   Copyright The containerd Authors.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at


   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.

package containerd

import (

	digest "github.com/opencontainers/go-digest"
	ocispec "github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/specs-go/v1"

type importOpts struct {
	indexName       string
	imageRefT       func(string) string
	dgstRefT        func(digest.Digest) string
	skipDgstRef     func(string) bool
	allPlatforms    bool
	platformMatcher platforms.MatchComparer
	compress        bool
	discardLayers   bool

// ImportOpt allows the caller to specify import specific options
type ImportOpt func(*importOpts) error

// WithImageRefTranslator is used to translate the index reference
// to an image reference for the image store.
func WithImageRefTranslator(f func(string) string) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.imageRefT = f
		return nil

// WithDigestRef is used to create digest images for each
// manifest in the index.
func WithDigestRef(f func(digest.Digest) string) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.dgstRefT = f
		return nil

// WithSkipDigestRef is used to specify when to skip applying
// WithDigestRef. The callback receives an image reference (or an empty
// string if not specified in the image). When the callback returns true,
// the skip occurs.
func WithSkipDigestRef(f func(string) bool) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.skipDgstRef = f
		return nil

// WithIndexName creates a tag pointing to the imported index
func WithIndexName(name string) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.indexName = name
		return nil

// WithAllPlatforms is used to import content for all platforms.
func WithAllPlatforms(allPlatforms bool) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.allPlatforms = allPlatforms
		return nil

// WithImportPlatform is used to import content for specific platform.
func WithImportPlatform(platformMacher platforms.MatchComparer) ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.platformMatcher = platformMacher
		return nil

// WithImportCompression compresses uncompressed layers on import.
// This is used for import formats which do not include the manifest.
func WithImportCompression() ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.compress = true
		return nil

// WithDiscardUnpackedLayers allows the garbage collector to clean up
// layers from content store after unpacking.
func WithDiscardUnpackedLayers() ImportOpt {
	return func(c *importOpts) error {
		c.discardLayers = true
		return nil

// Import imports an image from a Tar stream using reader.
// Caller needs to specify importer. Future version may use oci.v1 as the default.
// Note that unreferenced blobs may be imported to the content store as well.
func (c *Client) Import(ctx context.Context, reader io.Reader, opts ...ImportOpt) ([]images.Image, error) {
	var iopts importOpts
	for _, o := range opts {
		if err := o(&iopts); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	ctx, done, err := c.WithLease(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer done(ctx)

	var aio []archive.ImportOpt
	if iopts.compress {
		aio = append(aio, archive.WithImportCompression())

	index, err := archive.ImportIndex(ctx, c.ContentStore(), reader, aio...)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var (
		imgs []images.Image
		cs   = c.ContentStore()
		is   = c.ImageService()

	if iopts.indexName != "" {
		imgs = append(imgs, images.Image{
			Name:   iopts.indexName,
			Target: index,
	var platformMatcher = c.platform
	if iopts.allPlatforms {
		platformMatcher = platforms.All
	} else if iopts.platformMatcher != nil {
		platformMatcher = iopts.platformMatcher

	var handler images.HandlerFunc = func(ctx context.Context, desc ocispec.Descriptor) ([]ocispec.Descriptor, error) {
		// Only save images at top level
		if desc.Digest != index.Digest {
			return images.Children(ctx, cs, desc)

		idx, err := decodeIndex(ctx, cs, desc)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		for _, m := range idx.Manifests {
			name := imageName(m.Annotations, iopts.imageRefT)
			if name != "" {
				imgs = append(imgs, images.Image{
					Name:   name,
					Target: m,
			if iopts.skipDgstRef != nil {
				if iopts.skipDgstRef(name) {
			if iopts.dgstRefT != nil {
				ref := iopts.dgstRefT(m.Digest)
				if ref != "" {
					imgs = append(imgs, images.Image{
						Name:   ref,
						Target: m,

		return idx.Manifests, nil

	handler = images.FilterPlatforms(handler, platformMatcher)
	if iopts.discardLayers {
		handler = images.SetChildrenMappedLabels(cs, handler, images.ChildGCLabelsFilterLayers)
	} else {
		handler = images.SetChildrenLabels(cs, handler)
	if err := images.WalkNotEmpty(ctx, handler, index); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for i := range imgs {
		img, err := is.Update(ctx, imgs[i], "target")
		if err != nil {
			if !errdefs.IsNotFound(err) {
				return nil, err

			img, err = is.Create(ctx, imgs[i])
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		imgs[i] = img

	return imgs, nil

func imageName(annotations map[string]string, ociCleanup func(string) string) string {
	name := annotations[images.AnnotationImageName]
	if name != "" {
		return name
	name = annotations[ocispec.AnnotationRefName]
	if name != "" {
		if ociCleanup != nil {
			name = ociCleanup(name)
	return name