-include config.mk BUILDTYPE ?= Release PYTHON ?= python3 DESTDIR ?= SIGN ?= PREFIX ?= /usr/local FLAKY_TESTS ?= run TEST_CI_ARGS ?= STAGINGSERVER ?= node-www CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET ?= r2:dist-staging LOGLEVEL ?= silent OSTYPE := $(shell uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ifeq ($(findstring os/390,$OSTYPE),os/390) OSTYPE ?= os390 endif ARCHTYPE := $(shell uname -m | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') COVTESTS ?= test-cov COV_SKIP_TESTS ?= core_line_numbers.js,testFinalizer.js,test_function/test.js GTEST_FILTER ?= "*" GNUMAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory GCOV ?= gcov PWD = $(CURDIR) BUILD_WITH ?= make FIND ?= find ifdef JOBS PARALLEL_ARGS = -j $(JOBS) else PARALLEL_ARGS = endif ifdef ENABLE_V8_TAP TAP_V8 := --junitout $(PWD)/v8-tap.xml TAP_V8_INTL := --junitout $(PWD)/v8-intl-tap.xml TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS := --junitout $(PWD)/v8-benchmarks-tap.xml define convert_to_junit @true endef endif ifdef ENABLE_CONVERT_V8_JSON_TO_XML TAP_V8_JSON := $(PWD)/v8-tap.json TAP_V8_INTL_JSON := $(PWD)/v8-intl-tap.json TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS_JSON := $(PWD)/v8-benchmarks-tap.json # By default, the V8's JSON test output only includes the tests which have # failed. We use --slow-tests-cutoff to ensure that all tests are present # in the output, including those which pass. TAP_V8 := --json-test-results $(TAP_V8_JSON) --slow-tests-cutoff 1000000 TAP_V8_INTL := --json-test-results $(TAP_V8_INTL_JSON) --slow-tests-cutoff 1000000 TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS := --json-test-results $(TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS_JSON) --slow-tests-cutoff 1000000 define convert_to_junit export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && \ $(PYTHON) tools/v8-json-to-junit.py < $(1) > $(1:.json=.xml) endef endif V8_TEST_OPTIONS = $(V8_EXTRA_TEST_OPTIONS) ifdef DISABLE_V8_I18N V8_BUILD_OPTIONS += i18nsupport=off endif # V8 build and test toolchains are not currently compatible with Python 3. # config.mk may have prepended a symlink for `python` to PATH which we need # to undo before calling V8's tools. OVERRIDE_BIN_DIR=$(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))out/tools/bin NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH=$(subst $() $(),:,$(filter-out $(OVERRIDE_BIN_DIR),$(subst :, ,$(PATH)))) ifeq ($(OSTYPE), darwin) GCOV = xcrun llvm-cov gcov endif BUILDTYPE_LOWER := $(shell echo $(BUILDTYPE) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') # Determine EXEEXT EXEEXT := $(shell $(PYTHON) -c \ "import sys; print('.exe' if sys.platform == 'win32' else '')") NODE_EXE = node$(EXEEXT) # Use $(PWD) so we can cd to anywhere before calling this NODE ?= "$(PWD)/$(NODE_EXE)" NODE_G_EXE = node_g$(EXEEXT) NPM ?= ./deps/npm/bin/npm-cli.js # Flags for packaging. BUILD_DOWNLOAD_FLAGS ?= --download=all BUILD_INTL_FLAGS ?= --with-intl=full-icu BUILD_RELEASE_FLAGS ?= $(BUILD_DOWNLOAD_FLAGS) $(BUILD_INTL_FLAGS) # Default to quiet/pretty builds. # To do verbose builds, run `make V=1` or set the V environment variable. V ?= 0 # Use -e to double check in case it's a broken link available-node = \ if [ -x "$(NODE)" ] && [ -e "$(NODE)" ]; then \ "$(NODE)" $(1); \ elif [ -x `command -v node` ] && [ -e `command -v node` ] && [ `command -v node` ]; then \ `command -v node` $(1); \ else \ echo "No available node, cannot run \"node $(1)\""; \ exit 1; \ fi; .PHONY: all # BUILDTYPE=Debug builds both release and debug builds. If you want to compile # just the debug build, run `make -C out BUILDTYPE=Debug` instead. ifeq ($(BUILDTYPE),Release) all: $(NODE_EXE) ## Build node in out/Release/node (Default). else all: $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE) endif .PHONY: help # To add a target to the help, add a double comment (##) on the target line. help: ## Print help for targets with comments. @printf "For more targets and info see the comments in the Makefile.\n\n" @grep -E '^[[:alnum:]._-]+:.*?## .*$$' Makefile | sort | \ awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' # The .PHONY is needed to ensure that we recursively use the out/Makefile # to check for changes. .PHONY: $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE) # The -r/-L check stops it recreating the link if it is already in place, # otherwise $(NODE_EXE) being a .PHONY target means it is always re-run. # Without the check there is a race condition between the link being deleted # and recreated which can break the addons build when running test-ci # See comments on the build-addons target for some more info ifeq ($(BUILD_WITH), make) $(NODE_EXE): build_type:=Release $(NODE_G_EXE): build_type:=Debug $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE): config.gypi out/Makefile $(MAKE) -C out BUILDTYPE=${build_type} V=$(V) if [ ! -r $@ ] || [ ! -L $@ ]; then \ ln -fs out/${build_type}/$(NODE_EXE) $@; fi else ifeq ($(BUILD_WITH), ninja) NINJA ?= ninja ifeq ($(V),1) NINJA_ARGS := $(NINJA_ARGS) -v endif ifdef JOBS NINJA_ARGS := $(NINJA_ARGS) -j$(JOBS) else IMMEDIATE_NINJA_ARGS := $(NINJA_ARGS) NINJA_ARGS = $(filter -j%,$(MAKEFLAGS))$(IMMEDIATE_NINJA_ARGS) endif $(NODE_EXE): config.gypi out/Release/build.ninja $(NINJA) -C out/Release $(NINJA_ARGS) if [ ! -r $@ ] || [ ! -L $@ ]; then ln -fs out/Release/$(NODE_EXE) $@; fi $(NODE_G_EXE): config.gypi out/Debug/build.ninja $(NINJA) -C out/Debug $(NINJA_ARGS) if [ ! -r $@ ] || [ ! -L $@ ]; then ln -fs out/Debug/$(NODE_EXE) $@; fi else $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE): $(warning This Makefile currently only supports building with 'make' or 'ninja') endif endif ifeq ($(BUILDTYPE),Debug) CONFIG_FLAGS += --debug endif .PHONY: with-code-cache .PHONY: test-code-cache with-code-cache test-code-cache: $(warning '$@' target is a noop) out/Makefile: config.gypi common.gypi node.gyp \ deps/*/*.gyp \ tools/v8_gypfiles/toolchain.gypi \ tools/v8_gypfiles/features.gypi \ tools/v8_gypfiles/inspector.gypi tools/v8_gypfiles/v8.gyp $(PYTHON) tools/gyp_node.py -f make # node_version.h is listed because the N-API version is taken from there # and included in config.gypi config.gypi: configure configure.py src/node_version.h @if [ -x config.status ]; then \ export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && ./config.status; \ else \ echo Missing or stale $@, please run ./$<; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: install install: all ## Install node into $PREFIX (default=/usr/local). $(PYTHON) tools/install.py $@ --dest-dir '$(DESTDIR)' --prefix '$(PREFIX)' .PHONY: uninstall uninstall: ## Uninstall node from $PREFIX (default=/usr/local). $(PYTHON) tools/install.py $@ --dest-dir '$(DESTDIR)' --prefix '$(PREFIX)' .PHONY: clean .NOTPARALLEL: clean clean: ## Remove build artifacts. $(RM) -r out/Makefile $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE) out/$(BUILDTYPE)/$(NODE_EXE) \ out/$(BUILDTYPE)/node.exp @if [ -d out ]; then $(FIND) out/ -name '*.o' -o -name '*.a' -o -name '*.d' | xargs $(RM) -r; fi $(RM) -r node_modules @if [ -d deps/icu ]; then echo deleting deps/icu; $(RM) -r deps/icu; fi $(RM) test.tap $(MAKE) testclean $(MAKE) test-addons-clean $(MAKE) bench-addons-clean .PHONY: testclean .NOTPARALLEL: testclean testclean: ## Remove test artifacts. # Next one is legacy remove this at some point $(RM) -r test/tmp* $(RM) -r test/.tmp* .PHONY: distclean .NOTPARALLEL: distclean distclean: ## Remove all build and test artifacts. $(RM) -r out $(RM) config.gypi icu_config.gypi $(RM) config.mk $(RM) -r $(NODE_EXE) $(NODE_G_EXE) $(RM) -r node_modules $(RM) -r deps/icu $(RM) -r deps/icu4c*.tgz deps/icu4c*.zip deps/icu-tmp $(RM) $(BINARYTAR).* $(TARBALL).* .PHONY: check check: test .PHONY: coverage-clean .NOTPARALLEL: coverage-clean # Remove files generated by running coverage, put the non-instrumented lib back # in place coverage-clean: ## Remove coverage artifacts. $(RM) -r node_modules $(RM) -r gcovr $(RM) -r coverage/tmp @if [ -d "out/Release/obj.target" ]; then \ $(FIND) out/$(BUILDTYPE)/obj.target \( -name "*.gcda" -o -name "*.gcno" \) \ -type f | xargs $(RM); \ fi .PHONY: coverage # Build and test with code coverage reporting. HTML coverage reports will be # created under coverage/. For C++ coverage reporting, this needs to be run # in conjunction with configure --coverage. # Related CI job: node-test-commit-linux-coverage-daily coverage: coverage-test ## Run the tests and generate a coverage report. .PHONY: coverage-build coverage-build: all ## Build coverage files. -$(MAKE) coverage-build-js if [ ! -d gcovr ]; then $(PYTHON) -m pip install -t gcovr gcovr==7.2; fi $(MAKE) .PHONY: coverage-build-js coverage-build-js: ## Build JavaScript coverage files. mkdir -p node_modules if [ ! -d node_modules/c8 ]; then \ $(NODE) ./deps/npm install c8 --no-save --no-package-lock;\ fi .PHONY: coverage-test coverage-test: coverage-build ## Run the tests and generate a coverage report. @if [ -d "out/Release/obj.target" ]; then \ $(FIND) out/$(BUILDTYPE)/obj.target -name "*.gcda" -type f | xargs $(RM); \ fi -NODE_V8_COVERAGE=coverage/tmp \ TEST_CI_ARGS="$(TEST_CI_ARGS) --type=coverage" $(MAKE) $(COVTESTS) $(MAKE) coverage-report-js -(PYTHONPATH=./gcovr $(PYTHON) -m gcovr \ --object-directory=out \ --filter src -v \ --root ./ \ --html --html-details -o ../coverage/cxxcoverage.html \ --gcov-executable="$(GCOV)") @printf "Javascript coverage %%: " @grep -B1 Lines coverage/index.html | head -n1 \ | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'| sed 's/ //g' @printf "C++ coverage %%: " @grep -A3 Lines coverage/cxxcoverage.html | grep style \ | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g'| sed 's/ //g' .PHONY: coverage-report-js coverage-report-js: ## Report JavaScript coverage results. -$(MAKE) coverage-build-js $(NODE) ./node_modules/.bin/c8 report .PHONY: cctest cctest: all ## Run the C++ tests using the built `cctest` executable. @out/$(BUILDTYPE)/$@ --gtest_filter=$(GTEST_FILTER) $(NODE) ./test/embedding/test-embedding.js .PHONY: list-gtests list-gtests: ## List all available C++ gtests. ifeq (,$(wildcard out/$(BUILDTYPE)/cctest)) $(error Please run 'make cctest' first) endif @out/$(BUILDTYPE)/cctest --gtest_list_tests .PHONY: v8 # Related CI job: node-test-commit-v8-linux # Rebuilds deps/v8 as a git tree, pulls its third-party dependencies, and # builds it. v8: ## Build deps/v8. export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && \ tools/make-v8.sh $(V8_ARCH).$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) $(V8_BUILD_OPTIONS) .PHONY: jstest jstest: build-addons build-js-native-api-tests build-node-api-tests build-sqlite-tests ## Run addon tests and JS tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) \ $(TEST_CI_ARGS) \ --skip-tests=$(CI_SKIP_TESTS) \ $(JS_SUITES) \ $(NATIVE_SUITES) .PHONY: tooltest tooltest: ## Test the various tools. @$(PYTHON) -m unittest discover -s ./test/tools .PHONY: coverage-run-js coverage-run-js: ## Run JavaScript tests with coverage. $(RM) -r coverage/tmp -NODE_V8_COVERAGE=coverage/tmp CI_SKIP_TESTS=$(COV_SKIP_TESTS) \ TEST_CI_ARGS="$(TEST_CI_ARGS) --type=coverage" $(MAKE) jstest $(MAKE) coverage-report-js .PHONY: test # This does not run tests of third-party libraries inside deps. test: all ## Run default tests, linters, and build docs. $(MAKE) -s tooltest $(MAKE) -s test-doc $(MAKE) -s build-addons $(MAKE) -s build-js-native-api-tests $(MAKE) -s build-node-api-tests $(MAKE) -s build-sqlite-tests $(MAKE) -s cctest $(MAKE) -s jstest .PHONY: test-only test-only: all ## Run default tests, without linters or building the docs. $(MAKE) build-addons $(MAKE) build-js-native-api-tests $(MAKE) build-node-api-tests $(MAKE) build-sqlite-tests $(MAKE) cctest $(MAKE) jstest $(MAKE) tooltest # Used by `make coverage-test` .PHONY: test-cov test-cov: all ## Run coverage tests. $(MAKE) build-addons $(MAKE) build-js-native-api-tests $(MAKE) build-node-api-tests $(MAKE) build-sqlite-tests $(MAKE) cctest CI_SKIP_TESTS=$(COV_SKIP_TESTS) $(MAKE) jstest .PHONY: test-valgrind test-valgrind: all ## Run tests using valgrind. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) --valgrind sequential parallel message .PHONY: test-check-deopts test-check-deopts: all $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) --check-deopts parallel sequential DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS = tools/doc/addon-verify.mjs doc/api/addons.md ifeq ($(OSTYPE),aix) DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS := $(DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS) out/$(BUILDTYPE)/node.exp endif ifeq ($(OSTYPE),os400) DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS := $(DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS) out/$(BUILDTYPE)/node.exp endif node_use_openssl_and_icu = $(call available-node,"-p" \ "process.versions.openssl != undefined && process.versions.icu != undefined") test/addons/.docbuildstamp: $(DOCBUILDSTAMP_PREREQS) tools/doc/node_modules @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_openssl_and_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping .docbuildstamp (no crypto and/or no ICU)"; \ else \ $(RM) -r test/addons/??_*/; \ [ -x $(NODE) ] && $(NODE) $< || node $< ; \ [ $$? -eq 0 ] && touch $@; \ fi # All files that will be included in headers tarball should be listed as deps # for generating headers. The list is manually synchronized with install.py. ADDONS_HEADERS_PREREQS := tools/install.py \ config.gypi common.gypi \ $(wildcard deps/openssl/config/*.h) \ $(wildcard deps/openssl/openssl/include/openssl/*.h) \ $(wildcard deps/uv/include/*.h) \ $(wildcard deps/uv/include/*/*.h) \ $(wildcard deps/v8/include/*.h) \ $(wildcard deps/v8/include/*/*.h) \ deps/zlib/zconf.h deps/zlib/zlib.h \ src/node.h src/node_api.h src/js_native_api.h src/js_native_api_types.h \ src/node_api_types.h src/node_buffer.h src/node_object_wrap.h \ src/node_version.h ADDONS_HEADERS_DIR = out/$(BUILDTYPE)/addons_headers # Generate node headers which will be used for building addons. test/addons/.headersbuildstamp: $(ADDONS_HEADERS_PREREQS) $(PYTHON) tools/install.py install --headers-only --dest-dir '$(ADDONS_HEADERS_DIR)' --prefix '/' @touch $@ ADDONS_BINDING_GYPS := \ $(filter-out test/addons/??_*/binding.gyp, \ $(wildcard test/addons/*/binding.gyp)) ADDONS_BINDING_SOURCES := \ $(filter-out test/addons/??_*/*.cc, $(wildcard test/addons/*/*.cc)) \ $(filter-out test/addons/??_*/*.h, $(wildcard test/addons/*/*.h)) ADDONS_PREREQS := test/addons/.headersbuildstamp \ deps/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/package.json tools/build_addons.py define run_build_addons env $(PYTHON) "$$PWD/tools/build_addons.py" --loglevel=$(LOGLEVEL) --headers-dir "$(ADDONS_HEADERS_DIR)" $1 touch $2 endef # Implicitly depends on $(NODE_EXE), see the build-addons rule for rationale. # Depends on node-gyp package.json so that build-addons is (re)executed when # node-gyp is updated as part of an npm update. test/addons/.buildstamp: $(ADDONS_PREREQS) \ $(ADDONS_BINDING_GYPS) $(ADDONS_BINDING_SOURCES) \ test/addons/.docbuildstamp @$(call run_build_addons,"$$PWD/test/addons",$@) .PHONY: build-addons # .buildstamp needs $(NODE_EXE) but cannot depend on it # directly because it calls make recursively. The parent make cannot know # if the subprocess touched anything so it pessimistically assumes that # .buildstamp is out of date and need a rebuild. # Just goes to show that recursive make really is harmful... # TODO(bnoordhuis) Force rebuild after gyp update. build-addons: | $(NODE_EXE) test/addons/.buildstamp ## Build addons for Node.js. JS_NATIVE_API_BINDING_GYPS := \ $(filter-out test/js-native-api/??_*/binding.gyp, \ $(wildcard test/js-native-api/*/binding.gyp)) JS_NATIVE_API_BINDING_SOURCES := \ $(filter-out test/js-native-api/??_*/*.c, $(wildcard test/js-native-api/*/*.c)) \ $(filter-out test/js-native-api/??_*/*.cc, $(wildcard test/js-native-api/*/*.cc)) \ $(filter-out test/js-native-api/??_*/*.h, $(wildcard test/js-native-api/*/*.h)) # Implicitly depends on $(NODE_EXE), see the build-js-native-api-tests rule for rationale. test/js-native-api/.buildstamp: $(ADDONS_PREREQS) \ $(JS_NATIVE_API_BINDING_GYPS) $(JS_NATIVE_API_BINDING_SOURCES) \ src/js_native_api_v8.h src/js_native_api_v8_internals.h @$(call run_build_addons,"$$PWD/test/js-native-api",$@) .PHONY: build-js-native-api-tests # .buildstamp needs $(NODE_EXE) but cannot depend on it # directly because it calls make recursively. The parent make cannot know # if the subprocess touched anything so it pessimistically assumes that # .buildstamp is out of date and need a rebuild. # Just goes to show that recursive make really is harmful... # TODO(bnoordhuis) Force rebuild after gyp or node-gyp update. build-js-native-api-tests: | $(NODE_EXE) test/js-native-api/.buildstamp ## Build JS Native-API tests. NODE_API_BINDING_GYPS := \ $(filter-out test/node-api/??_*/binding.gyp, \ $(wildcard test/node-api/*/binding.gyp)) NODE_API_BINDING_SOURCES := \ $(filter-out test/node-api/??_*/*.c, $(wildcard test/node-api/*/*.c)) \ $(filter-out test/node-api/??_*/*.cc, $(wildcard test/node-api/*/*.cc)) \ $(filter-out test/node-api/??_*/*.h, $(wildcard test/node-api/*/*.h)) # Implicitly depends on $(NODE_EXE), see the build-node-api-tests rule for rationale. test/node-api/.buildstamp: $(ADDONS_PREREQS) \ $(NODE_API_BINDING_GYPS) $(NODE_API_BINDING_SOURCES) \ src/js_native_api_v8.h src/js_native_api_v8_internals.h @$(call run_build_addons,"$$PWD/test/node-api",$@) .PHONY: build-node-api-tests # .buildstamp needs $(NODE_EXE) but cannot depend on it # directly because it calls make recursively. The parent make cannot know # if the subprocess touched anything so it pessimistically assumes that # .buildstamp is out of date and need a rebuild. # Just goes to show that recursive make really is harmful... # TODO(bnoordhuis) Force rebuild after gyp or node-gyp update. build-node-api-tests: | $(NODE_EXE) test/node-api/.buildstamp ## Build Node-API tests. BENCHMARK_NAPI_BINDING_GYPS := $(wildcard benchmark/napi/*/binding.gyp) BENCHMARK_NAPI_BINDING_SOURCES := \ $(wildcard benchmark/napi/*/*.c) \ $(wildcard benchmark/napi/*/*.cc) \ $(wildcard benchmark/napi/*/*.h) benchmark/napi/.buildstamp: $(ADDONS_PREREQS) \ $(BENCHMARK_NAPI_BINDING_GYPS) $(BENCHMARK_NAPI_BINDING_SOURCES) @$(call run_build_addons,"$$PWD/benchmark/napi",$@) SQLITE_BINDING_GYPS := $(wildcard test/sqlite/*/binding.gyp) SQLITE_BINDING_SOURCES := \ $(wildcard test/sqlite/*/*.c) # Implicitly depends on $(NODE_EXE), see the build-sqlite-tests rule for rationale. test/sqlite/.buildstamp: $(ADDONS_PREREQS) \ $(SQLITE_BINDING_GYPS) $(SQLITE_BINDING_SOURCES) @$(call run_build_addons,"$$PWD/test/sqlite",$@) .PHONY: build-sqlite-tests # .buildstamp needs $(NODE_EXE) but cannot depend on it # directly because it calls make recursively. The parent make cannot know # if the subprocess touched anything so it pessimistically assumes that # .buildstamp is out of date and need a rebuild. build-sqlite-tests: | $(NODE_EXE) test/sqlite/.buildstamp ## Build SQLite tests. .PHONY: clear-stalled clear-stalled: ## Clear any stalled processes. $(info Clean up any leftover processes but don't error if found.) ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | cat @PS_OUT=`ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | awk '{print $$1}'`; \ if [ "$${PS_OUT}" ]; then \ echo $${PS_OUT} | xargs kill -9; \ fi .PHONY: test-build test-build: | all build-addons build-js-native-api-tests build-node-api-tests build-sqlite-tests ## Build all tests. .PHONY: test-build-js-native-api test-build-js-native-api: all build-js-native-api-tests ## Build JS Native-API tests. .PHONY: test-build-node-api test-build-node-api: all build-node-api-tests ## Build Node-API tests. .PHONY: test-build-sqlite test-build-sqlite: all build-sqlite-tests ## Build SQLite tests. .PHONY: test-all test-all: test-build ## Run default tests with both Debug and Release builds. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=debug,release .PHONY: test-all-valgrind test-all-valgrind: test-build ## Run all tests using valgrind. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=debug,release --valgrind .PHONY: test-all-suites test-all-suites: | clear-stalled test-build bench-addons-build doc-only ## Run all test suites. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) test/* JS_SUITES ?= default NATIVE_SUITES ?= addons js-native-api node-api # CI_* variables should be kept synchronized with the ones in vcbuild.bat CI_NATIVE_SUITES ?= $(NATIVE_SUITES) benchmark CI_JS_SUITES ?= $(JS_SUITES) pummel ifeq ($(node_use_openssl_and_icu), false) CI_DOC := doctool else CI_DOC = endif .PHONY: test-ci-native # Related CI job: node-test-commit-arm-fanned test-ci-native: LOGLEVEL := info ## Build and test addons without building anything else. test-ci-native: | benchmark/napi/.buildstamp test/addons/.buildstamp test/js-native-api/.buildstamp test/node-api/.buildstamp test/sqlite/.buildstamp $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) -p tap --logfile test.tap \ --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) --flaky-tests=$(FLAKY_TESTS) \ $(TEST_CI_ARGS) $(CI_NATIVE_SUITES) .PHONY: test-ci-js # This target should not use a native compiler at all # Related CI job: node-test-commit-arm-fanned test-ci-js: | clear-stalled ## Build and test JavaScript with building anything else. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) -p tap --logfile test.tap \ --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) --flaky-tests=$(FLAKY_TESTS) \ --skip-tests=$(CI_SKIP_TESTS) \ $(TEST_CI_ARGS) $(CI_JS_SUITES) $(info Clean up any leftover processes, error if found.) ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | cat @PS_OUT=`ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | awk '{print $$1}'`; \ if [ "$${PS_OUT}" ]; then \ echo $${PS_OUT} | xargs kill -9; exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: test-ci # Related CI jobs: most CI tests, excluding node-test-commit-arm-fanned test-ci: LOGLEVEL := info ## Build and test everything (CI). test-ci: | clear-stalled bench-addons-build build-addons build-js-native-api-tests build-node-api-tests build-sqlite-tests doc-only out/Release/cctest --gtest_output=xml:out/junit/cctest.xml $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) -p tap --logfile test.tap \ --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) --flaky-tests=$(FLAKY_TESTS) \ $(TEST_CI_ARGS) $(CI_JS_SUITES) $(CI_NATIVE_SUITES) $(CI_DOC) $(NODE) ./test/embedding/test-embedding.js $(info Clean up any leftover processes, error if found.) ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | cat @PS_OUT=`ps awwx | grep Release/node | grep -v grep | awk '{print $$1}'`; \ if [ "$${PS_OUT}" ]; then \ echo $${PS_OUT} | xargs kill -9; exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: build-ci # Prepare the build for running the tests. # Related CI jobs: most CI tests, excluding node-test-commit-arm-fanned build-ci: ## Build everything (CI). $(PYTHON) ./configure --verbose $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(MAKE) .PHONY: run-ci # Run by CI tests, exceptions: # - node-test-commit-arm-fanned (Raspberry Pis), where the binaries are # cross-compiled, then transferred elsewhere to run different subsets # of tests. See `test-ci-native` and `test-ci-js`. # - node-test-commit-linux-coverage: where the build and the tests need # to be instrumented, see `coverage`. # # Using -j1 as the sub target in `test-ci` already have internal parallelism. # Refs: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/23733 run-ci: build-ci ## Build and run all tests (CI). $(MAKE) test-ci -j1 .PHONY: test-release .PHONY: test-debug test-debug: BUILDTYPE_LOWER=debug ## Run tests on a debug build. test-release test-debug: test-build ## Run tests on a release or debug build. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) .PHONY: test-test426 test-test426: all ## Run the Web Platform Tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) test426 .PHONY: test-wpt test-wpt: all ## Run the Web Platform Tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) wpt .PHONY: test-wpt-report test-wpt-report: ## Run the Web Platform Tests and generate a report. $(RM) -r out/wpt mkdir -p out/wpt -WPT_REPORT=1 $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --shell $(NODE) $(PARALLEL_ARGS) wpt $(NODE) "$$PWD/tools/merge-wpt-reports.mjs" .PHONY: test-internet test-internet: all ## Run internet tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) internet .PHONY: test-tick-processor test-tick-processor: all ## Run tick processor tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) tick-processor .PHONY: test-hash-seed test-hash-seed: all ## Verifu that the hash seed used by V8 for hashing is random. $(NODE) test/pummel/test-hash-seed.js .PHONY: test-doc test-doc: doc-only lint-md ## Build, lint, and verify the docs. @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_openssl_and_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping test-doc (no crypto and/or no ICU)"; \ else \ $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) doctool; \ fi .PHONY: test-doc-ci test-doc-ci: doc-only ## Build, lint, and verify the docs (CI). $(PYTHON) tools/test.py --shell $(NODE) $(TEST_CI_ARGS) $(PARALLEL_ARGS) doctool .PHONY: test-known-issues test-known-issues: all ## Run tests for known issues. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) known_issues # Related CI job: node-test-npm .PHONY: test-npm test-npm: $(NODE_EXE) ## Run the npm test suite on deps/npm. $(NODE) tools/test-npm-package --install --logfile=test-npm.tap deps/npm test .PHONY: test-npm-publish test-npm-publish: $(NODE_EXE) ## Test the `npm publish` command. npm_package_config_publishtest=true $(NODE) deps/npm/test/run.js .PHONY: test-js-native-api test-js-native-api: test-build-js-native-api ## Run JS Native-API tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) js-native-api .PHONY: test-js-native-api-clean .NOTPARALLEL: test-js-native-api-clean test-js-native-api-clean: ## Remove JS Native-API testing artifacts. $(RM) -r test/js-native-api/*/build $(RM) test/js-native-api/.buildstamp .PHONY: test-node-api test-node-api: test-build-node-api ## Run Node-API tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) node-api .PHONY: test-node-api-clean .NOTPARALLEL: test-node-api-clean test-node-api-clean: ## Remove Node-API testing artifacts. $(RM) -r test/node-api/*/build $(RM) test/node-api/.buildstamp .PHONY: test-sqlite test-sqlite: test-build-sqlite ## Run SQLite tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) sqlite .PHONY: test-sqlite-clean .NOTPARALLEL: test-sqlite-clean test-sqlite-clean: ## Remove SQLite testing artifacts. $(RM) -r test/sqlite/*/build $(RM) test/sqlite/.buildstamp .PHONY: test-addons test-addons: test-build test-js-native-api test-node-api ## Run addon tests. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) addons .PHONY: test-addons-clean .NOTPARALLEL: test-addons-clean test-addons-clean: ## Remove addon testing artifacts. $(RM) -r "$(ADDONS_HEADERS_DIR)" $(RM) -r test/addons/??_*/ $(RM) -r test/addons/*/build $(RM) test/addons/.buildstamp test/addons/.docbuildstamp test/addons/.headersbuildstamp $(MAKE) test-js-native-api-clean $(MAKE) test-node-api-clean .PHONY: test-with-async-hooks test-with-async-hooks: ## Run tests with async hooks. $(MAKE) build-addons $(MAKE) build-js-native-api-tests $(MAKE) build-node-api-tests $(MAKE) cctest NODE_TEST_WITH_ASYNC_HOOKS=1 $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) \ $(JS_SUITES) \ $(NATIVE_SUITES) .PHONY: test-v8 .PHONY: test-v8-all .PHONY: test-v8-benchmarks .PHONY: test-v8-intl .PHONY: test-v8-updates ifneq ("","$(wildcard deps/v8/tools/run-tests.py)") # Related CI job: node-test-commit-v8-linux test-v8: v8 ## Run the V8 test suite on deps/v8. export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && \ $(PYTHON) deps/v8/tools/run-tests.py --gn --arch=$(V8_ARCH) $(V8_TEST_OPTIONS) \ mjsunit cctest debugger inspector message preparser \ $(TAP_V8) $(call convert_to_junit,$(TAP_V8_JSON)) $(info Testing hash seed) $(MAKE) test-hash-seed test-v8-intl: v8 ## Run the v8 test suite, intl tests. export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && \ $(PYTHON) deps/v8/tools/run-tests.py --gn --arch=$(V8_ARCH) \ intl \ $(TAP_V8_INTL) $(call convert_to_junit,$(TAP_V8_INTL_JSON)) test-v8-benchmarks: v8 ## Run the v8 test suite, benchmarks. export PATH="$(NO_BIN_OVERRIDE_PATH)" && \ $(PYTHON) deps/v8/tools/run-tests.py --gn --arch=$(V8_ARCH) \ benchmarks \ $(TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS) $(call convert_to_junit,$(TAP_V8_BENCHMARKS_JSON)) test-v8-updates: ## Run the v8 test suite, updates. $(PYTHON) tools/test.py $(PARALLEL_ARGS) --mode=$(BUILDTYPE_LOWER) v8-updates test-v8-all: test-v8 test-v8-intl test-v8-benchmarks test-v8-updates ## Run the entire V8 test suite, including intl, benchmarks, and updates. # runs all v8 tests else test-v8 test-v8-intl test-v8-benchmarks test-v8-all: $(warning Testing V8 is not available through the source tarball.) $(warning Use the git repo instead: $$ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git) endif apidoc_dirs = out/doc out/doc/api out/doc/api/assets skip_apidoc_files = doc/api/quic.md apidoc_sources = $(filter-out $(skip_apidoc_files), $(wildcard doc/api/*.md)) apidocs_html = $(addprefix out/,$(apidoc_sources:.md=.html)) apidocs_json = $(addprefix out/,$(apidoc_sources:.md=.json)) apiassets = $(subst api_assets,api/assets,$(addprefix out/,$(wildcard doc/api_assets/*))) tools/doc/node_modules: tools/doc/package.json @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_openssl_and_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping tools/doc/node_modules (no crypto and/or no ICU)"; \ else \ cd tools/doc && $(call available-node,$(run-npm-ci)) \ fi .PHONY: doc-only doc-only: tools/doc/node_modules \ $(apidoc_dirs) $(apiassets) ## Build the docs with the local or the global Node.js binary. @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_openssl_and_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping doc-only (no crypto and/or no ICU)"; \ else \ $(MAKE) out/doc/api/all.html out/doc/api/all.json out/doc/api/stability; \ fi .PHONY: doc doc: $(NODE_EXE) doc-only ## Build Node.js, and then build the documentation with the new binary. out/doc: mkdir -p $@ cp doc/node-config-schema.json $@ # If it's a source tarball, doc/api already contains the generated docs. # Just copy everything under doc/api over. out/doc/api: doc/api mkdir -p $@ cp -r doc/api out/doc # If it's a source tarball, assets are already in doc/api/assets out/doc/api/assets: mkdir -p $@ if [ -d doc/api/assets ]; then cp -r doc/api/assets out/doc/api; fi; # If it's not a source tarball, we need to copy assets from doc/api_assets out/doc/api/assets/%: doc/api_assets/% | out/doc/api/assets @cp $< $@ ; $(RM) out/doc/api/assets/README.md run-npm-ci = $(PWD)/$(NPM) ci LINK_DATA = out/doc/apilinks.json VERSIONS_DATA = out/previous-doc-versions.json gen-api = tools/doc/generate.mjs --node-version=$(FULLVERSION) \ --apilinks=$(LINK_DATA) $< --output-directory=out/doc/api \ --versions-file=$(VERSIONS_DATA) gen-apilink = tools/doc/apilinks.mjs $(LINK_DATA) $(wildcard lib/*.js) $(LINK_DATA): $(wildcard lib/*.js) tools/doc/apilinks.mjs | out/doc $(call available-node, $(gen-apilink)) # Regenerate previous versions data if the current version changes $(VERSIONS_DATA): CHANGELOG.md src/node_version.h tools/doc/versions.mjs $(call available-node, tools/doc/versions.mjs $@) node_use_icu = $(call available-node,"-p" "typeof Intl === 'object'") out/doc/api/%.json out/doc/api/%.html: doc/api/%.md tools/doc/generate.mjs \ tools/doc/markdown.mjs tools/doc/html.mjs tools/doc/json.mjs \ tools/doc/apilinks.mjs $(VERSIONS_DATA) | $(LINK_DATA) out/doc/api @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping documentation generation (no ICU)"; \ else \ $(call available-node, $(gen-api)) \ fi out/doc/api/all.html: $(apidocs_html) tools/doc/allhtml.mjs \ tools/doc/apilinks.mjs | out/doc/api @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping HTML single-page doc generation (no ICU)"; \ else \ $(call available-node, tools/doc/allhtml.mjs) \ fi out/doc/api/all.json: $(apidocs_json) tools/doc/alljson.mjs | out/doc/api @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping JSON single-file generation (no ICU)"; \ else \ $(call available-node, tools/doc/alljson.mjs) \ fi .PHONY: out/doc/api/stability out/doc/api/stability: out/doc/api/all.json tools/doc/stability.mjs | out/doc/api @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping stability indicator generation (no ICU)"; \ else \ $(call available-node, tools/doc/stability.mjs) \ fi .PHONY: docopen docopen: out/doc/api/all.html ## Open the documentation in a web browser. @$(PYTHON) -mwebbrowser file://$(abspath $<) .PHONY: docserve docserve: $(apidocs_html) $(apiassets) ## Serve the documentation on localhost:8000. @$(PYTHON) -m http.server 8000 --bind --directory out/doc/api .PHONY: docclean .NOTPARALLEL: docclean docclean: ## Remove the generated documentation. $(RM) -r out/doc $(RM) "$(VERSIONS_DATA)" RAWVER=$(shell $(PYTHON) tools/getnodeversion.py) VERSION=v$(RAWVER) CHANGELOG=doc/changelogs/CHANGELOG_V$(firstword $(subst ., ,$(RAWVER))).md # For nightly builds, you must set DISTTYPE to "nightly", "next-nightly" or # "custom". For the nightly and next-nightly case, you need to set DATESTRING # and COMMIT in order to properly name the build. # For the rc case you need to set CUSTOMTAG to an appropriate CUSTOMTAG number ifndef DISTTYPE DISTTYPE=release endif ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) FULLVERSION=$(VERSION) else # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) ifndef CUSTOMTAG $(error CUSTOMTAG is not set for DISTTYPE=custom) endif # ifndef CUSTOMTAG TAG=$(CUSTOMTAG) else # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) ifndef DATESTRING $(error DATESTRING is not set for nightly) endif # ifndef DATESTRING ifndef COMMIT $(error COMMIT is not set for nightly) endif # ifndef COMMIT ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),nightly) ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),next-nightly) $(error DISTTYPE is not release, custom, nightly or next-nightly) endif # ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),next-nightly) endif # ifneq ($(DISTTYPE),nightly) TAG=$(DISTTYPE)$(DATESTRING)$(COMMIT) endif # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),custom) FULLVERSION=$(VERSION)-$(TAG) endif # ifeq ($(DISTTYPE),release) DISTTYPEDIR ?= $(DISTTYPE) RELEASE=$(shell sed -ne 's/\#define NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE \([01]\)/\1/p' src/node_version.h) PLATFORM=$(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ifeq ($(findstring os/390,$PLATFORM),os/390) PLATFORM ?= os390 endif NPMVERSION=v$(shell cat deps/npm/package.json | grep '^ "version"' | sed 's/^[^:]*: "\([^"]*\)",.*/\1/') UNAME_M=$(shell uname -m) ifeq ($(findstring x86_64,$(UNAME_M)),x86_64) DESTCPU ?= x64 else ifeq ($(findstring amd64,$(UNAME_M)),amd64) DESTCPU ?= x64 else ifeq ($(findstring ppc64,$(UNAME_M)),ppc64) DESTCPU ?= ppc64 else ifeq ($(findstring s390x,$(UNAME_M)),s390x) DESTCPU ?= s390x else ifeq ($(findstring s390,$(UNAME_M)),s390) DESTCPU ?= s390 else ifeq ($(findstring OS/390,$(shell uname -s)),OS/390) DESTCPU ?= s390x else ifeq ($(findstring arm64,$(UNAME_M)),arm64) DESTCPU ?= arm64 else ifeq ($(findstring arm,$(UNAME_M)),arm) DESTCPU ?= arm else ifeq ($(findstring aarch64,$(UNAME_M)),aarch64) DESTCPU ?= arm64 else ifeq ($(findstring powerpc,$(shell uname -p)),powerpc) DESTCPU ?= ppc64 else ifeq ($(findstring riscv64,$(UNAME_M)),riscv64) DESTCPU ?= riscv64 else ifeq ($(findstring loongarch64,$(UNAME_M)),loongarch64) DESTCPU ?= loong64 else DESTCPU ?= x86 endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif ifeq ($(DESTCPU),x64) ARCH=x64 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),arm) ARCH=arm else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),arm64) ARCH=arm64 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),ppc64) ARCH=ppc64 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),s390) ARCH=s390 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),s390x) ARCH=s390x else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),riscv64) ARCH=riscv64 else ifeq ($(DESTCPU),loong64) ARCH=loong64 else ARCH=x86 endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif # node and v8 use different arch names (e.g. node 'x86' vs v8 'ia32'). # pass the proper v8 arch name to $V8_ARCH based on user-specified $DESTCPU. ifeq ($(DESTCPU),x86) V8_ARCH=ia32 else V8_ARCH ?= $(DESTCPU) endif # enforce "x86" over "ia32" as the generally accepted way of referring to 32-bit intel ifeq ($(ARCH),ia32) override ARCH=x86 endif ifeq ($(DESTCPU),ia32) override DESTCPU=x86 endif TARNAME=node-$(FULLVERSION) TARBALL=$(TARNAME).tar # Custom user-specified variation, use it directly ifdef VARIATION BINARYNAME=$(TARNAME)-$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH)-$(VARIATION) else BINARYNAME=$(TARNAME)-$(PLATFORM)-$(ARCH) endif BINARYTAR=$(BINARYNAME).tar # macOS doesn't have xz installed by default, http://macpkg.sourceforge.net/ HAS_XZ ?= $(shell command -v xz > /dev/null 2>&1; [ $$? -eq 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) # Supply SKIP_XZ=1 to explicitly skip .tar.xz creation SKIP_XZ ?= 0 XZ = $(shell [ $(HAS_XZ) -eq 1 ] && [ $(SKIP_XZ) -eq 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) XZ_COMPRESSION ?= 9e PKG=$(TARNAME).pkg MACOSOUTDIR=out/macos .PHONY: check-xz ifeq ($(SKIP_XZ), 1) check-xz: $(info SKIP_XZ=1 supplied, skipping .tar.xz creation) else ifeq ($(HAS_XZ), 1) check-xz: else check-xz: $(error No xz command, cannot continue) endif endif .PHONY: release-only release-only: check-xz ## Prepare Node.js for release. @if [ "$(DISTTYPE)" = "release" ] && `grep -q REPLACEME doc/api/*.md`; then \ echo 'Please update REPLACEME tags in the following doc/api/*.md files (See doc/contributing/releases.md):\n' ; \ REPLACEMES="$(shell grep -l REPLACEME doc/api/*.md)" ; \ echo "$$REPLACEMES\n" | tr " " "\n" ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if [ "$(DISTTYPE)" = "release" ] && \ `grep -q DEP...X doc/api/deprecations.md`; then \ echo 'Please update DEP...X in doc/api/deprecations.md (See doc/contributing/releases.md)' ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if [ "$(shell git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\? ')" = "" ]; then \ exit 0 ; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "The git repository is not clean." >&2 ; \ echo "Please commit changes before building release tarball." >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ git status --porcelain | egrep -v '^\?\?' >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if [ "$(DISTTYPE)" != "release" ] || [ "$(RELEASE)" = "1" ]; then \ exit 0; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "#NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE is set to $(RELEASE)." >&2 ; \ echo "Did you remember to update src/node_version.h?" >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi @if [ "$(RELEASE)" = "0" ] || [ -f "$(CHANGELOG)" ]; then \ exit 0; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "#NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE is set to $(RELEASE) but " >&2 ; \ echo "$(CHANGELOG) does not exist." >&2 ; \ echo "" >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi $(PKG): release-only # pkg building is currently only supported on an ARM64 macOS host for # ease of compiling fat-binaries for both macOS architectures. ifneq ($(OSTYPE),darwin) $(warning Invalid OSTYPE) $(error OSTYPE should be `darwin` currently is $(OSTYPE)) endif ifneq ($(ARCHTYPE),arm64) $(warning Invalid ARCHTYPE) $(error ARCHTYPE should be `arm64` currently is $(ARCHTYPE)) endif $(RM) -r $(MACOSOUTDIR) mkdir -p $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild cat tools/macos-installer/productbuild/distribution.xml.tmpl \ | sed -E "s/\\{nodeversion\\}/$(FULLVERSION)/g" \ | sed -E "s/\\{npmversion\\}/$(NPMVERSION)/g" \ >$(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/distribution.xml ; \ @for dirname in tools/macos-installer/productbuild/Resources/*/; do \ lang=$$(basename $$dirname) ; \ mkdir -p $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources/$$lang ; \ printf "Found localization directory $$dirname\n" ; \ cat $$dirname/welcome.html.tmpl \ | sed -E "s/\\{nodeversion\\}/$(FULLVERSION)/g" \ | sed -E "s/\\{npmversion\\}/$(NPMVERSION)/g" \ >$(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources/$$lang/welcome.html ; \ cat $$dirname/conclusion.html.tmpl \ | sed -E "s/\\{nodeversion\\}/$(FULLVERSION)/g" \ | sed -E "s/\\{npmversion\\}/$(NPMVERSION)/g" \ >$(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources/$$lang/conclusion.html ; \ done CC_host="cc -arch x86_64" CXX_host="c++ -arch x86_64" \ CC_target="cc -arch x86_64" CXX_target="c++ -arch x86_64" \ CC="cc -arch x86_64" CXX="c++ -arch x86_64" $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --dest-cpu=x86_64 \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --release-urlbase=$(RELEASE_URLBASE) \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(BUILD_RELEASE_FLAGS) arch -x86_64 $(MAKE) install V=$(V) DESTDIR=$(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/x64/node SIGN="$(CODESIGN_CERT)" PKGDIR="$(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/x64/node/usr/local" sh \ tools/osx-codesign.sh $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --dest-cpu=arm64 \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --release-urlbase=$(RELEASE_URLBASE) \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(BUILD_RELEASE_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install V=$(V) DESTDIR=$(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node SIGN="$(CODESIGN_CERT)" PKGDIR="$(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local" sh \ tools/osx-codesign.sh lipo $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/x64/node/usr/local/bin/node \ $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local/bin/node \ -output $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local/bin/node \ -create mkdir -p $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/npm/usr/local/lib/node_modules mkdir -p $(MACOSOUTDIR)/pkgs mv $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm \ $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/npm/usr/local/lib/node_modules unlink $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local/bin/npm unlink $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node/usr/local/bin/npx $(NODE) tools/license2rtf.mjs < LICENSE > \ $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources/license.rtf cp doc/osx_installer_logo.png $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources pkgbuild --version $(FULLVERSION) \ --identifier org.nodejs.node.pkg \ --root $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/node $(MACOSOUTDIR)/pkgs/node-$(FULLVERSION).pkg pkgbuild --version $(NPMVERSION) \ --identifier org.nodejs.npm.pkg \ --root $(MACOSOUTDIR)/dist/npm \ --scripts ./tools/macos-installer/pkgbuild/npm/scripts \ $(MACOSOUTDIR)/pkgs/npm-$(NPMVERSION).pkg productbuild --distribution $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/distribution.xml \ --resources $(MACOSOUTDIR)/installer/productbuild/Resources \ --package-path $(MACOSOUTDIR)/pkgs ./$(PKG) SIGN="$(PRODUCTSIGN_CERT)" PKG="$(PKG)" sh tools/osx-productsign.sh sh tools/osx-notarize.sh $(FULLVERSION) .PHONY: pkg pkg: $(PKG) ## Build the macOS installer for releases. .PHONY: corepack-update corepack-update: ## Update Corepack to the latest version. mkdir -p /tmp/node-corepack curl -qLo /tmp/node-corepack/package.tgz "$$($(call available-node,$(NPM) view corepack dist.tarball))" rm -rf deps/corepack && mkdir deps/corepack cd deps/corepack && tar xf /tmp/node-corepack/package.tgz --strip-components=1 chmod +x deps/corepack/shims/* $(call available-node,'-p' \ 'require(`./deps/corepack/package.json`).version') .PHONY: pkg-upload # Note: this is strictly for release builds on release machines only. pkg-upload: pkg ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 $(TARNAME).pkg scp -p $(TARNAME).pkg $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).pkg ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).pkg $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).pkg" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).pkg.done" $(TARBALL): release-only doc-only git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=$(TARNAME)/ mkdir -p $(TARNAME)/doc/api cp doc/node.1 $(TARNAME)/doc/node.1 cp -r out/doc/api/* $(TARNAME)/doc/api/ $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/.editorconfig $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/.git* $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/.mailmap $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/openssl/openssl/demos $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/openssl/openssl/doc $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/openssl/openssl/test $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/uv/docs $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/uv/samples $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/uv/test $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/samples $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/tools/profviz $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/tools/run-tests.py $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/doc/images # too big $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/test*.tap $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/cpplint.py $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/eslint $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/eslint-rules $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/license-builder.sh $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/eslint/node_modules $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/osx-* $(RM) -r $(TARNAME)/tools/osx-pkg.pmdoc find $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/test/* -type d ! -regex '.*/test/torque$$' | xargs $(RM) -r find $(TARNAME)/deps/v8/test -type f ! -regex '.*/test/torque/.*' | xargs $(RM) find $(TARNAME)/deps/zlib/contrib/* -type d ! -regex '.*/contrib/optimizations$$' | xargs $(RM) -r find $(TARNAME)/ -name "eslint.config*" -maxdepth 2 | xargs $(RM) find $(TARNAME)/ -type l | xargs $(RM) tar -cf $(TARNAME).tar $(TARNAME) $(RM) -r $(TARNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(TARNAME).tar > $(TARNAME).tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 1) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(TARNAME).tar > $(TARNAME).tar.xz endif $(RM) $(TARNAME).tar .PHONY: tar tar: $(TARBALL) ## Create a source tarball. .PHONY: tar-upload # Note: this is strictly for release builds on release machines only. tar-upload: tar ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 $(TARNAME).tar.gz scp -p $(TARNAME).tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.gz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.gz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 1) chmod 664 $(TARNAME).tar.xz scp -p $(TARNAME).tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.xz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.xz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME).tar.xz.done" endif .PHONY: doc-upload # Note: this is strictly for release builds on release machines only. doc-upload: doc ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs/" chmod -R ug=rw-x+X,o=r+X out/doc/ scp -pr out/doc/* $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs/ ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copy nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs/ $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs/" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/docs.done" .PHONY: $(TARBALL)-headers $(TARBALL)-headers: release-only $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --prefix=/ \ --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --release-urlbase=$(RELEASE_URLBASE) \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(BUILD_RELEASE_FLAGS) $(PYTHON) tools/install.py install --headers-only --dest-dir '$(TARNAME)' --prefix '/' find $(TARNAME)/ -type l | xargs $(RM) tar -cf $(TARNAME)-headers.tar $(TARNAME) $(RM) -r $(TARNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar > $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 1) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(TARNAME)-headers.tar > $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz endif $(RM) $(TARNAME)-headers.tar .PHONY: tar-headers tar-headers: $(TARBALL)-headers ## Build the node header tarball. .PHONY: tar-headers-upload tar-headers-upload: tar-headers ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz scp -p $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 1) chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz scp -p $(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-headers.tar.xz.done" endif $(BINARYTAR): release-only $(RM) -r $(BINARYNAME) $(RM) -r out/deps out/Release $(PYTHON) ./configure \ --prefix=/ \ --dest-cpu=$(DESTCPU) \ --tag=$(TAG) \ --release-urlbase=$(RELEASE_URLBASE) \ $(CONFIG_FLAGS) $(BUILD_RELEASE_FLAGS) $(MAKE) install DESTDIR=$(BINARYNAME) V=$(V) PORTABLE=1 cp README.md $(BINARYNAME) cp LICENSE $(BINARYNAME) ifeq ("$(wildcard $(CHANGELOG))","") cp CHANGELOG.md $(BINARYNAME) else cp $(CHANGELOG) $(BINARYNAME)/CHANGELOG.md endif ifeq ($(OSTYPE),darwin) SIGN="$(CODESIGN_CERT)" PKGDIR="$(BINARYNAME)" sh tools/osx-codesign.sh endif tar -cf $(BINARYNAME).tar $(BINARYNAME) $(RM) -r $(BINARYNAME) gzip -c -f -9 $(BINARYNAME).tar > $(BINARYNAME).tar.gz ifeq ($(XZ), 1) xz -c -f -$(XZ_COMPRESSION) $(BINARYNAME).tar > $(BINARYNAME).tar.xz endif $(RM) $(BINARYNAME).tar .PHONY: binary # This requires NODE_VERSION_IS_RELEASE defined as 1 in src/node_version.h. binary: $(BINARYTAR) ## Build release binary tarballs. .PHONY: binary-upload # Note: this is strictly for release builds on release machines only. binary-upload: binary ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "mkdir -p nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)" chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz scp -p $(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.gz.done" ifeq ($(XZ), 1) chmod 664 $(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz scp -p $(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz $(STAGINGSERVER):nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "rclone copyto nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz $(CLOUDFLARE_BUCKET)/nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz" ssh $(STAGINGSERVER) "touch nodejs/$(DISTTYPEDIR)/$(FULLVERSION)/$(TARNAME)-$(OSTYPE)-$(ARCH).tar.xz.done" endif .PHONY: bench-all .PHONY: bench bench bench-all: bench-addons-build $(warning Please use benchmark/run.js or benchmark/compare.js to run the benchmarks.) .PHONY: bench-addons-build bench-addons-build: | $(NODE_EXE) benchmark/napi/.buildstamp ## Build required addons for benchmark before running it. .PHONY: bench-addons-clean .NOTPARALLEL: bench-addons-clean bench-addons-clean: $(RM) -r benchmark/napi/*/build $(RM) benchmark/napi/.buildstamp ifeq ("$(wildcard tools/.mdlintstamp)","") LINT_MD_NEWER = else LINT_MD_NEWER = -newer tools/.mdlintstamp endif LINT_MD_TARGETS = doc src lib benchmark test tools/doc tools/icu $(wildcard *.md) LINT_MD_FILES = $(shell $(FIND) $(LINT_MD_TARGETS) -type f \ ! -path '*node_modules*' ! -path 'test/fixtures/*' -name '*.md' \ $(LINT_MD_NEWER)) run-lint-md = tools/lint-md/lint-md.mjs $(LINT_MD_FILES) # Check for a specific file, as (empty) directories are persisted in git. tools/lint-md/node_modules/remark-parse/package.json: -cd tools/lint-md && $(call available-node,$(run-npm-ci)) # Lint all changed markdown files maintained by us tools/.mdlintstamp: tools/lint-md/node_modules/remark-parse/package.json $(LINT_MD_FILES) $(info Running Markdown linter...) @$(call available-node,$(run-lint-md)) @touch $@ .PHONY: lint-md lint-md: lint-js-doc | tools/.mdlintstamp ## Lint the markdown documents maintained by us in the codebase. run-format-md = tools/lint-md/lint-md.mjs --format $(LINT_MD_FILES) .PHONY: format-md format-md: tools/lint-md/node_modules/remark-parse/package.json ## Format the markdown documents maintained by us in the codebase. $(info Formatting Markdown...) @$(call available-node,$(run-format-md)) LINT_JS_TARGETS = eslint.config.mjs benchmark doc lib test tools run-lint-js = tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --cache \ --max-warnings=0 --report-unused-disable-directives $(LINT_JS_TARGETS) run-lint-js-fix = $(run-lint-js) --fix tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js: tools/eslint/package-lock.json -cd tools/eslint && $(call available-node,$(run-npm-ci)) .PHONY: lint-js-fix lint-js-fix: tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js ## Lint and fix the JavaScript code with eslint./eslint/bin/eslint.js @$(call available-node,$(run-lint-js-fix)) .PHONY: lint-js .PHONY: lint-js-doc # Note that on the CI `lint-js-ci` is run instead. lint-js-doc: LINT_JS_TARGETS=doc lint-js lint-js-doc: tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js ## Lint the JavaScript code with eslint./eslint/bin/eslint.js @if [ "$(shell $(node_use_openssl_and_icu))" != "true" ]; then \ echo "Skipping $@ (no crypto and/or no ICU)"; \ else \ echo "Running JS linter..."; \ $(call available-node,$(run-lint-js)) \ fi jslint: lint-js $(warning Please use lint-js instead of jslint) run-lint-js-ci = tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js \ --max-warnings=0 --report-unused-disable-directives -f tap \ -o test-eslint.tap $(LINT_JS_TARGETS) .PHONY: lint-js-ci # On the CI the output is emitted in the TAP format. lint-js-ci: tools/eslint/node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js $(info Running JS linter...) @$(call available-node,$(run-lint-js-ci)) jslint-ci: lint-js-ci $(warning Please use lint-js-ci instead of jslint-ci) LINT_CPP_ADDON_DOC_FILES_GLOB = test/addons/??_*/*.cc test/addons/??_*/*.h LINT_CPP_ADDON_DOC_FILES = $(wildcard $(LINT_CPP_ADDON_DOC_FILES_GLOB)) LINT_CPP_EXCLUDE ?= LINT_CPP_EXCLUDE += src/node_root_certs.h LINT_CPP_EXCLUDE += $(LINT_CPP_ADDON_DOC_FILES) # These files were copied more or less verbatim from V8. LINT_CPP_EXCLUDE += src/tracing/trace_event.h src/tracing/trace_event_common.h # deps/ncrypto is included in this list, as it is maintained in # this repository, and should be linted. Eventually it should move # to its own repo, at which point we should remove it from this list. LINT_CPP_DEPS = deps/ncrypto/*.cc deps/ncrypto/*.h LINT_CPP_FILES = $(filter-out $(LINT_CPP_EXCLUDE), $(wildcard \ benchmark/napi/*/*.cc \ src/*.c \ src/*.cc \ src/*.h \ src/*/*.c \ src/*/*.cc \ src/*/*.h \ test/addons/*/*.cc \ test/addons/*/*.h \ test/cctest/*/*.cc \ test/cctest/*/*.h \ test/cctest/*.cc \ test/cctest/*.h \ test/embedding/*.cc \ test/embedding/*.h \ test/sqlite/*/*.c \ test/fixtures/*.c \ test/js-native-api/*/*.cc \ test/node-api/*/*.cc \ tools/js2c.cc \ tools/icu/*.cc \ tools/icu/*.h \ tools/code_cache/*.cc \ tools/code_cache/*.h \ tools/snapshot/*.cc \ tools/snapshot/*.h \ $(LINT_CPP_DEPS) \ )) FORMAT_CPP_FILES ?= FORMAT_CPP_FILES += $(LINT_CPP_FILES) # C source codes. FORMAT_CPP_FILES += $(wildcard \ benchmark/napi/*/*.c \ test/js-native-api/*.h \ test/js-native-api/*/*.c \ test/js-native-api/*/*.h \ test/node-api/*/*.c \ test/node-api/*/*.h \ test/sqlite/*/*.c \ ) # Code blocks don't have newline at the end, # and the actual filename is generated so it won't match header guards ADDON_DOC_LINT_FLAGS=-whitespace/ending_newline,-build/header_guard .PHONY: format-cpp-build format-cpp-build: ## Build 'clang-format' tooling for C++ code formatting. cd tools/clang-format && $(call available-node,$(run-npm-ci)) .PHONY: format-cpp-clean .NOTPARALLEL: format-cpp-clean format-cpp-clean: ## Remove 'clang-format' tooling for C++ code formatting. $(RM) -r tools/clang-format/node_modules CLANG_FORMAT_START ?= HEAD .PHONY: format-cpp # To format staged changes: # $ make format-cpp # To format HEAD~1...HEAD (latest commit): # $ CLANG_FORMAT_START=`git rev-parse HEAD~1` make format-cpp # To format diff between main and current branch head (main...HEAD): # $ CLANG_FORMAT_START=main make format-cpp format-cpp: ## Format C++ diff from $CLANG_FORMAT_START to current changes. ifneq ("","$(wildcard tools/clang-format/node_modules/)") $(info Formatting C++ diff from $(CLANG_FORMAT_START)..) @$(PYTHON) tools/clang-format/node_modules/.bin/git-clang-format \ --binary=tools/clang-format/node_modules/.bin/clang-format \ --style=file \ $(CLANG_FORMAT_START) -- \ $(FORMAT_CPP_FILES) else $(info Required tooling for C++ code formatting is not installed.) $(info To install (requires internet access) run: $$ make format-cpp-build) endif ifeq ($(V),1) CPPLINT_QUIET = else CPPLINT_QUIET = --quiet endif .PHONY: lint-cpp lint-cpp: tools/.cpplintstamp ## Lint the C++ code with cpplint.py and checkimports.py. tools/.cpplintstamp: $(LINT_CPP_FILES) $(info Running C++ linter...) @$(PYTHON) tools/cpplint.py $(CPPLINT_QUIET) $? @$(PYTHON) tools/checkimports.py $? @touch $@ .PHONY: lint-addon-docs lint-addon-docs: tools/.doclintstamp ## Lint the addon documentation. tools/.doclintstamp: test/addons/.docbuildstamp $(info Running C++ linter on addon docs...) @$(PYTHON) tools/cpplint.py $(CPPLINT_QUIET) --filter=$(ADDON_DOC_LINT_FLAGS) \ $(LINT_CPP_ADDON_DOC_FILES_GLOB) @touch $@ cpplint: lint-cpp $(warning Please use lint-cpp instead of cpplint) .PHONY: lint-py-build # python -m pip install ruff # Try with '--system' if it fails without; the system may have set '--user' lint-py-build: ## Build resources needed to lint python files. $(info Pip installing ruff on $(shell $(PYTHON) --version)...) $(PYTHON) -m pip install --upgrade --target tools/pip/site-packages ruff==0.6.5 || \ $(PYTHON) -m pip install --upgrade --system --target tools/pip/site-packages ruff==0.6.5 .PHONY: lint-py lint-py-fix lint-py-fix-unsafe ifneq ("","$(wildcard tools/pip/site-packages/ruff)") # Lint the Python code with ruff. lint-py: $(info Running Python linter...) tools/pip/site-packages/bin/ruff check . lint-py-fix: tools/pip/site-packages/bin/ruff check . --fix lint-py-fix-unsafe: tools/pip/site-packages/bin/ruff check . --fix --unsafe-fixes else lint-py lint-py-fix lint-py-fix-unsafe: $(warning Python linting with ruff is not available) $(warning Run 'make lint-py-build') endif .PHONY: lint-yaml-build # python -m pip install yamllint # Try with '--system' if it fails without; the system may have set '--user' lint-yaml-build: ## Build resources needed to lint YAML files. $(info Pip installing yamllint on $(shell $(PYTHON) --version)...) $(PYTHON) -m pip install --upgrade -t tools/pip/site-packages yamllint || \ $(PYTHON) -m pip install --upgrade --system -t tools/pip/site-packages yamllint .PHONY: lint-yaml lint-yaml: ## Lint the YAML files with yamllint. @if [ -d "tools/pip/site-packages/yamllint" ]; then \ $(info Running YAML linter...) \ PYTHONPATH=tools/pip $(PYTHON) -m yamllint .; \ else \ echo 'YAML linting with yamllint is not available'; \ echo "Run 'make lint-yaml-build'"; \ fi .PHONY: lint .PHONY: lint-ci ifneq ("","$(wildcard tools/eslint/)") lint: ## Run JS, C++, MD and doc linters. @EXIT_STATUS=0 ; \ $(MAKE) lint-js || EXIT_STATUS=$$? ; \ $(MAKE) lint-cpp || EXIT_STATUS=$$? ; \ $(MAKE) lint-addon-docs || EXIT_STATUS=$$? ; \ $(MAKE) lint-md || EXIT_STATUS=$$? ; \ $(MAKE) lint-yaml || EXIT_STATUS=$$? ; \ exit $$EXIT_STATUS CONFLICT_RE=^>>>>>>> [[:xdigit:]]+|^<<<<<<< [[:alpha:]]+ # Related CI job: node-test-linter lint-ci: lint-js-ci lint-cpp lint-py lint-md lint-addon-docs lint-yaml-build lint-yaml @if ! ( grep -IEqrs "$(CONFLICT_RE)" --exclude="error-message.js" --exclude="merge-conflict.json" benchmark deps doc lib src test tools ) \ && ! ( $(FIND) . -maxdepth 1 -type f | xargs grep -IEqs "$(CONFLICT_RE)" ); then \ exit 0 ; \ else \ echo "" >&2 ; \ echo "Conflict marker detected in one or more files. Please fix them first." >&2 ; \ exit 1 ; \ fi else lint lint-ci: $(info Linting is not available through the source tarball.) $(info Use the git repo instead: $$ git clone https://github.com/nodejs/node.git) endif .PHONY: lint-clean lint-clean: ## Remove linting artifacts. $(RM) tools/.*lintstamp $(RM) .eslintcache $(RM) -r tools/eslint/node_modules $(RM) -r tools/lint-md/node_modules $(RM) tools/pip/site_packages HAS_DOCKER ?= $(shell command -v docker > /dev/null 2>&1; [ $$? -eq 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) .PHONY: gen-openssl ifeq ($(HAS_DOCKER), 1) DOCKER_COMMAND ?= docker run -it -v $(PWD):/node IS_IN_WORKTREE = $(shell grep '^gitdir: ' $(PWD)/.git 2>/dev/null) GIT_WORKTREE_COMMON = $(shell git rev-parse --git-common-dir) DOCKER_COMMAND += $(if $(IS_IN_WORKTREE), -v $(GIT_WORKTREE_COMMON):$(GIT_WORKTREE_COMMON)) gen-openssl: ## Generate platform dependent openssl files (requires docker). docker build -t node-openssl-builder deps/openssl/config/ $(DOCKER_COMMAND) node-openssl-builder make -C deps/openssl/config else gen-openssl: $(error No docker command, cannot continue) endif