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41 lines (34 loc) · 1.36 KB

File metadata and controls

41 lines (34 loc) · 1.36 KB


Import DMAP data into a PostgreSQL database

Dev Setup (Mac)

  • Install ASDF, Python3, Postgres
brew install asdf
brew install python3
brew install postgresql
  • run asdf install to install tools via asdf
  • run poetry install to install python dependencies
  • run cp .env.template .env and fill out any missing environment variables
  • run docker-compose build to build the docker images for local testing
    • run docker-compose up dmap_local_rds to stand up a local postgres db
      • this imnage could be used when running pytest
    • run docker-compose up dmap_import to run the importer application

Outside of Docker

  1. Navigate to repository directory.
  2. Update .env variable. Source it source .env.
  3. Run poetry run start to run the ingestion process.
  4. Run psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@ to get into the database. Alternatively, after docker-compose up, you can:
    1. docker exec -it dmap_local_rds bash
    2. psql -U postgres -d dmap_importer
  5. Run format, type and lint checker:
    • poetry run black .
    • poetry run mypy .
    • poetry run pylint src tests
  6. Run tests, poetry run pytest.


To create new migration:

alembic revision -m "adding a new column"
# [optional] rename generated file so as to sort migrations by name by prepending '0xx_'