NCMAT v4 # # Beryllium # # Crystal structure was converted from the cif file of the entry 0011165 in the AMCSD. # Additional reference: Wyckoff R W G, Crystal Structures, vol. 1, p. 7-83, 1963. # # # The VDOS is the same as used to generate the scattering kernels shipped with # the ENDF/B-VIII release (extracted from the file tsl-Be-metal.leapr). # # This crystal structure is also compatible with structure obtained from: # # # @CELL lengths 2.2866 !! 3.5833 angles 90 90 120 @SPACEGROUP 194 @ATOMPOSITIONS Be 1/3 2/3 1/4 Be 2/3 1/3 3/4 @DYNINFO element Be fraction 1 type vdos vdos_egrid .00069552 .08763552 vdos_density .00072477 .0037084 .0080087 .010642 .015897 .027372 .041843 .050214 .065036 .083674 .099329 .11977 .14296 .16484 .18945 .21887 .23537 .26166 .30003 .34054 .38728 .42481 .47598 .5189 .574 .6297 .65754 .72042 .79118 .86756 .92948 1.003 1.1163 1.2048 1.287 1.4139 1.5249 1.6221 1.7638 1.8924 2.0388 2.2056 2.3709 2.5558 2.7595 3.0108 3.2603 3.5066 3.7442 4.0067 4.3677 4.7164 5.082 5.5881 6.0898 6.551 7.0877 7.5931 8.0736 8.6232 9.2283 9.9334 10.613 11.278 11.973 12.784 13.744 14.739 15.918 17.654 19.834 21.455 22.574 23.744 24.9 26.227 27.931 29.747 29.884 27.358 24.817 23.69 23.242 23.624 23.473 22.368 21.447 20.724 21.121 24.24 27.607 27.643 25.431 23.755 23.377 23.41 23.504 23.647 23.681 23.805 23.714 23.385 23.05 22.244 21.008 19.536 18.341 18.075 18.606 19.599 21.037 23.193 24.016 23.573 25.664 30.187 31.256 27.257 22.765 14.893 6.8192 3.8444 2.4718 1.3358 .35968 0