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Releases: microsoft/ARI


02 Sep 19:40
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ARI Powershell Module


03 Jun 15:47
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Performance Optimization on LoadBalancer module
Improvements on Azure Firewall Module
Improvements on ARC Servers and NSG
Improvements on NSG and PrivateEndpoint
New PostgreSQL Flexible Server Module
Improvements on VNET Module
Improvements on Key Vault Module
Improvements on VNET Peering Module
Improvements on Storage Account Module
NIC Module and improvements on Core Script and SQLDB
New Backup Module
Improvements on VM Module
BugFix on ARCServers Module
Bugfix on Extension Column
Improvements on Log Analytics Workspace Module
Improvements on Stream Analytics Module
Improvements on Private DNS Module
Bugfix on App Services Module
Bugfix on Private Endpoint Module
Improvements on Event Hubs Module
Improvements on App Insights Module
Improvements and Bugfix on AKS Module


15 Feb 14:31
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