Web3 App where users can mint and list NFTs for auction or sell for a fixed price.
Built with upgradable solidity smart contracts, using Openzeppelin 5.0 and HardHat.
Access Control, is implimented with Role Assignment, for different tasks like Minting, NFTs and Upgrading, Contracts.
Contract Address:
- MarketPlace contract address: 0xf8e81D47203A594245E36C48e151709F0C19fBe8
- NFT Contract address: 0x4493E79599a23D6644AEe0a2f47117D18980a645
- Ether Scan
Debugged on Remix:
Run these commands to get started with the project after cloning to your machine:
cd Web3MarketPlace
npm install
npx hardhat compile
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli_quick_node
Run this to start the NodeJs server (in the same directory):
node .