diff --git a/files/en-us/web/api/htmllinkelement/sizes/index.md b/files/en-us/web/api/htmllinkelement/sizes/index.md
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+++ b/files/en-us/web/api/htmllinkelement/sizes/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: "HTMLLinkElement: sizes property"
+short-title: sizes
+slug: Web/API/HTMLLinkElement/sizes
+page-type: web-api-instance-property
+browser-compat: api.HTMLLinkElement.sizes
+{{APIRef("HTML DOM")}}
+The readonly **`sizes`** property of the {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement")}} interfaces defines the sizes of the icons for visual media contained in the resource. It reflects the {{HTMLElement("link")}} element's [`sizes`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link#sizes) attribute, which takes a list of space-separated sizes, each in the format `x`, or the keyword `any`.
+It is only relevant if the {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement.rel", "rel")}} is `icon` or a non-standard type like `apple-touch-icon`.
+## Value
+A {{domxref("DOMTokenList")}}
+## Examples
+const link = document.querySelector("[rel=icon],[rel=apple-touch-icon]");
+console.dir(link.sizes); /* output:
+ DOMTokenList [ "72x72", "114x114" ]
+ 0: "72x72"
+ 1: "114x114"
+ length: 2
+ value: "72x72 114x114"
+ */
+console.log(link.sizes.value); // output: '72x72 114x114'
+console.log(link.sizes.length); // output: 2'
+console.log(link.sizes[0]); // output: '72x72'
+console.log(link.sizes[1]); // output: '114x114'
+## Specifications
+## Browser compatibility
+## See also
+- {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement.rel")}}
+- {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement.relList")}}
+- {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement.type")}}
+- {{domxref("HTMLLinkElement.href")}}
+- {{HTMLElement("link")}}
+- [`rel`](/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/rel) attribute