', type:'I1', scale:1e-9, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'latHP', type:'I1', scale:1e-9, unit:'deg' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Position Solution in ECEF',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'ecefX', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'ecefY', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'ecefZ', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'pAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Geodetic Position Solution',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'hAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'vAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' }, ] },
+ 'NAV-PL': {
+ descr: 'Protection Level',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'tmirCoeff', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'tmirExp', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'plPosValid', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'plPosFrame', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'plVelValid', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'plVelFrame', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'plTimeValid', type:'U1', },
+ { type:'U1[4]' },
+ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'plPos1', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'plPos2', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'plPos3', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'plVel1', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'plVel2', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'plVel3', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'plPosHorOr', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'plVelHorOr', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'plTime', type:'U4', }, ] },
+ 'NAV-PVT': {
+ descr: 'Navigation Position Velocity Time Solution',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'year', type:'U2', unit:'y' },
+ { name:'month', type:'U1', unit:'month' },
+ { name:'day', type:'U1', unit:'d' },
+ { name:'hour', type:'U1', unit:'h' },
+ { name:'min', type:'U1', unit:'min' },
+ { name:'sec', type:'U1', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'valid', spec: [
+ { name:'validDate', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'validTime', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'fullyResolved', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x5' } ] },
+ { name:'tAcc', type:'U4', unit:'ns' },
+ { name:'nano', type:'I4', unit:'ns' },
+ { name:'fixType', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'flags', spec: [
+ { name:'fixOk', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'diffSol', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'psmState', type:'x3' },
+ { name:'headVehVal', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'carrSol', type:'x2' } ] },
+ { name:'flags2', spec: [
+ { type:'x5' },
+ { name:'confirmedAvai', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'confirmedDate', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'confirmedTime', type:'x1' } ] },
+ { name:'numSV', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'lon', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'lat', type:'I4', scale:1e-7, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'height', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'msl', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'hAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'vAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'velN', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'velE', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'velD', type:'I4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'gSpeed', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'headMot', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'cAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'pDop', type:'U2', scale:1e-2, },
+ { type:'U1[6]' },
+ { name:'headVeh', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
+ { type:'U1[4]' } ] },
+ descr: 'Receiver Navigation Status',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'gpsFix', type:'U1', }, // 0:no fix, 1:dead reckoning only, 2:2D-fix, 3:3D-fix, 4:GPS + dead reckoning combined, 5:Time only fix
+ { name:'flags', spec: [
+ { name:'fixOk', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'diffSol', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'wknSet', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'towSet', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x4' } ] },
+ { name:'fixStat', spec: [
+ { name:'dgpsIStat', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x5' },
+ { name:'mapMatching', type:'x2' } ] },
+ { name:'flags2', spec: [
+ { name:'psmState', type:'x2' },
+ { name:'spoofDetState', type:'x2' },
+ { type:'x4' } ] },
+ { name:'ttff', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'msss', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' } ] },
+ descr: 'Velocity Solution in ECEF',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'ecefVX', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'ecefVY', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'ecefVZ', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Velocity Solution in NED',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'velN', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'velE', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'velD', type:'I4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'speed', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'gSpeed', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'headMot', type:'I4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'sAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-2, unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'cAcc', type:'U4', scale:1e-5, unit:'deg' } ] },
+ 'NAV-SAT': {
+ descr: 'Satellite Information',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'numSvs', type:'U1' },
+ { type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'svs', repeat:'numSvs', spec: [
+ { name:'gnssId', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svId', type:'U1' }, // U:Used, e:Ephemeris but not used, -:Not used
+ { name:'cno', type:'U1', unit:'dBHz' },
+ { name:'elv', type:'I1', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'azim', type:'I2', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'prRes', type:'I2', scale:0.1, unit:'m' },
+ { name:'flags', spec: [
+ { name:'qualityInd', type:'x3' },
+ { name:'svUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'healthy', type:'x2' },
+ { name:'diffCorr', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'smoothed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'orbitSource', type:'x3' },
+ { name:'ephAvail', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'almAvail', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'anoAvail', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'aopAvail', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x1' },
+ { name:'sbasCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'rtcmCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'slasCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'spartnCorrUsed',type:'x1' },
+ { name:'prCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'crCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'doCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'clasCorrUsed', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x8' } ] } ] } ] },
// RXM ------------
- 'RXM-COR': { descr:'Differential correction input status',
- spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
- { name:'ebn0', type:'U1', scale:0.125, unit:'dB' },
- { type:'U1[2]' },
- { name:'statusInfo', type:'X4', },
- { name:'msgType', type:'U2', },
- { name:'msgSubType', type:'U2', } ] },
- 'RXM-PMP': { descr:'PMP point to multipoint',
- spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
- { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1', },
- { name:'numUserBytes',type:'U2', },
- { name:'timeTag', type:'U4' },
- { name:'uniqueWord', type:'U4[2]', },
- { name:'serviceId', type:'U2', },
- { /*name:'spare',*/ type:'U1', },
- { name:'bitErrors', type:'U1', },
- { name:'fecBits', type:'U2', },
- { name:'ebn0', type:'U1', scale:0.125, unit:'dB' },
- { /*name:'rese1',*/ type:'U1', },
- { name:'userData', type:'U1[504]', } ] },
- 'RXM-QZSSL6': { descr:'QZSS L6 message',
- spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
- { name:'svId', type:'U1', },
- { name:'cno', type:'U2', scale:0.00390625, unit:'dB' },
- { name:'timeTag', type:'U4' },
- { name:'groupDelay', type:'U1', },
- { name:'bitErrCorr', type:'U1', },
- { name:'chInfo', type:'U2', },
- { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
- { name:'msgBytes', type:'U1[250]', } ] },
+ 'RXM-COR': {
+ descr: 'Differential correction input status',
+ spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'ebn0', type:'U1', scale:0.125, unit:'dB' },
+ { type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'statusInfo', type:'X4', },
+ { name:'msgType', type:'U2', },
+ { name:'msgSubType', type:'U2', } ] },
+ 'RXM-PMP': {
+ descr: 'PMP point to multipoint',
+ spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
+ { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1', },
+ { name:'numUserBytes', type:'U2', },
+ { name:'timeTag', type:'U4' },
+ { name:'uniqueWord', type:'U4[2]', },
+ { name:'serviceId', type:'U2', },
+ { /*name:'spare',*/ type:'U1', },
+ { name:'bitErrors', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'fecBits', type:'U2', },
+ { name:'ebn0', type:'U1', scale:0.125, unit:'dB' },
+ { /*name:'rese1',*/ type:'U1', },
+ { name:'userData', type:'U1[504]', } ] },
+ 'RXM-QZSSL6': {
+ descr: 'QZSS L6 message',
+ spec:[ { name:'ver', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'svId', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'cno', type:'U2',scale:0.00390625,unit:'dB'},
+ { name:'timeTag', type:'U4' },
+ { name:'groupDelay', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'bitErrCorr', type:'U1', },
+ { name:'chInfo', type:'U2', },
+ { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'msgBytes', type:'U1[250]', } ] },
// INF ------------
- 'INF-ERROR': { descr:'ASCII output with error contents',
- spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' }, ] },
- 'INF-WARNING': { descr:'ASCII output with warning contents',
- spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' }, ] },
- 'INF-NOTICE': { descr:'ASCII output with informational contents',
- spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' }, ] },
- 'INF-TEST': { descr:'ASCII output with test contents',
- spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' }, ] },
- 'INF-DEBUG': { descr:'ASCII output with debug contents',
- spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' }, ] },
+ 'INF-ERROR': {
+ descr: 'ASCII output with error contents',
+ spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' } ] },
+ descr: 'ASCII output with warning contents',
+ spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' } ] },
+ descr: 'ASCII output with informational contents',
+ spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' } ] },
+ 'INF-TEST': {
+ descr: 'ASCII output with test contents',
+ spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' } ] },
+ 'INF-DEBUG': {
+ descr:'ASCII output with debug contents',
+ spec:[ { name:'infTxt', type:'S*' } ] },
// ACK ------------
- 'ACK-NAK': { descr:'Message Not-Acknowledged',
- spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
- { name:'msgID', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'ACK-ACK': { descr:'Message Acknowledged',
- spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
- { name:'msgID', type:'U1' }, ] },
+ 'ACK-NAK': {
+ descr: 'Message Not-Acknowledged',
+ spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'msgID', type:'U1' } ] },
+ 'ACK-ACK': {
+ descr: 'Message Acknowledged',
+ spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'msgID', type:'U1' } ] },
// CFG ------------
- 'CFG-PRT': { descr:'Port Configuration',
- spec:[ { name:'portID', type:'U1' }, // 0:DDC/I2C/UART0 1:UART1 2:UART2 3:USB 4:SPI
- { type:'X1' },
- { name:'txReady', type:'X2' },
- { name:'mode', type:'X4' }, // 8N1:0x000008D0 SPI:0x00000100
- { name:'baudRate', type:'U4' },
- { name:'inProtoMask', type:'X2' }, // bit0:UBX bit1:NMEA bit2:RTCM, bit5:RTCM3
- { name:'outProtoMask',type:'X2' },
- { name:'flags', type:'X4' }, ] },
- 'CFG-MSG': { descr:'Set Message Rate',
- spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
- { name:'msgID', type:'U1' },
- { name:'rate', type:'U1[]' }, ] },
- 'CFG-INF': { descr:'Information message configuration',
- spec:[ { name:'protocolID', type:'U1' }, // 0:UBX, 1:NMEA
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[3]' },
- { name:'infMsgMask', type:'U1[]' }, ] }, // bit0:ERROR, bit1:WARNING, bit2:NOTICE, bit3:TEST, bit4:DEBUG
- 'CFG-RST': { descr:'Reset Receiver / Clear Backup Data Structures',
- spec:[ { name:'navBbrMask', type:'X2' }, // 0x0000:Hotstart 0x0001:Warmstart 0xFFFF:Coldstart
- { name:'resetMode', type:'U1' }, // 0:WD 1:SW 2:GNSS only 4:HD+WD 8:stop 9:start
- { type:'X1' }, ] },
- 'CFG-CFG': { descr:'Clear, Save and Load configurations',
- spec:[ { name:'clear', type:'X4' },
- { name:'save', type:'X4' },
- { name:'load', type:'X4' },
- { name:'deviceMask', type:'X1' }, ] }, // bit0:BBR bit1:FLASH bit2:EEPROM bit4:SPI
- 'CFG-VALSET': { descr:'Sets values corresponding to provided key-value pairs',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // 0/1
- { name:'layer', type:'U1' }, // 0:RAM, 1:BBR, 2:FLASH, 7:DEFAULT
- { name:'transaction', type:'U1' }, // if (version == 1): 0:Transactionless, 1:(Re)Start deletion transaction, 2: Deletion transaction ongoing, 3: Apply and end a deletion transaction
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
- { name:'cfgData', type:'U1[]' }, ] }, // key/value pairs U4 + x1|x2|x4|x8
- 'CFG-VALGET': { descr:'Get Configuration Items',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // set 1
- { name:'layers', type:'U1' }, // bit0:RAM, bit1:BBR, bit2:FLASH
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
- { name:'cfgData', type:'U1[]' }, ] }, // key/value pairs U4 + x1|x2|x4|x8
- 'CFG-VALDEL': { descr:'Deletes values corresponding to provided keys',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // set 0/1
- { name:'layers', type:'U1' }, // bit1:BBR, bit2:FLASH
- { name:'transaction', type:'U1' }, // if (version == 1): 0:Transactionless, 1:(Re)Start deletion transaction, 2: Deletion transaction ongoing, 3: Apply and end a deletion transaction
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
- { name:'keys', type:'U4[]' }, ] }, // keys
+ 'CFG-PRT': {
+ descr: 'Port Configuration',
+ spec:[ { name:'portID', type:'U1' }, // 0:DDC/I2C/UART0 1:UART1 2:UART2 3:USB 4:SPI
+ { type:'X1' },
+ { name:'txReady', type:'X2' },
+ { name:'mode', type:'X4' }, // 8N1:0x000008D0 SPI:0x00000100
+ { name:'baudRate', type:'U4' },
+ { name:'inProtoMask', type:'X2' }, // bit0:UBX bit1:NMEA bit2:RTCM, bit5:RTCM3
+ { name:'outProtoMask', type:'X2' },
+ { name:'flags', type:'X4' } ] },
+ 'CFG-MSG': {
+ descr: 'Set Message Rate',
+ spec:[ { name:'clsID', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'msgID', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'rate', type:'U1[]' } ] },
+ 'CFG-INF': {
+ descr:'Information message configuration',
+ spec:[ { name:'protocolID', type:'U1' }, // 0:UBX, 1:NMEA
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[3]' },
+ { name:'infMsgMask', type:'U1[]' } ] }, // bit0:ERROR, bit1:WARNING, bit2:NOTICE, bit3:TEST, bit4:DEBUG
+ 'CFG-RST': {
+ descr: 'Reset Receiver / Clear Backup Data Structures',
+ spec:[ { name:'navBbrMask', type:'X2' }, // 0x0000:Hotstart 0x0001:Warmstart 0xFFFF:Coldstart
+ { name:'resetMode', type:'U1' }, // 0:WD 1:SW 2:GNSS only 4:HD+WD 8:stop 9:start
+ { type:'X1' } ] },
+ 'CFG-CFG': {
+ descr: 'Clear, Save and Load configurations',
+ spec:[ { name:'clear', type:'X4' },
+ { name:'save', type:'X4' },
+ { name:'load', type:'X4' },
+ { name:'deviceMask', type:'X1' } ] }, // bit0:BBR bit1:FLASH bit2:EEPROM bit4:SPI
+ descr: 'Sets values corresponding to provided key-value pairs',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // 0/1
+ { name:'layer', type:'U1' }, // 0:RAM, 1:BBR, 2:FLASH, 7:DEFAULT
+ { name:'transaction', type:'U1' }, // if (version == 1): 0:Transactionless, 1:(Re)Start deletion transaction, 2: Deletion transaction ongoing, 3: Apply and end a deletion transaction
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
+ { name:'cfgData', type:'U1[]' } ] }, // key/value pairs U4 + x1|x2|x4|x8
+ descr: 'Get Configuration Items',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // set 1
+ { name:'layers', type:'U1' }, // bit0:RAM, bit1:BBR, bit2:FLASH
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'cfgData', type:'U1[]' } ] }, // key/value pairs U4 + x1|x2|x4|x8
+ descr: 'Deletes values corresponding to provided keys',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' }, // set 0/1
+ { name:'layers', type:'U1' }, // bit1:BBR, bit2:FLASH
+ { name:'transaction', type:'U1' }, // if (version == 1): 0:Transactionless, 1:(Re)Start deletion transaction, 2: Deletion transaction ongoing, 3: Apply and end a deletion transaction
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
+ { name:'keys', type:'U4[]' } ] }, // keys
// MON ------------
- 'MON-VER': { descr:'Receiver/Software Version',
- spec:[ { name:'swVer', type:'S30' },
- { name:'hwVer', type:'S10' },
- { name:'extVer', type:'S30[]' }, ] },
- 'MON-PMP': { descr:'PMP monitoring data',
- spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'entries', type:'U1' },
- { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[2]'},
- { name:'entry', repeat:'entries', spec: [
- { name:'timeTag', type:'U4', unit:'ms' },
- { name:'status', type:'X4' }, // bit0:locked, bit1:frameSync
- { name:'lockTime', type:'U4', unit:'ms' },
- { name:'centerFreq',type:'U4',unit:'Hz' },
- { name:'cn0', type:'U1', unit:'dbHz' },
- { name:'cn0Frac', type:'U1', unit:'dbHz', scale:1./256, },
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]'}, ] }, ] },
+ 'MON-VER': {
+ descr: 'Receiver/Software Version',
+ spec:[ { name:'swVer', type:'S30' },
+ { name:'hwVer', type:'S10' },
+ { name:'extVer', type:'S30[]' } ] },
+ 'MON-PMP': {
+ descr: 'PMP monitoring data',
+ spec:[ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'entries', type:'U1' },
+ { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'entry', repeat:'entries', spec: [
+ { name:'timeTag', type:'U4', unit:'ms' },
+ { name:'status', spec: [
+ { name:'locked', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'frameSync', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x30' } ] },
+ { name:'lockTime', type:'U4', unit:'ms' },
+ { name:'centerFreq', type:'U4', unit:'Hz' },
+ { name:'cn0', type:'U1', unit:'dbHz' },
+ { name:'cn0Frac', type:'U1', unit:'dbHz',scale:1./256 },
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]' } ] } ] },
// ESF ------------
- 'ESF-STATUS': { descr:'External Sensor Fusion Status',
- spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[7]' },
- { name:'fusionMode', type:'U1' }, // 0:init, 1:fusion mode, 2:temp suspended, 3:disabled
- { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
- { name:'numSens', type:'U1' },
- { name:'sensor', repeat:'numSens', spec: [
- { name:'sensStatus1', type:'X1' }, // bit0..5:type, bit6:used, bit7:ready
- { name:'sensStatus2', type:'X1' }, // bit0..1:calibStatus, bit2..3:timeStatus
- { name:'freq', type:'U1', unit:'Hz' },
- { name:'faults', type:'X1' }, ] }, ] }, // bit0:badMeas, bit1:badTtag, bit2:missingMeas, bit3:noisyMeas
- 'MGA-GPS': { descr:'GPS Assistance Date',
- spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' }, // 1:EPH, 2: ALM, 3:TIMEOFFSET, 4:HEALTH 5:UTC 6:IONO
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'MGA-GAL': { descr:'Galileo Assistance Date',
- spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'MGA-BDS': { descr:'Beidou Assistance Date',
- spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'MGA-QZSS': { descr:'QZSS Assistance Date',
- spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'MGA-GLO': { descr:'Glonass Assistance Date',
- spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
- 'MGA-ANO': { spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
- { name:'gnss', type:'U1' },
- { name:'year', type:'U1' },
- { name:'month', type:'U1' },
- { name:'day', type:'U1' },
- {/*name:'res1', */ type:'U1' },
- { name:'data', type:'U1[64]' },
- {/*name:'res2',*/ type:'U1[4]' }, ] },
- 'MGA-FLASH': { spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' }, // 1:DATA, 2:STOP, 3:ACK
- { name:'version', type:'U1' },
- { name:'_data_', repeat:'((type==1)?1:0)', spec: [
- { name:'sequence', type:'U2' },
- { name:'size', type:'U2' },
- { name:'data', type:'U1[]' }, ] },
- { name:'_ack_', repeat:'((type==3)?1:0)', spec: [
- { name:'ack', type:'U1' },
- {/*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
- { name:'sequence', type:'U2' }, ] },
- ] },
+ descr:'External Sensor Fusion Status',
+ spec:[ { name:'itow', type:'U4', scale:1e-3, unit:'s' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { /*name:'res0',*/ type:'U1[7]' },
+ { name:'fusionMode', type:'U1' }, // 0:init, 1:fusion mode, 2:temp suspended, 3:disabled
+ { /*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1[2]' },
+ { name:'numSens', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'sensor', repeat:'numSens', spec: [
+ { name:'sensStatus1', spec: [
+ { name:'type', type:'x6' },
+ { name:'used', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'ready', type:'x1' } ] },
+ { name:'sensStatus1', spec: [
+ { name:'calibStatus', type:'x2' },
+ { name:'timeStatus', type:'x2' },
+ { type:'x4' } ] },
+ { name:'freq', type:'U1', unit:'Hz' },
+ { name:'faults', spec: [
+ { name:'badMeas', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'badTtag', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'missingMeas', type:'x1' },
+ { name:'noisyMeas', type:'x1' },
+ { type:'x4' } ] } ] } ] },
+ 'MGA-GPS': {
+ descr: 'GPS Assistance Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' }, // 1:EPH, 2: ALM, 3:TIMEOFFSET, 4:HEALTH 5:UTC 6:IONO
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' } ] },
+ 'MGA-GAL': {
+ descr: 'Galileo Assistance Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' } ] },
+ 'MGA-BDS': {
+ descr:'Beidou Assistance Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' }, ] },
+ 'MGA-QZSS': {
+ descr:'QZSS Assistance Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' } ] },
+ 'MGA-GLO': {
+ descr: 'Glonass Assistance Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' } ] },
+ 'MGA-ANO': {
+ descr: 'Assist Now Offline',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'gnss', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'year', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'month', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'day', type:'U1' },
+ {/*name:'res1', */ type:'U1' },
+ { name:'data', type:'U1[64]' },
+ {/*name:'res2',*/ type:'U1[4]' } ] },
+ 'MGA-FLASH': {
+ descr: 'Assist Now Flash Commands',
+ spec:[ { name:'type', type:'U1' }, // 1:DATA, 2:STOP, 3:ACK
+ { name:'version', type:'U1' },
+ { name:'_data_', repeat:'((type==1)?1:0)', spec: [
+ { name:'sequence', type:'U2' },
+ { name:'size', type:'U2' },
+ { name:'data', type:'U1[]' }, ] },
+ { name:'_ack_', repeat:'((type==3)?1:0)', spec: [
+ { name:'ack', type:'U1' },
+ {/*name:'res1',*/ type:'U1' },
+ { name:'sequence', type:'U2' } ] } ] }
function ubxClsMsgId(cls,msg) {
@@ -1084,194 +1137,234 @@ const ProtocolNMEA = (function () {
// L:Lat/Long, T:Time, D:Date,
// [xx]: Array, add optional size xx
const spec = {
- DTM:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS Satellite Fault Detection',
- spec:[ { name:'datum', type:'S' },
- { name:'subDatum', type:'S' },
- { name:'offsetLat', type:'R', unit:'min' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' }, // N/S
- { name:'offsetLong', type:'R', unit:'min' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' }, // E/W
- { name:'offsetAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'refDatum', type:'S' }, ] },
- GBS:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS Satellite Fault Detection',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'errLat', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'errLon', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'errAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'svid', type:'U' },
- { name:'prob', type:'R' },
- { name:'bias', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'stddev', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'systemId', type:'U' },
- { name:'signalId', type:'U' }, ] },
- GGA:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Global positioning system fix data',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'latN', type:'L' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' }, // N/S
- { name:'longN', type:'L' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' }, // E/W
- { name:'quality', type:'I' },
- { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
- { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'msl', type:'R', unit:'m' }, {/*name:'mslI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'sep', type:'R', unit:'m' }, {/*name:'sepI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
- { name:'diffStation', type:'S' }, ] },
- GLL:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status',
- spec:[ { name:'latN', type:'L' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' },
- { name:'longN', type:'L' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' },
- { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'status', type:'S' },
- { name:'posMode', type:'S' }, ] },
+ DTM: {
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS Satellite Fault Detection',
+ spec:[ { name:'datum', type:'S' },
+ { name:'subDatum', type:'S' },
+ { name:'offsetLat', type:'R', unit:'min' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' }, // N/S
+ { name:'offsetLong', type:'R', unit:'min' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' }, // E/W
+ { name:'offsetAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'refDatum', type:'S' } ] },
+ GBS: {
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS Satellite Fault Detection',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'errLat', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'errLon', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'errAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'svid', type:'U' },
+ { name:'prob', type:'R' },
+ { name:'bias', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'stddev', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'systemId', type:'U' },
+ { name:'signalId', type:'U' } ] },
+ GGA: {
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Global positioning system fix data',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'latN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' }, // N/S
+ { name:'longN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' }, // E/W
+ { name:'quality', type:'I' },
+ { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
+ { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'msl', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ {/*name:'mslI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'sep', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ {/*name:'sepI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'diffStation', type:'S' } ] },
+ GLL:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Latitude and longitude, with time of position fix and status',
+ spec:[ { name:'latN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'longN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'status', type:'S' },
+ { name:'posMode', type:'S' } ] },
- descr: 'Poll a standard message',
- spec:[ { name:'msgId', type:'S' }, ] },
- GNS:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS fix data' ,
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'latN', type:'L' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' },
- { name:'longN', type:'L' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' },
- { name:'posMode', type:'S' }, // two posModec chars for GPS + GLONASS
- { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
- { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'msl', type:'R', unit:'m' }, {/*name:'mslI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'sep', type:'R', unit:'m' }, {/*name:'sepI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
- { name:'diffStation', type:'S' },
- { name:'navStatus', type:'C' }, ] },
- GRS:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS Range Residuals',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'mode', type:'U' },
- { name:'residual', type:'R[12]', unit:'m' },
- { name:'systemId', type:'U' },
- { name:'signalId', type:'U' }, ] },
- GSA:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS DOP and Active Satellites',
- spec:[ { name:'opMode', type:'S' },
- { name:'navMode', type:'U' },
- { name:'sv', type:'U[12]' },
- { name:'pDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'vDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'systemId', type:'U' }, ] },
- GST:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS Pseudo Range Error Statistics',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'rangeRms', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'stdMajor', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'stdMinor', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'orient', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'stdLat', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'stdLong', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'stdAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' }, ] },
- GSV:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'GNSS Satellites in View',
- spec:[ { name:'numMsg', type:'U' },
- { name:'msgNum', type:'U' },
- { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
- { name:'svs', repeat:'min(numSV-(msgNum-1)*4,4)', spec: [
- { name:'sv', type:'U' },
- { name:'elv', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'az', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'cno', type:'U', unit:'dBHz' }, ] },
- { name:'signalId', type:'U' }, ] },
- RMC:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Recommended Minimum data',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'status', type:'C' },
- { name:'latN', type:'L' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' },
- { name:'longN', type:'L' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' },
- { name:'spdKn', type:'R', unit:'knots' },
- { name:'cogt', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'date', type:'D' },
- { name:'mv', type:'R', unit:'deg' }, { name:'mvI', type:'C' }, // E/W
- { name:'posMode', type:'S' },
- { name:'navStatus', type:'S' } ] },
- TXT:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Text Transmission',
- spec:[ { name:'msg', type:'U' },
- { name:'num', type:'U' },
- { name:'lvl', type:'U' },
- { name:'infTxt', type:'*' }, ] },
- VLW:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Dual ground/water distance',
- spec:[ { name:'twd', type:'R', unit:'nm' }, {/*name:'twdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'wd', type:'R', unit:'nm' }, {/*name:'wdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'tgd', type:'R', unit:'nm' }, {/*name:'tgdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'gd', type:'R', unit:'nm' }, {/*name:'gdUnit',*/ type:'C' }, ] },
- VTG:{ suggest:false,
- descr: '',
- spec:[ { name:'cog', type:'R', unit:'deg' }, {/*name:'cogI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'cogm', type:'R', unit:'deg' }, {/*name:'cogmI',*/ type:'C' },
- { name:'spdKn', type:'R', unit:'knots' }, {/*name:'spdKnI',*/type:'C' },
- { name:'spdKm', type:'R', unit:'km/h' }, {/*name:'spdKmI',*/type:'C' },
- { name:'posMode', type:'S' }, ] },
- ZDA:{ suggest:false,
- descr: 'Time and Date',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'day', type:'U' },
- { name:'month', type:'U' },
- { name:'year', type:'U' },
- { name:'ltzh', type:'I' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Poll a standard message',
+ spec:[ { name:'msgId', type:'S' } ] },
+ GNS:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS fix data' ,
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'latN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'longN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'posMode', type:'S' }, // two posModec chars for GPS + GLONASS
+ { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
+ { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'msl', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ {/*name:'mslI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'sep', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ {/*name:'sepI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'diffStation', type:'S' },
+ { name:'navStatus', type:'C' } ] },
+ GRS:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS Range Residuals',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'mode', type:'U' },
+ { name:'residual', type:'R[12]', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'systemId', type:'U' },
+ { name:'signalId', type:'U' } ] },
+ GSA:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS DOP and Active Satellites',
+ spec:[ { name:'opMode', type:'S' },
+ { name:'navMode', type:'U' },
+ { name:'sv', type:'U[12]' },
+ { name:'pDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'vDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'systemId', type:'U' } ] },
+ GST:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS Pseudo Range Error Statistics',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'rangeRms', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'stdMajor', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'stdMinor', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'orient', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'stdLat', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'stdLong', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'stdAlt', type:'R', unit:'m' } ] },
+ GSV:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'GNSS Satellites in View',
+ spec:[ { name:'numMsg', type:'U' },
+ { name:'msgNum', type:'U' },
+ { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
+ { name:'svs', repeat:'min(numSV-(msgNum-1)*4,4)', spec: [
+ { name:'sv', type:'U' },
+ { name:'elv', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'az', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'cno', type:'U', unit:'dBHz' } ] },
+ { name:'signalId', type:'U' } ] },
+ RMC:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Recommended Minimum data',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'status', type:'C' },
+ { name:'latN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'longN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'spdKn', type:'R', unit:'knots' },
+ { name:'cogt', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'date', type:'D' },
+ { name:'mv', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'mvI', type:'C' }, // E/W
+ { name:'posMode', type:'S' },
+ { name:'navStatus', type:'S' } ] },
+ TXT:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Text Transmission',
+ spec:[ { name:'msg', type:'U' },
+ { name:'num', type:'U' },
+ { name:'lvl', type:'U' },
+ { name:'infTxt', type:'*' } ] },
+ VLW:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Dual ground/water distance',
+ spec:[ { name:'twd', type:'R', unit:'nm' },
+ {/*name:'twdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'wd', type:'R', unit:'nm' },
+ {/*name:'wdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'tgd', type:'R', unit:'nm' },
+ {/*name:'tgdUnit',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'gd', type:'R', unit:'nm' },
+ {/*name:'gdUnit',*/ type:'C' } ] },
+ VTG:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Track made good and speed over ground',
+ spec:[ { name:'cog', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ {/*name:'cogI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'cogm', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ {/*name:'cogmI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'spdKn', type:'R', unit:'knots' },
+ {/*name:'spdKnI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'spdKm', type:'R', unit:'km/h' },
+ {/*name:'spdKmI',*/ type:'C' },
+ { name:'posMode', type:'S' } ] },
+ ZDA:{
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Time and Date',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'day', type:'U' },
+ { name:'month', type:'U' },
+ { name:'year', type:'U' },
+ { name:'ltzh', type:'I' } ] },
// Proprietary Sentences aka PUBX
- suggest:false,
- descr: 'Lat/Long Position Data',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
- { name:'latN', type:'L' }, { name:'latI', type:'C' },
- { name:'longN', type:'L' }, { name:'longI', type:'C' },
- { name:'altRef', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'navStatus', type:'S' }, // e.g. NF:No Fix DR:Dead reckoning only solution
- // G2:Stand alone 2D solution G3:Stand alone 3D solution
- // D2:Differential 2D solution D3:Differential 3D solution
- // RK:Combined GPS + dead reckoning solution TT:Time only solution
- { name:'hAcc', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'vAcc', type:'R', unit:'m' },
- { name:'sog', type:'R', unit:'km/h' },
- { name:'cog', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'vVel', type:'R', unit:'m/s' },
- { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
- { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'vDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'tDop', type:'R' },
- { name:'numSvs', type:'U' },
- { type:'S' },
- { name:'DRused', type:'U' }, ] },
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Lat/Long Position Data',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T' },
+ { name:'latN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'latI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'longN', type:'L' },
+ { name:'longI', type:'C' },
+ { name:'altRef', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'navStatus', type:'S' },
+ // e.g. NF:No Fix DR:Dead reckoning only solution
+ // G2:Stand alone 2D solution G3:Stand alone 3D solution
+ // D2:Differential 2D solution D3:Differential 3D solution
+ // RK:Combined GPS + dead reckoning solution TT:Time only solution
+ { name:'hAcc', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'vAcc', type:'R', unit:'m' },
+ { name:'sog', type:'R', unit:'km/h' },
+ { name:'cog', type:'R', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'vVel', type:'R', unit:'m/s' },
+ { name:'diffAge', type:'I', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'hDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'vDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'tDop', type:'R' },
+ { name:'numSvs', type:'U' },
+ { type:'S' },
+ { name:'DRused', type:'U' } ] },
- suggest:false,
- descr: 'Satellite Status',
- spec:[ { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
- { name:'svs', spec: [
- { name:'sv', type:'U' },
- { name:'status', type:'U' }, // U:Used, e:Ephemeris but not used, -:Not used
- { name:'az', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'elv', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
- { name:'cno', type:'U', unit:'dBHz' },
- { name:'lck', type:'U', unit:'s' }, ] }, ] },
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Satellite Status',
+ spec:[ { name:'numSV', type:'U' },
+ { name:'svs', spec: [
+ { name:'sv', type:'U' },
+ { name:'status', type:'U' }, // U:Used, e:Ephemeris but not used, -:Not used
+ { name:'az', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'elv', type:'U', unit:'deg' },
+ { name:'cno', type:'U', unit:'dBHz' },
+ { name:'lck', type:'U', unit:'s' } ] } ] },
- suggest:false,
- descr: 'Time of Day and Clock Information',
- spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T', unit:'hhmmss.ss' },
- { name:'date', type:'D', unit:'ddmmyy' },
- { name:'utcTow', type:'R', unit:'s' },
- { name:'utcWk', type:'U', unit:'weeks' },
- { name:'leapSec', type:'S', unit:'s' },
- { name:'clkBias', type:'R', unit:'ns' },
- { name:'clkDrift', type:'R', unit:'ns/s' },
- { name:'tpGran', type:'R', unit:'ns' }, ] },
+ suggest:false,
+ descr: 'Time of Day and Clock Information',
+ spec:[ { name:'time', type:'T', unit:'hhmmss.ss' },
+ { name:'date', type:'D', unit:'ddmmyy' },
+ { name:'utcTow', type:'R', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'utcWk', type:'U', unit:'weeks' },
+ { name:'leapSec', type:'S', unit:'s' },
+ { name:'clkBias', type:'R', unit:'ns' },
+ { name:'clkDrift', type:'R', unit:'ns/s' },
+ { name:'tpGran', type:'R', unit:'ns' } ] },
- descr: 'Set NMEA message output rate',
- spec:[ { name:'msgID', type:'Q' },
- { name:'rate', type:'U[6]' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Set NMEA message output rate',
+ spec:[ { name:'msgID', type:'Q' },
+ { name:'rate', type:'U[6]' } ] },
- descr: 'Set Protocols and Baudrate',
- spec:[ { name:'portId', type:'U' },
- { name:'inProto', type:'X' },
- { name:'outProto', type:'X' },
- { name:'baudrate', type:'U', unit:'bits/s' },
- { name:'autobauding', type:'U' }, ] },
+ descr: 'Set Protocols and Baudrate',
+ spec:[ { name:'portId', type:'U' },
+ { name:'inProto', type:'X' },
+ { name:'outProto', type:'X' },
+ { name:'baudrate', type:'U', unit:'bits/s' },
+ { name:'autobauding', type:'U' } ] },
function parse(data, i) {
@@ -1357,79 +1450,79 @@ return { process: process, parse: parse, make:make, spec:spec };
const ProtocolRTCM3 = (function () {
const spec = {
- 1001: { descr: 'L1-only GPS RTK observables', },
- 1002: { descr: 'Extended L1-only GPS RTK observables', },
- 1003: { descr: 'L1 & L2 GPS RTK observables', },
- 1004: { descr: 'Extended L1 & L2 GPS RTK observables', },
- 1005: { descr: 'Stationary RTK reference station ARP', },
- 1006: { descr: 'Stationary RTK reference station ARP with antenna height', },
- 1007: { descr: 'Antenna descriptor', },
- 1009: { descr: 'L1-only GLONASS RTK observables', },
- 1010: { descr: 'Extended L1-only GLONASS RTK observables', },
- 1011: { descr: 'L1 & L2 GLONASS RTK observables', },
- 1012: { descr: 'Extended L1 & L2 GLONASS RTK observables', },
- 1074: { descr: 'GPS MSM4', },
- 1077: { descr: 'GPS MSM7', },
- 1084: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM4', },
- 1087: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM7', },
- 1094: { descr: 'Galileo MSM4', },
- 1097: { descr: 'Galileo MSM7', },
- 1124: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM4', },
- 1127: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM7', },
- 4072: { descr: 'u-blox proprietary message', },
- '4072.0': { descr: 'u-blox sub-type 0: Reference station PVT', },
- '4072.1': { descr: 'u-blox sub-type 1: Additional reference station information', },
+ 1001: { descr: 'L1-only GPS RTK observables' },
+ 1002: { descr: 'Extended L1-only GPS RTK observables' },
+ 1003: { descr: 'L1 & L2 GPS RTK observables' },
+ 1004: { descr: 'Extended L1 & L2 GPS RTK observables' },
+ 1005: { descr: 'Stationary RTK reference station ARP' },
+ 1006: { descr: 'Stationary RTK reference station ARP with antenna height' },
+ 1007: { descr: 'Antenna descriptor' },
+ 1009: { descr: 'L1-only GLONASS RTK observables' },
+ 1010: { descr: 'Extended L1-only GLONASS RTK observables' },
+ 1011: { descr: 'L1 & L2 GLONASS RTK observables' },
+ 1012: { descr: 'Extended L1 & L2 GLONASS RTK observables' },
+ 1074: { descr: 'GPS MSM4' },
+ 1077: { descr: 'GPS MSM7' },
+ 1084: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM4' },
+ 1087: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM7' },
+ 1094: { descr: 'Galileo MSM4' },
+ 1097: { descr: 'Galileo MSM7' },
+ 1124: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM4' },
+ 1127: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM7' },
+ 4072: { descr: 'u-blox proprietary message' },
+ '4072.0': { descr: 'u-blox sub-type 0: Reference station PVT' },
+ '4072.1': { descr: 'u-blox sub-type 1: Additional reference station information' },
// not used by u-blox
// https://www.use-snip.com/kb/knowledge-base/rtcm-3-message-list/
- 1008: { descr: 'Antenna Descriptor and Serial Number', },
- 1013: { descr: 'System Parameters, time offsets, lists of messages sent', },
- 1014: { descr: 'Network Auxiliary Station Data', },
- 1015: { descr: 'GPS Ionospheric Correction Differences', },
- 1016: { descr: 'GPS Geometric Correction Differences', },
- 1017: { descr: 'GPS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences', },
- 1019: { descr: 'GPS Broadcast Ephemeris (orbits)', },
- 1020: { descr: 'GLONASS Broadcast Ephemeris (orbits)', },
- 1021: { descr: 'Helmert / Abridged Molodenski Transformation Parameters', },
- 1022: { descr: 'Molodenski-Badekas Transformation Parameters', },
- 1023: { descr: 'Residuals, Ellipsoidal Grid Representation', },
- 1024: { descr: 'Residuals, Plane Grid Representation', },
- 1025: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Types other than Lambert Conic Conformal', },
- 1026: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Type LCC2SP (Lambert Conic Conformal', },
- 1027: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Type OM (Oblique Mercator)', },
+ 1008: { descr: 'Antenna Descriptor and Serial Number' },
+ 1013: { descr: 'System Parameters, time offsets, lists of messages sent' },
+ 1014: { descr: 'Network Auxiliary Station Data' },
+ 1015: { descr: 'GPS Ionospheric Correction Differences' },
+ 1016: { descr: 'GPS Geometric Correction Differences' },
+ 1017: { descr: 'GPS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences' },
+ 1019: { descr: 'GPS Broadcast Ephemeris (orbits)' },
+ 1020: { descr: 'GLONASS Broadcast Ephemeris (orbits)' },
+ 1021: { descr: 'Helmert / Abridged Molodenski Transformation Parameters' },
+ 1022: { descr: 'Molodenski-Badekas Transformation Parameters' },
+ 1023: { descr: 'Residuals, Ellipsoidal Grid Representation' },
+ 1024: { descr: 'Residuals, Plane Grid Representation' },
+ 1025: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Types other than Lambert Conic Conformal' },
+ 1026: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Type LCC2SP (Lambert Conic Conformal' },
+ 1027: { descr: 'Projection Parameters, Projection Type OM (Oblique Mercator)' },
1029: { descr: 'Unicode Text String (used for human readable text)',
- spec:[ { name:'refSta', type:'u12' }, // bit 12..23: Ref Station Id
- { name:'mjdDay', type:'u16' }, // bit 24..47: MJD - day of year
- { name:'mjdSec', type:'u17' }, // bit 48..56: UTC - sec of day
- { name:'nUnicode', type:'u7' }, // bit 57..63: unicode Chars,
- { name:'nUtf8', type:'U1' }, // num chars in utf8 (N)
- { name:'txtUtf8', type:'S*' } ]}, // utf8(N)
- 1030: { descr: 'GPS Network RTK Residual Message', },
- 1031: { descr: 'GLONASS Network RTK Residual', },
- 1032: { descr: 'Physical Reference Station Position', },
- 1033: { descr: 'Receiver and Antenna Descriptors', },
- 1034: { descr: 'GPS Network FKP Gradient', },
- 1035: { descr: 'GLONASS Network FKP Gradient', },
- 1036: { descr: 'Not defined at this time', },
- 1037: { descr: 'GLONASS Ionospheric Correction Differences', },
- 1038: { descr: 'GLONASS Geometric Correction Differences', },
- 1039: { descr: 'GLONASS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences', },
- 1042: { descr: 'BDS Satellite Ephemeris Data', },
- 1044: { descr: 'QZSS Ephemerides', },
- 1045: { descr: 'Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1046: { descr: 'Galileo I/NAV Satellite Ephemeris Data' },
- 1057: { descr: 'SSR GPS orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1058: { descr: 'SSR GPS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1059: { descr: 'SSR GPS code biases', },
- 1060: { descr: 'SSR Combined orbit and clock corrections to GPS Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1061: { descr: 'SSR GPS User Range Accuracy', },
- 1062: { descr: 'SSR High-rate GPS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1063: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS orbit corrections for Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1064: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS clock corrections for Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1065: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS code biases', },
- 1066: { descr: 'SSR Combined orbit and clock corrections to GLONASS Broadcast Ephemeris', },
- 1067: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS User Range Accuracy (URA)', },
- 1068: { descr: 'High-rate GLONASS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris', },
+ spec:[ { name:'refSta', type:'u12' }, // bit 12..23: Ref Station Id
+ { name:'mjdDay', type:'u16' }, // bit 24..47: MJD - day of year
+ { name:'mjdSec', type:'u17' }, // bit 48..56: UTC - sec of day
+ { name:'nUnicode', type:'u7' }, // bit 57..63: unicode Chars,
+ { name:'nUtf8', type:'U1' }, // num chars in utf8 (N)
+ { name:'txtUtf8', type:'S*' } ]}, // utf8(N)
+ 1030: { descr: 'GPS Network RTK Residual Message' },
+ 1031: { descr: 'GLONASS Network RTK Residual' },
+ 1032: { descr: 'Physical Reference Station Position' },
+ 1033: { descr: 'Receiver and Antenna Descriptors' },
+ 1034: { descr: 'GPS Network FKP Gradient' },
+ 1035: { descr: 'GLONASS Network FKP Gradient' },
+ 1036: { descr: 'Not defined at this time' },
+ 1037: { descr: 'GLONASS Ionospheric Correction Differences' },
+ 1038: { descr: 'GLONASS Geometric Correction Differences' },
+ 1039: { descr: 'GLONASS Combined Geometric and Ionospheric Correction Differences' },
+ 1042: { descr: 'BDS Satellite Ephemeris Data' },
+ 1044: { descr: 'QZSS Ephemerides' },
+ 1045: { descr: 'Galileo Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1046: { descr: 'Galileo I/NAV Satellite Ephemeris Data' },
+ 1057: { descr: 'SSR GPS orbit corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1058: { descr: 'SSR GPS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1059: { descr: 'SSR GPS code biases' },
+ 1060: { descr: 'SSR Combined orbit and clock corrections to GPS Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1061: { descr: 'SSR GPS User Range Accuracy' },
+ 1062: { descr: 'SSR High-rate GPS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1063: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS orbit corrections for Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1064: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS clock corrections for Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1065: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS code biases' },
+ 1066: { descr: 'SSR Combined orbit and clock corrections to GLONASS Broadcast Ephemeris' },
+ 1067: { descr: 'SSR GLONASS User Range Accuracy (URA)' },
+ 1068: { descr: 'High-rate GLONASS clock corrections to Broadcast Ephemeris' },
MSM1 DGNSS uses, Pseudorange, (conventional and advanced)
MSM2 RTK uses, Pseudorange only
@@ -1439,41 +1532,41 @@ const spec = {
MSM6 RTK uses, Pseudorange, PhaseRange CNR, with high resolution
MSM7 RTK uses, Pseudorange, PhaseRange, Doppler, CNR, with high resolution
- 1071: { descr: 'GPS MSM1', },
- 1072: { descr: 'GPS MSM2', },
- 1073: { descr: 'GPS MSM3', },
- 1075: { descr: 'GPS MSM5', },
- 1076: { descr: 'GPS MSM6', },
- 1081: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM1', },
- 1082: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM2', },
- 1083: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM3', },
- 1085: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM5', },
- 1086: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM6', },
- 1091: { descr: 'Galileo MSM1', },
- 1092: { descr: 'Galileo MSM2', },
- 1093: { descr: 'Galileo MSM3', },
- 1095: { descr: 'Galileo MSM5', },
- 1096: { descr: 'Galileo MSM6', },
- 1101: { descr: 'SBAS MSM1', },
- 1102: { descr: 'SBAS MSM2', },
- 1103: { descr: 'SBAS MSM3', },
- 1104: { descr: 'SBAS MSM4', },
- 1105: { descr: 'SBAS MSM5', },
- 1106: { descr: 'SBAS MSM6', },
- 1107: { descr: 'SBAS MSM7', },
- 1111: { descr: 'QZSS MSM1', },
- 1112: { descr: 'QZSS MSM2', },
- 1113: { descr: 'QZSS MSM3', },
- 1114: { descr: 'QZSS MSM4', },
- 1115: { descr: 'QZSS MSM5', },
- 1116: { descr: 'QZSS MSM6', },
- 1117: { descr: 'QZSS MSM7', },
- 1121: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM1', },
- 1122: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM2', },
- 1123: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM3', },
- 1125: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM5', },
- 1126: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM6', },
- 1230: { descr: 'GLONASS L1 and L2 Code-Phase Biases', },
+ 1071: { descr: 'GPS MSM1' },
+ 1072: { descr: 'GPS MSM2' },
+ 1073: { descr: 'GPS MSM3' },
+ 1075: { descr: 'GPS MSM5' },
+ 1076: { descr: 'GPS MSM6' },
+ 1081: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM1' },
+ 1082: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM2' },
+ 1083: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM3' },
+ 1085: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM5' },
+ 1086: { descr: 'GLONASS MSM6' },
+ 1091: { descr: 'Galileo MSM1' },
+ 1092: { descr: 'Galileo MSM2' },
+ 1093: { descr: 'Galileo MSM3' },
+ 1095: { descr: 'Galileo MSM5' },
+ 1096: { descr: 'Galileo MSM6' },
+ 1101: { descr: 'SBAS MSM1' },
+ 1102: { descr: 'SBAS MSM2' },
+ 1103: { descr: 'SBAS MSM3' },
+ 1104: { descr: 'SBAS MSM4' },
+ 1105: { descr: 'SBAS MSM5' },
+ 1106: { descr: 'SBAS MSM6' },
+ 1107: { descr: 'SBAS MSM7' },
+ 1111: { descr: 'QZSS MSM1' },
+ 1112: { descr: 'QZSS MSM2' },
+ 1113: { descr: 'QZSS MSM3' },
+ 1114: { descr: 'QZSS MSM4' },
+ 1115: { descr: 'QZSS MSM5' },
+ 1116: { descr: 'QZSS MSM6' },
+ 1117: { descr: 'QZSS MSM7' },
+ 1121: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM1' },
+ 1122: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM2' },
+ 1123: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM3' },
+ 1125: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM5' },
+ 1126: { descr: 'BeiDou MSM6' },
+ 1230: { descr: 'GLONASS L1 and L2 Code-Phase Biases' }
function parse(data, i) {
@@ -1591,44 +1684,44 @@ const mapType = {
0:'OCB', 1:'HPAC', 2:'GAD', 3:'BPAC', 4:'EAS', 120:'PROP',
const mapSubType = {
- 0/*OCB*/: { 0:'GPS', 1:'GLONASS', 2:'GALILEO', 3:'BEIDOU', 4:'QZSS', },
- 1/*HPAC*/: { 0:'GPS', 1:'GLONASS', 2:'GALILEO', 3:'BEIDOU', 4:'QZSS', },
- 2/*GAD*/: { 0:'MSG0', },
- 3/*BPAC*/: { 0:'POLYNOMIAL' },
- 4/*EAS*/: { 0:'DYNAMICKEY', 1:'GROUPAUTH', },
- 120/*PROP*/: { 0:'SAPCORDA', 1:'UBLOX', 2:'SWIFT', }
+ 0/*OCB*/: { 0:'GPS', 1:'GLONASS', 2:'GALILEO', 3:'BEIDOU', 4:'QZSS' },
+ 1/*HPAC*/: { 0:'GPS', 1:'GLONASS', 2:'GALILEO', 3:'BEIDOU', 4:'QZSS' },
+ 2/*GAD*/: { 0:'MSG0' },
+ 3/*BPAC*/: { 0:'POLYNOMIAL' },
+ 4/*EAS*/: { 0:'DYNAMICKEY', 1:'GROUPAUTH' },
+ 120/*PROP*/: { 0:'SAPCORDA', 1:'UBLOX', 2:'SWIFT' }
const spec = {
// type 0: GNSS Orbit, Clock, Bias (OCB) messages
- 'OCB' : { descr: 'GNSS Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- 'OCB-GPS' : { descr: 'GPS Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- 'OCB-GLONASS' : { descr: 'Glonass Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- 'OCB-GALILEO' : { descr: 'Galileo Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- 'OCB-BEIDOU' : { descr: 'BeiDou Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- 'OCB-QZSS' : { descr: 'QZSS Orbit, Clock, Bias', },
- // type 1: High-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) messages
- 'HPAC' : { descr: 'GNSS High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'HPAC-GPS' : { descr: 'GPS High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'HPAC-GLONASS' : { descr: 'Glonass High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'HPAC-GALILEO' : { descr: 'Galileo High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'HPAC-BEIDOU' : { descr: 'BeiDou High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'HPAC-QZSS' : { descr: 'QZSS High-precision atmosphere correction', },
- // type 2: Geographic Area Definition (GAD) messages
- 'GAD' : { descr: 'Geographic Area Definition', },
- 'GAD-MSG0' : { descr: 'Geographic Area Definition', },
- // type 3: Basic-peecision atmosphere correction (BPAC) messages
- 'BPAC' : { descr: 'Basic-precision atmosphere correction', },
- 'BPAC-POLYNOMIAL' : { descr: 'Basic-precision atmosphere correction polynomial', },
- // type 4: Encryption and Authentication Support (EAS) messages
- 'EAS' : { descr: 'Encryption and Authentication Support', },
- 'EAS-DYNAMICKEY' : { descr: 'Dynamic Key', },
- 'EAS-GROUPAUTH' : { descr: 'Group Authentication', },
- // type 120: Proprietary messages
- 'PROP' : { descr: 'Proprietary', },
- 'PROP-SAPCORDA' : { descr: 'Proprietary Sapcorda', },
- 'PROP-UBLOX' : { descr: 'Proprietary u-blox AG', },
- 'PROP-SWIFT' : { descr: 'Proprietary Swift Navigation', },
+ 'OCB' : { descr: 'GNSS Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ 'OCB-GPS' : { descr: 'GPS Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ 'OCB-GLONASS' : { descr: 'Glonass Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ 'OCB-GALILEO' : { descr: 'Galileo Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ 'OCB-BEIDOU' : { descr: 'BeiDou Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ 'OCB-QZSS' : { descr: 'QZSS Orbit, Clock, Bias' },
+ // type 1: High-precision atmosphere correction (HPAC) messages
+ 'HPAC' : { descr: 'GNSS High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'HPAC-GPS' : { descr: 'GPS High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'HPAC-GLONASS' : { descr: 'Glonass High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'HPAC-GALILEO' : { descr: 'Galileo High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'HPAC-BEIDOU' : { descr: 'BeiDou High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'HPAC-QZSS' : { descr: 'QZSS High-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ // type 2: Geographic Area Definition (GAD) messages
+ 'GAD' : { descr: 'Geographic Area Definition' },
+ 'GAD-MSG0' : { descr: 'Geographic Area Definition' },
+ // type 3: Basic-peecision atmosphere correction (BPAC) messages
+ 'BPAC' : { descr: 'Basic-precision atmosphere correction' },
+ 'BPAC-POLYNOMIAL' : { descr: 'Basic-precision atmosphere correction polynomial' },
+ // type 4: Encryption and Authentication Support (EAS) messages
+ 'EAS' : { descr: 'Encryption and Authentication Support' },
+ 'EAS-DYNAMICKEY' : { descr: 'Dynamic Key' },
+ 'EAS-GROUPAUTH' : { descr: 'Group Authentication' },
+ // type 120: Proprietary messages
+ 'PROP' : { descr: 'Proprietary' },
+ 'PROP-SAPCORDA' : { descr: 'Proprietary Sapcorda' },
+ 'PROP-UBLOX' : { descr: 'Proprietary u-blox AG' },
+ 'PROP-SWIFT' : { descr: 'Proprietary Swift Navigation' }
function parse(data, i) {
diff --git a/monitor/js/monitor.js b/monitor/js/monitor.js
index baff770..1c85a39 100644
--- a/monitor/js/monitor.js
+++ b/monitor/js/monitor.js
@@ -39,7 +39,8 @@ window.onload = function _onload() {
const href = window.location.href.replace(/^https:/, 'http:');
if (confirm('This page does not work when loaded with secure https: protocol. ' +
'The insecure ws: websocket connection used to connect to the device would cause mixed content issues.'+
- '\n\nRedirect to ' + href)) {
+ '\n\nRedirect to ' + href + '\n\n' +
+ 'If this does not work for you, type http: protocol in the address bar manually!')) {
diff --git a/software/WEBSOCKET.h b/software/WEBSOCKET.h
index cb7d550..def94be 100644
--- a/software/WEBSOCKET.h
+++ b/software/WEBSOCKET.h
@@ -308,28 +308,28 @@ WEBSOCKET Websocket; //!< The global WEBSOCKET peripherial object
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! the content of served file monitor.html
-const char WEBSOCKET::HTML[] = R"html(
+const char WEBSOCKET::HTML[] = R"(
- Monitor
- Monitor
//! the content of served file monitor.css
-const char WEBSOCKET::CSS[] = R"css(
+const char WEBSOCKET::CSS[] = R"(
body {
display: grid;
grid-gap: 1em;
@@ -364,10 +364,10 @@ const char WEBSOCKET::CSS[] = R"css(
outline: none;
box-sizing: border-box;
//! the content of served file monitor.js
-const char WEBSOCKET::JS[] = R"js(
+const char WEBSOCKET::JS[] = R"(
"use strict";
let map = null;
let track = null;
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ const char WEBSOCKET::JS[] = R"js(
ws.addEventListener('message', ({ data }) => {
if (typeof(data) == 'string') {
- // time src fix car acc lat lon
+ // time src fix car acc lat lon
const m = data.match(/^\d+:\d+:\d+ [\w-]+ (\S+) \w+ \d+\.\d+ (-?\d+\.\d+) (-?\d+\.\d+)/)
if (map && track && m) {
if (m[1] != "No") {
@@ -461,6 +461,6 @@ const char WEBSOCKET::JS[] = R"js(
log(`Connecting to ${url} ...`, 'blue')
diff --git a/software/software.ino b/software/software.ino
index 8c95cdf..2a7da43 100644
--- a/software/software.ino
+++ b/software/software.ino
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
// Github Repository: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
// Third parties libraries
// ArduinoMqttClient by Arduino, version 0.1.8
// Library Manager: http://librarymanager/All#ArduinoMqttClient
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
// Github Repository: https://github.com/h2zero/NimBLE-Arduino
// Sparkfun libraries
// SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library by Sparkfun Electronics, version 2.2.25
// Library Manager: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_u-blox_GNSS_Arduino_Library
@@ -62,17 +62,19 @@
// Github Repository: https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_u-blox_SARA-R5_Arduino_Library
// Header files of this project
-#include "LOG.h" // Comment this if you do not want a separate log level for this application
+// to remove LTE, BLUETOOTH, LBAND, CANBUS fucnztion simply comment to save memory, the
+// peripherial is however not put into low power mode or its pins remain uncontrolled
+#include "LOG.h" // Comment this if you do not want a separate log level for this application
#include "HW.h"
#include "CONFIG.h"
#include "UBXFILE.h"
-//#include "BLUETOOTH.h" // Comment this to save memory if not needed, choose the flash size 4MB and suitable partition
+//#include "BLUETOOTH.h" // Optional, Comment this to save memory if not needed, choose the flash size 4MB and suitable partition
#include "WLAN.h"
#include "GNSS.h"
-#include "LBAND.h"
-#include "LTE.h"
-//#include "CANBUS.h" // Comment this if not on vehicle using the CAN interface
+#include "LBAND.h" // Optional, comment this if not needed
+#include "LTE.h" // Optional, comment this if not needed,
+//#include "CANBUS.h" // Optional, comment this if not on vehicle using the CAN interface, CAN PHY is reqired
// ====================================================================================
// MAIN setup / loop
@@ -100,20 +102,23 @@ void setup(void) {
Wlan.init(); // WLAN runs in a tasks, creates an additional LED task
+#ifdef __LTE_H__
//Lte.enableAtDebugging(Serial); // we use UbxSerial for data logging instead
//Lte.enableAtDebugging(Websocket); // forward all messages
Lte.init(); // LTE runs in a task
// i2c wire
UbxWire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); // Start I2C
UbxWire.setClock(400000); //Increase I2C clock speed to 400kHz
if (!Gnss.detect()) {
log_w("GNSS ZED-F9 not detected, check wiring");
+#ifdef __LBAND_H__
if (!LBand.detect()) {
log_w("LBAND NEO-D9 not detected, check wiring");
#ifdef __CANBUS_H__
@@ -122,7 +127,9 @@ void setup(void) {
/** Main Arduino loop function is used to manage the GPS and LBAND communication
void loop(void) {
+#ifdef __LBAND_H__