Helpers to set up a secure anonymous VPN-Tor gateway via Docker.
Example of Docker 1.9 networking and advanced routing in containers.
$ make quick-start
Builds containers from scratch locally, launches process to create keys for openvpn access, starts the server in default mode.
There after to start:
$ make start
And to stop:
$ make stop
##General Usage##
First set up your typical server and client secrets using OpenSSL.
For convenience on single use there is an interactive key helper via easy-rsa:
$ bin/keys-helper.sh
By default the server and client secrets are written to keys-server and keys-client. The client folder also provides .ovpn files to help configure a client (the address and port must be filled in to use these).
$ bin/otor-gateway.sh start/stop KEYS_PATH [PORT_OVERRIDE]
Note: it is probably a good idea to build the containers locally instead of using DockerHub before using in most cases.
$ make build