This is the GO implementation of poseidon hash. We refer the paper and the rust implementation. Poseidon hash is a kind of hash function used for proof systems, such as ZK-STARKs, Bulletproof, so it is also called " zero-knowledge friendly hash". It has been widely used in blockchain for zero-knowledge proofs. You can find more information in the paper.
go get -u
go test -v
go test -v --bench=.
func main() {
// poseidon hash with 3 input elements and 1 output element.
input := []*big.Int{big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3)}
// generate round constants for poseidon hash.
// width=len(input)+1.
cons, _ := GenPoseidonConstants(4)
// use OptimizedStatic hash mode.
h1, _ := Hash(input, cons, OptimizedStatic)
// use OptimizedDynamic hash mode.
h2, _ := Hash(input, cons, OptimizedDynamic)
// use Correct hash mode.
h3, _ := Hash(input, cons, Correct)
CPU: i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz.
OS: win10
go version: 16.3
input: 10 elements, output: 1 element
BenchmarkOptimizedStaticWith10Inputs-6 13419 89416 ns/op
BenchmarkOptimizedDynamicWith10Inputs-6 4693 251820 ns/op
BenchmarkCorrectWith10Inputs-6 5006 236506 ns/op
- filecoin-project/neptune (rust)
- iden3/go-iden3-crypto (go)
- guipublic/poseidon (c)
- shamatar/poseidon_hash (rust)
- dusk-network/Poseidon252 (rust)
- matter-labs/rescue-poseidon (rust)
- dusk-network/dusk-poseidon-merkle (rust)
- arnaucube/poseidon-rs (rust)
- krypto/hadeshash (sage)
BSD license.