Supercharge WordPress Advanced Custom Fields
- Component: treat a field group as a component and reuse it in any other field groups.
- Enhanced Editor: add table management to Tiny MCE Editor
- Enhanced link field: post id is saved to allow url update on load if changed
- Enhanced map field: add country, iso and country_short in value
- Text field counter: value set in maxlength is shown next to the field ( ex: 100/250 )
- Tag selector: Allow tag selection on a field (h1,h2,h3...)
- Term type: Top Level Term (no parent), Parent Term (has children), Child Term (has parent)
- Site: When using multisite, show field on a specific site only
- Menu item depth
- Post Parent: Show fields if the current post parent match the rule
- Term template
- Children: return current post children
- Components: Enhanced layout, select components in a list
- Component: Enhanced clone, select component in a list
- Dynamic select: Generate a select using value from anoter field
- Hidden: Return a static value
- ID: Return an uid
- Inline editor: Enhanced text field with inLine lib
- Instagram post: past post url, return title and image
- Latest posts