Check : for game tutorials
My code is public domain , other open source code im using has its own licenses so please CHECK !!
I done it to teach my kids how to read they took the pictures and done the letters sounds they where part of the process of making the games its was fun and they learned something along the way. i hope others will do the same. form there it evolved to Guessing game framework that is highlly configurble , using server level editor .
- the source code is cocos2d-x 3.2 c++ project
- the configuration files are in Cocos2d-x-Guessing-Game/Classes/config Cocos2d-x-Guessing-Game/blob/master/Classes/config/ExpressionsMapDefine.h is where you paste the result from the GEditor
- tested on ios 7, 8, 8.1 on iphone 5 device .
- Simple Java servlet app running on Tomcat , you can load and run it from Eclipse or compile to war file. and access it from the browser. located here : Cocos2d-x-Guessing-Game/GEditor
Video link shows The process of building levels and the game:
Video link shows Real examples i done to teach my kids how to read ( its Hebrew and yes the framework supports right to left)
Have fun (;