diff --git a/src/Fixer.cs b/src/Fixer.cs
index 1c38d4a..724e135 100644
--- a/src/Fixer.cs
+++ b/src/Fixer.cs
@@ -85,9 +85,6 @@ public void FixBranches()
-            bool cannotSetupTrackingInformation = false;
-            bool legacySvnBranchTrackingMessageDisplayed = false;
             foreach (var b in svnBranches)
                 var branch = Regex.Replace(b, @"^svn\/", "").Trim();
@@ -116,50 +113,8 @@ public void FixBranches()
-                if (cannotSetupTrackingInformation)
-                {
-                    CommandInfo ci = CommandInfoBuilder.BuildCheckoutSvnRemoteBranchCommandInfo(branch);
-                    CommandRunner.Run(ci.Command, ci.Arguments);
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    CommandInfo trackCommandInfo = CommandInfoBuilder.BuildGitBranchTrackCommandInfo(branch);
-                    string trackCommandError = string.Empty;
-                    string dummyOutput = string.Empty;
-                    RunCommand(trackCommandInfo, out dummyOutput, out trackCommandError);
-                    // As of git, tracking information cannot be set up for remote SVN branches:
-                    // http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/git-svn-Use-prefix-by-default-td7594288.html#a7597159
-                    //
-                    // Older versions of git can do it and it should be safe as long as remotes aren't pushed.
-                    // Our --rebase option obviates the need for read-only tracked remotes, however.  So, we'll
-                    // deprecate the old option, informing those relying on the old behavior that they should
-                    // use the newer --rebase option.
-                    Log($"trackCommandError: {trackCommandError}");
-                    if (Regex.IsMatch(trackCommandError, @"(?m)Cannot setup tracking information"))
-                    {
-                        Log("Has tracking error.");
-                        cannotSetupTrackingInformation = true;
-                        CommandInfo checkoutRemoteBranchCommandInfo = CommandInfoBuilder.BuildCheckoutSvnRemoteBranchCommandInfo(branch);
-                        RunCommand(checkoutRemoteBranchCommandInfo);
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (!legacySvnBranchTrackingMessageDisplayed)
-                        {
-                            ShowTrackingRemoteSvnBranchesDeprecatedWarning();
-                        }
-                        legacySvnBranchTrackingMessageDisplayed = true;
-                        CommandInfo checkoutLocalBranchCommandInfo = CommandInfoBuilder.BuildCheckoutLocalBranchCommandInfo(branch);
-                        RunCommand(checkoutLocalBranchCommandInfo);
-                    }
-                }
+                // Now checkout the remote svn branch.
+                RunCommand(CommandInfoBuilder.BuildCheckoutSvnRemoteBranchCommandInfo(branch));
             Log("End fixing branches.");
@@ -261,26 +216,5 @@ public void OptimizeRepos()
             CommandRunner.Run("git", "gc");
-        private void ShowTrackingRemoteSvnBranchesDeprecatedWarning()
-        {
-            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
-            for (int i = 0; i < 68; ++i)
-            {
-                message.Append("*");
-            }
-            message.AppendLine();
-            message.AppendLine("svn2gitnet warning: Tracking remote SVN branches is deprecated.");
-            message.AppendLine("In a future release local branches will be created without tracking.");
-            message.AppendLine("If you must resync your branches, run: svn2gitnet --rebase");
-            for (int i = 0; i < 68; ++i)
-            {
-                message.Append("*");
-            }
-            ShowMessageIfPossible(message.ToString());
-        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unittests/FixerTest.cs b/tests/unittests/FixerTest.cs
index 75615dd..a76eb65 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/FixerTest.cs
+++ b/tests/unittests/FixerTest.cs
@@ -324,11 +324,6 @@ public void FixBranchesIsNotRebaseIsNotTrunkBranchTest()
             mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", It.IsAny<string>()))
-            string standardOutput = string.Empty;
-            string standardError = "Hello. Cannot setup tracking information!";
-            mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError));
             MetaInfo metaInfo = new MetaInfo()
                 LocalBranches = new List<string>()
@@ -353,87 +348,6 @@ public void FixBranchesIsNotRebaseIsNotTrunkBranchTest()
             // Assert
             mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "checkout -b \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\""), Times.Once());
-            mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError), Times.Once());
-        }
-        [Fact]
-        public void FixBranchesIsNotRebaseIsNotTrunkBranchTrackingWarningTest()
-        {
-            // Prepare
-            var mock = new Mock<ICommandRunner>();
-            mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", It.IsAny<string>()))
-                .Returns(0);
-            string standardOutput = string.Empty;
-            string standardError = "Hello. Cannot setup tracking information!";
-            mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError));
-            MetaInfo metaInfo = new MetaInfo()
-            {
-                LocalBranches = new List<string>()
-                {
-                    "nodev"
-                },
-                RemoteBranches = new List<string>()
-                {
-                    "svn/dev",
-                    "svn/branch2"
-                }
-            };
-            Options options = new Options()
-            {
-                Rebase = false
-            };
-            IFixer fixer = new Fixer(metaInfo, options, mock.Object, "", null, null);
-            // Act
-            fixer.FixBranches();
-            // Assert
-            mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "checkout -b \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\""), Times.Once());
-            mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError), Times.Once());
-        }
-        [Fact]
-        public void FixBranchesIsNotRebaseIsNotTrunkBranchTrackingNoWarningTest()
-        {
-            // Prepare
-            var mock = new Mock<ICommandRunner>();
-            mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", It.IsAny<string>()))
-                .Returns(0);
-            string standardOutput = string.Empty;
-            string standardError = string.Empty;
-            mock.Setup(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError));
-            MetaInfo metaInfo = new MetaInfo()
-            {
-                LocalBranches = new List<string>()
-                {
-                    "nodev"
-                },
-                RemoteBranches = new List<string>()
-                {
-                    "svn/dev",
-                    "svn/branch2"
-                }
-            };
-            Options options = new Options()
-            {
-                Rebase = false
-            };
-            IFixer fixer = new Fixer(metaInfo, options, mock.Object, "", null, null);
-            // Act
-            fixer.FixBranches();
-            // Assert
-            mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "checkout \"dev\""), Times.Once());
-            mock.Verify(f => f.Run("git", "branch --track \"dev\" \"remotes/svn/dev\"", out standardOutput, out standardError), Times.Once());